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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. That second parcel I won I put up for sale after I won another auction on the sim i live on. I just wanted to get rid of it because I didn't want to pay a higher tier rate. I offered it for sale for what i paid, $1800 L for approximatly 1800 m. Someone imed me and said they wanted to buy it, but could only take 1536 m, so i subdivided it and let them have it for $1500 L, thus reducing my tier. I went back the next day and saw they had created two road frontage 512's and were offering them for sale for $1500 L a piece, with the last 512 abandoned. I got rid of the land and it was theirs to do as they wished, but i was still like wtf.
  2. Oh, i'm not calling for a boycott. In fact i got another abandoned parcel on the sim i live on set to auction, and won it for the opening bid. True, its not road frontage and its irregular shaped, but i really just wanted the prims anyway. The land baron can sit on the other parcel forever now, because I don't need it any more.
  3. Believe it or not I used all your tips today before I read your post. I waited till less than 5 minutes to auction end before bidding on a parcel no one had yet bid on. There was a small flurry of bids from others watching as well, but i ended up geting it for $1 L per m. Its road frontage on a moderate sim, and totally flat, perfect for building on. Now i'm wondering if i should play Evil Land Baron and list it for sale at double what i paid for it.
  4. Maybe Mr Alcott is one of those unnamed land barons that I've "flamed". Is that how you make your money on SL sir? Still wishing u a nice day
  5. Did I flame anyone? I mentioned no names. In your rush to attack me for "flaming" an unnamed person, you miss the point, which is, no matter what anyone bids in an auction, a land barron will out bid them thinking the losing bidder will pay him the profit he wants in order to get the land that was lost at auction. He told me in an IM that he would have gone higher if i had raised my bid. I know its none of my business how much profit he will make, he's just not going to make it from me. He already offered to lower the price $800L. I'm sure in another month or so he will agree to my most generous offer to buy it from him at the price I want, assuming of course I still want it. If I don't want it, he might have to lower the price further just to get rid of it as unsold inventory. Tier doesn't wait for the seller to get the price they want. And, Mr Alcott, I am a total believer in the free market, but it goes both ways. Land is only worth as much as someone is wiling to pay for it Have a nice day
  6. 1) Find a parcel of abandoned land you want to buy 2) Ask LL to set it for auction 3) Bid on it, occasionally checking to see if you are still high bidder 4) As the time for the auction to end draws near bump your proxy bid to the highest you are willing to pay. 5) As the auction ends find out you were outbid, sigh and walk away 6) Go back the next day and see the parcel is now for sale at over double what it sold for at auction Land barons constantly watch auctions and bid in the closing minutes. Their rational is that anyone biding on a parcel really wants it, and if someone will pay X amount of Lindens for it, they will almost certainly pay double or more. In my case it was won for $2510 and was up for sale the next day for $5500. I sent the land baron a notecard saying i'd give him a 1000 L profit but no way was i paying his asking price. He sent me a notecard back saying he'd drop it to 4700 for the next 48 hours so i could get a "deal" I replied, not a penny over 3500, and if i wait more than 10 days, its 3000. The parcel is now over priced so he can sit on it untill the end of Second Life. I can get road frontage twice as big for less than the price he wants. I advise anyone wanting to buy land at auction to forget it, Land Barons will buy it every time so they can try and gouge you afterwards. Lets put an end to their devious game by refusing to buy it from them after they beat you out, because the price will go down considerably after a while. They can't afford to hold unsellable land, they need to be able to bid on fresh auctions hoping to get more losing bidders to buy at their outrageous prices. :)
  7. The first thing i do when i visit a club is derender all the rotating flashing lights and movng floors. I Occasionally i'll drop my max avatar render weight, and it does improve my frame rate a lot, but only if i drop the limit to the minimum and make everyone except me and my companions jelly dolls. Cuting off the few extremely high render weight avatars really wouldn't make much of a difference, unless the club is full of them.
