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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. If you think LL's fees are too high and totally unfair, then refrain from doing any of the above activities. *shrugs*
  2. Where are the chungs and the Weazles gonna go? There isn't another Second Life down the block they can move to. I really doubt they get their sims for much less than 195 a month if any, its just one of those SL legends. Besides, lowering tier means lowering it for them too. They operate on a profit margin, lower costs get passed on in a competitive market, so it would benefit everyone.
  3. If they are encroaching even by a hair you can return them even if the root prim is inside their own parcel. I've returned things even when its just the bounding box of a sculpted prim that overhangs, and the visible parts are entirely outside my property line. Supposedly there are 30 prims on the property the OP wishes to purchase. In that case buy it, view parcel details, view prims, highlight, and return them. Another thing. Has the OP actually gone up and looked at the skyboxes. There are skyboxes near my place that I would swear over hang my parcel when in fact they are on the other side of the road. There are skyboxes all over mainland, and just because there isn't one today doesn't mean there won't be one tomorrow.
  4. How would you like to see Second Life be Clive? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHL8GrFN-oY
  5. Is it 10% more prims or 10% more square meters? I think the latter because LL can't just pull extra prims out of thin air to give to group owned land.
  6. You can create an alt, collar it and set it to follow you (not leashed to you) thru the collar. Make the collar invisible so no one thinks you have collared a kid . Plus you can force tp it. *eyes roll*
  7. Its fantastic that you can make enough money here to cash out, and its nice you use it as an "extra's fund" for rl purchases.
  8. Yes if it has high traffic because they have 20 bots parked on a platform, its really not a popular club, so I'll leave. Not sure what your snide comment about people sitting around doing nothing has to do with anything. I suppose they could all be "working" at afk sex places, but I don't visit those anyway.
  9. So anyway, if i want to visit a popular blues club, I'll search blues club, then visit the one with the most traffic.
  10. What is the relevance to a search for blues clubs besides the fact that its a blues club? What other factors are considered in the web based search?
  11. I just checked, I drove my car onto abandoned land this morning, nothing has changed. The parcel has "object entry" checked for group, but objects you are riding/flying/driving can still enter as always. The OP's property in question probably isn't what it seems to be. If he provides a slurl, I'd be happy to check it out.
  12. I use Firestorm, so i use the in browser search function. When I look for a place to visit, say a Blues club, I'll type in "blues Club" and the results will be listed with the largest traffic number on top. I'm not sure how else they can be ordered, but if you can rank them by the least number of annoying flashing, moving rotating prims I'd use that criterion.
  13. Everyone keeps saying traffic has no bearing on search anymore but any time I search something, the highest traffic places show up on top, and that includes places with the same 20 avis logged in 24/7/365. The pennies that a few "impoverished" Venezuelans with computers probably better than mine could cash out from playing free games will have no effect on LL's economy.
  14. Must be a new setting LL uses on abandoned land. The other day I tried rolling a beach ball down the hill off of my property onto abandoned land, but it was blocked.. "no object entry allowed" If its abandoned land, unlike protected land, you never had any automatic right of passage.
  15. Great, now I'll have to compete with Venezuelan hookers offering their services for pennies an hour. Unless I'm mistaken isn't Venezuela another one of those socialist utopias so many Americans dream about?
  16. You wear the pants and use the maitreya hud to hide the parts of your body that poke through. I doubt few people uses standard sized mesh any more, except if they still use the system body. People buy clothes that are fitmesh for the mesh body they have.
  17. I'm not sure how you can owe back rent. You pay week to week, you don't pay they reclaim the land. I can see giving a day or two grace but it seems like they let you slide for a while hoping you'd catch up. Now you rented from them again, and they got the money they claim you owe. One of the big companies doesn't have the option to state your intention to abandon land on their rent boxes. One time I got notices for several weeks after I had imed the company saying i was letting the property go AND abandoned the land.
  18. hmm animesh will be laggier than what we have now? I guess my original comment was valid after all. I expect apologies from everyone that attacked me over it
  19. Sometimes an owner will remove the "runaway" option from a collar before giving it to a new sub. Open collar collars are fully customizable. She either needs to turn off RLV and relog, or log in with a viewer that doesn't support RLV. Then she can remove the collar and throw it in here trash and delete it. Of course, I've also heard there are some hardcore versions that will never come off regardless of what you do, but is probably just a myth.
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