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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Some good thoughts here, but a couple of comments. I ran the Machinima Open Studio Project for about five years. I did it completely alone (no help at all and no one else could build on the land). I did not burn out. So not everyone is in that burn out category and a resume (example here) would likely prove that to the Linden folks. I suggest making an online resume for anyone sending in an application. While Linden representatives were always welcome and opening invited many times, they never attended any LEA meetings. This when I was in involved and by comments from board members about their historical absence. So for those that don't LIKE overseers (Chic waves hands madly) I suspect that this would likely hold true today, especially if the person involved had a clear (and accepted) vision. The company folks are busy enough and if things are running well, they don't historically micromanage. I definitely agree that any project needs to fill a "hole" and not be repetitive of something already there. I thought the video above was impressive, well thought out and well made. Since I couldn't understand the speaker that well though, there was too much text to read and the pace would have been better slowed down a bit. That being said, the project itself isn't all that "inclusive" as there are tons of folks that wish to go back to the past rather than "live" in the present or look towards the future. And I do think broad appeal is an important criteria. Niche is great for some things but probably not for a Linden supported project.
  2. While temp rezzers are against the Belli covenant, heavy mesh (and textures) are not. Since one land impact objects can be in the hundreds so far as triangle count, it doesn't take too many neighbors that are NOT paying attention (or do not care) to drop the FPS mightily. My friend had a stilt home that was lovely but it got so bad that the FPS got down to 5 on a new and strong computer. He isn't there any longer and gave up his Premium. The best spots are of course the ones with fewer houses and on a lake or ocean. Patch explained though when the first Belli homes came out that NEIGHBORING regions also impact FPS. I didn't know that and so definitely took note. Really the only thing you can do is pay attention to the objects YOU are using and then derender a bunch of heavy mesh items when you can find them. You can inspect objects for triangle count and texture use by right clicking - Object - Inspect (this in FS). Lowering your draw distance will help of course also but who wants to live at 32 meter distances ? It sort of negates the "shared experience" idea :D. Good luck.
  3. For years new folks needed to put in a support ticket in order to get entry to Aditi. Not sure when the cut off date was but older accounts (last name folks) could still get in even if they had never been there. Aditi is still working; I just checked. So if your friends and older and you are not, than that is likely the issue. Unfortunately there has been an entry message when logging into Aditi (this after the sale) saying that there IS no support for Aditi any longer. So you might be able to check with main grid support. It could be that the beta grid is no longer available to some accounts . Good luck.
  4. It used to be more active but many years ago LL dropped support for education (for the most part anyway - a few folks were kept with discounts). After that many of the schools left. The University of Western Australia was the latest big prescience to leave. That left a huge void especially for machinima folks and artists. Since then it HAS been very quiet so it isn't your imagination. A few schools still have private islands I think but many schools and Universities moved to Opensim and do their stand alone grids there. Much has changed over the years, education is just one example :D. Some things are better, some not so much.
  5. Just a little historical reference here. The Destination Guide for years and years hasn't been kept up well. I am forever "floating in air" or showing up on an abandoned parcel or in someone's home when it was supposed to be a store etc. So it is certainly possible that the club that you visited was not "the same" club as before. I have flagged wrong destinations in the past but they weren't fixed in any sort of a timely manner. My own sites that have been in the guide and then closed (seasonal or LEA builds) were in the guide for months after they had exited even though I wrote repeatedly. As with much of the SL website (again historically and this fed through to Sansar) it is often at the bottom of the todo list.
  6. Hope that works out well. A fun was for new folks to maybe make some Lindens and those are rare these days.
  7. Gooseberry Estates has three sizes of plots plus some mini-islands. Come with a choice of house (autorez with landscaping) and generally lots of land impact (tiny houses are 200 I think but other sizes are more than I ever used). Lots of community things going on and very good support. I don't live there any longer but it is very nice. Not inexpensive though :D.
