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Everything posted by norajulian

  1. I will also add that it helps if you set your radar to organize by distance, that way those extra names go to the bottom of the list.
  2. Have you tried redownloading drivers? Restarting computer? Have you logged into Sakaw or a similar sim?
  3. It's been a while since I've had the time to pop in here šŸ˜® I'm definitely NOT wearing outside clothes, but thank goodness for SL when you can be outside but not really Setting up the new parcel for winter (finally).
  4. Mmmm... it really depends on time available for me. I rent so I am not tied down to a certain parcel, and I will get an itch to change every now and again. Currently Iā€™m on a quarter sim and just ripped up the ground level (grass) - built a winter skybox complete with flowing river and house, and havenā€™t yet had time to redo the ground yet because of my photography & wedding bookings. I would like to say that I love my clients and I wouldnā€™t change what I do for anything, but it does keep the parcel empty at times. ? The winter skybox is turning out lovely, though!
  5. This started out as the sweetest, most innocent post. Best luck in all your positions, Misha (Right click and SIT or ANIMATE. Initiate exersize).
  6. I really canā€™t organize my group and couples poses into pose stands, but my poses are the one thing I actually have taken the time to organize because of how often I utilize them. I am exactly the same - if it doesnā€™t match, I find one that does. Easily 20+ wall/fence sets. We could decorate the world, Marianne.
  7. I own an obscene amount of poses (particularly wedding and/or family focused) and landscaping/furniture items (seriously - currently sitting at 80k) But I could easily design a venue, a honeymoon, and a first house for you and take all the photos from beginning to end ?
  8. Those millennials! *shakes fist in the air* In reality- people complain because itā€™s their god-given right to do so. Mouths, fingers, toes - whatever they use to express their frustrations. Yes, it would be nice if everyone was a creator, but then who would buy the things you create if everyone could just make what they thought up? Others donā€™t want to invest in the time to make new friends and we KNOW that and they KNOW that, but sometimes itā€™s nice to jusy vent a little. Ignore the IMs. They obviously continue to log in day after day, so maybe what they want to do with their SL is complain, and you donā€™t want to spend your SL listening so you walk away. Easy peasy.
  9. norajulian

    Eye Movement

    Depending on which mesh head it is, itā€™s highly likely that the head creator has instructions SOMEWHERE on turning off facial animations and blinking. For the Catwa head, it is in the Animations hud, and includes eye locking and the option to turn off all facial animations, including blinking.
  10. Do you have a plot line youā€™d follow, or is this a beginning to a beginning?
  11. So who do we have to beat up to take a photo with you too, Tati?
  12. Playing a dangerous game on my Alt-er Ego with graphics and taking a break from wedding photo editing for 2 seconds to edit another photo. Happy almost Labor/Labour Day to all you Americans & Canadians out there!
  13. Speaking honestly, 500L may not get you what you want for such customization. The upload fees alone from 10 textures is equal to 100L. So you are essentially paying a person 40L per custom texture. You may have gotten a response, and if so that is wonderful. But, speaking from an artistā€™s point of view - 40L is not worth it.
  14. Long time no see, Forumites! I admit that I've been SO busy that I've hardly had time to swing by and read updates! I hope you are all doing lovely! Currently (desperately) trying to finish up a sim build whilst not falling asleep (maybe).
  15. ^ This. If they have region rights, they can ban you from that sim and any other sims that they are added as region managers with the click of a button. Most people have 0 patience for spam messages, so regardless as to if itā€™s in their profile or not, reconsider your unprovoked IMs.
  16. All of these websites take you to.. nothing. Either deactivated accounts or an empty Flickr. Folks will need more proof, I'm afraid.
  17. Violent Seduction and Sweet Thing might have a couple of things that interest you.
  18. - For me, my items are hellishly unorganized (aside from poses) so I wouldnā€™t be able to know If I lost something until I needed it. Definitely good info for anyone else peeking in though! - thatā€™s what Iā€™ve told him numerous times. Fortunately for him, he isnā€™t big on those anyway because they could disappear! Just an option to consider - and he does always rezz a prim first before rezzing anything else.
  19. You can do this yourself. My partner organizes his inventory by putting things in a prim object and taking that object back into his inventory, and having a notecard list of where things are. Iā€™m too scared to do that because Iā€™m afraid SL will eat it, but he only has around 300 items in addition to his inventory. He just Rezzes the box, unpacks a copy of the thing that he wants, and takes the prim back. But, like Coffee was saying, it really is usually an outside source causing the issues. My partner doesnā€™t do it for the lag, he just hates unorganization and had too much free time one day years ago.
  20. I had this issue, but it was a browser error of some sort - I swapped browsers and haven't had the issue since. I don't recall which browser it was, though, so that's no help.
  21. Please donā€™t pay anybody to be a decent human. Iā€™ll message you when I log in world, and at the very least you can make a friend and we can laugh about things and maybe get you set up with a little place to live.
  22. Woah, calm down there, Paul Harmon. You're far more concerned about your own settings than these friends of yours who don't.. really seem to care enough to pop in here to add their two cents. It's not about believing - you can win the schlong contest if you want to win it - I'll let you! What you decide regarding this situation (that has blown out of context faster than my Uncle George at a soccer game) is totally up to you. I guess this means you win! Your jurassic graphics win the House Cup! Again, though - if you're looking for tech arguments - pop into that forum instead. I'm sure you'll get some nibbles.
  23. I donā€™t know.. sure seems like youā€™re doing a pretty good job of bragging to me. As others have said, FPS depends on hardware -not just settings- and a good graphics card doesnā€™t necessarily mean anything if you donā€™t have the muscle to pull it. Iā€™m sure that your ā€œfriendsā€ can pop into the tech sub-forum and ask for advice regarding their rigs.
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