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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. This thread makes it into the entertainment status. There was a high probability of a wrong key and a low probability of a system failure from the beginning. But if someone has a big mouth: "Yes, I know how to put my key in between quotation marks." I never check those things. They find out themselves or not. Doesn't matter to me. By using some logic you could easily find that out on your own. Is a good lesson in bug hunting too. Never take something as fact if you didn't check it properly.
  2. compare llGetOwner with parcel owner - owner can always rez check if parcel allows rezzing check if parcel group and parcel owner are the same - if yes: group owned check llGetParcelFlags(llGetPos()) & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_GROUP_OBJECTS; if true compare the group of your hud/object (llGetObjectDetails) with the parcel group That will cover most cases, but not all. or rez an object - if the object_rez event doesnt trigger within a few seconds you can not rez (or you didnt wait long enough for the delayed rez due to the heavy lag)
  3. Tested the script. Works fine for me. You overlook something or SL hates you and only you. Try an alt.
  4. You can not call a list by name. A compiler can not do such things. Pointers are used for that but LSL has no pointers. But you can do alot more with lists as it seems on the 1st look. - You can copy a list on a temporary working list and copy back the changed list (if needed) as described above. Works for small lists and is a bit clumsy. - You can use a strided list. Just a simple calculation is needed to get the position of the n'th element of list #x. - If the list elements belonging to one "record" are of variable length you put everything up in one list using "key","value1",value2" for example. - For a 2 dimensional array I store 1 dimension in a string with elements separated by "|" for example and the other dimension are the list elements. Access by llList2String(llParseString2List(llList2String(L,x),["|"],[]),y); (with list=L and x,y the position in the 2D-array. There is more. Is all depends on the specific case. You can do everything with lists even if not everything may be useful.
  5. Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: Nova Convair wrote: Lately I was at a club and had the 2nd highest complexity. ( about 60,000 ) Nearly everytime someone rezzed I got that message that I'm not seen by everybody .. blah blah. It was obviously the rezpoint of SL's craptop user club with low settings as a must. These blame it on other peoples computers assumptions are getting tedious. Can we have a debug setting to turn them off please? :matte-motes-wink: Surely entering places like C88 and clubs is a great time to lower the complexity rating and then increase it to whatever works best for the crowd there that day. It seems an imminently sensible use of the feature. I don't need to lower my complexity because it's always one of the lowest. (usually 30-70k - nude even less ) If I get that message there must be someone around that sees less than 5% of the population. A craptop user even. But if I get spammed with that message at some places, that surprises me a little. However - none of my problems and by switching off that message completely I don't even need to think of it. But I'm nice and will keep my low arc profile. And all the whining that is talked about - I take the freedom to simply ignore that
  6. Wrong conclusions. If you have trouble that has other reasons. Over the years I changed computers multiple times. I log into the same account from 2 computers. I have the IP changed regularly and even have the mac changed once. ISP was changed too once. I can not become geolocated by IP. You can of course get the country and ISP but the location will jump in a 500km radius. SL absolutely does not care. There is no protection based on this things. Maybe something triggers on continent/country flipping but anything below that level didnt do nothing.
  7. You don't know what you are talking about since you don't know her complexity. Lately I was at a club and had the 2nd highest complexity. ( about 60,000 ) Nearly everytime someone rezzed I got that message that I'm not seen by everybody .. blah blah. It was obviously the rezpoint of SL's craptop user club with low settings as a must. However, since I keep an eye on complexity on my own and I dont need help of this spam function it was a good idea to switch that off.
  8. Numbers are meaningless. SL has nothing to do with RL. Just look at proportions and relations. Move the slider so that you feel right compared to others and the environment. I don't even know my height, it's meaningless. There are of course different opinions and ways how people see SL. Ignore them, just do what you feel comfortable with. If you need to be the tallest then a 2,60m giant is what you want. You still stick to RL numbers? Go for the midget size. Just do what feels good.
  9. Mach mal was Sven sagt. Zum Thema Cache: loeschen verlangsamt alles so lange, bis wieder alles geladen ist. Wenn du also ohnehin Probleme hast, verschlimmert das Loeschen des Cache diese noch einmal. Der Cache ist kein Muelleimer - nur ein voller Cache ist ein guter Cache
  10. If you don't run around with media on autoplay then you don't announce your IP everytime you enter a sim. If you click on any link or media you send out your IP too of course. Any website you visit with a browser will get your IP. If you are partnered in RL and at the same location and go to the same SL club - make sure only one of you listens to the stream or some fool will probably kick you out while blubbering someting about "alts". Keep in mind that many people get a random new IP every day. Others that live in a hostel for students for example share the same IP. And I can change my IP in a few seconds whenever I wish to do so.
  11. Ruthven Willenov wrote: one other thing I figured out when making a demo item. I used llAttachToAvatarTemp and wanted it to detach after a time. My vendor would rez the item, ask for permissions to attach, it attaches, then when I tried to detach after the demo period, I realized it transfers ownership, and so the permissions to attach/detach didn't carry over. "When object ownership changes, any granted permissions are reset. After a successful attach, you will need a fresh call to llRequestPermissions to allow llDetachFromAvatar and other permission-required functions to work." Correct, you need to call llRequestPermissions again but the permissions are silently granted since the hud is worn at that moment. Check the example in the wiki.
