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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. The next logical step you could take is to start buying full-permission mesh templates, texturing them and reselling them. Maitreya in particular is very reluctant to give their developer's kit to people who don't already have a strong background in making and selling mesh clothing and without it you'll have very little luck trying to make and sell original meshes.
  2. There are bones for wings and bones for hind legs. Both of them have multiple joints, but no finger bones like the main arms. The new bones can be repurposed for a wide variety of things - i.e. the added arms you want could logically use the wing bones. Making the arms themselves and animating them would be a custom project.
  3. Or at least, "Stop listing things on MP with a twelve-year old account that has had repeated inventory issues, runs a property business that requires extensive inventory use, has attracted the attention of generations of griefers and has managed to get itself banned from the JIRA when the owner of that account could just as easily create a new, pristine account for the sole purpose of going to crowded regions and performing dozens of inventory actions to get no-copy items, some of which are theoretically valuable, and selling those items; given that the items are transferrable and any that the owner wants to keep can be quickly transferred to the main account." Granted, that does take longer to type.
  4. With most online environments like RLC, the developers provide things like animations and objects. In Second Life animations are made by users and there's no automatic way for the system to distinguish a sex animation from any other type of animation.
  5. Blueberry and Neve are also good places for youngish separates.
  6. At this point in Second Life's history, don't be too adamant about getting a Bento AO. The technology is so new that there isn't a whole lot of choice and a number of the Bento AO's available are very much, "Look, I'm moving my hands, see? Look! They move! Isn't this kewl? Because they move." You might be better off using an older AO and just using something like Slink's hand idle animations to give your hands a bit of movement if you like.
  7. Firestorm tends to set their maximum number of fully rendered avatars fairly high. Under "Graphics" - "Preferences", try reducing the number shown at "Max. # of non-impostor avatars" to a lower number. You might also reduce the "Maximum complexity" number, depending on what it's set at. Also, did you follow the advice from a million old notecards that tells you to increase your "RenderVolumeLOD" to 4 in your debug settings? Do not do this if you're low on memory. It should be no higher than two for a low-spec computer; you might need to lower it even further.
  8. The way modern operation systems are written, no application should be able to make your computer shut down much less make a "snapping" noise. It sounds like there's a mechanical issue somewhere else in your Mac that may have been responsible for frying your original video card as well.
  9. With music there are two levels of copyright - one for the composition and one for the performance. Even if the tune itself is in the public domain any given recording you upload probably isn't. Also, just so you know - it's illegal to perform it in certain countries like Latvia, Lithuania and the Ukraine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Anthem_of_the_Soviet_Union
  10. Wouldn't this mean that most people are harmless until trained, therefore contradicting your statement it's wise to expect people to behave negatively?
  11. Or, say, "Windows." Which Microsoft won't allow you to use in the name of your product. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/legal/IntellectualProperty/Trademarks/Usage/General.aspx
  12. Poke him in the face for instant enlightenment.
  13. You forgot this part of the page you quoted: "IBM PC/AT uses 6 MHz 80286 CPU, 256 KB RAM, HD 1.2 MB floppy, 16-bit bus. $4,000. Compare with features and price of Mac 128K and 512K to the left "
  14. Maybe that could be because people in the sciences don't generally use the term "white people," so those who do use that term probably will be a bit weak in their science? Oh, wait...
  15. "Second Life Server" is the channel name of the main channel. The RC channels (i.e. Magnum, etc.) still say those names in the description.
  16. Now is it wrong of me to send a note card to a designer/vendor asking if it was possible to get an updated version of a purchased product? No. Is it being a nuisance to wait another month, without reply and send a second note? No, but the actual note makes you look like a tool. Am I being a troll by seeing the designer/vendor at an in world location and sending them an IM,which was not replied to? Possibly. Did I go to far by asking this person to please respond a few times then getting muted? Obviously yes. Did I abuse the review system by purchasing their demos and leaving a review warning people that this designer/vendor has poor costumer service and is non responsive to simple inquiries? Yes - that's not what the review system is for. Am I such a monster that my reviews where flagged and I can no longer leave reviews for any vendor I buy from? Since you managed to get yourself silenced, obviously you are. "Monster" is a bit melodramatic, but that's a symptom of why it happened in the first place. Can anyone answer these questions honestly? I just did - your reaction will be interesting. I'm baffled by this designer/vendors behavior. Instead of responding to a simple request, they turn it into a huge feud that doesn't hurt me at all, as I will only spend my money elsewhere. However for them they lose one customer and and maybe more when the story gets out to others, and they see how unreasonable the designer/vendor is being. Takes two to maintain a feud. Outside observers don't say that the Hatfields are the good guys and the McCoys are the bad guys, or vice versa; they've managed to make themselves equal.
  17. Sounds like you're trying to log into the main SL14B regions that aren't open yet. This thread is about a shopping event that isn't on those regions.
  18. In an event like this, though, who would make the decisions on what stores to "take a chance" on?
  19. You might want to look at full-permission templates, particularly the ones from Meli Imako on the Marketplace. There are a wide variety of special-purpose outfits available and they're cheap and customizable. A word of warning - very few things are made for TMP bodies these days.
  20. "Catwa" is a brand of popular add-on mesh head; there are a number of add-on heads and bodies on the market. Accessories like hairbases made for them won't work with the default avatar. "Omega" is the name of a system of accessories that will work for a number of these bodies but they still won't work for the default avatar. It's similar to buying apps for a smartphone - you need to see if they're made for the iPhone or an Android phone, and neither will work on my cheap prepaid phone I got at Wal-Mart. This is a good introduction to mesh body parts: http://meshbodyaddicts.com/mesh-body-tutorials/faqaboutmeshbodiesandheads/
  21. Have you ever wondered why some media critics make "best of the year" lists that feature things that the general public didn't go to see, and often ignore the really popular things? It's because they read/watch/listen to so much in those fields that the popular type of thing is boring for them because they experience it so much, and they're attracted to things that aren't what they usually see. Now here's an interesting thing... If you go back a few years later and look at those lists, a lot of the time the "undiscovered gems" are forgotten and the popular things that they ignored magically are considered to be more significant than they were at the time even by those critics. Because: "new" and "good" are independent variables. Just because something's unique doesn't mean it has any inherent, lasting value; just because something's popular doesn't automatically mean it's trite. I found the mix of things at the shopping event to be pretty good, especially because some of the merchants were somewhat of a niche market. The fact that they'd be well known and possibly boring in that part of the market isn't a problem for someone who isn't normally exposed to that niche. If you pick things to largely to excite the jaded you may end up alienating more casual people.
  22. Some makers of lingerie will link the pieces together in the demo, but the actual purchased product has the pieces separate. Often they'll explain this in a notecard. I've bought a few lingerie sets like this.
  23. The 60 million figure is the amount of cash taken out by users, not Linden Lab profits.
  24. That appears to be a card from 2004 and given the way Nvidia numbers their cards it would have been fairly entry level back then even. The graphics built into your CPU are probably more capable than that card would be.
  25. Your turning it off probably explains why you think it does things it doesn't do -- like, say, giving you a message when you change system clothes (it doesn't), giving you multiple pop-ups when you change clothes quickly (it just updates the same line of text), or making you click an "OK" button (no such animal in the dialog.)
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