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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I just did another test with a couch that I made months ago for an Advent gift. It NOW has the same behavior. It did NOT when made. I can't see that this is "Me" at all. Something has definitely changed. I hope it gets fixed. Movin' on I guess.
  2. But --- :D. I have never ever assigned anything that you described to any furniture. I did this couch just the way I have done a hundred other couches and chairs and pose props. AND the same switching occurs NOW (not previously) on furniture made by other well known folks -- furniture that I have never ever had any issues with and which was working as it should two days ago. And I wasn't Alt + camming when sitting. I just would right click and "sit here". So while this is likely true for you -- I don't see how it has much to do with what is happening in my world (and those that tested for me so like five other folks). It doesn't just happen at my sim, but at the beach sim that I have a place on. It happens with various avatars. It started happening two days ago. It has nothing to do with what I am wearing (a suggestion on that other thread) because I changed clothes AND it happens to others too and with the Linden viewer as well as Firestorm. The fact that "sometimes" things work is the most confusing part. It seems like if you have just logged in or teleported over the problem is there -- later it is not or at least that is the lingering feeling that I have. I am wondering if this is something to do with a change in the server code as we had a restart a couple of days ago also; I was logged off for that. Other than that, I have no idea. I do appreciate you replying though. I have gone to Plan B and if this doesn't rectify itself by the time the event opens I am going with that "unplanned - plan" :D. I can't put out furniture that does this.
  3. I was going to put this here and then decided it may be a viewer issue (which apparently it is not). Basically when someone sits on the couch the view changes to the back of their head and also in the up and down direction. So very messy. I have been using AVsitter for many years without this showing up. It isn't only on MY build, but also on other furniture (Trompe Loeil and Nutmeg) which WERE working just fine until a day or so ago. I have tried resitting scripts in JUST the couch (not connected to other mesh parts) and that doesn't solve anything. I tried putting an invisible prim as the root for folks to click --- same issue applies. I had two testers come over (very nice of them) and they had the same change of view issue. So if anyone here knows how I can fix this I would be very happy to know. More info in that thread linked above.
  4. Mine are all 1999 which is the border where Blogger counts pictures against your allotment. Anything under that doesn't count. That may have changed lately but since that would fill the screen of most of the computer users out there, that was my choice. Of course you have to have a fairly hefty computer to use DOF and all the sliders and then the lighting sliders etc etc :D. So not too many folks are playing in that pond.
  5. So a helpful volunteer tester arrived and it is indeed wrong, not just me. I am going to try the invisible second prim (two people sit) root and see if that solves the issue. If not, I am making clutter for the messy couch. Not seeing any clear answer or reasoning behind the problem which IS frustrating. Will report later.
  6. I could use some testers. Especially folks who aren't having FS issues :D. While I didn't make any changes, it seems to be working this morning. I am thinking it is "me" and nothing that I did to make this problem since sits also aren't working correctly (or weren't) on furniture I know WAS WORKING a day ago. So if anyone has the time I would appreciate a try out and some feedback. If it is just me I'll call it good and not worry about it. Setup is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moon Beach/159/113/2002 Thanks.
  7. OK. I tested with two different alts. One alt it worked fine (male), the other (female) had the same issues. MY issues with the stool at my house were gone but then I logged the guy in again and he had issues. Issues with BOTH FS and Linden viewers. No clue at all why it is so haphazard. So I will change the design and it will become "décor" and not sit-able. I have over a week to finish this and it was done (I thought) so maybe it will fix itself. It seems like a server code issue but no one else seems to be having it, so maybe not. I did change clothes and then it worked and then it didn't. Too messy for me LOL. This was supposed to be a FUN project. Thanks for responding.
  8. I had started this in the animation forum but it seems like this is the place it actually needs to be. I am about to give up on this but thought I would ask if this is a known issue. I know there are some major (marked as trivia in the FS viewer's JIRA) issues with touch doing many things it should not like teleporting and saying an item isn't for sale etc. BUT I have this same problem in the Linden viewer. I have a couch as part of a larger build. Put animations in as usual. All looks fine when testing with AV sitter active. BUT when I test as a finished product the view shirts 180 degrees to the back of the head (in my case the back of the shelter the couch is in). I redid all the poses from scratch on JUST the couch and the same things happens. I can't ever remember seeing this. Not only does it switch view in Z axis but it also tilts the camera some. VERY messy. SOMETIMES however it works as it should. But just part of the time isn't going to work out well. So if anyone knows what is going on and how to fix it I would be appreciative. If not I will switch to Plan B and leave the poses out of the build. OK I just went over an tested some furniture that WAS WORKING fine yesterday and now I am getting the same issue with it. So I am "guessing" that it isn't what I have done that is the problem. Here is what I see when I sit down (not my furniture and it was working yesterday). Again, this is NOT viewer specific so reinstally FS won't help. Ideas? Thanks. ADDING -- my view is fine when I am walking around and I didn't make any changes to it. In fact I only use the Linden viewer for testing and aside from a EEP light change everything is at the defaults.
