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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. And whining here makes what exact progress for your situation? Wrong topic btw. since this animated mesh will reduce the transmission and is therefore a progress for your situation.
  2. Why are you posting here? You will not see it anyways. And no reason to read your posts since you write about stuff you'll never get to know. Too funny.
  3. You started it by making a completely irrelevant comment about a new feature. The craptop faction already sees a complete different SL compared to the high end faction and that will go further with every new feature that is added to SL. If you want to have SL frozen on a level 10 years ago because you can't or don't want to get a decent computer and connection that is understandable but this will not happen. Nobody can help you here.
  4. I still use lslforge on eclipse neon. It's more than just an editor and it's still maintained. The built in editor is good for quick debugging but not more.
  5. I made a little test. 1st I went to a place with some complexity to lower my fps With ALM+shadows: 33 FPS and 25 million triangles in the scene With ALM+NO shadows: 56 FPS and 12 million triangles in the scene With NO ALM+NO SHADOWS: 53 FPS and 12 million triangles in the scene That backs up my experiences that ALM has no effect on my FPS. Surprisingly I get better FPS with ALM ON. I'll have an eye on that at other places. The result I got is repeatable. I must add that the scene with ALM+shadows compared to the scene with ALM off is like a Hollywood movie compared to a comic strip so ALM off is absolutely no option for someone that is already pampered by running around with ultra setting. I checked the LOD factor setting too - If I crank it up I see a significant increase in the triangle count but the FPS don't reflect that since the FPS goes down barely noticeable. Guess the GPU has reserves. I keep my LOD setting at 2 though to detect and avoid bad made mesh.
  6. This doesn't work: listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { if (llGetOwnerKey(id) == llGetOwner()){ list textures = llCSV2List(msg); setTexture(lower,llList2Key(textures,2)); } } msg is a string the list you compose out of msg consists of strings llList2Key only works if the list has stored a key it does not convert a string to a key you need to use: setTexture(lower,(key)llList2String(textures,2));
  7. Why "or"? I want both! However, mesh is resizeable of course but rigged mesh is not. So there is no other way as providing different sizes to choose from.
  8. 1st - you need only one script - see Fluffy's post 2nd - the script doesn't check if it receives an uuid (ok, not that important here ) if (llGetOwnerKey(id) == llGetOwner()){ key uuid = (key)msg; if (uuid) { llSetLinkTexture(LINK_SET,msg,ALL_SIDES); } } 3rd - if you encounter update problems - means the textures are changed but you don't see the result - it helps to change another thing on the object. For example set an invisible hovertext (with llSetText)
  9. @Miranda Umino you confuse the handling of the stack pointer with a garbage collection. If an event or user defined function is entered - the stack pointer is memorized then all parameters and runtime stuff is put on the stack, the event or function is started which puts all the local variables on the stack. When the event or function ends the stack pointer is set back to the memorized value and so the memory that was occupied is free. That has nothing to do with a garbage collection. A garbage collection causes very high cpu load and I assume that it's triggered never or only on things like a sim restart for example. If you have a lazy garbage collection that only triggers when the script is out of memory you will need do to it never for many of the scripts and rarely for rest. In this case you need less cpu power and a bit more memory. LL will surely have a statistics and have found an optimum here. Depends on costs - what is cheaper? Saving cpu power or saving memory. Imagine that there are many 1000 scripts on a sim and there are many sims hosted on one server.
  10. Eat ***** - millions of flies can't be wrong. That's how SL works. I've seen many creations of top designers that lack quite some usability and SL-mechanics. The problem is that most designers have no clue about SL. They may be even good designers, but since they are clueless about SL they fail at the many obstacles that SL has to offer Well, a house, the designers obviously don't even test them, or they don't care. You can't rez or can't walk in a straight line? It's easier to blame LL and many residents will jump in and say "yes yes, it's LL" - so why bother in learning how to get the build properly into SL? It sells fine without extra efforts, so it's all ok.
  11. For the 2 list method you define 2 lists list namesList; list uuidList; In the sensor event you populate this lists if (llDetectedKey(i) != llGetOwner()) { namesList += [llGetSubString(llDetectedName(i),0,23)]; uuidList += [llDetectedKey(i)]; } ++i; Each entry in the nameslist corresponds with the same entry # of uuidlist In the listen event it's very easy to get the uuid now: integer index = llListFindList(namesList,[message]); key uuid = llList2Key(uuidList,index); llSay(0, llGetDisplayName(llGetOwner()) + " pokes " + llGetDisplayName(uuid));
  12. The memory is freed after a garbage collection and that is handled automatic. A garbage collection is forced when you exceed the max. memory. Besides of that it's out of your influence. So if you want to force it you need to reset the script.
  13. I wonder why you ask for one connection when the viewer opens so many connections that they barely fit on a screen. The viewer opens about 5 to 20 connections to the sim server and another 5 to 20 connections to your endpoint of the cdn network. And a few additional connections from the slplugins. Don't know the max. open connections since that changes when connections open and close. As long as my router can handle it I didn't bother to count them all The data of your avatars environment is sent over UDP. Movements, positions and so on. That's easy to handle for the server and the fire and forget packets cause no protocol overhead. Standard for many online games. The sim does not try to access you - it answers the connections that your viewer opens. Since the UDP connection is a one way road for data it may look a bit different. If your firewall makes trouble, slap her and tell her to behave. The port is a different one for every connection btw. That's what I see when I look at the viewers activities. I didn't see anything unexpected.