  12. There are 3 independant systems you need to operate: System body - in case you use the system head Catwa head - in case you use this head Maitreya body System body - wear the skin. Simple enough Maitreya body - wear the skin applier hud for maitreya and click it In case you use an Omega skin - get the omega relay for Maitreya body and wear it - wear the omega skin applier hud and click it. Catwa head - same procedure as for the Maitreya body but with the applier for catwa and the omega relay or activator for the catwa head In doubt just read the instructions. When you are finished you can detach all huds/relays/whatever of course and make a copy of this head and this body for an easy fallback in case you try something new or mess something up.
  13. Using one call will make sure the change happens in one frame. If you want to use a loop just build the parameter list and then use llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast. list params;for (...) { params+=[PRIM_LINK_TARGET,...,PRIM_COLOR,...];}llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_THIS,params); The max. # of parameters I don't know, but warpPos is still working and that uses about 1000 list entries in one call. The # of faces and prims for one call I don't know, but you can find out maybe.
  14. Why would I care? 1 - My own scripts are made that they run in no script zones and most other stuff works that way too or can be "upgraded". 2 - If a club is so called "laggy" it's not the scripts. Club owners that act on 10 year old "non knowledge" may think so but that's not my problem. 3 - If a sim is overscripted all scripts will run slower. Is usually no problem if you don't rely on well timed scripted effects. More probable than many overscripted guests is an overscripted location by my experience. That does not mean that extreme script usage should be ignored. Script meters that show the memory usage as main factor should be ignored though - completely worthless. However, I run few scripts and they will keep running.
  15. I see a big bubble of hot air that will burst soon. And then we'll see what remains. I'm not even excited - just interested. LL hopes for the VR hype. Well atm you buy very expensive hardware and a clumsy device for your head. In return you get lower quality graphics (since you need to keep the fps high), some motion sickness for free, and quite a number of aaaahhhhhssss and oooohhhssss when you watch all the demo worlds. Nice but not enough yet. Another bubble of hot air where we'll see what comes out when it bursts. For Sansar it's too early. Way too few people have VR and that will not change that quickly. We'll know more in 2 years maybe. I go and polish by crystal ball now.
  16. Friends profile - gear wheel symbol top right - permissions - edit, delete or take my objects
  17. You get no advantage by using 64 bit code in this case. And the code needs more memory and the data structures too. But the viewer can use more memory. I caught my viewer lately using 4.7 gb and still running fine. A 32 bit viewer will use less memory and probably would have made it too. But by my observations it crashes on that numbers. I don't see a difference in performance between 32 and 64 bit versions, so there is no reason to use the 32 if a 64 is available. And about crashing: I can't even remember when i crashed the last time (with 64 bit viewer). So if I read that some ppl are crashing all the time - there more to investigate in every case than just the viewer. Just saying: you need to have more than 4 GB of ram of course or there is no need for a 64 bit OS and viewer.
  18. Oh, nice library Qie. I have been using slerp for rotations ( Slerp ) and simple linear interpolation for positions ( (pos2-pos1)/no_of_steps ). The next time I move something I'll see what I can do with that library.
  19. You need to script it. Make a loop and move it with llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast in small steps. 15 moves per second are sufficient - with more you are not gonna see a difference. llSetPos is too slow for that movement. You can set the delays with llSleep or use the timer. With llSleep the script will be unresponsive during the movement but for a door script that is tolerable.
  20. Another option: You make a sitting animation with an offset 2m forward. The sit target (and position of your avatar) is then 2m behind the chair while you seem to sit on the chair. If you stand up you will be 2m behind the chair. Of course you need to make the animations yourself then.
  21. Hmmm, with a Nvidia 770 I end at 20 fps at crowded places with Impostors at 16 and settings to ultra (plus a few tweaks in the settings). A 1080 can be considered as 4 times faster so 20 fps at a crowded place with 50-60 ppl looks absolutely normal. I'd say you get what you can expect. The CPU only helps to a degree. Once it is fast enough, more speed will not increase the fps. 60 avatars will have a giant amount of textures and cause alot of updates sent to your viewer. You can not compare that with a optimized game where a designer would have counted the textures and triangles of a scene and keep this values at sane levels. Another question is how good a gpu scales on SL. Double performance = double fps or not?
  22. The packet loss in your table shows zero! The 2 hops that don't answer have better things to do and don't answer your ping or trace requests. Servers or routers can answer your ping or trace requests but they don't have to. And even if they answer you are at the end of the priority list, so the ping values can be much higher than for regular data. To find out where your 3% are generated you need to sent out many more packets. If every 30th packet is lost (about 3.3 %) sending out 10 trace or ping packets (for example) will not give you any answers.
  23. Firestorm sometimes does not show impostors or jellybabes (if you have configured that by debug settings) but shows exactly what you describe - nothing but a dot on the mini map. Thats my observation and I consider that as bug. Since I render many avatars it happens rarely. But the jellybabes are not useable at the present state.
  24. You can revoke the permission for the moment. If you meet again you need to revoke again. If you are animated you need to go to the viewer menu and click "stop animating me" or "stop all animations" or whatever. The text and the position in the menu is different in every viewer. Well, thats my info but I didnt try it out. I'm sceptical of most others. You can not revoke that permission permanently. The animation will only work if the other avatar is in the same sim. If you become distorted there are scripts/huds to fix that and some TPV's have an option for fixing that. If you block/reject and completely ignore that other person that will surely take out the fun and will make you uninteresting for that person.
  25. Since a few years SL looses about 1000 private estate sims per year. Atm there are about 17500 left. Source: http://gridsurvey.com/economy.php
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