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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. And not everyone has a cell phone (yes, I know but true and on purpose) AND some folks cannot receive text messages on their cell phones. So email is definitely the more inclusive choice. Most of the big platforms (like STEAM) use email checking on new devices. Discord also. Happily it is JUST when you switch computers although clearing cookies each day like some folks I know, might make the checking kick in. I keep my cookies saved as I am lazy.
  2. There are no covenants on mainland unless you might be RENTING and even then it would be a rental agreement. I went to several mainland areas including Horizons which did originally have a "code" if not a covenant but that has apparently been gone for a very long time (still, I checked). Anyone can do anything on mainland as long as it isn't against the TOS or any other Linden policies. The beauty and the plight of mainland. Renting is good. You can move when you want to or need to.
  3. While I have definitely had issues with this in the past year (Lara) body) where I had to manually hide things EACH time with various outfits (not the same maker) ---- I currently have no issues at all, even with the SAME outfits or garments (issues both ways). So just throwing that into the mix. I have been on the same sim (private and mine) for over a year. So it seems to me to be a server related problem?
  4. To the OP. Walk away or change your USD balance back into lindens (yes another fee) and spend it. Apparently -- you did not READ THE TOS when you agreed to it. Hopefully this is a lesson learned. In order to move USD out of SL you MUST (big letters - underlined etc) give Tilia your SSN and other information. THAT is your only other choice. Unfortunately folks in some countries cannot comply with the Tilia steps because of rules and the way things are done in other countries. Some have had lots of money "stuck". So hopefully some folks will read this thread and learn something. It isn't like it wasn't published
  5. Some creators do an EXCELLENT job. I have a fair amount of very realistically fitting garments in my wardrobe. This is why the forum mantras are "DEMO DEMO DEMO" and "NO DEMO NO BUY". Just keep shopping. And as was said above, it is NOT easy in the least :D. So kudos to those that make us look so good.
  6. Very nicely done. Good price. AMAZING empty mainland view LOL. I rented the oddly shaped one as it would likely be less coveted. Trying to be supportive :D. Those that love mainland that looks a bit more like Belli -- you should check this out.
  7. This may be true, but there may be other reasons for this that you may not have considered. That may certainly be true. I was only talking about reports from folks I am friends with -- not the creators I don't know :D.
  8. Well the creators that I know aren't agreeing with you --- LOL. Many have dropped out (these both top tier and second tier -- or what USED to be those designations a couple of years ago) of events or only doing a very few each year. Again, the folks that I talk to are not making the money they used to. If you have been keeping track of the NUMBER of booths in many of the top events, they have diminished a LOT over the last two years. And I have been able to get into all but a couple of events on the first day where as in the past it took several days before I could get in. So your experience is definitely different than mine
  9. I haven't been watching this thread so this may have been mentioned but was thinking as I started my RL chores of the day, that very close to the beginning of Belli, there were plans for a commercial area. That has been dropped it seems, but ..... What if premium plus included a multi sim commercial area with buildings on their own lots much like the Belli houses -- and only premium plus could claim those? The area could be quite lovely with a boat dock and parks, maybe even a small air field. So a destination shopping area. While this wouldn't educe ME to opt into Premium Plus, it would likely be a big draw for many. After all Belli has been the biggest perk and drawing force for Premium -- as far as I know anyway.
  10. Mine comes in around $111 per month and when I was originally looking for a homestead there was another land baron that had them at $6200 L ish. Those came with landscaping and mountain surrounds which I did not want so opted for the higher priced. This comes with support and an inworld "staff" but I have never had the need to use it. It is important to note that LL was known to give big discounts to "land barons" (I have no idea how many sims you needed to buy to be classified as that) for WELL over a decade. And those with grandfathered homesteads pay less. I didn't read your whole post, just commenting on that one point.
