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Syo Emerald

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Everything posted by Syo Emerald

  1. Anyone who doesn't fit through the main opening of a houseboat, should not worry about this... as they would not fit inside the houseboat itself. I strongly advice against trying to squeeze a dragon into a houseboat.
  2. Syo Emerald


    I consider him a spammer/troll in the making until proven otherwise.
  3. That would be very kind! I found a lighthouse a couple of sims away with a rezz spot so far. What I don't understand is, why we have so many of those little boat houses, but they don't serve any purpose. Those would be great rezz spots.
  4. To take a quote from Game of Thrones: Any man who must say, 'I am the king,' is no true king.
  5. Something that got me wondering... are there rezz zones for boats in Belli? I think I have seen some for cars, but not for boats. I do have a houseboat, but its a little uncool to constantly keep 30Li open for a potential boat.
  6. As far as I know Lolita has been its own fashion for quite some time and no matter what substyle an outfit belongs to, you always have some things being consistant. The easiest example is probably the petticoat, worn under all skirts and dresses. However Lolita is part of the vast, ever expanding umbrella of japanese street fashion.
  7. To be precise, what Baby, the Stars Shine Bright focuses on is Lolita Fashion (no, not related to that horrible book). Lolita can be kawaii, especially substyles like Sweet Lolita, which focuses on pastel colours, printed fabric with friendly designs (fruits, cake, kittens, teddybears, bunnies...) and lots of acessories. Other styles are a bit more subtile (example picture attached, this would be Qi Lolita) Why I know all this stuff? Because I'm fool enough to own an outfit myself...precisly the one in the picture. If it weren't for covid, I would have worn it at least once to an event by now.
  8. Pedophilia is the attraction to children. The DSM-5 classifies it as the "sustained, focused, and intense pattern of sexual arousal—as manifested by persistent sexual thoughts, fantasies, urges, or behaviours—involving pre-pubertal children." So its not about fetishizing virginity or the desire to manipulate a vulnerable, weaker person. That being said, not all child abuse is done by people, who are pedophiles. Sadly, curelty comes in all shapes.
  9. But how many premium alts are "normal"? From this thread it reads as if the pay for a whole stable of premium accounts. I'd like to know how to get this rich, lol. I'd like to see that part of the ToS quoted. Everything that can be viewed by the public can by definition not be disclosed, as its open information for anyone willing to pay attention.
  10. That sounds like you have an idea what should be better regulated and in what way.
  11. But the owner in the scenario of the OP and the one who voiced their concerns here both seemed to be worried about child avatars involved in sexual activites. There was talk about all those pedos coming to the adult places in their child avatars... which is such nonesense. Pedophiles are attracted to pre-puberty bodies. Not to people with the bodies of young women. My comment was never about how it is in RL (and the trouble about someone being 17 instead of 18 in a relationship of close-aged people is very foreign for me). It was more a rant about how now even a fully grown adult body doesn't seem to be enough to not be considered a child avatar. In SL we just have avatar apperance to judge by. And thats what people should stick to. If an avatar has an adult body, treat that avatar as such. The TOS is concerned with stopping simulated child pornography, it is not about the RL hassle of "is she 17 or 18", because as you said, avatars do not have an age.
  12. The answer to that is very subjective. Also you have to keep in mind that the real price for premium varies greatly, depending on the country you live in. I'm in a country with the Euro as currency, so the annual membership isn't too pricy (I think my WoW subscription has a slightly higher price). For me, Premium has become worth it once they increased the free land to 1024. I love playing with land and decorating a home. I also like shopping, so getting into crowded sims easier is a plus. And I prefer the Linden sandboxes over the normal ones. But someone else might not care for any of that.
  13. Put me in the "no". Anyone who thinks the OP should be considered material for someone interested in expressing pedo tendencies, has no idea what pedophilia is. She has a youthful face, but most definitly an adult body. If thats not enough, then well... who is then not to be banned?
  14. Not really. Not in the case of the OP anyway. Unless we consider 45% of all avatars "children". And then I'm a childavatar, too, because I don't always wear heavy make up, 'dare' to use the cutest LeLutka head (Chloe) and don't even have such extreme proportions as the OP has. I'm also not 2,50m tall. Yep, totally a child.
  15. The you was meant as a general you, not directed at you. Sorry, if that wasn't clear.
  16. Well, the question was answered on page one... if you are not a omg-the-pedo-childavatars-are-everywhere type of person. Now we moved on to argue with that person.
  17. How is this supposed to prevent throwaway griefer accounts? Any age verification has been gone for good for almost 10 years.
  18. And even more randomly capitalized letters. For whatever reason.
  19. Sometimes I get IMs when I'm offline, that just say "hi". I always reply, because maybe the person thought I'm online and also because I'm curious who this is. Maybe its someones alt from the forums or maybe its a neighbour in Belli. Many people do not reply after that, often because they too are offline at the time of my reply (because timezones suck), which if of course fine. But if they do reply at some point... (and here comes the peeve) why in the ever loving world does it need to be another lonly "hi" or... other greeting with like zero information on who they are or what they want.
  20. Today, I like to share my bathroom. Its in an upstairs room, that I created with an addon and the windows face mostly the open ocean and my garden.
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