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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Some of those goals in the list have been on and off the roadmaps a few times already (looks like seven). Nice to see a list. Hope that some come to fruition. I am still worried about that lindens to USD becoming taxable under Tilia edict though. We still haven't heard explanation about that and the change would be a game changer for many people -- and not in a good way. Fingers crossed that the future is bright.
  2. For the OP BUT while the swap is based on size --- complexity and density (not exactly sure how those differ so let's call it triangle - vertices count) can be quite important IF you are using the uploader pane to pick your LODs. The more complex (draped fabric is a good example) the more likely the uploader will do a poor job. You can compensate for this by changing the numbers in the LOD boxes and TESTING. TESTING, TESTING. Better to make your mesh less complex to start out with. There is a point when an object gets really large that the lowest LODs are ignored. I don't remember the rule on this but someone else will.
  3. Any word on this yet? Getting close to decision time for some folks :D. Thanks!!!!!
  4. Very pretty head. Trying on an alt. Using Evo rather than Evox and have a nasty neck seam where there wasn't one before using other heads. Is there a setting I need to change? Meanwhile she has a choker :D. Thanks.
  5. Well I am confused BUT I joined and bought yesterday for FREE. The group I joined is still free this morning.
  6. Group is needed or money is refunded. The "towel" costs 2 land impact so not a good deal in my estimation. White or black woods. From the last group notice: Hi Superfans! Its Christmas week and Trompe Loeil has some exclusive goodies just for you: 🍁 This week only, stop in every day and get two special Superfans only products for just $L50! We'll have two new items up for only $L50 each every day through Christmas - watch for a daily notice and stop in now for the first two offerings! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hyde Park/217/172/22 🍁 New Superfans 50% discounted items behind the desk
  7. This was a gray area when Tilia became more visible -- a couple of years ago now I think. I could look it up but it doesn't really matter. My take on your description of events is that "now" any lindens converted to cash (even if not processed to Paypal) are being counted as income. One important thing here (for the US anyway) is that while it is now classified as "income", the tier each month is also a "cost" of you doing business. So on Form C (most likely) the lindens you converted to dollars would be balanced by the cost of the tier and fees and you would not actually be paying any tax money to the US government. At least that is what I did when I was reporting SL income. You would still have the decision about giving your SSN to Tilia. This was always a possibility. I saw that long ago and stopped processing credit or turning lindens into USD. The fact that LL didn't tell anyone this info (at least this is the first I have heard) until AFTER the change had been made is pretty nasty. It isn't clear to me if this is actually a move that is REQUIRED BY US LAW or if Tilia is taking it upon itself to make this move "in case". Hopefully someone better with research skills than I will know. @animats perhaps who seems to keep up with this. As an aside there was a time when Patch mentioned that LL might take lindens for land payment, but that of course didn't happen for the obvious reason of Money-Money-Money :D. This does seem to be another very large nail in the coffin. I am very sad but not a bit surprised.
  8. Chic Aeon

    Mesh and lag.

    If the physics is made correctly it can be "perfect" and not contribute much at all to a simple build. Adding those mesh prims to approximate actual physics just adds to the land impact. So plenty of pieces to the puzzle.
  9. Chic Aeon

    Mesh and lag.

