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Quartz Mole

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Everything posted by Quartz Mole

  1. Better than being im-molated, I guess (looks nervously in @Madelaine McMastersdirection).
  2. Can we please stick to the topic, which is Elon Musk buying Twitter,and try not to go off-topic into discussions of media ownership in general? There are many sidetracks down which this thread might be diverted that will almost inevitably lead to it turning into a complete mess that we have to lock, and I'm trying to prevent that happening if I can.
  3. Please let's not go off-topic into trans issues, or any other hot-button culture wars issues, come to that.
  4. I had a dream a couple of nights ago that involved scripting edible Linden Homes (or possibly writing a script that would make them ediblle -- I forget).
  5. Just to reinforce Dyna's message, interpersonal disputes should not be conducted in these forums. Take it to IMs or something.
  6. I thought this thread was going to be about how to keep you out of my house
  7. Please don't let this thread stray into culture wars, no matter how tempting it might be, and please, too, conduct any interpersonal disputes somewhere else.
  8. The problem is easily fixed -- just go to About Land-Media and remove the parcel media URL and the parcel media texture. Then, if you want to use parcel media in future, just don't use the default plain texture (any texture you don't otherwise use will do, or you could make your own, in Photoshop or GIMP, with some text on it). There's no way I can think of to clear the media settings automatically when a parcel changes hands, since only the parcel owner can change them by script (Governor Linden when the parcel is abandoned) but if you take over a new parcel you can clear the settings by rezzing a prim there and dropping in this script, which should restore them to their defaults and then delete the prim. Or you can use About Land-Media and clear them manually. default{ state_entry(){ llParcelMediaCommandList([PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_TEXTURE,"",PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_URL,"",PARCEL_MEDIA_COMMAND_TYPE,""]); llDie(); } }
  9. I don't know what has caused it but I can assure you that I've checked both the UUID the script uses and the UUID of the windows of the stilt houses in the current rezzer, and I can confidently tell you that it's not that of the default plain texture, ETA: Neverthess, I've used the repro Nika sent me and, to my surprise, that's what's happening, despite the fact the two textures have different uuids and were created by different people at different times.
  10. We didn't and it wasn't I've just checked the UUID of the Stilts' plain window texture and it's not the default blank texture.
  11. It sounds like a cache issue to me. That is, rather than downloading textures every time it needs to display them, your viewer stores them locally after the first time it downloads them, and then loads them from your local cache. Over time, items in the cache can become corrupted, so when your computer receives an instructruction from the simulator to display a particular texture on a particular face of the window, what you see isn't quite what's expected. You say you've re-rezzed the house, so we know it's not an issue with the particular building. I'd try cleaning your cache as the next step and see if that helps. You might try logging in with the official viewer, too, just to confirm that it's a viewer issue and not anything else.
  12. I have no idea what caused that issue but re-rezzing the house is my first recommendation for fixing any issue (having first taken note of any custom colours you've used to redecorate the walls, since the new house won't remember those). When you do rez the house, please stand outside the parcel when you do it, and allow at least 30 seconds before you interact with the house (there's a bug we don't understand that can be triggered if you interact with it, or are inside its physics shape, before the first 30 seconds are up).
  13. If your rezzer keeps on rezzing and deleting the object, then we probably would return it, since that places a considerable strain on the simulator and can adversly affect region peformance. If it simply rezzes a temporary object on demand, though, then we probably wouldn't object. You do realise, I hope, that if any part of the balloon is mesh, then it's going to count against the parcel LI even if you've set it to temp on rez. If you'd like, I'll be happy to take a look at it if you pass me a copy (preferably with any scripts set to full perms) and let you know what I think.
  14. Sorry, but Linden Home plots are all either 512 or 1024 square metres.
  15. @Lioness1 Serenity https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:New_Linden_Homes_2019#Abandoning_or_changing_your_Linden_Home
  16. Please can we keep this thread on topic to SL and not allow it to stray into current political issues in the US or elsewhere? There are plenty of places to discuss those, but this forum isn't one of them
  17. If anyone sees something that's obviously against the Covenant like this, please AR it. If someone's inadvertently left open build on and griefers have discovered this, Governance need to know about it asap so they can notify LDPW and we can clean it up and stop things getting worse.
  18. Thanks. I'll have a play with that idea. There's a slight complication in that LlReturnObjectsByID won't let me return my own objects, since I'm an estate manager, but I can easily have myself taken off the EM list while someone else runs the drone. ETA: Now I come to think of it, because I now have ready access to the uuids of all the House Controllers on the region, I know where to start looking for stray drones, so I may be able to trace them with llCastRay, which will be a lot more convenient than using llSensor (and safer!) if I can make it work.
  19. Sorry about this, folks. They didn't delete themselves as they were supposed to after they'd finished their task (checking and recording the UUIDs of all Linden Homes housecontrollers) and neither, to my horror and amazement, did they delete themselves after the region restarts. This means we're having to check the regions individually and delete them manually, which is going to take a few days to complete since there's a lot of regions to get round. Please be patient while we attend to the clean-up.
  20. I asked about this when I saw the name on the list, and I'm told that's the reference.
  21. Thanks! I'd forgotten I was still logged in there.
  22. No, you can specify only the theme (including On Land or On Water). There's no way to specify the region you want.
  23. Please can we stay on topic here, which isn't what we may see as some people's abuse of various reaction buttons? This forum isn't the place to air personal grievances about other residents. For what it's worth. my alt finds the Ignore feature very useful at times (float your mouse pointer over the image or name of the forum user you wish to ignore, and use the "ignore" button at the bottom right of the floater that appears), though I'm not sure if it hides the ignored user's reactions, too.
  24. It's a bit more complicated than that. There is a computational cost to the simulator for each object rezzed on the region -- that is, it has to keep track of a large number of parameters for each face of each link in each object there and deliver these to the viewers of all the agents on the region, and to keep on doing this multiple times a second, and the more complex an object is, the more of the simulator's resources are needed to render it. There's a limit to the amount of data the simulator can process and deliver in each frame while maintaining an acceptable level of performance, and that's where the total region LI cap of 22,500 LI for a full Mainland/Linden Homes region comes from -- the limits are set by LL's engineers as the maximum at which they can guarantee a consistent and acceptable level of performance. See this Knowledge Base article for some more information
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