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Quartz Mole

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Everything posted by Quartz Mole

  1. Guilty as charged. Just please don't ask me about either Brexit or state visits. (It would be off-topic, for one thing!).
  2. Dunno. I'm a scripter, not an interior designer. Isn't navy a good colour for boats? It has a certain nautical resonance, after all.
  3. For some reason the update seems to have missed some regions the first time round. I revised the updater yesterday, ran it again, and this time it seems to have covered everywhere. Any more problems with the walls talking to you, please let me know (it's only the one houseboat, the Windlass 32x32, that's affected, as far as I know). As Beth says, the issue with the Windlass interior wall not changing colour is intentional -- I don't understand the minutiae of mesh modeling but it's to do with the way the mesh faces need arranging in that particular boat and the need to keep the boat's LI down below a certain level. The matter was apparently discussed at some length during the design process and doing it this way was was a conscious choice that can't be changed without completely redesigning the boat, which we can't do at this point in the process. Sorry.
  4. As the owner of the parcel where your Linden Home is, you can enable any experiences with a G or M rating (not A). Avisitter is enabled for the whole of Bellissaria by default as far as I know (it should be) and I think it's enabled for the older Linden Homes, too but I'm not sure. It should be, since for several months now we have used the Avsitter system when we make LPDW furniture with multiple animations and sits. If it's not enabled, the home owner can enable it as described here:
  5. If someone will please send me, either with a PM here or an IM in-world (which will go to my email if I'm not online) a slurl for the affected houseboat, or at least tell me which region it is, I will come and take a look. Otherwise there's not a lot I can do.
  6. If resetting the mailbox/life preserver as explained by Alyona Su and Shamu077 doesn't fix things and bring back the menu, please drop me a slurl either by IM or a private message here and I'll take a look. But please try the script reset first.
  7. Please message me with a slurl for your houseboat and I'll take a look as soon as I can.
  8. I'm sorry, but I think we're at cross-purposes. I was referring specifically to the problem with anna2358's Windlass houseboat, which was giving her strange messages when she touched the walls. That was because a debug script had accidentally been left in a child prim when we were checking something. My post was intended to announce only that the Windlass houseboats in the rezzers have now been replaced with ones from which the stray script has been removed, and that anyone whose Windlass is sending irritating debug messages when the walls are touched should rez a new instance of it from the house controller. I didn't know anything about a problem with the coloring of anything, or certainly not one that's to do with the scripts. Have you reported it or described it elsewhere in the forum?
  9. I was able to run the update rather sooner than I expected, and all Live regions are now reporting that they have the new rezzer installed. So, if people want to, they should be able to fix the problem with the Windlass script simply by using the House Controller (life preserver) to rez a new copy. As discussed above, that should cause the old one to vanish, leaving its contents in place, and a new one to appear a second or so later. The new copy should retrieve the old colour and decor schemes, and the access lists, from the main KVP server. We have rechecked everything a couple of times and the problem was confined to the Windlass 32 x 32 houseboats as far as I know -- the other models and the Windass 16 x 64 weren't affected.
  10. The messages are from a stray debug script that we used when preparing the house control panels, to make sure we knew which faces of each mesh were which. Obviously it should have been removed from the model at some point during all our pre-release checks, but clearly that didn't happen in this particular case. Sorry about that. We'll put out an update to the house rezzers early next week, which will include an updated Windlass minus this stray script. I can't give a precise date because a couple of other things need to go in it too, but certainly everything should be ready sometime next week. Once the update has happened I'll announce it in this thread. At that point you should be able to use the house controller (life preserver) to rez a new instance of your Wallower. We store all your settings for decor and access lists on a remote server, so they should transfer over automatically. If you choose to rez a new instance of the boat, all you''ll notice is that your old Wallower vanishes, leaving all your furniture in place, and a new one appears a second or so later. After a few seconds more, that changes from the default color scheme to whatever you had last selected for the old boat.
  11. Sorry ... I was fixing something else and messed up the messaging between the box and the HUD. Now repaired. Fortunately the problem is purely cosmetic, since all the box does is tell the HUD to re-read the KVP record of how many gifts you've collected. If you simply remove the HUD and re-attach it, the display should update. Don't worry, even if you miss a week, you can still collect the final week's gift. It's not like the Birthday swaginator.
  12. Sorry about the problems, folks. There have been a series of weird problems that didn't show up in testing and which I investigating one by one. Anyway, it's now -- 3:53 pm SLT on Saturday -- working again. I really hope it stays that way!
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