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Everything posted by norajulian

  1. It’d also possible that you accidentally triggered movelock (depending on how tight the rubber band is). You can click it by selecting Avatar → Movement → Move Lock. It’ll tell you in local if it’s on or off. Obviously if it’s on after you trigger it, that wasn’t it and you’ll want to undo it by selecting the same options.
  2. Are you looking for auto adjust male vs female? Or just looking for a rezzer that will rezz out couples dance poses according to the height of the avatar who clicked on the ball to begin with? As as far as I know, the former doesn’t exist, but it’s easy enough in this day and age to adjust using hover height. As far as the later, i utilize the hybrid dance ball system and have added in my own couples (and singles) dances.
  3. Probably will be at the door in RL, passing out candy to children.
  4. I get far too many IMs to stay logged in at this point, and far too many IMers (clients) who don’t read my profile or autoresponses. I am afk on another screen working often, but I do have my headset on to hear the notifications. I recall a time I accidentally didn’t finalize the exit screen by verifying, ran off to get groceries, and came back to this entire furious typing adventure that somebody had with themselves in my IM box because I wasn’t responding. The dialogue was rather interesting, but had far more caps in it that I would have liked, especially considering that I did have the auto response up saying that I might be busy, so if I don’t respond, please be calm. This person had begun their messages by requesting a photo appointment, and ended it with a string of swear words about how I was “too good for the little people.” Needless to say, they weren’t calm. But I still got my organic apples, and they did get their photo after I explained my need to eat.
  5. Not really. Unfortunately that’s the risk of purchasing gachas from a reseller - there’s always the chance that somebody did something they shouldn’t have in order to hurt you. You can try flagging items in the store, but even still.. Better luck next time!
  6. We need the link to follow you! Haha.
  7. More stuff means more lag because more textures.. so.... I’d honestly just prefer to live in a cave sometimes. 😛
  8. Stockholm&Lima has some same-sex animations in some of their furniture - just make sure get you demo!
  9. I believe VCO still makes skins, although it’s been a while since I’ve been around that general area. I would suggest looking at Enfer Sombre or Mudskin.
  10. I am still active in Bloodlines (I know, I know) and hanging with my family there. That in itself comes with activities - events, exploring, game nights, etc. We go bowling, we play bingo, speedbump, greedy, all sorts of other things. The other day we went zombie hunting (I’m terrible). I also have friends that are in motorcycle clubs, so they’ll invite me to go out “riding” every once a and a while - it’s amazing how many sims there are with tracks that have been modified to climb all the way up to 4000m (thank goodness for safety bumpers). Aside from that - I landscape, do photography, and help put together Secondlife weddings for people. The sky is the limit on SL - you just have to leave your skybox and wander!
  11. If you’re specifically looking for an Asian skin, try Mudskin as well. Another job that has youngerish skins (although not Asian) is Okkbye.
  12. When all else fails, reset to test avatar and start over again.
  13. Try checking places like Alirium or HPMD. It really depends on what she wants in her willow trees, though.
  14. I am the alt of an alt, who has become the main.. of sorts. I’ve been in SL for close to 14 years and apparently I had commitment issues in my younger years. 1) Me. The business alt. The professional alt. The 24/7 workhorse who is capped with messages the moment she logs in. Always happily landscaping, taking photos, planning weddings, editing photos, building wedding venues, creating poses. 2) A toddleedoo child - inactive. Updated. Sometimes logged in for photoshoots, flowergirl usage if necessary. 3) An adult female. Updated. The fun one. Spending time dancing with friends, or just standing at info hubs chuckling at trolls. A dual-main, if you will, although this really just means that I’m on her secondary to most. I will say that a recent self-imposed break from Nora has me refamiliarize myself with her. 4) An adult male - inactive. Updated. Used mostly for photos, or if I go somewhere with slow dancing that requires a date, and then I’ll bring myself sometime. 5) An adult female. Mostly inactive, but updated and honestly my favorite avatar creation to date. She was made with a group of friends who were making their own. All alts were made with pun names, and we log into them when we need a break.
  15. But.. isn’t that just one of the default starter avatars? I’m confused. What are you hiring for?
  16. The thing about mesh heads is that honestly most made these days can be modified to some extent, and it’s really the skin that makes the difference. Yes, it’s highly likely that skin you’re using now did not come with a mesh head equivalent. That being said, Catwa and Akeruka both have Asian-inspired heads. I can’t really say much about the others because I haven’t been to those lately. It might be easier to find a demo skin FIRST- this way you can purchase the demo matching head and go from there once you find a look you are happy with. For skins, I would suggest looking at Reon Hausen, Mudskin, Sessions, itGirls, and Pumec.
  17. Hey, I’m not 9 feet tall and 75% leg anymore, I’ll have you know! 😛
  18. Wait, we can set picks to friends only? What is this?
  19. Heat index of 117F this weekend. I don’t know what that is in Celsius because I ‘forget’ how to google the difference, but you bet your left buttcheek that it’s hot.
  20. I couldn’t tell you the specific garden you went to, but the snapshot and description you provided reminds me of Elicio Ember’s store - Cerridwen’s Cauldron. The [CC] in world store is a treat in itself - lots of large, glowing plants that certainly do make noises when you touch them (or some of them do, anyway).
  21. I skimmed through it, but sadly I’ve never been much of an LOTR fan.
  22. This question just thrust me down memory lane. I originally located to SL from para-RP situations on sites like ProBoards, Livejournal, and Bboards. A bit down the road (years and an avatar) and I was missing “home” something terribly, so I stumbled into the forums here, hoping it was the same thing. It’s not, but by golly I’m here!
  23. There is an event out right now that might help show you some new stores! The Crystal Heart Event opened on June 30th.
  24. Please make sure you check the included style HUD (it’ll also help you lengthen the bangs and get rid of the accessory). A lot of hair creators are doing these style HUDs now that let you change such things.
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