  8. Whats interesting is we had millions of Southerners engaged in "tratorous" acts against the federal government, but no one, not even the President of the Confederacy was ever thus charged. Is it because if it ever came before a court of law, it would be declared they all acted legally, because secession was legal? In fact.... With all fifty states offering petitions to the central government to leave the Union, the legality of secession is now front page news in the United States. Can a state legally secede from the Union? http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/is-secession-legal/
  9. The concept of perpetual union was used as the basis for deciding the case, The case in no way proved there was a perpetual union, perceptual union was simply accepted as a fact in order to procede, but it was NOT proven by this case.
  10. Historical Ignorance The victors of war write its history in order to cast themselves in the most favorable light. That explains the considerable historical ignorance about our war of 1861 and panic over the Confederate flag. To create better understanding, we have to start a bit before the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. The 1783 Treaty of Paris ended the war between the colonies and Great Britain. Its first article declared the 13 colonies “to be free, sovereign and independent states.” These 13 sovereign nations came together in 1787 as principals and created the federal government as their agent. Principals have always held the right to fire agents. In other words, states held a right to withdraw from the pact — secede. During the 1787 Constitutional Convention, a proposal was made that would allow the federal government to suppress a seceding state. James Madison rejected it, saying, “A union of the states containing such an ingredient seemed to provide for its own destruction. The use of force against a state would look more like a declaration of war than an infliction of punishment and would probably be considered by the party attacked as a dissolution of all previous compacts by which it might be bound.” In fact, the ratification documents of Virginia, New York and Rhode Island explicitly said they held the right to resume powers delegated should the federal government become abusive of those powers. The Constitution never would have been ratified if states thought they could not regain their sovereignty — in a word, secede. On March 2, 1861, after seven states seceded and two days before Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration, Sen. James R. Doolittle of Wisconsin proposed a constitutional amendment that read, “No state or any part thereof, heretofore admitted or hereafter admitted into the union, shall have the power to withdraw from the jurisdiction of the United States.” Several months earlier, Reps. Daniel E. Sickles of New York, Thomas B. Florence of Pennsylvania and Otis S. Ferry of Connecticut proposed a constitutional amendment to prohibit secession. Here’s a question for the reader: Would there have been any point to offering these amendments if secession were already unconstitutional? On the eve of the War of 1861, even unionist politicians saw secession as a right of states. Rep. Jacob M. Kunkel of Maryland said, “Any attempt to preserve the union between the states of this Confederacy by force would be impractical, and destructive of republican liberty.” Both Northern Democratic and Republican Parties favored allowing the South to secede in peace. Just about every major Northern newspaper editorialized in favor of the South’s right to secede. New York Tribune (Feb. 5, 1860): “If tyranny and despotism justified the Revolution of 1776, then we do not see why it would not justify the secession of Five Millions of Southrons from the Federal Union in 1861.” Detroit Free Press (Feb. 19, 1861): “An attempt to subjugate the seceded states, even if successful, could produce nothing but evil — evil unmitigated in character and appalling in content.” The New York Times (March 21, 1861): “There is growing sentiment throughout the North in favor of letting the Gulf States go.” The War of 1861 settled the issue of secession through brute force that cost 600,000 American lives. We Americans celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, but H.L. Mencken correctly evaluated the speech: “It is poetry, not logic; beauty, not sense.” Lincoln said the soldiers sacrificed their lives “to the cause of self-determination — that government of the people, by the people, for the people should not perish from the earth.” Mencken says: “It is difficult to imagine anything more untrue. The Union soldiers in the battle actually fought against self-determination; it was the Confederates who fought for the right of people to govern themselves.” The War of 1861 brutally established that states could not secede. We are still living with its effects. Because states cannot secede, the federal government can run roughshod over the U.S. Constitution’s limitations of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. States have little or no response. Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com. COPYRIGHT 2015 CREATORS.COM http://walterewilliams.com/historical-ignorance/
  11. Several states when voting on the constitution specifically included in their approval that at such time as the union was no longer satisfactory, they could withdraw. Everything you mentioned before refers to what states can do while they are IN the union, nothing you mention prevents them from leaving the union itself.
