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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. You can install multiple viewers so just test it. A few remarks: - The LL viewer is not useable for building. You can try of course but all TPV's have addons that are mandantory from my point of view. - Firestorm has many features and some are even useful if you are not into featureism. - Black Dragon has improved graphics and that does not match with your lo end graphics. - Kokua is very close to the LL viewer but has some useful addons. - Singularity has no Bento Update so not recommended until they update. It has the old V1 style which is even worse than the present V3. So it is mainly for people that tell me I'm wrong here and V1 is the best they can ever imagine. - Alchemy is pretty nice, has quite some features but is not as overloaded as FS. Has no Bento atm so not recommended until they update. All of the viewers are based on the LL viewer but add more or less features so don't expect too much differences in running SL. If you have a decent computer the feature to use more than the standard amount of video memory that is offered by many TPV's can be very useful to compensate for texture overloaded areas and avatars - to a degree.
  2. - Save an outfit and name it body1 for example - Open Inventory / "Outfits" / body1 - delete all entries that do not belong to your body, clothes shoes and whatever - Save an outfit and name it dress1 for example - Open Inventory / "Outfits" / dress1 - delete all entries that belong to the body, only keep the dress Repeat for other bodies and dresses. Then you can add remove dresses or bodies independantly. The entries under outfit are just links so you can delete without affecting the originals.
  3. Nowadays content is distributed over a CDN (Content Distribution Network) and is by far not limited to 1 MBit. It can make use of a 100 MBit line. If you don't use an outdated viewer or blocked CDN in the settings I don't know why your connection to the CDN is that bad - if there is any. Thats not expected behaviour. So thats your real problem - not the caching. A little Detail: Have you ever calculated how long you download 1 TB at a transfer speed of 1 MBit? Over 100 Days.
  4. Yes, nice post But this unusable permissions on most producs saved me many 1000 L$ since I don't want that stuff. So if that ever changes - what I doubt - I need to recalculate my monthly budget.
  5. Yep, thats a new one Can easily beat that too though. But I'll not give tips here.
  6. ... and you think traffic is completely free and if not others should pay that for you yes? (small fee hmmm) Sounds like the idea to download the internet - just a few dimensions lower. A cache stores only stuff that you have to download anyways and optimizes traffic in a way that you don't have to download the same stuff over and over again. Perfect for a constantly changing environment like SL. Another observation is that LL invented the worlds slowest cache. In my case there is nearly no difference in downloading vs loading from cache. That is if the cache is on a HD. If the cache is on a SSD that makes a significant difference. I am pretty sure that the viewer cache will fail miserably at a multi terabyte size, not to mention that ssd arrays of this size are not so common.
  7. The rez distance is 10m but that is meaningless since the rezzed object can move after the rez. So I would put the rezzer into a christmas tree far far away and name it christmas tree. Have fun finding it. You are definitely not thinking bad enough. I'd have even more nasty ideas if I'd want to grief.
  8. Look for "mice on a beam" - a similar system. For me this alternatives are completely uninteresting so i can't tell you how good or bad they work. I had a short look at mice on a beam a few years ago and you will be able to get simple scripts running with it.
  9. Wishing for new functions will not help you. You need to see whats possible with the options you have. Fully automatic is: rez and object-move - if you dont want it you have to prepare the rezzings. Rez your object on a platform and add a helper script. This helper script will determine the offset to the platform and add it to the name of the object. Example: 3.54~objects name (for a simple z-offset) Then the script will delete itself. Now you can take the object and put it in the rezzer. The rezzer can see the objects name so it can extract the offset and rez with offset. Still some extra work but once you made the helper script you can add many objects in a short time to the rezzer. Another way is to hide the rez. Rez the object under the floor or above the ceiling. Then move it to the correct position. The move will make it appear nearly instantly at the endpoint. Many SL scripts use dirty tricks use your phantasy.
  10. Door and windows and walls are completely meaningless - cameras and even avatars can move right through if they want to. You can move your camera to every spot in the whole sim and the neighbour sims. You need to uncheck the parcel setting: "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel". Then they still can cam in and see your bed but not your avatar on the bed. So they will see an empty bed. That works 2 way btw. So if you cant see them they cant see you. Try it out. If someone steps on your parcel they can of course see you. For that you need a security device that will kick everybody out that is not on your guest list. Why you have the crosshairs visible if they scare you? Switch that nonsense off. Is it possible that you confuse your RL person and your avatar? Your avatar are just a few pixels, so why care? However if you want complete privacy in SL you need to buy an island (no neighbour sims) and lock it. Besides of that there is no privacy in SL.
  11. In the else branch the brackets are missing. key aviKey = llDetectedKey(0);if (aviKey == OwnerKey){ LoadTime = LOAD_TIMER; MenuList = [info, Reset, Exit]; llDialog(OwnerKey, getDialogString(aviKey), MenuList, setChannel());}else if (aviKey == RenterKey){ LoadTime = LOAD_TIMER; MenuList = [GeneralInfo, RentalInfo, Exit, Help]; llDialog(RenterKey, getDialogString(aviKey), MenuList, setChannel());}else { LoadTime = LOAD_TIMER; MenuList = [Remaining, Rentaltime, MessageSupport, Exit]; llDialog(aviKey, getDialogString(aviKey), MenuList, setChannel());}
  12. A bit overcomplicated. The usage of "else" simplifies this kind of chained compares alot. integer getnextxp(){ integer num; if (exp<20) num=20; else if (exp<60) num=60; else if (exp<120) num=120; else if (exp<250) num=250; else if (exp<5000) num=(exp/500+1)*500; else if (exp<14000) num=(exp/1000+1)*1000; else if (exp<36000) num=(exp/2000+1)*2000; else if (exp<37000) num=37000; else if (exp<40000) num=40000; else if (exp<50000) num=(exp/2000+1)*2000; else num=(exp/10000+1)*10000; return num;}
  13. Read the description of llGetPos and llSetPos in the wiki. What you see? llGetPos will return the region coordinates llSetPos expects the region coordinates if the script is in an unlinked prim or root. If in a child prim it expects the local coordinates. (relative to the root prim) Since you try to use the region coordinates that will be far over the 10m limit and nothing happens. What can you do? There are alot of different solutions. For example you can calculate the local coordinates: llSetPos( llGetPos() - llGetRootPosition() + <0,0,0.025>); or less clumsy: llSetPos( llGetLocalPos() + <0,0,0.025>); Your script doesnt care for rotations, that's probably the next addon.
