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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. Mark, its no wonder you think mainland is better, I see that you rent out mainland parcels.
  2. I'm premium. i own mainland and I love it. I always buy road frontage so i can hop on those little cars that run all over. But, when I'm renting, I totally go estate for the benefit of full land rights. Speaking of being annoyed, i'm selling my current mainland parcel because another parcel owner keeps the sim maxed out with his guests. So, so much for freedom.
  3. True, I could, and even I considered it, but it would seem I'd have to document it as a recurring problem, and like you say, LL probably won't do anything anyway. I might just plan a party when he only has a dozen or so people there, then I'll max the sim out with my friends for a change. *smiles*
  4. I forgot about Horizons, but those aren't "given away" with a premium membership like LL houses are. You have to compete with all the investors and speculators to get a parcel on a sim which honestly looks horrible. The advantage of Horizons over regular mainland is that the "horrible" aspect is consistent. It would be better if she just gets mature land and closes her blinds, unless, as Mr Alcott suggests she planning on running an adult business.
  5. You can engage in adult activities in a Linden home. Just set the land so people outside can't see in, and make your property group access in an invite only group. Oh and to answer your question, there are no adult rated Linden homes regions, as far as i know P.S. can i come to the party *smiles*
  6. I wish. I got a real deal on a parcel on Zindra, 3072 m roadfront for $4000 L. It seemed too good to be true but i bought it anyway. Unfortunately there is some sort of noob hangout on the sim run by a person who owns 2 small parcels. There's usually at least 20 avis there, and this morning, counting me and my friend, there was 43 avis on the sim. I could try to sell it to some other unsuspecting sucker, but i love the location. *shrugs*
  7. The difference is, when you rent land, you can't "buy" mainland like u can "buy" on a private estate. When I rent a parcel on a private estate, i "buy" it, become the land owner instantly, and have full land rights. On mainland i have to wait for the owner to show up and add me to his land group before I can do anything, which when compared to a private estate is probably very little.
  8. I'm selling two 512 Sq m parcels on the Adult rated Zindra Continent. The are listed for $2500 L each, which is about half the price of what a land baron will list them for. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Geomort/120/150/69 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Geomort/90/147/70 Hurry and buy one from me today, or wait and buy one for $5000 L tomorrow from a land baron.
  9. When you buy land it will tell you what your new tier will be before you click buy
  10. Just like in real life you can buy land one time and never pay again but try not paying your tax (tier) and see how long your land remains yours
  11. They could be estate banned. If the estate owner ever banned your friend on any sim he manages he's banned on every sim in the estate.
  12. It must be mainland you are much better off renting on a private estate if for no other reason than you "own" it instantly and you can set your own group
  13. It might be me, I'll go to an ocean bottom when I'm having rezz issues
  14. Its possible the owner has a visitor detector, and they are coming to see who is on their sim. I'm sure its against all the rules to have one. *rolls eyes*
  15. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Duggan/71/98/62 Road frontage on Mature sim. 3264 Sq M 1120 prims. Selling for $3200 L
  16. My understanding is that you can do anything on moderate land that is allowed on adult. However 1) the parcel has to be set to allow only members of an invite-only group to have access, 2) the parcel has to be set so that people outside can't see into the parcel, and 3) the adult activity has to be inside a building, but the first two conditions would seem to render this one moot As well, you can't advertise any adult activity on a moderate sim.
  17. Some landowners get very angry if you dare take anyone from their land to someplace else. I once got yelled at by a sim owner because i said to my gf in local that we should take the two guys we were chatting with home with us. The land owner said if i ever tried that again, he'd ban me. I'm sorry but that's like meeting a guy at a bar in rl and not being allowed to take him home with you. Like seriously?
  18. My ideal parcel (which I in fact have) is on a mostly abandoned mainland sim. I'm the one with the big ugly (prim) build that no one wants to move in beside, so i'm all set *smiles*
  19. A large landowner living beside me moved out, and I must say bare hillside is far superior to the mess they had, plus i was able to pick up one of their parcels to add to my own holdings. A Linden employee came by the other day and combined all the cut up tiny parcels of abandoned land that had accumulated over time too.
  20. The more the Cultural Marxists whine and cry, they more they show they are losing. Thank you President Trump for putting America first.
  21. So LL implied that her customers had a right to enter her store from your land? Thats retarded, but like u say, its Linden Lab.
  22. 1 road front for $4999 L, one directly behind it for $2999, Can be combined to make an L shaped 1024 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aulen/117/225/72 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aulen/114/201/72
  23. I had a neighbor threaten to tell Ebbe Linden on me last week because i was building right up to the edge of my property.
  24. You realize of course that a land baron will buy your road side at 2 L per m, then immediatly set it for sale again at 2 or 3 times that amount. My new neighbor got pissed off at me and sold her parcel to a land baron, who immediately turned around and offered it to me at probably 6 times what he paid her for it.
  25. So, the female avis are male avis pretending to be female avis? Interesting. As for male subs, we had a few in the demon rp group i belong to, and they were forever whining that no one would play with them. Of course the female subs always got attention. Oh, i know, your male avi could pretend to be female too. I often read profiles that scream "i'm a guy in rl". Even though they think they are clever, they don't fool many people, except maybe other guys pretending to be rl and sl lesbiens.
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