  12. I'm talking specifically about the genocide conducted by America, as national policy AFTER America became an independant nation.
  13. She was a commercial raider, outfitted to attack and destroy merchant vessels flying the American flag. I doubt there were many of them in southern ports. The Shenendoah basically destroyed the American whaling fleet in the Bering sea. The point is The Southern States had the right to seceed. The Shenandoah operated legally and corrctly during its entire cruise and was vindicated in all its actions by the British Admiralty. I am amused at your continual harping about "which" flag is the correct one to honor the confederacy with, because aren't they all evil as far as u are concerned.
  14. The flag of the army of Northern Virginia was square, but many units used rectangular ones. Speaking of the "inept" Confederate Navy, the Confederate Cruiser Shenandoah circumnavigated the globe under the Confederate flag. It was off the coast of California when it found out the war was over. The crew immediately stowed its guns and sailed to Britain without making landfall, where it entered port. The crew raised its flag at dawn one last time, then lowered it, surrendering to the Royal Navy An inquiry was held and the Admiralty determined that the ship and crew had acted properly according to the rules of war, and released the entire crew. The Confederacy was never recognized during its existance, but the legality of its actions after the fact were never questioned or proven to be wrong.
  15. One last thought, how long before an American university removes the American flag from campus, because it represents over 200 years of imperialism and oppression? Sack cloth and ashes for everyone
  16. And for the record America was founded as a slave country, The stars and stripes was a flag of slavery for many years. And, if we are talking about offensive symbols, lets ask the American Indians how they feel about the flag their genocide was conducted under. My flag today, your flag tomorrow.
  17. If i showed up wearing it i would in fact explain what it means to me, and it means nothing about perpetuating slavery or treating blacks as inferior. When u erase history, you erase everyones history, black and white.
  18. and who might that be? I'm pretty sure it wasn't Robert E Lee, who said that if had known what the north had planned for the south, he'd have never surrendered and would instead have fought to the last man
  19. ummm no he said the first person to reach the age of 200 is alive today. Right now they might only be 20, but his idea is that with medical advances, someone alive right now will be the first person to reach the age of 200.
  20. As an example, i display the Confederate Battle flag. To me its a symbol of heritage and pride. I also consider it a protest against the monster our federal govenment has grown into. If someone chooses to see it as a symbol of white supremacy and racism, thats really not my problem. As my hero Happy Bunny might say, I know how you feel i just don't care.
  21. Its political correctness run amok. People try and tell me political correctness is about being polite and respectful, whereas its actually about stifling critical debate and unpopular opinions.
  22. Just for fun, while I was at a busy club yesterday, with my frame rate at 8 fps, i dropped the render complexity from no limit to the minimum, 20,000 in firestorm. Everyone became jellies, and my fps went to 17. So i guess avatar complexity does have a significant effect.
  23. I'm not sure the best possible SL experience is obtained by seeing everyone as solid colored blobs. I was at the beach for two weeks last month with an inadequate laptop, runing the sl viewer. I would turn everyone into jelly dolls sometimes, and saw no improvement in my frame rate, my lag, or my general sl experience. The whole two weeks was an exercise in frustration, but not because of excesively complex avatars. I think if you have a reasonably adequate computer, and runs with graphics setting that your computer is actually capable of coping with, seeing an occasional avatar with a complexity of 500,000 is not gonna affect your SL experience in the slightest.
  24. if u have parcel boundaries turned on, check to see if it is even slighly encroaching on your property. If it is, you can return it. That goes for sculpted prims too, if the bounding box is at all on your land, you can return it. My neighbor has a 50 prim build that is just over the line on my irregular shaped parcel. I haven't returned it... yet Nothing annoys people faster than having something they thought was entirely on their property returned to them.
  25. Gee I ran second life just fine before avatar complexity notifications. if i lagged i reduced the number of avatars rendered or dropped my draw distance, but now we have another useless number to obsess over. Didn't it used to be excessive scripts that was the bane of a satisfactory sl experience? 60,000 naked by the way, with Maitreya Lara body and my fabulous 100+ prim flexi hair.
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