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Everything posted by norajulian

  1. Truth’s “Lady” hair is nearly exactly like this, with options for bangs (or not) and curls (or not).
  2. Could it be this one currently at the Crystal Heart Event?
  3. So. If I get deployed for over a year, I should plan on shutting everything down or lose my funds that I might rack up... because it will get eaten? Nice. *makes a grouch face and stares at her screen* I’m also guessing that this means that the funds that our dearly departed SL users (or those who have stores on their allotted mainland parcels who have left yet still sell items) who have had made or continue to make will be absorbed by LL? Or will this not happen since they would technically be unable to accept terms and services of Tilia? I’m curious.
  4. Their system tracks usage. With how the system works, each user has to have a balanced amount of cooking, farming, pulling water, animals, etc. If the numbers don’t stay balanced, the users are given a warning, and then a ban if they fail to follow again. It’s an interesting system, and the customer support is superb.
  5. I imagine so, HOWEVER It depends on what farming system you use and what the rules are. DFS has a strict no-bot rule, for example. It’s not fair to have bots do what everyone else is actually putting in the work for.
  6. It depends on why I’m angry. Generally, though, the anger I feel is caused by grouchiness and I take a nap if possible. I would like to think that I can hold my tongue for the most part. I step away from the situation if possible. I hit an extra gym session and sweat it out, followed by a hot shower and snuggling into my sofa with a good book. Sometimes I don’t hold my tongue, if I’m built up to it, and then people cry. I feel bad about it afterwards.
  7. Half-Deer’s cozy string lights. If you don’t like those, I believe Tarte. also has whimsical lights similar to these.
  8. Context might be helpful in order to get the response you’re wanting! Vendor pictures are quite different from portraits, as are full body shots, group shots, or candid event shots. Most photographers have a specialty or preferred “genre” of photos that they might prefer.
  9. Might I suggest raising the land up and then lower yourself a little hole for said pool so that you don’t have this problem? I would be able to help, but it’ll cause some chaos with the landscaping/trees that you already have out. However, should that not sound fun, the shortcut to defender water is [Control] [Alt] [Shift] 7, I believe.
  10. This is understandable. Thank you! Perhaps I’m simply missing the breakdown explanation somewhere. I freely admit that I know very little about servers and regions and the like, but I’ll be doing a little research. Having been in SL for nearly 13 years now, I’m probably long overdue.
  11. Calm please. Being that my RL niche is economics, I fully grasp this concept. However, they are increasing things and lowering other things and I fail to see how it doesn’t even out. Granted, I suppose they had to cause some sort of an uproar to get more paid memberships, but one would hope they’d at least had enough of the new premiums in attempt to soothe the masses in some way. The logic isn’t working for me.
  12. I suppose I’m just failing to grasp why all these changes are happening. Why mess up something that was grumbly before but now all the dogs are out and there’s not milkshake to be had in any yards?
  13. - Nora is a workaholic, and therefore constantly receiving IMs when she is online and sometimes ya girl needs a break. -photography partners. I can be my own boyfriend. 😛 - I’m almost ashamed to admit that I get in some epic RP scenarios with myself, often times confusing the marbles out of passerby - Exploration without interruptions
  14. Do you have a preference on ethnicity? Deetalez, Letre, The Skinnery, and Insol are all skins that have textures that are more realistic if you’re only looking for new skins.
  15. I’ve always had a fancy to the Casperlet system, personally. It works pretty well, especially when you have multiple boxes on multiple regions, and shows you a “map” of the locations. You can set group invites, prices, prim counts, privacy, etc.
  16. This is one of those ethical type scenarios where there is no wrong or right answer. Some people are jerks. Others are not.
  17. I’m overdue for some flossing, anyway. I’m not really sure why anyone is acting surprised. They DID warn us. I hope everyone got their bread and milk from the grocers! Hopefully during this, SL will realize how bad of an idea EEP is. One can only hope.
  18. Hey, darlin! I do! ❤️ You can message me here or in-world if you’d like, although I won’t be able to log in for another few hours yet. My Flickr link is below in my signature, and can also be found on my profile.
  19. Fixed landing points are acceptable to me because I understand the reasoning. Teleport routing, however... *shakes fist in air*
  20. Modulus, Doux, Stealthic. Check out Male focused events for more ideas (although limited because being a man in SL is tough).
  21. https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/billing-r11/Section_.7.2#Section__3
  22. Ahhhhh. Convenient. 😉 I thought we were discussing retiring items? These are questions that must be asked! You opened up the floor to discussion, so I am asking questions. BUT if they retire items after so long, how would the name get out there? What if everyone that buys the gacha just rezzes it on their land and leaves it there? What if they sell it (mind you, the seller would make the big money, NOT the creator) and then the person who buys it leaves it in their inventory or leaves SL? How would that get the name out there? Again (again): How would you implement this?
  23. So you think it is a good idea to have mod copy items, but you also want things retired, so then those 50 people would be the only people to have the item? You didn’t answer the rest of my questions. 😛 How would you implement this? Why would creators be willing to STOP selling their items after three months - what is in it for them? SL changes so quickly with prim/mesh/Rigged/animesh/land impact.... it might NOT sell years down the line, regardless as to it’s rarity. SL is not like RL in that regard. I just cleared out nearly all my non mesh items from my inventory just last week because of the textures being outdated, land impact, etc. SL is very much about the here and now.
  24. A few things: How would you implement this? Secondlife is essentially user-run. The users came up with the gacha idea, not LL. Linden Lab does not have a rule about gacha, although they did create the gacha section on the marketplace after gacha didn’t die out after the first few years. I suppose I’m still confused over your idea of retirement. I often don’t stumble into some things created until years later and I will purchase them. Not all gachas are made for events - some are honestly just store releases. There are so many creative people pumping out items today and my RL takes priority so three months may not be enough time for me to hop around and find ALL the stores. I often stumble into stores I’ve never seen before, and I’ve been in SL for twelve years. New, creative people are joining the market every day. I’m confused by the bulletin board idea. Why post something up that is no longer being sold? Why would a creator make something that they can only sell for three months? And if by this, you wish to have the item sold as copy.. why would people buy the original gachas if they know that it would be posted in three months as copiable? Would they not wait until then? And even if the terminal is used... again.. why would a creator put work into something that they can’t sell in three months? Unfortunately, RL markets and SL markets are SLIGHTLY different. If these gachas were an oligopoly system or even a competitive monopoly, perhaps. But most stores in SL are in the pure competition market - ANYONE can join in with no barriers to entry. This is why prices remain the same (generally) across most gachas, with them at 50-100L a pull. Again - how would this be implemented?
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