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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. By that logic I pay a portion of your salary because at some point I paid someone currency that, through some Byzantine exchange of funds across borders, ended up in your pocket. So... FIRED!
  2. The average person goes to buy Lindens - what do they do? 1) Send Linden Lab a certain amount of legal currency. 2) Linden Lab gives them the use of a certain amount of tokens. This is described as an amount based on an exchange rate, minus a fee. 3) Linden Lab, as they're playing the game that they're some sort of actual currency market, then gives another person a non-negotiable credit described as an amount of US currency in exchange for deleting a certain number of that person's tokens. 4) Linden Lab and only Linden Lab will then either: 4a): Accept this credit as the equivalent of US currency for certain fees it would otherwise charge legal currency for. or 4b): Pay that person an amount of US currency in exchange for reducing the amount of this credit. The world outside of Second Life cares only about point 1 and point 4b. Point 1 is the only real income Linden Lab has in this process; point 4b is an expense. Point 4a is a reduction in potential income from other sources (i.e. tier payments) for Linden Lab that they'd use to meet operating expenses.
  3. Here's the problem that this statement suggests you don't understand -- Linden Lab only makes money when people pay for Lindens or pay tier with cash. A highly successful landlord or merchant is actually a net money loss, because Lindens are convertible and they take out more money than they put in. They're only supportable because their presence inspires people to buy Lindens with cash, but this isn't guaranteed income.
  4. Another option to look at that doesn't seem to be mentioned yet for female teens would be the Tonic Fine Beauty body. It's specifically designed for smaller than usual breast sizes and is getting a certain amount of template support already.
  5. By that reasoning, who in their right mind would spend money for an imaginary sofa in the first place?
  6. That depends on what number you're looking at. If you're looking at "Agent Updates/Sec" in the "Statistics" window that's the total of the avatars on that region and the ones on the neighboring regions close enough that the region you're on gets updates on. The actual number of avatars on the region you're on is listed as "Main Agents" - ones on other regions are "Child Agents."
  7. There really aren't any good options that I know of. There's Jonathan, who's morbidly obese, and then standard mesh bodies which generally expect the wearer to want to look buff, meaning that an attempt to look plump will make you look like a challah bread from the molded-in six-pack, even if you ignore the drawn-on musclebuilder look of almost all male skins. If you're just looking for a rather realistically soft looking male you might try using a Maitreya female body with the V-tech "boi" chest mod and a "male" standard shape. That will allow him to use Maitreya women's jeans that are unisex-looking and V-tech shirts, etc. I literally just thought of it and am experimenting with it as we speak - it's cool. Everything still rigs properly with the male shape. That will make him a true SL gender warrior, though, and his options won't be too great. Maybe he could start a trend though... ETA - the neck will be a problem with high body fat. You can look at the same combination with a female body shape too. There's a limit to how male you can look with that, but I've certainly met guys that look that way.
  8. Let's look at the Hair Fair then. The total number of avatars in the region will increase as the limit has increased. You haven't shown any reason to believe a Premium member at or going to one of these events behaves any differently than a non-Premium member at or going to one of these events. Therefore, we have to assume that the average time spent, amount spent, etc. per visitor will stay the same. With the amount of avatars increasing, the amount of money raised will increase. The argument you and Lex are making is that avatar churn will leave these regions constantly full for non-Premium members. However, the churn will still occur, meaning that sales and donations will still occur, and the higher limit will mean the total amount sold/donated will be higher. The churn will be Premium members only but there will be nothing to say that they will spend any differently than non-Premium members. Then you argue that demand will drop precipitously because non-Premium members decide they never can get in. However, if demand will drop then the regions will no longer constantly be full and the non-Premium members can get in and the "problem" vanishes. This is ignoring the possibility that the average Premium member who is already investing RL money in Second Life may spend more than the average non-Premium member, some of whom may only be at the Hair Fair to harvest freebies.
  9. So, premium members don't buy anything, but shopping events will be constantly full because there will be eeeebil squatting premium members in them all the time? That certainly is an uncommon sort of sense, at that... By the way, I've always been able to pick up anything I've wanted at the Hair Fair because you can reach the vendors from the surrounding cam-shopping regions. Maybe that's why the organizers decide to hold it on the Mainland...
