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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. one example of why i don't like kids. i was visiting my sister while her brat was there. the brat imed me and said "i can see a sliver of the top of your nipples you better cover up because im a kid" i thought you little s**t you had to cam really close to see that. and for the record their rp is not my rp
  2. i dont wish my place to be a hangout for kids. Who is there for them to hang out with since i dont allow kids?
  3. i have sex beds on my property i dont want kids there end of story
  4. American Universities are just as bad as Canadian Universities. Societies in the West no longer care about truth, or freedom of expression, its all about protecting feelings. We are seeing the logical result of 40 years of Political Correctness. Enjoy
  5. And laugh at them if they show up naked. I still don't get where u made the jump from nudity to slavery and bondage though unless you looked at my profile and said, omg she planning on bringing her bf and doing some sort of bondage display in front of everyone
  6. And this is breaking news because? Universities have been pro left anti free speech for a generation. Welcome to the New World Order. When a revolution runs out of enemies, it starts devouring its own people.
  7. My apologies to the OP, you stated in an early post a clarification that nudity was not allowed.
  8. I just asked a simple question, thank you for your answer.
  9. All i was doing was trying to find out if it is a clothing optional place. Nudity in a non sexual context is allowed on Moderate sims at the discretion of the parcel owner.
  10. Never mind, I see Talligurl has answered it for me, is barefoot okey though?
  11. So whats the difference between a bot that is not allowed on land that is searchable, and an alt you log in and just leave at your club and never do anything with? Or make that a dozen alts at most of the clubs I've seen with them.
  12. so instead of watching one of those cool documentaries on emperor penguins on the antarctic ice cap we could actually be one of them in an antarctic experience. I can't wait ?
  13. how can there ever be a universal avatar when LL can't even find a way to create any connectivity between SL and sansar? You can't even rezz a prim in sansar so for anyone to blather on about avatars and inventory able to log into all virtual reality systems is just blowing smoke
  14. you left out the most important part.... is there a dress code? ?
  15. I got griefed for the first time on my mainland property last night. It was rather funny really, kicking and banning all 10 of them and watching them stand on the property line looking in. I then locked down the rest of the parcel settings. Eventually they got bored and went away. Never trust an anime, they are pure evil. *grins*
  16. Reading this thread it seems obvious that some people still think Sansar is SL MK II. Seriously, Sansar can never be Second Life, its totally not set up that way. Pretty individual experiences can not be a replacement or substitute for Second Life.
  17. I think mesh bodies look way better than the system bodies, so much more smother and they only break in the most extreme poses. I literally cringe when i see a system body with the sliders set to 100. That looks good because? But yes mesh heads are a disaster. The most beautiful looking avatars almost always have system heads. Mesh heads have that certain "look" that gives them away every time. But some people are more comfortable looking like everyone else, plus the herd likes to have the latest and greatest.
  18. A while back some of my posts here in the forums were a little over exuberant, so I was banned from posting in here for 3 days, and was blocked from logging in to SL for 24 hours, after being warned several times first. Needless to say I'm very conscious of what I post here now, sometimes self censoring after the fact if I think anyone could take offence. It also means I won't engage in gratuitous name calling, even if the other person started it. Its just as satisfying to flag their post and see it disappear.
  19. Lets see, lets say the average log ins for a month is 50,000 different users. You claim they are the .000000000001 % of the population that are neither the exploitive rich or the left behind poor. Using these two numbers that means the world population must be 5,000,000,000,000,000,000. I think you are several orders of magnitude off in your calculations. Please try again.
  20. And I don't debate politics with people that do nothing but throw around insults. However I do reserve the right to comment on any idiotic posts people make. *grins*
  21. Its not enough that you get a free lunch? Now you want dessert too?
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