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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Yes there is or has been for a long while, haven't checked lately. There is also (now - or on last report) an "I agree" when you BUY (that wasn't the case at the beginning of "Tilia Takes Over" ). For awhile there was a "by clicking this button you agree to" method but that went away for a time. If any of this has changed (only those who have never agreed will see it of course) then I would certainly like to know --- but alas I have no hope of that. I just don't bother to check any longer. (Note: the part about agreeing to BUY is no longer valid as I just checked --- see note a couple posts down. I understand the legalities, I just don't like the TOS and Privacy Policy which has of course complicated "my" life. No regrets though, I am still doing all the things I enjoy here, just in a different way.
  2. Thanks everyone. I ended up doing my photo with just a hair base. Have several, that wasn't the problem. There really IS a need for this. I have some great hats that really need "fringe" so that they look like there is actual hair underneath the hat. I have lots of hats and caps with hair, just need something completely flat (like leggings that REALLY FIT EXACTLY) that could be used with hats sold with not hair. IF the hair was mod and "prim" it could be adjusted but there isn't much of that around these days. And the old stuff isn't all that impressive :D. Appreciate the replies.
  3. I have a collection of "hat hair" but I really need something that is VERY close to the head with just tendrils in back and by the ears -- even JUST tendrils and no crown at all would be good. I haven't seen anything like this but I haven't done a lot of hair shopping lately, just watching events sometimes. If anyone has a favorite (mod would be great too of course if it isn't "too old" -- would love a recommendation. Thanks.
  4. I have never been in a forum where this wasn't the case. Happily we can BLOCK the folks we don't want to listen too. Life gets much easier. And I have noted over time that the many of the people I have blocked, have disappeared :D. And of course you CAN just stay away. There are, however, lots of friendly and helpful people here too.
  5. Happily it seems like Microsoft has figured out how many people don't want Win11 and now are just offering you the option while still adding the security updates and such -- at least that is what "I" get. Still really messed up my mouse -- or at least it seems that way :D. Living with it and hoping it gets fixed soon.
  6. Also check the same sim with the same settings using the LINDEN viewer (even if you hate it, it is always good to have it installed for testing; it updated automatically). I don't know what to say about the using 100 percent of the GPU. Sansar used to take whatever it could (that was planned) of everyone's computer. At the same time I have read many places that my Nvidia cards shouldn't run above 60 == this for long life and not burning up power supplies. I even lost my motherboard once when programs (SL and Blender baking) were running too hot. So ...... Just recently (for a few of my friends and I) Windows did an update that messed up a lot of devices -- for me, my mouse. Sometimes depending on settings, Windows will update for you. Sometimes, too (I have checked this many times) Windows updates WITHOUT listing the update in the "what was updated" pane. It can be very frustrating. Good luck!
  7. It is in theory "random" and NOT "first come first served" and there was about a week last time to put in your application, so you probably don't have to be a stalker :D. I think I will be able to get in about that same time so will have a look == but again NOT SOON Edit: Well a lot happened in the last hour. I wrote to Kaerri and donated a house to decorate (Victorian Redux) and ended up with a small shop at the event. So the above info is no longer correct but leaving. On with the day.
  8. There is one near me that is 5600 called "Neo" (I liked the name and it was next door so I zipped over). I thought it was 5000 when I went over yesterday but made have read is incorrectly. Not sure about abilities. There are two others for rent nearby too. I have noted a LOT of ads for land sales - rent lately (more than the norm). Beware though that when something sounds "too good" it sometimes is. Plenty of reports of people renting and then having landlord disappear and land reclaimed. So a long time company is probably safest. I pay 6488 at RGB which isn't the cheapest but seems very stable. This is NOT that company.
  9. I guess I wasn't clear when I sent you a PM the other day. Yes, there will be. I know because I am donating a prize to the "winners" :D. So just watch for an announcement. A long time before the sims show up and lots to get done before they let folks in to look at this year's houses. BTW I am there as an artist, not a furniture prefab maker :D.
  10. I hear ya :D. I checked some weekend events (only two for me now) and found a list of six things of interest. The first, a dress from a well-known creator, had some nasty weighting on the skirt. Three of the stops had NO SIGNS; you had to literally HUNT for the sale item (sigh). I found two of the three. One of those I purchased (yes there was a demo) but on MORE inspection found that there were some very bad transparency issues. My bad, BUT honestly in my mind the "name brand" creator should have never sold that to anyone at any price. They should have uploaded new none-alpha textures for the offending area OR toss the whole release. That is certainly what "I" would have done. This left a bad memory for that brand that likely won't go away soon. Two simply looked much better in the vendor photo than inworld :D. I bought a cute shabby chic building from DaD which only had a downsized demo. The windows have an LOD issue but with some close to the house privacy landscaping it is still usable depending on your space. So I am NOW working on a post for gifts from Midnight Order - LOL. Welcome back to SL blogging in 2008.
