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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. Generally, Linden homes sims are an empty wasteland devoid of people. If you want to be part of a community, you need to join a community.
  2. I think of MLK's speach every wednesday. He (or someone) wrote....i've been to the mountain top, and i've seen the promised land... Then every Firday on my way home my car, i yell Free at last, free at Last...
  3. Honestly, 16 is being generous, i'd say more like a tall skinny 13 yr old, your face is very child like and u really haven't developed at all. I'm 6 ft 2, and slender but obviously adult, but was still told by a 9 ft tall amazon on a nude beach one time that kids weren't allowed. I guess i should have called my mom Mother p.s. I have a brothel on an adult sim, so i'd probably ask you to leave.
  4. I'd use the same criterion i'd love to do in rl, namely vote for whichever party promises to sit on their hands and do absolutely nothing. Apparently politicians have never heard of the law of unintended consequences, meaning when you pass a law to fix a "problem", it often has the exact opposite effect, thus making things worse than they were before. Another thing to consider is that many laws are the result of lobbying by special interest groups, which means your hard earned dollars will go into the pockets of the special interest groups. Yay
  5. Why get rid of the group? Just set it private and unsearchable, add an alt, then use the group to create 10 amusing tags to wear.
  6. Linden Lab should ban the American flag in Second Life as racist because of the 200 plus years of genocide against the American Indians that have occured under it.
  7. (Actually, with a typical mesh body, you would wear shoes made for either the feet that came with the body, or Slink feet if the body is compatible with them) There is another option. I have the Maitreya Lara body, recently purchased after swearing for a year i'd never go mesh. I have many mesh boot i really love and i didn't want to give them up. So what i do is, I remove my mesh feet, wear the foot shaper that comes with the boots, put the boots on, then use the mesh body alpha hud to hide any part of my calves that show through the boots. They look great . I also find that i'm happier with many of the mesh dresses I have, since i can hide just the parts of my body that show through the dress instead of having to use the alpha that came with the dress when i used my classic body
  8. Well in the first place you really should have paid for a years membership for $72 US. That works out to $6 a month. You get $4 back in allowance, so it actually costs you $2 a month assuming you would have bought Lindens anyway. For that $2 a month you probably can't rent a 512 sqm property, so if you want money and land you are further ahead with a yearly premium membership than just buying Lindens. I'm not sure why u had somuch trouble with your Linden homes. I've had several, and the sims were almost always dead. I finally decided to buy a piece of mainland as my 512 land allowance, i got one that was square and on a mainland road junction. I put a 2 story brickbuilding on it, and furnished it with prims to spare. Not sure what u mean about being credited for you 3 homes, you can move 5 times a day, just keep looking.
  9. One guy i was talking to said i couldn't possible be the age i claimed to be because everyone my age is "too busy drinking and partying to have an opinion on anything" After i accused him of stereotying based on age, i unfriended him
  10. "4) Article I, Section 10 states that "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance or Confederation."" That is absolutely right as long as a state was a member of the union. However, once a state removed itself from the Union thru articles of secession passed by the state legislature, it was free to make whatever treaties alliances or confederations it chose, as a free independant country. AN ORDINANCE to dissolve the union between the State of South Carolina and other States united with her under the compact entitled "The Constitution of the United States of America." We, the people of the State of South Carolina, in convention assembled do declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained, That the ordinance adopted by us in convention on the twenty-third day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, whereby the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified, and also all acts and parts of acts of the General Assembly of this State ratifying amendments of the said Constitution, are hereby repealed; and that the union now subsisting between South Carolina and other States, under the name of the "United States of America," is hereby dissolved. Done at Charleston the twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty.
  11. Actually, the Confederate Battle Flag is seen around the world as a protest flag against authority. It is only in America that it has been painted with the racist label by groups such as the NAACP, who won't be happy until every shred of evidence that there ever was a Confederate States of America is erased from existance, including the images on Stone Mountain Ga By the way it wasn't a civil war. A civil war is fought by two factions trying to gain control of the central government. The Confederate States had the legal right to leave the union. All they wanted was to be left alone. Did you know that an offer was made to the Confederate States that if they returned to the union voluntarily, the institution of slavery would have been guaranteed to the southern states forever? They refused, because it was oppressive taxes and tarriffs that caused the southern states to leave as much as the issue of slavery. Hmmmm oppressive taxes and tarrifs, wasn't that the cause of the American revolution? All Lincoln wanted to do was preserve the union, if not by bribery, then by force. Ending slavery had nothing to do with the North invading the South.