  8. Agreed UNLESS the cost of the 3rd party tax service plus any Linden employee extra hours comes into play. I have no idea what that cost would be but I do know other websites using 3rd party services such as this -- and some of those services are pricey. Also, as we all well know mainland is getting more deserted every day. Perhaps the new "Premium" membership will help deal with that, but if not, letting folks pay with linden dollars would likely help that issue. Both land and rentals are getting much cheaper (not in all cases of course) and two of my favorite rental areas (many many sims) have closed in this last year after long runs. So there ARE other things to take into consideration. Just looking at ALL the land ads on the forums these days is a hint at the big picture. I don't expect The Lab to do this -- but then again, I have no ideas of the costs in column A and column B or any other pertinent info that might influence. I only know that at one time it was being considered for some reason.
  9. If you made a backup of your Firestorm settings (and EVERYONE SHOULD DO THAT) you can go back to your saved settings that were supposedly working for you. This is on the BACKUP tab. Fiddling around in with the shadows is a very dangerous thing if you don't have a hefty computer. Add DOF and you are asking a lot. I have a computer now that will do all that with no issues but only because it was what was available during the height of the Covid supply chain times :D. Happy I have it though. You might try lowering OTHER settings and then playing around with JUST the shadow settings to get a softer anti-aliased look and then change your other settings back. When you find something that works be sure and make a backup --- if you didn't do that before.
  10. Yes, understand that and did it for many years. But not everyone wants to work with the Tilia TOS (or for some the Tilia charges are a problem -- some likely both). At one time Patch said The Lab was thinking about direct payment, but this was years ago and that apparently isn't going to happen. There are direct payments with Linden Dollars for classified ads and I think the Marketplace ads are just paid with Linden Dollars --- hence no exchanging for USDs and no taxes on that. And in the case of this thread the point was about the TAXES which if paid with lindens (at least at this point) would be an "in game" charge perhaps so no taxes would need to be paid. Not sure of the legalities on that but if all game costs become taxable in the future, that could really kill things. Hope that makes sense. Just waking up.
  11. Now would be a LOVELY time to let citizens pay for Premium (or Premium Plus) with linden dollars. Just saying. I would happily pay with some of my linden dollar collection. Not paying with US :D. I can't be alone in this as I know a bunch of folks who quit when the linden to USD changes happened.
  12. As with many rules that are disregarded and overlooked by the Powers That Be, this would indeed be against the TOS. Here is the paragraph relating to that which ALSO (happily) goes against that old "five avatar" per person edict of long, long ago. Happy to have found that at the same time. Notice the "including" part which was not always in the TOS. Actually the TOS LONG ago was terrifically simple much like Kitely's. :D.
  13. I have no idea if this is happening in other viewers. I would suspect so. For well over a month folders have been moving down a level and not even in the general area where they were previously -- this when moving inventory items by dragging. As I OH SO CAREFULLY drag a newly bought or made item over to its designated sub folder -- it ends up being placed somewhere else. At the same time (often but not necessarily always) another sub folder, not related at all to the new product or designated folder MOVES. This is usually down several levels, sometimes only one. It makes no since at all. The only way to find where the "missing" folder has moved to is to search for the name. In the case that just happened I was looking for the "rugs" folder under "Home and Garden Indoors". It wasn't showing up where it should have been and has been for at least five years. I searched and found it a few folders down on the next lower subfolder level. I put it back. This has happened over and over again so this isn't me dragging things to the wrong place. I can watch the highlighted (designated) folder and see that the object or folder doesn't go where it was headed. Then I have to search the name to find where it has actually gone. Just now I discovered that many (not all) of my FS protected folders were no longer protected. I absolutely did NOT change that. This seems very much like a database issue to me -- and a new one. Yes, items are still really disappearing too and searching for the exact name comes up with nothing. But often these days I just find the item in a VERY wrong place. Copying over to the folder seems to work, but of course that can't happen if there is a no copy item involved. So just putting this out there for folks that may be having the same issue. You are not alone :D. EDIT: Here is an example I found this morning when moving some new boxed purchases into my "backup" folder under H and G. Hair was in with the furniture and deco. Not too far away this time though as it was in the "H"s.
