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Everything posted by norajulian

  1. I honestly don’t mind either way. I’m surprised that so many commenters have said text, but I suppose that is to be expected in a text forum. 😉 As a photographer, I do catch myself going on voice to speak to my clients as I tune camera angles and windlights to an exact. I talk to them during so that they don’t stand up before I’m completed, and it’s so much easier to hop in voice to explain what’s going on rather than stop doing what I’m doing to apologize to my client for taking a specific amount of time... also wasting more time by typing. I also explain (on voice) wedding walks and such during rehearsals because you tend to have 6+ people who might type over you in local as you try do what you’re paid to do. i certainly don’t voice much, though. Perhaps it’s because I don’t game in other games? It doesn’t bother me to hear voice or to converse in text.
  2. Oh, I acknowledged that. I’m afraid I went on a mini tangent. I hold my tongue so often that I often forget what conversations I’ve actually participated in vs the ones I’ve rolled my eyes at so hard that they take a mini vacation in Barcelona. Seriously, Quinn. Google.
  3. https://nameberry.com/unisex-names shout out to Google. I’ve honestly never understood voice verification or why people take it as a breaking thing if you don’t turn on the voice box. The internet is a wonderful place. Why are you trying to encourage my introvert self even more by encouraging me to have calls on the interwebz? I make a call for coffee shop barista verification. Prove to me you can make a mean espresso and then MAYBE we can be friends.
  4. Err.. I might suggest rewording to something that makes it sound a little bit less like a pyramid scheme shpeel. I get the whole I’m going to be so vague they’ll HAVE to message me thing, but right now it sounds like you copied a Norwex ad off of your Aunt Jan’s Facebook. Please ignore this comment If it actually is a pyramid scheme
  5. You can always have all of my stuff if I quit, Love. First dibs. *slaps your name on her inventory*
  6. I think we already talked about this in the yard sale post 😛
  7. Interesting about the blue ducks! I had no idea! Yes, definitely roll back or switch to a different viewer. Alchemy works pretty well, although it hasn't been updated in a bit.
  8. Make sure you have the right layer selected (upper or lower). Depending on the hairbase, it SHOULD tell you but more often than not, you’ll have to play around with it.
  9. Go to an “empty” sim (I go to Sakaw usually). Relog. Click “show all.” It could just be that you’re on a bad sim that is overloaded with high res textures and/or scripts. Also -make sure you have the most recent body! Swing by the Maitreya sim for redelivery if not. as for blue ducks... I’ve got nothing.
  10. The “problem” with SL is that time moves so much quicker here. Businesses don’t usually last years, stores close or move quicker, clubs move. Things become inapplicable after a time. As far as necro posting goes, usually anything past six months or so is what I personally consider necro posting. It isn’t that it’s BAD but for you to have recent information, you’d have to tab to the last page of a conversation and some newer forum members may not know to do that.
  11. Why have one when you can have two? Your desperation matches your eyes, as I always say... or I said this once, anyway.
  12. Unfortunately, I think this is just the nature of the beast, so to speak, with applier textures because you’re texturing an object on top of the (albeit invisible) avatar. I have this issue when taking photos of my clients, and what I do to speed it up is edit (highlighting) the head and then releasing it a couple of times. It seems to prioritize the texture loading.
  13. Well I put two of you on my feet this morning. 🤪
  14. I’ve legitimately been getting angry with these posts lately. At first it was amusement, followed by frustration, followed by annoyance, and now I just want to put dirty socks on all their noses. ... Srsly? I never would have guessed your name, friend! If you really wanted assistance, you’d give me your address. 😛 I have so many fruitcakes to deliver!
  15. It's been a while since I've visited one of my favorite creepy sims. ♥ Everwinter.
  16. It might help you get a few more responses if you put a budget
  17. You respond here with talents you have. what are you good at? What specific roles do you think you would do best in? Are you organized? Do you have good people skills?
  18. The google account is probably related to scheduling & google doc forms that clients must fill out, is my guess. Punch carefully!
  19. The memorial park was opened that day as a place to remember users who have passed on in RL. I haven’t been in a long while, but it used to be very soothing for those of us who have lost others.
  20. Mmmm. It’s hard to base off of inventory size. I will say, though, I do feel as though I shop significantly less than I have in past years. My inventory is ~92K BUT I know I have multiple duplicates of some poses, wedding venues, landscaping, at least a truckfull of notecards, and many things I have never opened. That being said, I have been wearing the same mesh head since Catya came out. The skin I still wear is probably a year old. I -do- have the Belleza and Slink bodies but I only wear and shop for Maitreya (I’ve actually been cleaning out non-Maitreya outfits lately and my goodness). I don’t have my calendar marked down for when events open. 😛 I buy new outfits when I feel I’ve overworn something, yet still manage to change at least twice a day. Because of my wedding photography, I do have nearly every non-flexi formal gown there is, though. All in all, I’m okay I suppose. 🙃
  21. I get told that I have a "sexy" voice or "cute" voice (which.. I really don't feel like should be used in the same sentence, but.. hey). But it is secondlife, so I think it's fair to argue that folks may just be browsing the pixel selection, so to speak. Luckily for everyone, my social skills are sometimes lacking so I usually respond with something like "oh, thanks! It's been mine all of my life!"
  22. Alchemy is another great option, although I don’t think they’ve upped to Animesh just yet. Granted, I don’t find myself i situations that deem it necessary but I’ll use Alchemy for photos on occasion and frame rates are great. OP, as others have said it depends on what you do with your SL and what your goals are. It would also be helpful to see the stats of your particular rig. If you are using Intel graphics, there is a current bug that may be causing your usual SL viewer to bug out.
  23. But where is any of the satisfaction of giving the bully a taste of his own medicine? I was taught to treat others as they treat me, so I really need to learn how to cage people, Lindal. When is THAT class?
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