  11. Well it does have super long LODs also -- more than most folks would need. BUT it breaks apart -- when it breaks a part -- rather oddly, hence my thought that it likely didn't have custom LODs. There are some exceptionally well-made items out there (rarely but there) that DO apparently have custom LODs along with very reasonable top triangle counts. Those folks deserve lots of clapping I think. I never found that my LODs were much better than the uploaders, but again, my stuff in general has always been pretty low poly, will any extra edgeloops not needed -- removed. So "for me" I worked WITH the uploader and then TESTED a lot. My only hints on a kitchen would be to remember that no one will likely see the hardware or knobs from a long distance so they can be VERY minimal. There is also the "billboard" trick where you swap out a previously "hidden" pane for a pane with screenshot to replace things that break apart easily. But typically a kitchen wouldn't be seen from a long distance so not sure that would help. Mostly used for complex windows.
  12. That is certainly a possibility so I looked. (I had this in inventory). This is an EIGHT YEAR OLD model and I strongly suspect it was made without custom LODs (nothing intrinsically wrong with that; I seldom make my own mostly because my items are designed "simply" to start with). Designers hopefully learn and grow over time and often make different choices than they did in the past. Sometimes this is for the good (current Nutmeg designs are a good example) and sometimes for the bad (quite a few of my favorite brands have gone over to the dark side with heavy mesh and textures). So yes, it will not work for everyone. With a few different (logical) choices this chair could have been two or three li). But that was then ... It is certainly a good value at the group price if you have the prims to spare. The LI is not off the charts by any means. Hence it is still in my inventory LOL.
  13. While I think "most" people use Avastar to upload (bvh upload was broken in that software for years but may be fixed now I haven't tried lately) it may ALSO be the priority that you have set your animation on. Try uploading with priority 4 and see if that works for you. If you already did that then I have no idea other than a program that will export anim files (there is another besides Avastar but I don't remember what it is). Good luck.
  15. Actually there have been plenty of violations all along. I reported a few at the beginning but most were ignored. The gacha machines I reported were removed (this on a round when they weren't allowed) but other things such as full price items set out when everything was supposed to be 20 percent off or more -- were ignored. I have found over time that it is best to keep your mouth shut in most events (Lost and Found was the only one that actually policed that "I" found) as most event owners do NOT want to know and the person reporting is NOT in favor LOL.
  16. The last round of the Shop and Hop (December) changed the rules so that gift cards given out needed to be hefty. I think it was $500 lindens. So that is no longer the case, but I do agree that a "gift" should be large enough to actually buy something easily and not have to add your own lindens in order to purchase.
  17. You may be speaking for yourself but in five or six years in events I broke even to making $120,000 lindens (the booth fee was 5,000 on hat one) on each event. The only event that I participated in at the end of 2021 I made over 6,000 linden profit (a niche event that I had fun being in). The creators that I know and chat with are USUALLY making a small to good profit in each event. These are GOOD creators, not "slap on a tint to a template" folks. From what I know and who I talk to I suspect that overall among long time creators that event profits are down. That is in PART because many to most creators are taking place in the events still but not making anything very exciting -- just going through the motions. There are exceptions of course and those are the people I usually buy from :D. If creators choose to spend event fees knowing it is a loss that is of course their choice. I never saw any point in that and when the event started to wane and my profit margin decreased even with good creative products --- I just left that event and moved on.
  18. Shop and Hop has always been completely free. It tells you that on the announcement each time it accepts applications. In the beginning (the first one) most all of the shops were very "top drawer", then it became easier to get into and then (change of focus) it became more "all inclusive" which is some ways is nice for the creators. But the quality has gone down over the rounds and hence (and I noticed this too) a lot of the top brands apparently no longer applied. Towards the beginning (I was in four of five I think) the income was good for all the folks that "I" knew and chatted with. Then they let in 2 gachas and that became MY HIGHEST event ever. Now of course the gachas are gone :D. My best guess is that some brands have stopped taking part BECAUSE of the all inclusive (honestly some shops are terrifically tacky to the point that it hurts me to walk by). They likely don't want to be in the same company with those folks. I pretty much concur. The last round (Christmas) I looked at the list and just went to the shops that I knew so that I could make a blog post. That kind of defeats the purpose of the all inclusive bit. BTW the event got MUCH larger in its all inclusiveness making it a real chore to do in one day (I have done it but it isn't fun). The folks I know who are now participating (they were not when the event was newish) are doing "OK" but not making all that much profit even with the FREE FEE.
