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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. The last thing I want to live beside on mainland is an active club. They can easily max out sim access, especially if they do the usual trick of having 20 avis parked up in the sky somewhere to boost traffic. But, since the OP will BE the problem everyone else should avoid, its not a problem for him.
  2. If hes not being facetious, what hes saying makes perfect sense. Parcels rent out per sq meter, but that also means there is a per prim price for a parcel of any given size. I often tell people looking to rent that if all they are considering is cost, try mainland because the per prim price is far cheaper there than on an estate for the same size parcel. Of course you get far less rights since you aren't "owner" but some people don't care
  3. Not $1 L per sq meter, $1 L per parcel, just like the private estate owners offer. Under my plan you could buy a 4096 sq m for $1 L. If you get tired of it or just don't want to pay the tier anymore, you abandon it because you only spent $1 L to buy it. Then LL list it for sale again at $1 L That will destroy much of the the market for land speculators.
  4. Now that i think about it, if Linden Lab wants to reduce abandoned mainland, they should go thru all of the mainland, subdivide the abandoned land into lots of various tier sizes, and list it for sale at $1 L per parcel. I'm sure many many premium account holders would be willing to buy mainland parcels with such an offer. It might even induce more people to go premium to get a $1 L mainland parcel. And if land flippers buy it all up, who cares? LL will still collect tier from the flippers as they try to unload all the land they scooped up.
  5. You can submit a support ticket and have any parcel you are interested in put up for auction. I've done it several times. If its not a desirable parcel, you can get it for the opening bid of $0.5 L per sq m. If it is desirable be prepared to bid as much as you are wiling to pay, because if you don't a flipper will buy it and offer to sell it to you at an inflated price. I always decline and simple look elsewhere for a parcel to buy. I currently have a long narrow 4096 beside a full sim a friend of mine owns, i got it for the opening bid price. There is a 512 between me and a mainland road, and if the owner ever shows up I will make a generous offer to buy it from him.
  6. Its empty because only premium members can own land there, plus like you say estates are way safer. If there's trouble, your landlord will take care of it pronto. I moved once because a person with a 512 ran some sort of noob visitor center and often maxxed out the sim with visitors to his place. I should have known there was a reason the price was so low for Zindra. On a private estate you don't have to worry about things like someone having a giant brick building covering 100% of the parcel, right up to your property line. I did that one time on mainland, and the person beside me whined and said she was gonna tell one of Lindens on me (all the whiners seem to be best friends with one of the Lindens). A friend of hers then pointed out that i wasn't breaking any rules. Next thing I knew a land flipper was offering to sell me the parcel for probably 5 times what he had just paid for it. I politely declined. I lived most of my second life on private estates, but i vastly prefer mainland, if for no other reason than i get billed once a month to my credit card for my tier.
  7. I'm confused, why do we need an ATM? If you want to give money to an alt, or anyone at all, just click "pay" on their profile
  8. I'm not sure where you have seen all this happening, but my mainland experience has been generally positive. I love being able to walk out my front door, hop onto a LL car that travels the roads and visit a whole continent. Hate is found where ever you chose find it. I suggest you look inside your own heart.
  9. You rent from LL or you rent from an estate owner, prices are generally comparable. If you stay at your 512 bonus level, there is no tier above your premium membership which i already explained will cost you 1 dollar US a month after you received your weekly stipend. I challenge you to find me a 512 anywhere that rents for 250 L a month. Going to a higher tier level, LL tier rates are very comparable with renting on an estate plus you are dealng with LL as a landlord, not an estate owner. Also, you have no rules on mainland apart from Maturity guidelines. My ideal mainland parcel is one on an entirely abandoned mainland sim... no neighbors, no complaints, no lag. THAT by itself is worth my monthly premium membership charge. Let go of your negativity and hate Klityna, you'll be a much happier person if you can. *hugs*
  10. Wow, I 'm always amazed at the unexpected forms of hate i stumble across.
  11. Some of the benefits of yearly premium memberships @ 6 dollars US a month:: 1) $5.00 US a month in Linden Dollars 2) Tier free 512 sq m plot worth way more than the other $1 a month you pay 3) Ability to own mainland 4) better support options 5) bragging rights to all the admitted deadbeats that they are leaches and you at least are supporting Linden Labs in some miniscule way
  12. Except you'll lose some of the current non premium members and a large portion of new signups. Forcing everyone to be premium will only hasten the eventual folding of second life. LL is obviously happy about the mix of premium vs non premium members because they know that probably 99.9% of the non premium members still contribute to the companies profitability in some way. I think there are very few total deadbeats in second life, they can usually be found in sex sims with 5 yr old noob avis trying to engage every girl that walks in. Their profile says never bought a Linden dollar and proud of it? Move along loser.
  13. Why would you even have a name like that, and use that picture? What are you trying to prove? Are you a griefer, drama queen or just looking for attention?
  14. My bad, you said private regions, but yes, like ChinRey said, grandfathered and special offers for large land owners make the $15,999 a week rent on private estates profitable
  15. I thought the grandfathered / buy down rate was 195 a month, which is what the tier level for a mainland full sim still is and as far as i know, always was.
  16. I got banned on 350 sims with one click, but I didn't need to ask him why. A friend asked a couple of years later if I could be allowed back onto one of the sims he manages, but he said no effing way. Its unfortunate that a person as unstable as him is a manager of so many sims.
  17. What you need to hope is that the owner isn't an estate manager on multiple sims, because with one click, he can ban you from every single sim he manages
  18. When u take the picture use a different ratio beside square, or if you like that picture, save it to your hard drive, crop it to recangular shape, save it then send it back up to sl
  19. One gets a much clearer understanding of a person simply by looking at their profile ------------------------------------------------------------ "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve regardless of how many times you may have failed in the past." ~ Napoleon Hill using the grid just as a game, not seeking anything in here. celebrating over a year of freedom from SL vices, Let Go and Let God ! let me make it clear NO SEX! ------------------------------------------------------ Its obvious now that bebejee had spent over 3 years wallowing in perversion, but now that he's free he doesn't want evil adult landowners to lead him into temptation again. Of course hes not mature enough to practice self control, he want God, Linden Labs and land owners across the grid to do it for him.
  20. so the "general" population isn't seeking "perversion", only the "elite"? You really need to take this up with Linden Labs rather than show your ignorance and narrow-mindedness in here. There is nothing anywhere in the Terms of Service that says owners of property on adult sims cannot offer non-sexual attractions to their visitors. Sexually explicit activities can only be advertised on Adult rated sims, there is no restriction of any kind on where non-adult activities can be promoted. bebejee, I suggest you change the setting in your viewer so that you are blocked from accessing Adult lands, then you won't be forced to watch the "general" population while they seek their "perversions" Note to self: add bebejee to the "Do not invite" list for her next party.
  21. Is your friend invisible, or are they a solid colored blob? If its the latter, their avatar complexity is above the render limit that you have set in your viewer.
  22. Only people over 18 can access adults sim, and, there are no "general" avatars. You intolerance for people that don't share your opinion and world-view becomes clearer with every post you make.
  23. So anyone running a sex establishment is a pervert? First you wanted to ban non premium members from having sex, it seems now you'd like to ban sex establishment operators from offering anything non-sexual to their visitors. You really can't stand individual freedom can you? No wonder you hate Second Life.
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