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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. No matter what you do, you'll still be a jelly doll to me. I have my complexity set to 20,000, and only about 1 in a 100 avatars is below that. I only render friends and people i'm interacting with. so if you said hi to me in a club, I'd render you, otherwise you'll just be another jelly.
  2. I suspect something like 99.99% of all SL users don't have a computer powerful enough to run Sansar, plus it will be optimized for VR headsets. I'm sure Sansar will have a wow factor, but that won't be sustainable. LL is setting themselves up to be the next great thing years before most people are ready for it. It would be much better if they put their efforts into improving Second Life, which has a proven cash flow and sizable customer base. Also, the only thing that will "migrate" to Sansar from SL is your username.
  3. I have my partner, our boyfriend and another close friend as owners. I'm not on it at all. Why? Because i do trust them. My personal "kink" is to be locked nude. Theres not much point to it if i can override it any time i want.
  4. Make yourself owner first, then u can add whoever you want, and still have full control over all settings, or just set it to public access. On the latest version of OC its called "Vanilla". Check it and you are a full owner, but you have to do it BEFORE you add another person as owner.
  5. Well obviously he's using it for a club, which is prohibited but it won't matter if theres 40 people in one house, or 40 people spread out over 20 houses, the lag would be the same. Besides i thought Jelly dolls was supposed to cure the avatar generated lag problem. Note to self, if u see Alwin inworld, set to "never render"
  6. I'm constantly hitting the limit, its frustrating, but oh well.
  7. I believe what we have is called a free market economy. Sellers AND buyers set the land price, because if sellers set the price too high, no one will buy it. LL doesn't care, they get tier from whoever holds the land, and if a baron wants to pay tier year after year for land that will never sell, thats their choice. There is lots of land for sale at L 1$ per square meter, even roadside is reasonably priced. But buy it fast before a land baron snaps it up and turns around to list it at double the price. Thats the bigger problem, land barons flipping land, not outrageously priced individually parcels. But even that isn't really a problem, you just have to faster than the next guy at buying the parcel you want.
  8. I've never seen a LL homes sim with more than 3 or 4 people on it at one time. And, since the max number avatars on a full LL sim is set at 80 (or used to be) having 40 people over won't impact anyone. Most of the time there will be no one else there to complain anyway. However a Lindon Lab employee might be curious at the large number of avatars congregated at a private residence.
  9. Whats the point of the pictures? Well i assume it will cost 10 L to upload each picture, so the point is to make LL a whole lot of money from a totally new, previously untapped source. I personally don't have outfits, each clothing item is in a descriptive folder, for example "a mesh dress short red" but as for creating outfits i prefer doing like in rl, rumaging and finding things i think go good together. True it takes me 30 minutes to get dressed instead of just clicking "wear folder" but i enjoy taking the time to pick and choose.
  10. If she loves you and wants to be with you, how can he possibly succeed? And if he does succeed, good riddence.
  11. Post a map link to your house and I'll drop by and tell you if its a 512 or not.
  12. They are generating crazy high auction prices, but who is paying it? Its the same people who buy up all the adult land on Zindra and try to sell it for crazy prices: Land Barons. But thats fine, they pay their tier to LL so everyone is happy. I personally think LL should revamp mainland by changing all the General sims to Mature, and all Mature sims to Adult. Then they could create an all new all General rated continent for the prudes to live on. I think a dozen sims would easily satisfy that demand.
  13. Expensive? $15.00 US maybe? Thats the cost of a 90 minute movie with a large popcorn and a drink. When u consider how many hours you will use that mesh body, its hardly worth worrying about how "expensive" it is.
  14. Yes, classic avatars are "second class". Mesh bodies simply look so much better. I kept my system shape when i went mesh, except that now everything is smoother looking. I cringe when i see a classic avatar with the sliders maxxed out, and don't get me started on their feet. Its not their fault though, untill you make the change and switch to a mesh body, you have no idea how bad you looked. Oh, and Sansar will be born DOA, there is no place for "us" in Sansar.
  15. I dropped by just to see the houses. They look terrible, the whole sim looks terrible, even the info hubs look terrible. WTF is LL thinking of this time? that double prims will compensate for pure ugly? But, thats just my opinion
  16. The world isn't laughing, they are crying because they all know their game of socialism and internationalism is coming to an end.
  17. Before jellydolls were created, everyone in effect had their ARC set to infinity. Because of a failed video card fan, I jellydoll everyone over 20,000 ARC, (the lowest render limit i can set), and only render friends and people i'm interacting with.
  18. I was on my mainland parcel this morning and I had around 270 prims left, now i have over 800 left. I thought it was some weird glitch, i guess not.
  19. There is a much easier way. Just don't patronize places that have those annoying script measurement things. Script counting is so yesterday anyway. Avatar complexity is the latest cool new thing to measure and moan about. By the way, to really reduce lag, turn everyone into jellydolls except friends and people you are actually talking to. I was forced to do it due to a failed video card fan. Now i'm lag free everywhere i go.
  20. Ok this is such a noob question.. so I can sell Linden Dollars and convert them to US Dollars without actually cashing them out, and then LL will use the balance to pay my annual membership or monthly land tier when its due?
  21. 1 and 2 are legitimate. just as in real life you try and look your best, and are drawn to people you find attractive. Sure, beauty is only pixel deep, and i know you are looking for that deep "inner beauty" but an attractive package is nice too. You probably give christmas gifts wrapped in brown paper grocery bags.
  22. I see jelly dolls because i chose to see jelly dolls. No one forced them on me. Its not due the LL's servers, its my way of coping with a video card that needs replacing.
  23. Unless i'm mistaken, don't you also have to manually lower your tier level on the land use page? Click on the new lower tier level you want to be billed at after the next billing date. I was on the 1/8 tier level, and sold my excess land over the 1/16 tier level. I then set my tier level to 1/16 so that after this months billing at 1/8 it would revert to 1/16.
  24. It seems the fan on my video card failed and my computer kept going into sleep mode as the video card over heated while in SL. A new decent card will cost me a couple of hundred I think. But in the meantime, I've limited my frame rate to 20, dropped my draw distance to 32m unless i'm building, and lowered my avatar render complexity level to 20,000. Of course I always fully render friends and people i'm talking to. So far it works great. TY Linden Lab for giving us a tool i initially scoffed at, but now find highly useful. :)
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