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Suzanna Soyinka

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    Vampire Dentist...among other things...

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  1. Heres to hoping that this is simply the beginning of a large set of forward steps. A little bird told me there is quite a gang forming up on certain systems and that Phillip wasn't just blowing hot air in his interviews.
  2. Just to tap back on this thread I've created the latest dev branch beta viewer code is showing some IMMENSE promise. It has quite obviously properly implemented object/object occlusion and texture render scaling by distance. The overall differential in performance is extremely massive, I've had reports of individuals on lower end hardware using GTX990's going from 7 to 50FPS so this is some very interesting headway.
  3. I'm kinda like this person. While I don't feel the Apple market share is a worthwhile reason to not further develop SL's capabilities for the PC userbase that is here, I don't see the point of being on any particular "team" when it comes to hardware or anything else. Nothing about doing further development of SL's capabilities would somehow suddenly make MAC platforms any less capable than they are right now. And further development for architectures that support both PC and MAC would be something I'd like to see, because I want this platform to engage ALL user bases, whether its PC or MAC or Android or whatever. The more people we have coming in the door is the more people that in that percentage start creating and adding ideas to this big wild world of ours and its more support for the rest of us that do it already too. I want SL to be better for all users, not just one specific hardware type. And there are many successful systems out there that are utilizing both MAC and PC very effectively cross platform in the modern age. I mean wheres my love for Linux? Why do we keep having to compile our own clients? But you don't see me slagging people over it :D.
  4. Daily snapshot updates, regional atlassing. We could do a lot with that and imposters and a lod system that actually works.
  5. Clothing and object attachments I can agree on but the large problem there is the large amount of content being sourced out of other markets not being optimized for SL use before being distributed. I mean on that yes I can say "bad content" can be an issue. And every simulator with more than 1 person in it is then now largely being taxed by effectively an exponential amount of "simulators" worth of poly/triangle count that are attached to users, but even then....should modern PC's really be having that much of a problem with that? The entire point of SL is that its a shared UGC environment, if the users are the biggest problem in the UGC environment then the environment hasn't been made correctly.
  6. As someone with a lot of experience in this area as world building is primarily what I do I just want to point out that "bad content" isn't the same as the simulator simply being unable to render said content to the bulk of users in simulator efficiently. Take the build I am specifically referring to. If its just me there, it still takes a lot of time to load, because it is a texture heavy/mesh heavy environment. You add in 60 users, which is the average and that takes even longer because then you have to fetch/get all the assets for them too. Theres no texture atlas, theres no GPU threading, theres nothing being done that makes any of that more efficient and the go to message of "well its just bad content" is irritating because half the mesh I've got I did myself and I know its not bad content its literally as low poly and efficient as I can make it to maximize detail to LI while keeping polyfaces low and as stated my texture base would be laughed at by any mainstream industry designer simply because the overall sizes of it are hilariously small. Every single image you upload to the server regardless of size is then recompressed to jpeg2000 at < 1024 resolution. I get very annoyed that users have been sold the "bad content" argument as a blanket excuse for SL's poor performance. In most cases SL performs poorly because SL performs poorly, not because I'm uploading 380,000 poly meshes, or attempting to somehow compress 8k textures into jpeg2000.
  7. To be fair Tilia is already taking a very large percentage of my cash as it is. Lets not add in any more middlemen, between Tilia and Paypal I might as well be paying taxes directly.
  8. Actually back in the day I used to hope that this next upgrade would be the bunny that fixes the basket. I've learned over the years that's never going to happen. But I still upgrade nonetheless. There are some things that do help SL immensely, but its CPU and RAM mostly, the GPU is rarely engaged above 30%.
  9. Just as a point, no one is saying OpenGL is the most optimal rendering architecture, but its what we have, and it has far more capabilities than SecondLife has even bothered to try to tap. Which is my point. The argument about whether Apple or Intel market approaches are better/superior is immaterial. What we have is whats here and even that isn't being used to it's potentials.
  10. And just used in 2020 for Doom Eternal so....also the MAC market share for personal computing is not that high as compared to their mobile share. OpenGL 4.6 is a pretty capable rendering tech for as old as it is. It just requires people working on that side of the system and no one has for a very long time.
  11. Hey not sure if you will get a response or not but you can go to the Geforce Control Panel and set specific options and overrides for your viewer of voice as shown in this shot.
  12. Yeah its kinda weird how people communicate on issues we all experience. That aside the whole viewer overhaul process I couldn't possibly do that myself. But I know for a fact that the Lab and Tilia make a ton of money just on me making money, so I'm pretty sure they can afford to find people who can do it. Which is kinda my point.
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