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Everything posted by norajulian

  1. Err.. I suppose it's technically a "model from scratch" because I will rezz out prims and spheres and such, but it's a lot of mixing and matching (as far as the rocks and rivers and such) from various landscaping/outdoor decor places and incorporating them. In order to get something that isn't just a platform that is something that looks how you want it to, it does take time and investment. I've been searching and haven't found anything that might be of quality, aside from Kato.. hopefully that works out for you!
  2. My tweenster avvie (and most tweenster RPers I know) uses a Catwa head, but you'd have to upload some RL money if you're on the strugglebus, like I'm sure others have mentioned. If you're having issues, try shrinking your neck down. It won't look pretty if you take the head/body off, but we do what we do.
  3. There are mesh items out there that help you with "terraforming" your skybox, if you're absolutely interested in investing the time and the lindens. I've attached some of the builds that I've done in the sky - some more complicated than others - just using some extra objects - ranging from a 70x70 dome (the snow, I use Turnips skydomes when I use domes because you can remove the enclosure and have texture options, etc) and up. That being said, it looks like KatoYouji has some decent looking builds for "skyboxes" in their store if those might strike your fancy! We sacrifice the terraforming for the lag-free, and sometimes it sucks, but definitely doable!
  4. Definitely what Sylvannas said, but you can find similar styles at Doux and #Foxy
  5. Have you searched for “Scene Rezzer” or “Object Rezzer”? Plenty of options come up!
  6. Upstairs! Stick a big ole’ projector on the big wall across from it, a popcorn machine next to your bed. And you’re all set!
  7. SL problems. haha. I am.. well, I'm wearing a banana hat.
  8. Everyone is always looking for friends. Some people stick around for years, and others take extended "breaks" like you did. Welcome back, certainly! Depending on what kind of City RP you are looking for, you could try Crack Den (Urban RP) or something more family-focused with fire departments, schools, etc such as Cedar Creek, Orchard Heights, Cocoa Bay, Acacia Falls (Acacia has a couple of sims dedicated to Adult RP as well, I believe, which isn't a usual in family RP communities), and several more.
  9. I believe they have because for the last few years I've been using this feature like a crazy person while doing landscaping on various sims and parcel sizes. I constantly delete things on accident, and this feature has saved my life on numerous occasions. I didn't know the old 0,0,0 rule, but that would explain a few things from years back!
  10. When you check in "recent" - does ANYTHING come up in trash? It may not say "house" anything if you simply deleted a part of it. Also, to set it back directly where it was (when you find it), right click on the object in your trash. Choose "restore item". This will place it in your objects folder. From there, right click on it AGAIN and choose "restore to last position." This will ONLY work if you are wearing the group that the land is deeded to (if it is deeded), and you must be on your parcel, or it will not work.
  11. I don't know if they would have specific Kimono poses, but have you looked at Sweet, Lovely, Cute? They have a broad variety of AOs.
  12. Honestly, to me it looks as though it was either drawn from scratch or severely edited on the advert, but Ayashi, Doe, or Moon. have similar styles. You could always message the creator of the ad and ask them! Usually they are more than willing to give credit.
  13. I strongly advise you to check out Builder's Brewery. They have a variety of classes (anything you can think of, really), and it includes a great community of creative folks. Builder's Brewery Class Schedule
  14. I have no explanation for this beyond saying that things have been so busy that I'm trying to find my sanity again. Happy Sunday, SL <3
  15. I'm an elf this week due to an intense RP (that I absolutely love). I've been absent from the forums for a couple of weeks, but I've missed you!
  16. Takin' the ol' wiener wagon out for a drive. One of the sims I frequent uses bots to manage their groups and such, and normally there are less of them and they aren't all gathered around each other, so I couldn't help but take advantage of this moment.
  17. Hanging with sea monsters at Prehistorica.
  18. I really have nothing to say that would be a proper accompaniment to this photo.
  19. After a couple of VERY busy weeks here at the wedding 'biz - I'm taking some much needed down time and playing a bit of Greedy.
  20. Doin' some terraforming to make the land happy.
  21. It is important that you are using a Bento Ao, or using hand animations, or your hand MIGHT get stuck. Also, verify on your hand and/or body hud that you have hand animations or poses turned OFF if you are using a Bento AO. I know that when I use my maitreya, sometimes I will pose a hand to stay in a certain position, and then later I'll realize that the reason I've been clenching a fist all day is not because I'm stressed, but because I forgot to release the hand from her stationary animation.
  22. I'll happily go over a few things with you if you have time available in-world to meet. It will be easier to explain on voice, so helpful if you have "ears."
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