  12. Actually my comment may God have mercy on our souls was in reference to the monster our federal government has become. As for the other person saying the flag was flown in response to segregation, the truth is the southern state governments were asked to fly that flag as part of the *gasp* national celebrations and remembrances of the 100th anniversary of the Civil War. Perhaps by the 200th anniversary all this PC madness wil be over with and each of us can be proud of our heritage without being labelled racist hatemongers.
  13. Lets not forget, America was founded by slave holders as a slave holding country. I guess its like smoking, when you decide its wrong and you quit, you expect everyone else to to quit too. There is exactly one difference between the American Revolution and the war to preserve Southern Independance. In the second one, the rebels lost. And by the way, there is already a well established movement to paint our founding fathers as evil white supremacists and racists. How long before we remove all those evil white dead men from our national conscience?
  14. What i find offensive is the opportunists that are using the church murder to further their agenda of eliminating every shred of evidence that there ever was a Confederate States of America. Eliminating the past to direct the future has a rather ominous Stalinist tone. Whats sad though, is that when you erase "White" history, you are also erasing "Black" history. When you see what an out of control monster the federal government is today, you realize the southern states were right to try and break away. May God have mercy on our souls.
  15. I watch the whole movie ( version without the annoying voice-overs) just to hear those lines near the end
  16. The root prim of the linden house is actually located outside of your "parcel", so the house doesn't count in any way against your allowance of 117 prims.
  17. I pissed off my landlord about 3 years ago, and he banned me on every sim he has estate rights on, about 350, or so he bragged. It was no big deal, every once in a while i'd hit the ban and shrug and move on. Well i joined a fun group a few months ago, and was able to visit the club house. Then one day, I found I was banned (turns out it was one of his sims). Since then I find I can get back in every couple of weeks or so for a few days. I thought that since he was so good at making enemies that maybe I kept dropping off the sim ban because he maxed out (500 names) and had to manually re add me. Its nice to know theres a LL glitch that works for me for a change.
  18. In firestorm, when someone unfriends you, a copy of their calling card goes into your trash folder.
  19. My avatar height registers anywhere from 5 ' 7 to 6 ' 2, but today at a nude beach a 9 ft tall female moderator came up to me and said they don't allow child avatars there. I said "hey i'm 6 ft tall and i don't look like a kid". She just said oh and left me alone.
  20. Create a new group, and invite your husband to join, then make him owner of the group too. When he is group owner he can set the land to that group. Then you should both then have full powers on the parcel. You can have a separate group for your club which will have nothing to do with the land.
  21. This is my first time buying anything more than a bottom of the line computer, and i want to do it right, thank you for your reply
  22. Processor 4th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-4790 processor (8M Cache, up to 4.0 GHz) Operating System Windows 8.1 (64Bit) English Memory 12GB Dual Channel DDR3 1600MHz - 4 DIMMs Hard Drive 1TB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive 6.0 Gb/s Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GT 720 1GB DDR3 price 799.99its sitting in my cart, i'm just waiting for you opinions :)
  23. I recently got a reformatted laptop with Win 7, 32 bit and Nvidea (sp) card. Both singularity and firestorm would shut down every time i clicked "log in", with no error message, nothing, just a closed program. However the SL viewer worked perfectly. Firestorm just released an update. I installed it, and it runs fine. What was the problem? Who knows?
  24. I have a 512 on mainland that fronts on a LL road at a "T" junction. I think i paid about $1000 L for it (location location location). Its more or less square instead of the "normal" shaped 16 by 32 m. I put up a basic two story brick building, with a club downstairs and an apartment upstairs, and i still have about 40 prims left over. Its not my main place, i also rent on a private estate, but its a nice little private getaway. The stairs encroach on the right of way, but they are rooted to a prim under the floor. Before that i lived in a water tower i built
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