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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Or you could just go off the shelf: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Bat-Box-Bat-Pony-Mod-Kit/6167687 There's quite a lot of pony products on the market already, and most of them are modifiable to be customized even further.
  2. Appliers for clothing "onion" layers won't change at all, assuming the mesh makers still use them which I feel would be the logical course for a number of reasons. For situations where you do want the gown texture to be directly on the body all you have to do is make an old-fashioned clothing item using your textures; then it will work for all bodies that use the default UV map (i.e. almost certainly all the bodies you support.)
  3. Lollygagger Lane (entrance off of road through Menophra, most of the build is in in Agriopis) The Unknown Theme Park (Moneta/Rivula) Virtual Soho/Chelsea Hotel (Bembecia/Lanestris)
  4. Omega can't combine multiple textures into a single one. This means that there needs to be a separate mesh layer for every texture, and it quickly becomes a hot mess if more than one layer is alpha-blended. There's also currently no way for a mesh body to have an alpha mask applied to the skin texture so the body needs to be divided up into many separate patches that need to be turned on and off. The Omega people are pretty sharp cookies and will probably find other niches to fill - there are a variety of other items that their knowledge of secure channels would be useful for.
  5. So, what you're saying is that focusing a camera is pointless, because the photographer has no way of knowing what part of the photo the viewer will be looking at?
  6. Unless, of course, you alt-click on something, which sets the focus point.
  7. With feet it can't be the alpha layer because the SL standard mapping has the foot in a completely different location than the lower leg and all foot alphas work basically the same. Bear in mind that the Slink foot has a separate layer for stockings. If the foot is exactly the same size as the bottom of the leg without the stocking on that would mean that the stocking layer would need to be larger than the foot. It looks like the foot is very slightly smaller than the leg, and the gap you see is only visible very close when looking up, which isn't a natural way of looking at a foot. What elevation are you at? At higher elevations there are rounding errors that occur in calculations and sizes can change slightly.
  8. There's an older poseball system that "remembers" who last used a poseball so it doesn't have to ask your permission, but there are situations where it still thinks you granted permission for it to animate you when the permission has actually been revoked ("Stop Animating Me" can do this) and not only doesn't ask you for permission, it doesn't bother to check if you even need to be asked. You might be able to make it ask you for permissions by jumping on the poseball you normally don't use and then back on your usual one; other than that, you'll need to reset the scripts.
  9. Many security systems allow you to scan a designated volume (i.e. a cube-like shape from one x,y,z coordinate to another one.) You could set up secure volumes for each apartment. You'll have to be careful that the volumes don't bleed into someone else's space though.
  10. The thing is, it was two stories about the same thing, and it wasn't really today. The interesting thing about electronic news is that it doesn't really have dates. For instance, I just pulled this up today: https://www.theguardian.com/news/1912/apr/16/leadersandreply.mainsection
  11. I'm going to be moving soon in real life. Odds are I will have apartments in two different states for a portion of July. My current apartment complex doesn't prorate. Guess who is almost certainly going to be "paying DOUBLE for the whole month?" MEEEE!!!
  12. Izzie's has body freckle tattoo layers that are good. Pink Fuel has freckled skin appliers for most major bodies.
  13. Like the last of the good ol' puffer trains, I'm the last of the blood and sweat brigade, And I don't know where I'm going, or why I came. I'm the last of the good old fashioned steam-powered trains. I'm the last of the good old renegades. All my friends are all middle class and grey, [note: possibly written right after the introduction of server-side baking.] But I live in a museum, so I'm okay. I'm the last of the good old fashioned steam-powered trains. Like the last of the good ol' choo-choo trains, Huff and puff 'till I blow this world away, And I'm gonna keep on rollin' till my dying day. I'm the last of the good old fashioned steam-powered trains. Like the last of the good ol' puffer trains, I'm the last of the soot and scum brigade, And all this peaceful living is drivin' me insane. I'm the last of the good old fashioned steam-powered trains. I'm the last of the good old fashioned steam-powered trains. (Ray Davies, Noma Music, Inc./Hi-Count Music, Inc. BMI)
  14. Well, that's a start. It'll work well enough for the specular map, although I would have suggested setting the defaults to be transparent for tattoos and matte solid for clothing because of how they're used. Now... normal maps?
  15. Then come up with a flow process for materials baking. You don't have to write the code, just the process. Are you going to add materials channels to all the existing wearables? Of course, the vast majority of them will be legacy items and have nothing in these channels when the person wears them. What's going to happen? If there's no specular, will it be ignored, or will it be flat and use the diffuse texture as a mask? If it's ignored the skin specular will shine through clothing, and if it's masked tattoos will look flat against shiny skin. Will you have a toggle that the user will have to set? What if the wearable is no-modify? Now normal maps - again, most things won't have anything here. Will you give clothing with no normal map an arbitrary thickness so that it will actually look like clothing? What happens when they're layered? What happens when an item that already has a normal map is layered on top of something else? What happens when something thin and smooth is layered over something bumpy? With real clothing some fabrics will telegraph the bumps and some won't. What will the layers do? Or are you going to get around this by creating new wearables? Does this mean people then can't wear their old items with the new ones? How will you stop them? It's quite a bit of work. And then you have to hope that the people you've put all this work in for have advanced lighting on, are near an appropriate light source and don't think it looks hopelessly cheesy, because much of it simply won't look like clothing whatever you do.