  11. But if the models when resting were in pose mode you wouldn't be able to see the weighting issues when you walk and there are a few major ones. I just assumed that I missed the sound / text description and info on buying because I was in the cam sim, so thanks for that info.
  12. Here is my report on the fashion show as seen from a "cam" sim. Really lovely modern and minimalist area. Classy. While it took a long time for audience to rez for me, the outfits rezzed quickly (there are some ways to do that and happily it seems like they did). Only one outfit was abve the 67K maximum complexity. My favorite outfit shown above but it walks very badly from behind so that likely kills sales potential for me. THE SHOW REPEATS. And there are a few (at least two) items that weren't in the video
  13. I guess I am having a difficult time wrapping my head around the "true metaverse" idea. I understand how Opensim let's folks take their avatars and good to "other grids" via a suitcase. Many dangers there but let's overlook that. Those are more or less the SAME platform. It would be nice to be able to pack up my NFT avatar made in SL and hop over to Sansar and keep that avatar -- granted. But things are so VERY different there -- and the devs -- as good as they were -- weren't able to get that to work (note I don't know that they TRIED but from casual "official" remarks it seemed like that was at one time a hope on the roadmap). Maybe in five or ten years, but by then my new NFT outfit might be very passe. That won't stop me from buying NFTs any more than it stopped me from buying gachas whose permissions I didn't like. It just anything that will induce me to buy over regular SL goods. First fashion show must be starting. I didn't even TRY to get in but maybe I can get a slot on the third day; (doubtful but will try). Edit. I made it over to an adjoining sim and currently standing under water -- but I can CAM. Everything very slow to rez though even on my smoking computer.
  14. So can someone explain the difference between NFTs and how things are typically sold in SL (as in NM-C-NT)? I really like the short coat outfit but really don't understand the NFT thing. Thanks. Adding: I wonder if there will be demos? And how many mesh body versions there will be. Guessing not tons but I haven't been to Blueberry lately.
  15. There was another thread on this when gachas were banned and in that thread Linden Lab had approved this method. As said, if you can see what you are buying then it isn't gambling. And to answer the question of how many buys to get the rare -=-- ONE. The real question is how many trips to the store or event do you need to make. The ones at The Arcade are actually the best for the buyer as each person sees different items for sale (this changes each day for each person). So by logging in an alt or two and/or coming back a few days, you can usually get the rare or what you are after in one payment. At least that has worked for me. I don't think these are working out so well for the sellers though. There were lots of these types of machines at the Christmas Shop and Hop and I only remember seeing them at one place this round. There may have been more but definitely not as many as Christmas.
  16. As mentioned on a recent thread I would like to see some "hair fringe" that can be used with hats. So hair that has no crown part that pokes through hats that come WITHOUT HAIR :D. I have some great hats but want a bit of "real hair" hanging down to look realistic. Hair bases really don't do that much for full sized hats.
  17. Just adding that I have been having major "sorting" inventory issues for about a week. Cleaning inventory and CAREFULLY moving items from one inventory pane to another (I am thirteen so know how to do this). Folders that SHOULD be under a main or sub category (example H and G indoors > lighting --- appear somewhere else like down a few folders under rugs for example). This has happened repeatedly over many days. I have not installed a new Firestorm or changed any settings. Also for over a week (a friend IMed me wondering if it was just her) items have been taking forever to rez when taken out of inventory -- small coalesced groups of maybe three items say are particularly slow. I can't see that this is a viewer specific problem (mine anyway) since this is the same version of FS I have had for months. What I DID notice a few days ago was that I got a message that my viewer setting had been change to coincide with my graphics driver. "I" didn't do anything with my graphics driver but Windows has been doing small updates (I have not opted into 11) so I suspect this may have something to do with their driver updates. I have had some double click inventory issues also, but not the one the OP mentioned as I right click and "add" for clothing. That's my input on the current inventory issues. Logging into another viewer WILL fix small problems like disappearing inventory. This is well known and the info on that small file that needs to be corrected is on the "missing inventory" page in the Firestorm wiki. It isn't going to fix MY problem but at least I know it is a problem now and can watch for issues. Folders have also been moved to my top inventory tree from the place they had been sorted to previously --- this on login. This inventory stuff and slow rezzing seems much more "cloud" oriented to me.