  10. Because a region running near its maximum avatar load performs smoothly, with objects and avatars appearing almost instantly. Walking is lag free, scripts run efficiently without pauses and timeouts, and the shoppers enjoy witty banter and share useful tips with all the people around them. Oh, wait...
  11. My point was directed at someone who was complaining about things being empty because they were reserved at all. Handicapped spaces aren't sold, but parking spaces are reserved for customers and employees of businesses all the time.
  12. Ah yes,the old Yogi Berra quote: "Nobody goes there anymore; it's too crowded." Most of the really popular events are already running mirror or cam regions, and you've said yourself that there's no problem accessing events if you take in the entire length of the run. If someone's so needy that their self-worth depends on getting into an event right when it opens they might as well pay for it.
  13. When the group is formed, it's like a corporation in RL - it can own land directly as long as enough tier is "donated" to it. The owner of the group (usually the person who forms it and any others they give that title to) can act for the group when it comes to buying land. You can just find a single 1024 square meter parcel for sale and right click it.Then, instead of clicking "Buy Land" (which would put it in your name), pick "Buy for Group."
  14. The easiest thing to do is to form a "group" with your partner and both donate your 512 square meters of land allowance to that group. That will allow your group to hold up to 1126 square meters (2 x 512 plus a 10% bonus.) When you go to buy land, make sure your group is active and select "Buy for group."
  15. Name an event in Second Life that operated at its capacity for the entire length of its run.
  16. You forgot, "This parking lot is full except for these spaces reserved for handicapped people." Aren't you going to complain about that?
  17. You took that picture with a Samsung Galaxy S5 issued by Verizon. I know that because I looked at the image of the back of the phone in the picture.
  18. I was able to find out what phone you use and what network you're on from your selfie using information from public search engines. There are plenty of ways to get someone's IP address while in Second Life as well. Where were you at for this "demonstration", and did you know the others he was "demonstrating" on? It may have been a case that he was able to get your name and was indulging in what magicians refer to as "pseudo-psychometry" and the others may have been flunkies. "Oh wow, he told me my NAME! AhhhhhMAYzing!" By definition, someone who has the ability to find a real exploit and uses it as a party trick instead of notifying the authorities is not a nice guy.
  19. Philosophical question: If someone shouts in a forest but they only do it by writing "YAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!", do they make a sound? By the definition of "sound" used by most people, including the "Sound" tab in the "About Land" panel, they do not. If you go to the "Options" panel of "About Land" and turn off "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel." that should silence the silent shouting though. (Two of my alts aunts just had an argument to test that, by the way.)
  20. HUD's don't add to the render weight reported in the viewer, which is mostly meant to represent how much work it is for other people to render your avatar. However, all the textures in your worn HUD's do get loaded into your video memory at full resolution and aren't removed as long as you're wearing them. This can be a culprit if you have "texture thrashing" problems, because mesh body HUD's often contain textures for complete skins, etc. That was a major problem with the old Wowmeh and Toddleedoo bodies.
  21. Nvidia Quadro cards are designed for professional graphics applications like raytracing. They're powerful but slow because they don't need to be fast to do what they're designed for. Second Life is meant for a typical "game" oriented graphics card that can put out images fast but not at a professional rendering quality. It's like the difference between a semi-tractor and a racing car - they're both very powerful in their own way but one won't be successful in the job the other was designed for.
  22. Yes, sort of - a region that touches another one only at a corner is invisible unless there's another region connecting them with shared sides - i.e. if there's another region in front of you and then a region to the side of that one, you can see into both of those regions despite the fact that one of them doesn't share a side with the region you're in. I think the "corner-only invisibility" is a specific setting that Second LIfe uses to allow private regions to be packed closer together.
  23. If you're truly hardcore you can go to Folkvang, a viking simulation, and hunt wild boars with a bow and arrow. Go down the "Experience Folkvang" tunnel from the landing point and find the hunt on the map: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lexicolo/207/40/2999
  24. So, a creator could produce a composite texture using textures they have enough permissions to that they could get the UUID? Congratulations - you've just invented Photoshop. Now tell us how someone who owned Medhue's elephant could wear Hindu ceremonial paint from another creator without needing either a separate layer or the original textures.
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