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Syo Emerald

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Everything posted by Syo Emerald

  1. 90% of what you complain about in your wall of text has absolutly nothing to do with LL and often not even true or sounds like your personal drama. Honestly, if you are so upset, go and delete your account. Especially if you activily have to try to "not be on sl much", because that sounds like a problem, if hating a platform is not enough do make you stop using it.
  2. Because thats not something you can change? I'm not quite sure, what you are trying to archieve/where you got your inspiration for trying to alter your knees.
  3. Was für ein sinnfreier Thread. Fällt dir nichts besseres für deine politische Agenda ein? Deine Schilderung ist komplett wertlos. Du bist keine objektive Quelle und bist gar nicht in der Lage das Verhalten des Mitarbeiters (so es denn überhaupt je geschehen ist) zu beurteilen. Ach und die TOS ist übrigens kein Verhaltenskodex für Mitarbeiter, sondern für dich als Nutzer. Falls sich jemand fragt was ich meine, Blick auf den Account sagt alles.
  4. In any game/on any platform, where one can get a fancy something or a real advantage through the means of RL money, there will be whales. A whale is a term first coined in the mobile game community. It describes players, who have bigger financial ressources and a bigger willingness to pour those ressources into the game, than the average player. Considering how much money people in Second Life spent, I don't think there is any ground to debate if people with a truckload of premium alts exist or not. Just considering how many premiums could me financed from what some people pay in tier for regions they own. But thats life.
  5. From the vendor it says its supposed to be an otter, to me it looked like a baby seal. And its a full sized seat for an avatar, there was an even smaller one for toddler/child avatars available, but you are the second person thinking about animals beds 😄
  6. Since I'm almost out of prims (and space inside), I consider my houseboat almost finished.
  7. Have you looked into addons for Linden Homes? Thats always the first thing I do, to decide if I want to alter the layout or not.
  8. Always! You are also invited to take a look at what I did with my Windlass. Although I must admit I'm clueless when it comes to boats.
  9. The first store that comes to my mind would be Fancy Decor.
  10. I currently live in a Windlass, too. What furniture style are you going for?
  11. Hope we get to see your decorative adventures! What type of the houseboats did you settle for?
  12. I would assume they handle this simply the same way as any other request of changeing the date of birth entered at account creation, for example when people claim to have made a mistake when entering their date of birth.
  13. You really make me want to build a libary aswell. @Nando Yip
  14. My avatar isn't human, but I'm not roleplaying a character. One of my hobbies is roleplay, but I don't do it in Second Life, as I have found my community for that elsewhere and have no incentive to seek out RP sims here. I believe good roleplay needs aware/consenting partners anyway in order to be of good quality. This is basically "Barbies Dreamhouse and Dress up party".
  15. I can log into SL just fine (I am in Europe). I'm just having the dashboard issue.
  16. Are their studies on this or do you just assume that? And how can we tell if someone hasn't been always prone to harshly judgeing others based on apperance? That aside: I'm with Alwin. Avatar apperance is a choice, not a condition of a fleshy body you can't escape.
  17. In Germany you can spot which party is controversial or unliked by how high they have to hang their posters during election. But what is (in my experiance) very american specific, is normal people plastering their car and home with signs of their favorite political parties. In SL its usually an eyesore, so I'm not sad, if its will be gone.
  18. You keep repeating that over and over again, but never actually responding to any of the arguments that clearly explain why playing a game is not commercial activity. If you keep shouting the sky is purple with green dots for long enough, does it become "the truth"? If I have a beautiful yacht and I keep using it on Bellis ocean and other residents see me and say "what a beautiful boat, driving it must be fun!" and then go and purchase this boat from its creator, is me sailing on Bellis ocean a commercial activity? Your reasoning is absurd.
  19. It would be more helpful to post the picture here, instead of trying to describe it. So far we can still only guess and Lewis might be right.
  20. It is not more commerical than driving around a boat you have purchased on the MP is. Why is it so difficult to understand, that playing a game in which no actual goods or money are exchanged is not a commercial activity?! It survives, because people initially purchase the game somewhere. What keeps it in existance? People having fun. Or do you wonder the same thing about other purchased objects? Is using furniture you once purchased a commercial activity? If this thread wouldn't exist, you wouldn't even know that people in Belli are playing it.
  21. Nobody at LL cares how many alts you have. Alts aren't against the TOS, so no need to worry.
  22. Shopping pet peeve: Untextured demos. I'm trying on a latex dress. I wanted to see how the shine looks like. The dress is just smooth white. I basically have to trust the stores advertising, that the vendor display isn't altered in photoshop.
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