  9. Well THAT was a lot of work to do! Aside from the can't own a homestead without a full sim issue which you acknowledged there is a giant elephant in the room which you may not even know about. The big land owners (land baron types) don't PAY the published rate that small owners do. AFAIK no one has ever published the costs that they do pay. That may be an NDA thing OR it is very likely that the costs are not consistent even among land baron types -- different deals for different folks. I have absolutely NO INTEL on the amount. The second questionable statistic (to me) is using the cost of BUYING lindens as your benchmark. Assuming the landlord is using the rental fees as RL income they will not only have to convert BACK to linden dollars to pay the tier (and that is a pretty heft charge) -- if they want to process their USDs out to Paypal there will be MORE charges (even heftier). So looking at this only from the renter's cost point of view seem unfair to me. A middle ground number between costs to buy and cost to sell and process would seem both more logical and more fair. Let's look at my my Moon Beach sim for example: --- I pay $6488 a week (a homestead sim). I have been here well over a year and I am perfectly happy. No hassles at all. I haven't even contacted the owners. And I rented another sim from the same people before that. This was NOT the cheapest parcel that I could find, but the less expensive one came with a hill surrounds with bad LODs and was "landscaped". I wanted a blank slate. So using your idea of Linden conversion that is 6488 minus 6061 which is somewhere in the $1.30US area (quick and dirty math) WITHOUOT TAKING INTO ACCOUNT conversion back to USDs and the fees for processing payment. So VERY loosely that is $5.00 and change a month per sim. And most of the larger land places have overhead to take into consideration too. That's not a lot of profit as "published prices". The last point probably isn't all that important to most folks but the reason that "I" am renting is the Tilia part of the equation. I have yet to agree to the use and privacy policies and I have no plans to. What I have here now is a "savings account". Should I ever be desperate (I don't foresee that but who knows) I may decide to give The Lab my SSN (granted they might already have it but "I" didn't give it to them and to me that is relevant). I may decide to cash out. Until then it is just play money for awhile.
  10. Sounds like the same issue. It also happens when NOT in build mode but when camming. I probably cam a lot more than others. I am using the latest official release. Will look forward to the next one.
  11. I noticed this problem at the beginning of October right when The Arcade opened so REALLY the beginning. If I am camming around with Alt key and mouse OR if I am trying to drag two objects with Shift + etc (various movements that all have to do with the alt - ctrl - shift key combos ---- I it acts as a double click teleport BACK to where I first entered the scene in this login session --- OR the forced teleport in some sims. This has been happening on and off for a month now but today when I was redecorating my sim for winter I could hardly do anything. Each time I tried to move a bush group or a rock etc I would end up near the wall of the entrance to the building (WHERE I LOGGED INTO). I even tried sitting down to work but that didn't help. I thought it might be my keyboard, but I logged in on the linden viewer just now (same sim and doing the same moves) and could NOT get that same error to happen. So, not keyboard. It definitely seems viewer specific. My settings in FS are correct for single and double clicks and they work fine as long as there aren't any key combos. I am wondering if this is happening to anyone else. Thanks.
  12. Tis Penultima week! I don't use that word often LOL. Smart cookies know we have both orange and pearled ivory left to do. Marrianne can dust off that wedding dress, because Pearled Ivory wins the toss. This should be an easy week for most of you. Next week is our last color -- good old, plain old ORANGE. That is the color that the original challenge ended with :D.
  13. I am not really seeing any use for myself of "user defined". I either use a cube or a hexagon cylinder OR make a "correct" physics model when needed. so I will likely just keep ignoring that option LOL. But if it is helpful for some folks then that is great.
  14. Hextraordinary makes some excellent fantasy mesh and does have some furniture.
  15. I am guessing you ended up with *Starly (or something like that). You need to turn OFF personal lighting with the "x" and THEN you can choose shared lighting. You should then get the lighting that the sim owner set or the default for mainland perhaps (I suggest NOT trying to learn on mainland Oh so ugly). Then you get a drop down list and you can scroll through and pic another if you don't want the EEP on the parcel where you are standing. AFTER you pick the lighting from the list that you like, you can THEN go toe "personal lighting" or whatever that setting is called at the bottom of the Quick Preferences tab in FS. From THERE you can tweak the sky to be closer to what you really want. It is very confusing at first, I agree. Someone explained it to me here and that got things going. Once you "get" it, it is very easy to use. You can make your own EEP settings but that is a bit more complex and you can import old Windlights if you still have access to those files. Not all Windlights convert though. Some do. Good luck.
  16. AFAIK yes and it is a pain. Something that would be good to add to the marketplace in the future.
  17. I was SO happy to see both cube and hexagon cylinder added. Much easier than looking up my homemade ones over and over and over :D.
  18. If you are using the same skin on both parts and have tired the Bakes on Mesh feature (assuming there is one on the items you have) then it is most likely because there IS an issue with Jake (well known - I don't have the body - it may have been fixed recently or not :D). So you wear turtlenecks or "chokers - collars" that will cover it up. There are some neck fixes that you can buy to help but I haven't heard any rave reviews for your particular problem. That's all I know. Not a guy.
  19. Agreed, get the best you can afford and Nvidia (SL has historically been better with Nvidia). I have one of the coveted at the time 3070. In order to GET that I had my choice of two brands LOL (supply chain - supply chain) and I picked Alienware as I will never by from the other company again (enough said). The 3070 does everything I want it to do in SL with all the settings turned up high. STILL --- if you are in a mesh heavy, avatar heavy and texture heavy sim it bogs down. That seems to always be the case. Alas, we do not learn.
  20. Also --- and this is important. Once you get all your settings the way you want them then SAVE A BACKUP (there is a tab in Firestorm for this) and you won't need to do it again for updated viewer releases. There is a LOT (oh so much) in FS that isn't in the SL viewer but they have classes if you get too confused. There IS a reason why Firestorm is the most popular viewer :D.
  21. Thanks I am sure that will help some folks. Honestly, I don't care. I just wish it would have been easier -- maybe make the HUD part of the ACTUAL hunt and not "gaming" the event. Sort of put a big damper on it for me (and others I guess). It would have been MUCH more fun to stroll around the sims and SEE the pumpkins on the front porches or whatever; that would have made me a happier gal about all this. But again. TY!!!!
  22. Only three more colors to go! A long journey but hopefully a fun one for some folks. Today's color is MULBERRY. I didn't get a perfect match but I get points for nostalgic styling I think.
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