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Quartz Mole

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Everything posted by Quartz Mole

  1. [edited to remove quoted post] If you want to have an extended discussion of something SL-related, be it "I don't like the way the viewer handles outfits, and this is why, and this how how I think it be improved" or "This is what I have to say about sexism in SL" or "Should child avatars wearing space suits be allowed to spam people with bite requests on nude beaches in Gor?" that's great, but it should happen in its own thread, because it's not really on-topic for a thread about pet peeves. If, however, you want a discussion of something that isn't SL-related, then the SL forums, including this thread, aren't the place to hold it.
  2. Please, everyone, remember that the qualification " Posts made before 7/29/2022 will be left open unless policy violations cause them to be closed." in the forum participation guidelines that refers only to that particular restriction -- that is, while it wouldn't now be possible to start a thread about Pet Peeves that aren't SL-specific peeves, this one has been grandfathered in as a place there people can still talk about pet peeves provided that they don't contravene any of the other guidelines while they're doing so. So please don't try to use this thread as a way to circumvent, for example, the rules and guidelines about discussing other threads that have been closed, or the moderation process in general, or by going off topic for the thread itself, which is, of course, "pet peeves." If the discussion of a particular pet peeve turns into a discussion of something else (shortcomings in various different viewers, for example) then it should happen somewhere else. And if that something else is something that the guidelines say shouldn't be discussed in these forums (e.g. politics or threads that have been locked by a moderator) then that somewhere else should be somewhere other than the official forums -- virtualverse.one, perhaps, or the SecondLife SubReddit, or Twitter X or wherever. Please help us to keep this thread open, because if it gets locked, it can't be restarted.
  3. I'm not an expert, but when I've changed the parcel setting on my alt's Linden Homes parcel it seems to persist.
  4. Here's one way to do it https://i.gyazo.com/2012d25f6cb4d8a2ad29ddbdf7b1e415.mp4
  5. I don't think you need an Experience to use llSetEnvironment. According to the Wiki, You do, though, need an experience to use llSetAgentEnvironment, which is what you describe, but I don't think you'd need that function for this particular use case.
  6. Sigs about golf, unless it's SL golf, are off-topic for SL forums.
  7. @Arielle Popstar @Phil Deakins I think if you want to carry on this discussion about viewer features, it might be better suited to its own thread in the Viewer sub-forum. I can try moving it to its own thread there if you would like (though I hope I don't have to, because it's a somewhat fiddly process).
  8. According to the advice I have from Governance, they are liable to be removed if they appear to be political or off topic for SL.
  9. @BilliJo Aldrin @Gabriele GravesI've checked and the answer is an emphatic "No" on mentioning any RL political candidates or their campaigns in Forum Sigs. However, mentioning your RP Campaign Headquarters in a sig is OK, so long as there's no indication in the sig of the RL candidate or cause you're campaigining for or against. I hope that clarifies things for everyone.
  10. So that's what causes crop circles. I'd always wondered.
  11. Good question. I think I know the answer but I'll check with Governance before I commit myself.
  12. I can see Sid's signature. It''s an advert for his shop.
  13. You will, I fear, be disappointed: from the Bellisseria Covenant
  14. Thanks. I'd have thought that the general probition on political advertising in-world would also apply to advertising for an RL candidate at your RP Campaign Headquarters, but it's not up to me. I've made Governance aware of this thread and the questions it raises, and doubtless we'll have a response soon enough.
  15. I doubt it, but I'll try to get a definitive answer. Best to assume they're not allowed until further notice.
  16. I think this thread has now wandered so far into the woods and off topic that it seems an appropriate time to call it a day.
  17. Part of the idea behind the 16x64 parcels is that they give you plenty of room to sail your yacht in and out of your parcel, and even keep it moored there if you want.
  18. I checked on this, because my recollection was that we never planned to allow ban lines in Bellisseria, and I'd not realised they were ever enabled. It seems that, because of a miscommunication when the first regions were released, ban lines were not initially disabled but this was rapidly rectified when we saw the practical consequences of allowing them. We didn't disallow them because people "raised a big enough stink." We disallowed them because those first few weeks proved, at least to our satisfaction, that our initial decision had been correct and that enabling them would make Bellisseria far less attractive and usable for everyone.
  19. I took one of the first reports that led us to change to Belliseria Covenant to ban security devices that add people to automatic ban lists. It was from someone who wanted to know why there were ban lines around the slip next to her houseboat. I suggested her neighbour must have banned her from the parcel, but she said that couldn't be the case since she'd only acquired the parcel the day before and had never met her neighbour. I went to investigate and it transpired her neighbour had something that added people to the parcel ban list and she'd triggered it inadvertantly the previous day when flying round her new home looking at what the area was like. It permanently banned me from the parcel, too, when I flew over the parcel (after giving me a 1 second warning, as I recall, which is also not allowed). Certainly "It's essential to consider the appropriate level of response and consequences for the situation at hand," and I can't imagine how anyone would consider it an appropriate response to ban someone from a private space simply because they flew over it when you weren't there, or even because they stayed within the parcel boundaries for too long after being warned -- very easily done on a houseboat region when you're hovering over the water. That's why we now say people can be banned from parcels only after the parcel owner has considered the appropriate level of response for the situation at hand, as you put it, rather than set a device to its most aggressive setting and leaving it ban everyone who remains on the parcel too long when the owner isn't around, regardless of the actual circumstances.
  20. Linden Lab Official:New Linden Homes 2019 And yes, you can add people to the parcel ban list manually. It's only the automatic bans we prohibit. The security device we provide is fully compliant with the Bellisseria Covenant, so if you want to give your device extra capabilities, please check that they comply with the restrictions above -- we receive a lot of complaints about non-complaint devises, which we return when we find them.
  21. I can't comment on future plans because I don't know what they are.
  22. That's right. At present, you can use the starter avatar creator only when you create a new account. But there's no need to create a new account in order to use the Senra avatar. That's easily done by following the steps outlined in the video.
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