    And there is a lot of differences in the way mesh is made. One dense mesh object (render mesh most often) can be way more problematic that a dozen low poly mesh objects. So all mesh is NOT created equal.
  10. No longer possible purposefully --- hence selling of EEPs on Marketplace
  11. I received this super cute gardenia shed from dust bunny. I have plans
  12. If rezzing is an issue don't forget "show friends only" and that will cut out most of the issues.
  13. Sales and reviews have nothing in coming. Some of my top selling products in the thousands have no reviews at all. Whenever I see a ton of reviews for a brand new product I am VERY suspicious :D. The same can be said of bad review made by competitors. ^^. Been there, done that, moved on.
  14. I thought it quite interesting that much of the "old guard" big name stores that were around in the beginning returned to this round of Shop and Hop. It made Shop and Hop better certainly and that was great, but it also says something about sales and profits across a wider metric. I pretty much stopped creating after Tilia so I am not a good measurement but I still have lots of popular items on the Marketplace. I can say that my current income is about a fifth of what it was before Tilia (not blaming that all on TIlia -- just a timeline thing). I personally don't know any creators that say they are doing well and tons who are wondering what to do in the future. So it certainly seems like things are pretty bad out there for all the reasons already mentioned here. Personally I am giving up on the weekend sales as there is just too much of the same thing (often EXACTLY the same product again and again). Now I purchase items that are creative and different and show some care in their making. This is mostly to "reward" the creators who are still putting in the energy and thought for their brand's products.
  15. Sometimes we have to put forth an effort to get back to where we want to be. For me and for this year that means rediscovering the joy of winter in SL. So I am pushing myself in that direction and hoping it takes. To that end here is a quick challenge that you can make as difficult or as easy as you like. Favorite winter outfit (or décor styling for those that don't love fashion. Only one of each so be PICKY about your choices. I am making my selection from mostly OLDER outfits and settled on this already made one in my inventory. It includes many gifts from last year, some purchases and a few really old things. Here is what I am wearing and the years the items were made. Sometimes "old" is just as good as new. amias - SKATES over shoulder version F (group gift still on the wall last I looked --- 2020) [7DS] - BODY 2020 CHRISTMAS HOPE bom skin (group gift) ---2020 LeLUTKA.Head.Lilly.2.5 (group gift ) --- 2020 .euphoric ~Mavi Eyes (group gift) ---2020 ::C'est la vie !:: Inda Leggings (#2) - Milk (Marketplace purchase in a set) NO.MATCH_NO.BORDER. (female ) blogger copy ::GB::2 Tone Down jacket (Maitreya) Beige 2021 ::GB::2 Tone Down jacket (Maitreya) Beige 2021 :CP: Aneto Skis (blogger sample) 2018
  16. I actually listed Tilia (the new rules a couple of years ago) as the beginning of things hurting creators and the gachas as the latest -- this in a recent blog post. So while we often do not agree, this time I think we do. It is difficult to get enthusiasm to make gifts if you aren't even paying your tier. My decision to "retire" when the new Tilia TOS came into being was a good one for me.
  17. A book I should reread some day. Meanwhile I am back wandering around after 10 days or so in hospital. It's like I am on a different grid and I have a feeling I missed SOMETHING while I was gone. Most of my Advent favorites are calendar-less this year not to mention the strange issue with calendar scripts and today I found a prominent one just gone. I visited a bunch of events -- all giftless and a malaise seems to be floating over the grid. Bloggers aren't blogging that much and it is VERY QUIET. It seems like folks are reacting to something but what that "something IS I have no clue. Any info appreciated.
  18. Hi all. The issue with Nutmeg's gachas (as well as some other brands including the match head shop) is that some items have horrid (super horrid) LODs. Some items are fine LOD but very high land impact. Sometimes you know the LI from the vendor key and somethings not. And of course LI is not necessarily an indication of triangle count. So it is particularly tricky. I would buy things in the aftermarket and then end up giving them to a friend as there was no way I would use them. Even among the heavy mesh brands (some who of course don't make their own mesh) it is a shot in the dark. Now and then though there are pieces with good LODs as well as reasonable triangle counts. THEN you are definitely a winner. It doesn't look like that trend is going to change any time soon. Personally I most often shop with the brands I know make good LODs and low triangle counts --- consistently.
  19. Just wanted to let you guys know that I have not left the planet. Not used to notebook in bed so a good time for a break. Advent calender will hopefully work smoothly. I can log in to pay rent but that is even tough ... Will be back when I return home.
  20. Make sure this happens in the Linden viewer if you are using an alternate. If it happens in BOTH, then it isn't a viewer issue. If you have reproduced the problem in the Linden viewer as well as any alternate viewers, then you can contact SUPPORT and see if they have ideas.
  21. If people would actually READ the information on the Firestorm blog BEFORE trying the DIY method, their lives would be much easier. Having READ all the info needed it took me -- as said by someone else -- about five minutes to install the latest version. I didn't loose my settings as I had a BACKUP in a secure location (several actually) and I RESTORED using the backup option once the NEW VERSION was in place. Note that none of this is NEW FS behavior. Backups have been in FS for years now. If you don't use that function then, yes you will need to painstakingly go through all your preference files. If you wanted to convert FS Windlight settings to EEP you needed to save the skies folder - again in a different and secure location. ALL if this is documented on the Firetorm blog. And AFAIK Firestorm will NOT update anything FOR YOU (like Chrome and Windows) -- hence you downloading and installing -- so "they" didn't make a change a couple of weeks ago. Linden Lab may have made a change that "broke" something in FS for you or Windows may have made a change. The introductory page to the latest Version of FS is here:https://www.firestormviewer.org/firestorm-release-6-4-21-64531/ Installation instructions (for windows) are here: https://www.firestormviewer.org/windows/ Updating instructions are here: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_update_viewer
  22. Well it is Tuesday and no new color of the week. How can that be? I "am" working on a simpler challenge -- on that can still span time, but isn't "weekly". I need to find more parts and pieces for it though. So watch the challenge boards in the near future. Let's hope I find something. If you look at the Challenge post listings you can easily tell that we are currently at the top of "popularity" (views and posts) so we did a few things right and it was great fun seeing what folks came up with each week. So here's to new adventures.
  23. I haven't ever done this but the first thing "I" would try would be to rename the props as needed -- so wineglass 1, wineglass 2 etc. Is that possible? Then each prop would be treated separately. Just a guess.
  24. Note that while a good program long ago (oh so long ago) the newer Qavimator was in beta and never finished with a ton of issues. I am not sure about the MAC part of the issue, but if you haven't researched all this you might want to before working on it more.
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