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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. Replace a total virtual world experience (second life) for experiences designed to sell soft drinks and cars? It would be like recording a tv show, then skipping the show just to watch the commercials.
  2. All i know is I pay 72 dollars a year for a premium membership, and I get 72 dollars worth of Lindens and Tier in return. That is break even for me. Everything else i get is a bonus, free, gratis. If you chose not to see them as benefits and refuse to go premium is entirely up to you.
  3. When your foot size slider is at 50, the TMP foot looks tiny. When you move the slider to 100, your foot looks normal sized, how hard is that to understand Klytyna? Wait, never mind, your purpose here isn't to understand.
  4. What are these snowflake subsidies you go on and on about?
  5. The mainland is a wasteland of empty sims. Why? because people are unable to buy the abandoned land except by having it put up for auction, then outbidding the land flippers. Under my plan, all of the abandoned mainland will be partitioned and put up for sale at once with a parcel price of $1 L per parcel. Lots of people would leave the islands if they could purchase mainland that way. People live on the islands because they have no choice, not necessarily because they want to. And, I've seen some horrible 4096 sq m parceled island sims that make the mainland look like a paradise in comparison
  6. Despite all the benefits, there are some people that refuse to go premium on principal, the principal being "why should i pay when i can play for free/"
  7. And all you want is to shut down the mainland, which would be the same as ripping the heart out of second life. Seriously, how many people would really prefer sitting on their little isolated islands if they could own, really own, mainland. I'm sure people would abandon the islands if they could buy mainland without having to be gouged flipper prices, which in the past has been your main complaint. All I want is to put the mainland on an equal footing with the islands, and let the people decide where they want to live. Now that Sansar is open LL should put some of their high priced talent to work subdividing all the mainland sims into tier sized parcels and list them for $1 L per parcel, just like the islands, then we'll see which is more popular.
  8. The micro feet can be fixed by moving the foot slider to 100 . The point is, the free version isn't a demo, its a usable body you can add/remove when you are nude/clothed. And, doesn't everyone in SL wear a slave collar?
  9. Everything u say is 100% true, but, I bought the free edition when i was considering going mesh, just to try out a mesh body. There was no appliers, and no body alphas, but its great if you are nude. I wore it off and on for a couple of weeks, decided i loved the look, and went out and bought a Maitreya Lara.
  10. I won't flag/report your post, i believe in free speech for everyone.
  11. It needs one for sure, but everything it does needs to be backwards compatable to what is already here. Lets not forget, todays shiny great new idea is tomorrows outdated albatross, and i like my albatrosses
  12. My only fear is that LL, desperate for cash to continue building its white elephant, sells Second Life to google or facebook. Then you will see the collapse of Second Life.
  13. You pay 6 dollars a month on the yearly plan, you get 5 dollars a month back in Linden dollars, the other dollar gets you a 512 which is worth more than that in rent. If you buy lindens anyway, a premuim membership costs you nothing really.
  14. If mainland parcels were available to buy in the same way private parcels were, i'm sure many many people would jump at the chance to buy mainland. Unfortunately the ways to get mainland today puts many people off. I'd think you'd be happy with my plan, because it would put the mainland land flippers out of business. Some people you can never please.
  15. Does it matter? All system avis use the same slider system. You go on market place, find a system avi with a face you like and buy it. I'm 7 and a half years old, i have no idea when the avi I picked up my first day was created. Its the shape of the face, ie the position of the face sliders, that matters, not the date the creator actually moved the sliders around and put the avi on the market. My point is instead of getting a clone mesh head, start with a face shape you like from a system avi, then change out everything else, just keeping the face shape. Oh and for those that are interested, here's the avatar i picked out my very first day, and despite changing everything else about me, I've never touched the face sliders. WLM001 Complete Avatar
  16. I've already offered a solution to how mainland could be revitalized tomorrow. Perhaps i should offer my suggestion directly to Linden Lab instead of posting about it here in the forums.
  17. 512 sq m of mainland was a minumim requirement, if you buy (not rent) 2 full regions, there's no need for that aditional 512. That was for small business owners that don't own (not rent) anything else. Besides, no one actually has to visit the store, it can be an empty parcel, but that ensures LL is getting at least the price of a premium membership from every store owner. Perhaps i can explain it another way, make everyone that sells on marketplace be a premium member, how is that?
  18. My point is, you buy a system avi for a head shape you like. I bought my shape for free the day the day I joined SL, because i liked the face. I still like my face, that's why I've never changed it. I modded the body, got different hairs and skins and eventually got a mesh body, but my face is still the same, or the same as it can be with a different skin. My face is unique, its not a clone of 1000 other mesh heads. *shrugs*
  19. Oh, and if you mean in second life, just get a skype account and turn on the camera AFTER the guy pays you
  20. Just go to one of several free cam sites, sign up, and turn on your camera. If you are at all attractive you will be able to set it up where people will pay you for private shows. Most sites also allow people to tip you in exchange for exposing yourself or for performing requests in the public channel. Then just hope your dad, good friends, aquaintences, boss or your bf isn't visiting the same cam site to check out the girls
  21. i still have my big box of mega prims, I think it contained 7000 different ones. i would just rezz the main box, then rezz out the box that contained the size i wanted, then drag the prim i wanted out of that box onto the ground. I'm sure some people unpacked all 7000 into their inventory though.
  22. 1) Yes every store, at least over a certain number of listings should have a mainland presence. Call it the cost of doing business 2) Would be nice 3) Not necessary if your first 2 points work out. Oh and Sansar will be a total complete and unquestionable flop. I mean seriously, how many times will you want to visit a Coca Cola experience?
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