  14. Use the menu: build / pathfinding / linksets If you sort by distance you should find your object quickly. Delete or return it. That always works on unselectable objects.
  15. You need the Catwa main hud and find and clear the affected layers. Everytime I try a demo I copy the head, apply the demos and throw away the copy when I'm done. No need to waste time with cleanups. If you dont have copies for head and body and other stuff to have an easy fallback - in case of whatever might happen - you are pretty unorganized. For the skin: you need the SAME skin from one creator for Maitreya body AND Catwa head. And try a demo to see if the skin maker has done it well. If they dont have demos for head and body just say byebye. That's the only way to get head and body to match. (For my level of expected quality) I see quite some avatars with different colours so they are either blind or ignore it or maybe have low graphics and/or special windlight and only think it looks ok. Well - it doesn't.
  16. Sassy Romano wrote: Nova Convair wrote: llRemoteLoadScriptPin has permission limits. You can only update your own stuff. "You own objects in different regions. You want to update the script in those objects totally remotely, without having to visit each object and rez an updater beside the object" That's exactly the use case of the OP. I sympathise from the time where I had a bunch of inworld sales locations and yet had to visit each location. I never read this requirement as sending a product update to other people but it got mistakenly dragged in that direction. If the OP verifies this I'd believe it But there is this: If it's still unclear, I want my givers to give themselves out so others can also give them out to others who can give them out. Simply idea that is turning out pretty tricky. I do need an update server.
  17. llRemoteLoadScriptPin has permission limits. You can only update your own stuff. Since I read of givers giving givers there are updaters giving updaters needed so everyone needs to get an updater to update their stuff. Updating other avatars stuff and even without asking will never happen and that is a good thing.
  18. All this talking about cores is outdated and wrong. Open this url: http://gridsurvey.com/index.php Then search your sim and click on the sim name. You see how many sims are hosted on the same IP. (At the moment this snapshot was taken) There is some load balancing and sims hop between servers on every restart so you will never see an accurate status. I see about 10-30 sims hosted on one machine. (I tracked only a few sims) Of course nobody knows how many cores this specific machine has. But it's pretty clear that there is no core rule anymore.
  19. Everybody can use as many bots as they like to. They just need to be registered as bots. That is something that you dont know. So atm you are just having a big mouth. If you have doubts you can file a report. If you file reports for all the 1000s of places with bots LL will provavly tell you something.
  20. I don't think you can save space, since you need some extra code to operate the bitfields. I use them sometimes since i can easily set, delete, flip or compare single or multiple flags in a single operation. And it's pretty easy to loop through a bitfield. Alot easier than using a list by my taste. So I use bitfields when I think it makes sense but never to save space.
  21. 1. SL hat keinerlei Probleme mit DS-Lite. Laeuft bei mir bereits ueber 1 Jahr ohne Probleme. Wenn es bei dir eine Providersache war, dann war entweder das DS-Lite schlampig umgesetzt oder es lag an etwas anderem und man hielt es nicht fuer noetig dir das mitzuteilen. Die pauschale Aussage SL laeuft nicht mit DS-Lite ist jedenfalls falsch. So einfach ist das nicht. 2. Umstellen auf echten Dual Stack Betrieb geht nicht mal eben so. Einige Provider machen es, andere machen es gar nicht oder nur bei teuren Geschaefts-Tarifen.
  22. Check the wiki where llDetectedxxx functions work. Not in listen events! The id is in the variables of the listen event: listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) key id
  23. In the past there were running 4 sims on a quad core server. Today there are 20-30 sims running on a single multi core server. And this sims are running alot better then the old ones. So what makes you think there is no progress? LL used the progress mainly to lower their costs though and not to give you more server capacity for free - which is understandable.
  24. acb14 wrote: so 2 persons enriched this forum by saying it is how it is 1 person talks about name change requests instead of name creation (new names) 1 person believes the 3 above are helpful and only 1 person guessed it has something to do with causing confusion or scam or griefing which makes sense but is still just a guess is there no official statement from LL about this big change? LOL This is the general discussion forum so it's meaningless what you expect. The people will discuss or write what they want. And of course there is an official statement about this change. You can start searching for this whenever you want. It's quite some years ago though.
  25. That's how the system works. Everybody has 3 Names: Legacy Name It's always firstname space lastname - ONE space Example "Nova Convair" or "IamNew Resident" Username It's one name without any spaces Example "nova.convair" or "iamnew" Display Name Your free choice with spaces and unicode letters If you don't defined one it's the same as the Legacy Name without "Resident" Legacy Name and Username are used in many scripts and parts of the system and depend on their present form. You can ask for a change but you will not be heared.
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