  16. The mesh makers won't have to do anything, just like they didn't have to rig their hands to Bento. Does someone want to tell him? Okay, I will... Mesh bodies already use 1024 textures.That's why they're increasing the limit of the baking engine - to give an equivalent resolution to what's being used now. Baking will allow what now is multiple 1024's to be combined into a single texture. I did a little experiment. I set up a controlled test using a few mesh bodies. I compared a demo for Chip Midnight's CMFF body, which was designed to use alpha layers, to a couple of typical mesh bodies with toggled alpha cuts. The CMFF body is a single prim (not land impact, but a single mesh entity.) The Slink Physique is made up of 67 separate meshes, Tonic Curvy is 71 and the Maitreya Lara demo is 118. (Those three are without hands and feet, by the way.) The CMFF body isn't an extremely low-poly body - in fact its draw weight and the number of actual polygons drawn per frame is higher than for the more typical bodies. However, framerate with only it in view is still a good 10% higher than for the others.
  17. It could be used for them if people make skins using those UV maps. The baking system just makes a texture - it doesn't care about the UV map.
  18. I can think of two ways - there may be more, I'm not really an expert in this. One way would to have "placeholder" textures on the object that the viewer would automatically replace with its owner's appropriate latest bake. This would be the most similar thing to how system bodies work now but would require everyone's viewer to be updated, and would have little use for non-avatar applications. The other way would be to have an applier-like object that would manually send the baked texture to pre-configured faces when clicked. The texture would then be treated like any other texture and be part of that object until deliberately updated. This would have the most compatibility with old viewers and be most useful for non-avatar applications but raises permissions issues. If this could be done the texture probably will have to be no-modify and no-transfer automatically - I don't know if there's any way for a baked texture to inherit permissions from its component parts.
  19. Okay... Let's start over. All this project is intended to do is to take the three composite textures that the baking service creates when you bake your system avatar layers and to make them available to mesh avatars. To do this, the plan is to allow the default avatar to be blanked out using a system other than full body worn system alphas, and to increase the bake result to 1024 x 1024 to match the standard used by mesh bodies. The components of these baked files will remain the standard system skin, tattoo and selective alpha wearables and possibly clothing wearables, although trying to use this for worn clothing will cause issues that have already been beaten like a pinata throughout this thread. They will be ordered in the viewer exactly the way system avatars are dressed now. These composite textures are already assigned UUID's and information is included that currently tells the viewer to apply them to the system mesh. The system will be changed so that the viewer will be able to apply them to a mesh object instead of the avatar mesh. These textures could be routed to the appropriate faces of the mesh the same way applier systems do now. Doing this will allow skin appliers, tattoo "onion" layers and alpha cuts to be retired. It will not be a good replacement for "onion" clothing layers. Any clothing layers for the mesh avatar could be textured by appliers, exactly how they're done currently. There is no plan to create any type of clothing-only bake that I know of.
  20. Okay, I found it. Thing is, you were the one who declared that the point of this feature was to remove all layers. And it's a straw-man argument. If you don't need a complicated alpha-cut system the clothing layer can even be completely separate object - that's how Chip Midnight made his mesh avatar in the early days of fitted mesh.
  21. They could be the alts of accounts with payment info on file, in which case they can recieve gifts from those avatars, or the could make all their Lindens through tips and other in-world activity.l
  22. That was your very first post in this thread. You said nothing about onion layers and lag. I said that many people are phasing out their use of layered clothing because of what I've seen in the market. (In fact, the Belezza Light bodies don't have layers other than the tattoo layer.) I never said that they won't be an option for use by the remaining people who have a use for them though.
  23. The baking service creates a texture. Freckles and tattoos are never seen in the world as independent things. The texture that is created would be applied to a mesh just the same way as any other texture is applied to it. This is also why your idea of unlocking and tiling textures going into the bake won't be a significant improvement in performance - those tiled textures would never be seen by anyone else in-world, only the completed bake.
  24. Show me where I ever said that clothing layers wouldn't be used. I said at least twice that they still are useful. They'll be a lot less of an issue when they're two faces rather than being dozens of faces. And when layers for clothing are still used all your complaints about materials not being bakeable are invalid. I did mention that baking on clothing would be a possibility, but that would strictly be for low-impact layering purposes. In Second Life, materials are a completely separate thing. With most animals, the texture of their fur or scales is independent of their coloration. For instance, a horse's hair will generally have the same texture whether or not it has a blaze or pinto spots. Right now the Waterhorse rideable horse needs a separate layer for spots and blazes. With the ability to use baked diffuse textures that would be unnecessary, while the separate hair specular and normal layers don't even need to know that they are there.
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