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Syo Emerald

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Everything posted by Syo Emerald

  1. Check out PinkFuel. I recently switched to one of their skins, because my old one, while being perfect in every other way, wasn't as pale as I wanted to be.
  2. I think I just hit Victorian Silver. Got a nice plot in Caithness. This is were I'm going to stay and wait for the Stilts. I can see the frog fountain from my the corner of my frontyard, the barrier seperating my place from the sidewalk is all natural with a hedge and beautiful flowers. The backyard faces an open view towards a cliff/mountain, towards some sims hosting traditional homes.
  3. I was a furry ocelot for a long time, but then mesh came but the creator never made a new, updated avatar. So I went back to a more human avatar permanently.
  4. What keywords would I need to search for? I've never come across them, when looking for add-ons in general.
  5. I've seen so many people use their own wallpapers for Linden Homes, but I'm not sure how to do it myself. Is it a shell? If so, doesn't that end up being kind of prim-heavy? And do I have to be a building expert, since some of the houses have lots of complex edges and countless windows. Please share your knowledge.
  6. This may not compete with some of the diamond parcels in here, but I just caught a Victorian in Pudding, second row to the sea. Its located between two roads to the side (= no direct neighbours on two sides), the ocean is at least visible and the backyard view is not directly towards the next house. Only the FPS could be a little better.
  7. I'm feeling lucky. I want to "gamble" a bit, before they release the stilts at the end of the year (hopefully). I'm going to put up my houseboat at around 7:05 SLT.
  8. Is that really the same fence? Wouldn't have guessed it, the inworld picture looks a lot thicker.
  9. Ah yes, Second Life.... definitly the new hot sh** these kids are all obsessed with... 🤣 How old and detached from actual young people are you, to come to this conclusion?
  10. I could only give a shop I would avoid...but I don't know if thats within forum rules? Their content collapsed for me even within their own store.
  11. Wow, this temps me to try my luck, although its a risk since my current home isn't bad.
  12. So far I made a latex/silicon mold today. It looks like green slime and I should have ordered more, because it was just enough to cover the objects I want to make molds of. Needs 24h to cure so tomorrow I'll know if I did it right or messed up. I'm nervous about stuff like this. I think next time I opt for a molding putty instead, because that gives less room for failure.
  13. Oh stilts will be an exciting release. Initially (when they announced the theme) I was a bit "meh", but since I have traveled around Belli a bit in the past week, I just came to the conclusion, that I need water next or around me in a Linden Home. So they might broaden my choices, since waterfront parcels in the other home types are rare and houseboats don't have such big numbers.
  14. @Elena Core Those houseboats look nice aswell... I wonder when they are going to make another batch of boats again. I'm contemplating maybe trying my luck again getting a more central houseboat location as its getting a little lonly up in the big pickle.
  15. Absolutly. There are certain types of avatars I would not start a conversation with, so that makes it less likely that we would become friends.
  16. Of course none vanish, but how much joy do you get from your fifth, sixt or something LH? I've seen so many houses in beautiful locations, occoupied for months, but nobody "lives" in them. Of course I can't always know if those houses belong to hoarders or not, but the thought of them just trophy hunting doesn't seem too far off. Maybe in the future, 1-2 years from now, enough homes will be there and enough new themes, that the situaton relaxes.
  17. I would compare Belli homes to cake. With some parts of the cake having fancy chocolate decoration on it. And someone comes in, buys half the cake and throws most of it in the trash, while others still wait for cake and would have cherrished and loved one of the chocolate pieces.
  18. My favorite is this paw pad shaped island.
  19. Was für eine unsinnige Aussage. Ob bestimmte Geräte mit einem Programm genutzt werden können oder nicht wird nicht bestimmt durch Game oder kein Game. Sonst würde ja auch jedes Spiel jede Anschlussoption von Haus aus unterstützen (Antwort: Nein, tun sie natürlich nicht.) Das hat also nicht damit zu tun, ob Second Life ein Spiel ist oder nicht. (Ist das wieder so ein mimimi, damit man sich selbst erhaben fühlt als SL User, weil man ist ja kein schmuddeliger Gamer?) Lilith hat ja darauf hingewiesen, dass bestimmte Dinge wohl gehen, wenn sie nicht zu weit von der Steuerung abweichen und es gibt Leute da draußen, die machen sich eine Herausforderung daraus, bestimmte Spiele mit unkonventionellen "Eingabegeräten" zu verwenden (Hab mal einen Artikel gelesen, wo jemand ein Dance Pad verwendet hat, um WoW zu spielen). In solchen Communities findet man für solche Vorhaben auch vermutlich mehr Expertise.
  20. I hope for them, that the water will be deeper than it is for the houseboats. Most houseboats have super shallow water. I messured mine and its only 3 meters deep. Not enough to dive and build some underwater garden. And judgeing by the preview sim, not all Stilt homes will be in water (and I think we can all guess what that means).
  21. I hope they also increase the numbers/density of rez zones for that. It ruins the mood to travel several sims just to rez a vehicle.
  22. Its not. Its really not. Saying "Beckys landgroup holds 5 waterside parcels" is not naming and shaming. If it was, naming anyone or anything from inworld would be. You couldn't say "Jenny owns a business for fancy hats on this sim". Its in itself a neutral statement. A fact. Anyone can look and see it for themselves. The naming & shaming refers to instances of "Don't go to club X, the owner Daniel is an idiot and banned me for no reason". Its to avoid rumours and accusations. If it would fall under naming & shaming, then there would be a universal agreement that grabbing every desireable parcel with an army of alts is not a neutral practice.
  23. I hate the forced landing points. There is one regular participant in the 50L Friday events, who shares their sim with another store. The forced landing point is infront of that other store. So the first time I land there, I was super confused, wondered if the LM was wrong. But no... just walk around that other store buidling.
  24. Syo Emerald

    Change UUID?

    People really don't look at these. Nobody will comment on it, nobody will even look at it. In the webprofiles, they aren't even displayed at all.
  25. I too have a PayPal account backed with a bank account as my payment method. So its been like that for a few years (I installed this payment method, when Linden Lab closed the option to buy from third party websites). And they wanted a verified PayPal account back then, too.
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