  14. If you build you need to understand how the SL mechanics work. If you don't understand it fully you will wonder why things don't work. If I'm alone in russia and don't speak the language I will encounter problems here and there. That's how it is . Imagine a single prim. Now get 10 more prims linked to it. If you make a diagram and draw lines who is linked to who you will see a star. The root is in the middle and every other prim is linked to the root. If an avatar sits on it it's just like any other prim and linked to the root. That's the diagram. Has nothing to do how it looks like in SL. The root could be an invisible prim hovering 5m over the rest of the linkset. But the linking is always a star. All child prims and sitters are directly linked to the root prim. That's a very simple and limiting geometry btw. Now imagine you like to move or rotate things. You need to use the proper coordinate system. You can use the one of the sim and place something in the sim. Ok, but if you want to position an avatar on a seat that system is worthless. The chair can be everywhere in any rotation. So you need to move things relative to the root. You use the root's coordinate system. Since a sitting avatar is linked directly to the root it's relatively easy to position that. It is clear that everything is messed up if you ever change the root. So why not move things relative to another child prim? The door could move relative to the doorframe for example or a sitting avatar relative to the prim it seems to sit on. Yes, but the door is not linked to the doorframe. The door is linked to the root and the doorframe is linked to the root. They are not linked to each other. It can be scripted of course - no problem - but the complexity of this script is alot higher than all the free scripts that are around for so many years. Oh one detail btw. If I select an object in edit mode the root is yellow marked and the rest is cyan marked. I have no clue if the LL viewer shows that too, but I'd never use the LL viewer for building purposes for several reasons.
  15. You still want to tell me what details I see or not see? hahahahahahahahahah Sorry, but that becomes too stupid to continue. And 2 laughs about you is sufficient for one day.
  16. the line says clearly you can see it at your Paypal or Credit Card account .. LL does no business with banks, lot of people make that mistake, your bank is only the final station for your payments, to Paypal/CC/Skrill but for LL not relevant. It is interesting that you want to tell me what I see on my credit card account. LOL
  17. For a couple of buttons on a face I turn coordinates into button numbers: integer grid_x = 4; integer grid_y = 3; touch_start (integer num) { vector tpos = llDetectedTouchST(0); integer button = llFloor(tpos.x * (float)grid_x) + (grid_y - 1 - llFloor(tpos.y*(float)grid_y)) * grid_x + 1; } In this case button 1 is top left and button 12 is bottom right. Easy to handle. If your face is rotated you can rotate the clickpos. tpos=(tpos-<0.5,0.5,0>)*llEuler2Rot(<0,0,90>*DEG_TO_RAD)+<0.5,0.5,0>; here it's rotated by 90° Or - easier - use llDetectedTouchUV instead. The coordinates are not bound to the face but to the uv map here. If I want a big button in the button grid - well it simply occupies 2 or 4 button #'s then. Of course your design requires a regular layout that orientates at some kind of grid then.
  18. Hmmm, when I see that recovery form ... The 3 friends question is a joke since more and more have "Resident" as lastname. The last billed amount - I only know that as long as i have the email LL sends me. My Bank accounts don't show the US$ just €. Well, I stored the answer to the security question, many years ago. Was probably a good idea.
  19. I observed that the last linked prim is always #2 and the rest gets new numbers, but I didn't make tests for verification. You have the uuid of the last rezzed prim (you get it in object_rez) and can compare it with the links in the linkset with llGetLinkKey in a loop. Start at 2 so it's a hit in the 1st try if it's at link position 2.
  20. The event queue length was 64 when I tested it a long time ago. As you confirms it's still 64. The logical error is: You execute rez commands in a loop and expect that the on_rez event is executed everytime. That assuption is wrong. Scripts do NO multitasking. As long as you execute the loop NO other event is triggered. You start create_col in the touch start event and while it runs no other event is triggered but the events are queued up. Then the other create_col calls do the same stuff. When the touch_start event is finished the script is free to run other events and there are max 64 on_rez events in the queue. You need a completely different logic. No loops! The 1st rez will trigger the on_rez event and in the on_rez event you will execute the next rez which will trigger the on_rez event again. So you need a global variable and a counter to find an end point here.
  21. Every avatar can set a different number - so which number it takes?
  22. Someone is hiding Now I wonder if this function really takes observers from neighbour sims into account or just doesn't know what to message if nobody is there?
  23. Even if Godzilla approaches you and stomps you right into the ground - I see absolutely no reason to bother. I'd take a few screenshots.
  24. If I get it in my language b4 i buy and the seller can proof that I have agreed then it's a valid agreement. Even then it's still possible that terms in that agreement are invalid. (in my country - the US i don't care) but for that details one need a lawyer.
  25. hmmm ... some statements: - Do we have a business to business contract? - thats not possible between avatars only between RL persons - why does the seller not pay the tax to my country if he delivers wares to me? LL takes the tax from me whenever I buy something from LL and hopefully pays it where it belongs. - If I don't payout Lindens regularly in not too small quantities there is not way to treat that as a business - if that is possible at all (virtual shop with virtual owner?). - if I consider myself as customer, I can buy things and sell them for whatever price i want. Contracts like this are invalid. Even if the text is given to me in my language b4 I buy - still invalid. - Even if this is valid in the USA - why would I care? One needs to sue me here at my place. - Since this are copy-able objects it's more like a licence, like a software licence, but copying is allowed here. Between 2 business partners (RL persons or institutions) all kind of stuff could be set in a contract. A notecard send to me with the object is in no way a contract btw. So the main question is - do we have a B2B relation? And if we have one - Is the notecard a valid contract? And not to forget is B2B possible between avatars over the SL platform? (nahhh ) If it's a B2C or C2C relation - nobody can tell me what to do - except we are talking about a licence. Limitations are possible but that could be complicated in this case. Limit copy and usage yes - limit price no.
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