  18. I personally don't like that look but agree that one 2048 texture (I think this can only be uploaded with Black Dragon or maybe another 3rd party viewer) is the same as my FOUR 1024s. I also VERY seldom use specular or normal maps and bake those part (subtly ) into the single texture. So my typical build would be less. I also really hate those cast shadows because they conflict mightily when you use viewer shadows. But we each have a right to choose our methods. You and I have always built differently so there is no reason for us to agree on textures NOW :D. We do agree on many things but we don't need to agree on this LOL.
  19. It could be SO MUCH WORSE! Welcome to mainland. Derender and blocklist it (3rd party viewers) and try and forget it it there. Happily there is much less of this going on than in the past. To my knowledge this is completely "legal".
  20. I am still a big believer in baked textures (not baked on cast shadows but the AMBIENT change in the light which is baked in and makes things look much more realistic). So there is that. A "baked" brick wall looks very different than a tiled brick wall. So it really depends on the look you are after. That being said there is really NO reason to make a dozen `024 textures for your building. I usually have three 1024s for a smallish house (one exterior, one interior and one roof and ceiling. Floors can often be fine with tiled textures or add one more 1024 for your flooring. So it depends on what you are going after for your final look. The baked textures if done correctly will be subtle but more realistic and a flat tiling texture. Hence I almost always bake using Blender Cycles. Below is a THREE STORY section of an apartment house -- the exterior. If you used the same tiling "stucco" on it there were be no difference in the value (light and darkness) of the different pieces. That's my input.
  21. I can't find any mention of INFLATING the price in the above discussion. I am pretty sure that they are talking about a percentage of the sales price being given to the person doing the ad work BY USING the "split profit" option. That would be very easy to do. If they are NOT suggesting that --- then it is still and option, just my idea :D. As someone that has done RL Work for Hire though that wouldn't be my choice. My choice would be a certain amount per ad. It takes just as much work to make ads for a low cost item as it does for a very expensive object.
  22. I was likely the major contributor to that thread. "Tilia Takes Over" was the thread title and I was very happy that SEEMINGLY because of that thread the original idea that everyone would have to agree to Tilia JUST TO LOG INTO SL was rescinded. So points for all of us -- including Linden Lab there. BUT THINGS CHANGED OVER TIME -- a few things a few times and it appears that "you" were not paying attention to those changes. So while that thread is an interesting historical read for someone VERY bored and with nothing to do (it goes on forever) it has not much to do with what is happening now. Right NOW you can buy lindens without agreeing to Tilia (unless there is yet another message past the "buy" button that I didn't see because I didn't buy) but you cannot convert to USDs without agreement (see screenshot). That is what we know on February 4, 2022. And now I am going off to hunt for gifts :D.
  23. I had one alt account that I kept and renewed last year. I could do that because I PAID WITH PAYPAL, not a US balance. So you can still do that. I did that as a "just in case" measure but will not be renewing this year (coming up soon). But the folks that I know that stopped being premium didn't want to spend there RL cash, but that which they had saved from stipend. Now of course stipend doesn't cover the cost back as it "almost" used to.
  24. You have to agree still (just went through the motions but didn't sell) in order to convert lindens to USD (not connected at all with sending out to Paypal) They HAVE however taken off the TOS agreement for BUYING linden dollars. The also connected this (chic's) account with an alt account (something folks keep saying that they never do LOL). So most of what I said above was true. Going back to cross out the bit about buying. Note to keep this in the THEME of the OP ----- I gave up my premium accounts because of the Tilia agreement that was needed to pay for the fee. I know several others that also did this. So it is a valid argument for "Premium Plus".
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