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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. Texture thrashing doesn't exist for me - since Firestorm (and other TPV's) allow to use 2048 MB of texture memory. It's simple math: 2048 MB here and 512 MB for the LL viewer. That's one big advantage of 64 bit over 32 bit viewers - you can use alot more memory. If LL builds that into their shiny new 64 bit viewer - the LL viewer will become useable again. If not it's good enough for a laugh then. To use that feature you have to have the memory of course. Min 3 GB on the graphics card (not sure if that's enough) and at least 8 GB main memory.
  2. I did that all myself. Write something simple - test it - make a stupid face - and when it finally handles all situations and special cases it's not that simple anymore.
  3. (string)(NewNum/100)) + "." + (string)(NewNum%100) will turn 21.04 into 21.4 It's not easy to make something simple.
  4. @Love - your script works. It uses the exact same math as Rachel's - but the bells and whistles are missing and that's what the op needed. - you cut the result and rachel rounds it. - you have a fixed precision and rachels is variable - you output a float and rachel outputs a formatted string - that's what the op needed. But the math formula is the same. Though - without rounding it will return 3.9968 as 3.99 and with rounding it returns a 4 which is better in most cases.
  5. You can expand the "owner only" setting by a little hack: else if (llSubStringIndex(llList2String(descriptions, 0), "!") == 0 && id != llGetOwner() && id != "uuid1" ) { Replace uuid1 by the uuid of your friend or use a global variable and make the change in the changed and listen events.
  6. Same here, but I don't use chrome, it's browser independant in my case. My ISP's DNS server does not resolve content.invisioncic.com - most pictures in this forum comes over that url. I added an additional backup DNS server to my computer and used googles public ipv6 and ipv4 server for that so it will jump in when my ISP's DNS fails. Then cleared DNS cache and it works now.
  7. You will never see performance degradation. The script time is irrelevant. The scripts will get the remaining free time of the simulator. That means the more stuff the sim has to do (for example due to handling many avatars) the less time will be given to the scripts. So the scripts have no influence on the sim performance. If you have (for example) twice as many script time demand than the simulator provides then only every 2nd script will get a timeslice in every frame. As a result all scripts will run at half speed in this example. So the only thing scripts will lag is - scripts.
  8. If I see that right the mankind is already working on it. It isn't finished yet so 2017 was to optimistic or pessimistic. And if you have or not have a smartphone will not make any difference.
  9. You can place a MOAP prim and just link to it. No upload, no script required. It needs to be in a format that the internal browser of the sl viewer plays. A youtube stream will work too.
  10. The shuttle can find out the travel time for each section on its own. Get the time on launch and after landing and store the travel time for this section. The time for the halt is a constant I assume so just calculate and send out the estimated times for every halt via llRegionSay on every launch. After one round trip the system is calibrated and shows correct times and it's maintenance free and self correcting. No need for fancy things like llRegionSayTo since one message every few minutes is not worth any optimizations. Send out the data package in a single message like: <halt#>|<arrival time>|<halt#>|<arrival time>|<halt#>|<arrival time>|... and every halt just grabs the time it needs. That times can just shown or the remaining minutes/seconds can even be counted down by timer once a second or minute. Time dilation will cause a little discrepancy but the next message from the shuttle will sync everything again.
  11. Json allows to store data in a record/array structure. If you need that or want to export data in that format - use json. I personally didn't have any use for it. Lists are good for my stuff. If I ever have a complicated multi dimensional data structure I will consider to use json for that but for the usual simple stuff I don't need it.
  12. You can switch off everyones facelight with every viewer. That's why I don't care about facelights. They don't exist.
  13. I use llGetParcelMusicUrl in my stuff and it works fine. The same permissions as for llSetParcelMusicUrl are required! That means you need to be the land owner. Alternatively land and the scripted object need to be deeded to the land group.
  14. All fine here. ( Second Life Server ) Your sim needs a restart or you have a viewer problem. Install another viewer and try again.
  15. integer a=-1 uses more memory than a=0x80000000 - well I didn't test it myself. I assume someone wants to save a byte or 2. And someone has made a pre processor/optimizer for LSL that will perform this kind of replacements too. (check the other forum) For manual usage it's not worth the efforts, by my opinion.