  14. Not sure what is down there at the bottom but if you have a HILL SURROUND outside the boundaries of your sim it will look like a solid color. That may be the answer.
  15. Typically "blogging" has the person posting photos and info most often on their own blog or sometimes on the "store group" blog (but not that often). Most bloggers are not paid other than sometimes getting free items to photograph. What the OP is after IMO is a "social media admin" and we see ads for those quite often. I have no idea what those guys get paid, but I agree that a "per post" payment would be the most fair method.
  16. And not everyone has a cell phone (yes, I know but true and on purpose) AND some folks cannot receive text messages on their cell phones. So email is definitely the more inclusive choice. Most of the big platforms (like STEAM) use email checking on new devices. Discord also. Happily it is JUST when you switch computers although clearing cookies each day like some folks I know, might make the checking kick in. I keep my cookies saved as I am lazy.
  17. There are no covenants on mainland unless you might be RENTING and even then it would be a rental agreement. I went to several mainland areas including Horizons which did originally have a "code" if not a covenant but that has apparently been gone for a very long time (still, I checked). Anyone can do anything on mainland as long as it isn't against the TOS or any other Linden policies. The beauty and the plight of mainland. Renting is good. You can move when you want to or need to.
  18. While I have definitely had issues with this in the past year (Lara) body) where I had to manually hide things EACH time with various outfits (not the same maker) ---- I currently have no issues at all, even with the SAME outfits or garments (issues both ways). So just throwing that into the mix. I have been on the same sim (private and mine) for over a year. So it seems to me to be a server related problem?
  19. To the OP. Walk away or change your USD balance back into lindens (yes another fee) and spend it. Apparently -- you did not READ THE TOS when you agreed to it. Hopefully this is a lesson learned. In order to move USD out of SL you MUST (big letters - underlined etc) give Tilia your SSN and other information. THAT is your only other choice. Unfortunately folks in some countries cannot comply with the Tilia steps because of rules and the way things are done in other countries. Some have had lots of money "stuck". So hopefully some folks will read this thread and learn something. It isn't like it wasn't published
  20. Some creators do an EXCELLENT job. I have a fair amount of very realistically fitting garments in my wardrobe. This is why the forum mantras are "DEMO DEMO DEMO" and "NO DEMO NO BUY". Just keep shopping. And as was said above, it is NOT easy in the least :D. So kudos to those that make us look so good.
  21. Very nicely done. Good price. AMAZING empty mainland view LOL. I rented the oddly shaped one as it would likely be less coveted. Trying to be supportive :D. Those that love mainland that looks a bit more like Belli -- you should check this out.
  22. This may be true, but there may be other reasons for this that you may not have considered. That may certainly be true. I was only talking about reports from folks I am friends with -- not the creators I don't know :D.
  23. Well the creators that I know aren't agreeing with you --- LOL. Many have dropped out (these both top tier and second tier -- or what USED to be those designations a couple of years ago) of events or only doing a very few each year. Again, the folks that I talk to are not making the money they used to. If you have been keeping track of the NUMBER of booths in many of the top events, they have diminished a LOT over the last two years. And I have been able to get into all but a couple of events on the first day where as in the past it took several days before I could get in. So your experience is definitely different than mine
  24. I haven't been watching this thread so this may have been mentioned but was thinking as I started my RL chores of the day, that very close to the beginning of Belli, there were plans for a commercial area. That has been dropped it seems, but ..... What if premium plus included a multi sim commercial area with buildings on their own lots much like the Belli houses -- and only premium plus could claim those? The area could be quite lovely with a boat dock and parks, maybe even a small air field. So a destination shopping area. While this wouldn't educe ME to opt into Premium Plus, it would likely be a big draw for many. After all Belli has been the biggest perk and drawing force for Premium -- as far as I know anyway.
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