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Quartz Mole

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Everything posted by Quartz Mole

  1. I think the discussion is going off the rails rather, and that any further discussion of mesh bodies should take place in a more appropriate place.
  2. I think the topic has been adequately covered in the responses received so far, so there's no point in keeping the thread open.
  3. I've just removed a load of posts in an attempt get this thread back on topic. While obviously it's difficult to discuss the OP's original post without bringing in wider issues, please let's try to concentrate on the specific question, and not go off into wider issues about Prager U and Hawaiian pizza. Otherwise I'll have to lock the thread.
  4. I think this discussion is drifting away from pet peeves and, while the discussion is very interesting and important, it's not really on topic for this thread, I fear. Since this is a very popular thread that survives only because it was started before the new rules came into force, I'm very anxious that we keep it on topic.
  5. I've locked the thread since the topic is already being discussed in the General Discussion forum
  6. I've just removed several posts about fatphobia. Please let's try to stick to the topic of the thread, what people find attractive in SL female avatars, without getting side-tracked into debates about first life health and politics.
  7. I think the topic has been adequately explored by now and, since peace on earth and goodwill to all don't seem to be doing too well in this thread, I'm closing it.
  8. Friendly reminder of the Forum Participation Guidelines
  9. Friendly reminder that the Forum guidelines say https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Forum_Participation_Guidelines if you feel you really must tell another poster what you think of them, please do it in IMs, not in the thread.
  10. Thanks. We're aware of the issue, though we thought it had been fixed by a previous update (though that would work only in houses rezzed since we introduced the update, of course). Dyna and I have discussed it again, after seeing this, and we think we may have a way of fixing the issue by taking a new approach, but that's going to need further research before it can be implemented.
  11. Please do not post names of residents or businesses here if you are making allegations of fraud or other misconduct. It's against the Forum Guidelines and, at the very least, the names will be removed.
  12. Fascinating topic though the history and development of the English language doubtless is, it is also off-topic for this thread.
  13. Yes. See https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:New_Linden_Homes_2019#Abandoning_or_changing_your_Linden_Home
  14. Friendly reminder of the Forum Participation Guidelines
  15. I've found your house on Swithin's Bridge and fixed the issue, I think.
  16. I've just checked, and our remote server is delivering content packs. Things to check - Please check your block list (Communicate>Block List in the Official Viewer, Comm>Block List in Firestorm) and make sure you don't have Milli Mole blocked/muted (it's not a good idea to block any Moles and Lindens, and certainly not Milli). If you have, unblock her and try again. If you're sure you don't have Milli Mole blocked, touch the house controller and hold down the mouse key for at least 2 seconds before releasing it. This resets the main script. Give it a couple of seconds to restart and re-read all its parameters, including the current ip addresses of the remote servers, and try again. Do check your block list first, though, because it's very easy to block people by accident when you think you're simply dismissing a menu, and that's almost always the cause of this kind of problem (I've certainly done it a few times).
  17. If you want to convert hexadecimal colour codes to LSL, there's a simple userfunction in the wiki: vector hex2lsl(string hex) { integer i = (integer)("0x" + hex); return <(i >> 16) & 0xFF, (i >> 8) & 0xFF, (i & 0xFF)> / 255; } https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Color You could use it in something like this: integer iChannel; integer iHandle; key kToucher; vector vColor; vector hex2lsl(string hex) { string s = llGetSubString(hex,0,0); if("#"==s){ hex = llDeleteSubString(hex, 0, 0); } integer i = (integer)("0x" + hex); return <(i >> 16) & 0xFF, (i >> 8) & 0xFF, (i & 0xFF)> / 255; } default { state_entry() { llSetTexture(TEXTURE_BLANK, ALL_SIDES); } touch_end(integer num_detected) { kToucher = llDetectedKey(0); iChannel = llGetUnixTime()*-1; llListenRemove(iHandle); iHandle = llListen(iChannel,"",kToucher,""); llTextBox(kToucher, "Please enter the hex code for the desired color, and hit \"Submit\"",iChannel); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { llListenRemove(iHandle); message = llStringTrim(message, STRING_TRIM);//trim leading and trailing spaces and other non-printing characters vColor = hex2lsl(message); llSetColor(vColor, ALL_SIDES); llRegionSayTo(kToucher,0, "The LSL equivalent of "+message+" is "+(string)vColor); } } NB LSL expects hex codes to start with "0x" rather than "#", so this script converts the # sign. If your hex code starts with anything other than "#" you will need to tweak this code.
  18. I've just removed a lot of posts about EEP and Windlight and turned them into their own separate thread. If you want to discuss these topics, please discuss them there, and reserve this thread for discussing NUX bodies. Thanks
  19. The main changes to the housecontrollers as far as users are concerned are that everyone should now find an additional button on the menu that will deliver a security orb directly to them (previously you have to find it it in the Content Creation Pack) and, in the case of the Traditional Houses, home owners will find some additional menu choices for open-plan houses. We've also taken the opportunity to revise the communications and rezzing systems, which should fix some bugs with houses in particular themes not de-rezzing when they're supposed to and should also make the rezzers more reliable and less prone to stall. But, as you suggest, the main difference is that, going forward, our region designers will be able to mix houses from different themes (other than Fantasy) together on the same region as they want.
  20. Yes, someone did report the picture with the contentious double-entendre, and it's still there, so please let's drop the topic and return to beautiful images.
  21. I have checked, and posting the bots' name is contrary to LL's forum guidelines. Please don't post the name again, or the thread is likely to be locked.
  22. I don't care about bots' rights. I have my instructions to remove their names from threads, and since I have better things to do with my time than keep on editing them out, if I keep on having to do it, I'll solve the problem by locking the thread.
  23. Please stop referring to these accounts by their full names.
  24. The misfortunes of Meta/Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg, fascinating though they are, are not, I think, on topic for this thread or these forums.
  25. Good syllogism: All work on housecontrollers takes place on SSP83X. Work is being done on housecontrollers. Therefore work is being done on SSP83X Bad syllogism Work is taking place on SSP83X. All work on housecontrollers takes place on SSP83X. Therefore work is being done on the housecontrollers. Actually, any green dots on SSP83X on Sunday or Monday were probably me and one of my alts kicking Halloween Candy Buckets to try to make them work.
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