  16. I have never put too much efforts into optimizing scripts. Readability and my comfort is more important. Does not mean I don't optimize at all. In this case - I don't use small functions as long as I can avoide it.
  17. I once confused llDie and llRemoveInventory and made a stupid face. Either not enough or too much coffee.
  18. I love to replace long if .. else chains with a calculated solution. Maybe have a look at this: if (message == "Default") { llSetScale(DefaultSize); } else { llScaleByFactor(1.0 + (float)message); }
  19. lol. Oh, I see that my assumption was right and the op ticked off. At least that was entertaining and I even got the answer about the motives, which was all I wanted. Along with a whole bunch of assumptions towards me ... wooohoo ... congrats However ... there are many different points of view but that doesn't really matter as long as both sides agree. The scripter needs to roll out the conditions to the customer though. You can't depend that someone reads profiles carefully. Important conditions need to be checked in advance and then things will not end in dissapointment, like it happened here.
  20. A signed 32 bit integer has the range -2147483648 ... 2147483647 LSL will turn 46879421563 into -1. Using invalid numbers will always result in using -1. Are you aware that "llGetSubString(msg,0,-1)" is the same as "msg"? However Rachel gave you an example how to make use of llGetSubString and is right that listens are a resource. One listen is enough for one piece of clothing. Besides of that details your script is supposed to work.
  21. A car has absolutely nothing to do with scripts. Point. Your ethics is irrelevant since I don't know you, that means I can make no assumptions about that. So I would always check scripts for unwanted stuff that is maybe built in. If you make a script for someone else it's not your script since you just make it for someone else. It has nothing to do with IP rights. You can - of course - try to make it your way. As long as the customer agrees that's ok. But you need get an agreement about that before starting anything. Sounds to me that your rates are too low and so you want to force the customers to be dependant of you so you can get a piece of the cake if anything ends in a successful product. That will leave the customer open for blackmail in case they need changes. That's exacly one of the reasons many customers want the source. You say there are no valid contracts in SL. Thats true but that applies always to both sides. There are agreements that make one or the other side of the contract open for all kinds of blackmail so it's important to always have options. You sound like taking things personal, so I state here that I'm not talking about YOU - I'm only talking about the TOPIC. And an explanation why I see things as I see them: I don't need a scripter, I could do all SL related things on my own. I'm not available for hire since I would take RL rates for spending my RL time and that's way too high for most SL projects. I have no plan to work for cents so I only "work" here for my entertainment. Money is much easier to make in RL. (for me - I'm aware that a few do well in SL)
  22. As a customer I would never pay someone to make a script without getting the source code. It's worthless without the source since I would always be dependant on this scripter if I ever need changes. So - no source no deal. I'm a bit paranoid too and don't trust other scripters - I would always look through the script and check for surprises. From your point of view. What's the reason not to hand out the source? You get payed for your time and expertise and nothing else. Do you want to force your customers to ask only you if they need changes? Do you fear they make a million L$ with that script? That wouldn't be your business. If you think it's worth it make the million L$ thing yourself then. However, you need to make an agreement about the source before you start working.
  23. The clothing layer on a mesh body is above the skin and has a shape as clothes would have. That results in a much better look than textures that are painted directly on the skin. You can not bake a normal and a specular map on the texture. You need a surface for that. So it's not that easy and old system clothes can not compete with new mesh clothes - except for the ultra-low-graphics users, but it's still very interesting and will allow multi layer stuff without having all that layers in geometry.
  24. You need the SAME skin for all your body parts. Color matching does NOT work. It's possible get get a decent color match by changing colours - but only for yourself with your windlight setting. I have a different setting and I don't render any facelight - so I will clearly see the line. The Maitreya neck blender - of which some ppl think it works fine. Sorry - it doesn't. SL has a bug and does not perform a correct lighting on any transparent alpha-blend surfaces. That means - at a place with some local lights I will see a big dark stripe around your neck with my ultra settings while someone with ALM-off setting may think everything looks great. Short version: different skins may work but only for yourself. Others will see you frankensteined at certain places.
  25. All but the root are supposed to be enlighted - so it's LINK_ALL_CHILDREN instead of LINK_SET That sounds like a dirty trick
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