  19. )Thank you all for your comments. Just a couple more thoughts about things mentioned so far since I have been watching this VERY closely for a long time. The "original creator mesh" events are for the most part no longer that even if original is still part of their tag line and still part of their designer rules. Many to most of even the most popular events are "overlooking" the criteria and woe be the person who reports the infringement to the event owner. Rules have also changed to let makeup, shapes, poses, eyes etc. be acceptable. And overall quality is down with brands and items being accepted that were never a part of the original plan. WHY? Because the event owners make a ton (TON) (TON) or money off of the fees. For awhile I was counting the participants in the top events. They were dropping each month along with the quality of products. There are a few events that I am pretty sure have MANY alts making "easy to make" items as filler and STILL their booths have dropped from over a hundred Wow-I-would-like-to-get-into=that-event to around 25 look-at-everything-in-less-than-five-minutes offerings. At $3,500 to over $10,000 a booth -- it doesn't take many ACTUAL PAYING CREATORS for the event owner to make money. There DO seem to still be a few event companies that are doing a great job and trying to keep the quality up, but they are in the minority these days. One very popular and VERY old event is now actively advertising for applications AT THE EVENT! Oh my. The self-regulation idea has come and gone -- a failure. A few very popular events have closed but most are still chugging along in a shadow of what they originally were. For each one that finally closes, two or three pop-up. If there is something new and different, that is one thing. Most often they are just the same as what is already out there. I see more and more "repeat" offerings on the sales events to boot. The only positive thing I can say for the current trends is that it let's more new creators (template folks as well as original) take part in the EXPERIENCE of being in an event. This is a plus. But it is tainted somewhat by the lack of quality and effort needed to get in. As a creator I am glad I am "retired" and basically doing customer support. I signed up to be in a couple of upcoming event company hunts, but not for exposure, just because I want folks to have something worthwhile to do. I was in ONE event last year - a themed one, and plan to be in at least one this year LOL. But watching the waves come in is a fine meditative activity :D. Thanks again. I'll check back.
  20. I was about to start putting my personal thoughts on paper -- well virtual paper anyway, but then I stopped to reflect. I know I am not alone in the "Please, please, make it stop" outlook concerning the preponderance of events. But, is there an equally stalwart contingent that have hunkered down in the trenches waving "We Want More!" ? I just counted approximately 250 events listed on Seraphim, most of them occurring weekly or monthly, That is close to 4,000 events (super sloppy in my head math but you get the idea) events per year. Some are large, some small; a few (I can think of only two really) that I look forward to when they come around twice a year. I find I don't really care much any more. The possibility of finding something I really like at an event has decreased over time. These days I am better off exploring some well-made sims and inspecting the stylist's choices. I now only look at a very few weekend sales. This past Saturday I bought two things and featured nothing. Still, that may just be ME. So give me some input here guys. What would you like to see happen to events? I know a lot of very talented creators whose incomes are WAY down and who make very little profit on events these days. These folks toil more with less reward. This can't go on forever.
  21. Ability to pay directly with linden dollars rather than USD. Patch mentioned that possibility to pay more things that way -- might have been a couple of years ago by now. Doubt it will ever happen though.
  22. In my experience the one star reviews -- especially with no actual complaint -- are made by competitors. The same when there are 10 ish five star reviews on a new product. Some of my top selling products have NO reviews at all and I have sold thousands of them. So reviews that aren't chatty and give a lot of relevant info don't count at all in my book. On the plus side LL seems to be removing bogus reviews more than in the past.
  23. It is also possible that I was online much more (like all day besides when the typist was sleeping) and working my machine hard. There were some sims I would always crash in (mostly role play with lots of heavy mesh or sculpts). If someone is worried about how hard they are working their computer, they can always install Speccy (free) and check the temperature of your computer. Sure there are other programs that do the same checks.
  24. Please note that even with a very hefty desktop computer directly connected (not wifi) running at LOD 4 can FRY YOUR COMPUTER'S POWER SUPPLY. I went through two before I figured out what the problem was. LOD2 is the safest for most people even if you run on ultra. The preponderance of heavy mesh being uploaded these days just compounds the problem.
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