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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Just to update this thread I did a one dollar avatar last Fall which may still have some items that are of use to new folks. Some things were "under 30 days" if I remember correctly. Part 1 https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-one-linden-avatar.html Part 2 https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2022/12/the-one-linden-avatar-part-2.html
  2. As far as I know the Bento part was never finished for Qavimator. It was STARTED but I checked over and over and it was still "in process" and very much Beta according to the text at the website. Since this has been years I suspect it isn't going to ever happen. Blender and Avastar works well OR you can keep making non-Bento poses. Honestly for most things it is just the hands that matter and most of the top bodies come with hand options so unless you are making animations for your own attachments (like a bottle to drink from with hands wrapped around it) old poses and animations work just fine.
  3. It depends on the angle the furniture was when it was taken up by the creator before boxing OR in the case of "buy a copy" furniture which I still use but most folks don't the angle the piece of furniture is on display.
  4. Well my thought was if the gold dress was A and the white not then it might be a visual test and the AI is picking it up as naked (that happens on Flickr a lot and might be in test mode for Marketplace (don't know). BUT when I went to try and see which I could see as GENERAL I couldn't get the drop down box to take that choice. For ME it is stuck on G = M - A which is NOT my choice. I would just as soon not see the A stuff as I am not in the market for it :D. So something isn't working quite right on the Marketplace (no giant new news there). Just thought I would let you know.
  5. LOL. Well if that was only true. Today there are so MANY great houses out there that folks can get for 50 lindens or so (including BIG ones) there isn't really much call for new homes. Add the fact that a big portion of the market now lives in Belli and doesn't NEED a house and you have the current market. I still sell some very niche houses now and then but most are 500 lindens are less and yes they took me for-e-ver. My best advice assuming your house looks great when it is all textured and the physics is CORRECT (if you haven't been there yet be prepared) is to go look at some of the long time home sellers and compare your product to their "current" prices. Just listing a house (or land for sale) doesn't mean it will sell for that price ; same in the corporeal world. That's my input -- but thanks for giving me a smile and remembering those days when prims were king
  6. Don't have an answer but on the same viewer number: You can look at the triangle count in the build menu. This is a pretty typical scenario with high to low numbers. Sometimes the lowest setting is VERY low and sometimes that is fine depending on the object. In theory I guess someone could have made the LODs "backwards" with the bigger number at the bottom and not much up top (likely because they didn't understand how LODs work?). If the place is still set up you can go back and check that and also check on the Linden viewer. I haven't ever seen this but I am interested in any comments. ALSO the LODs can go wonkie if you have zoomed in to via the viewer with Ctrl + 0 and then forgotten about it. I have had THAT hjappen long ago.
  7. My first "real loss" was about fifteen years ago and it was my WHOLE HOME AND GARDEN FOLDER so I hear ya. Back then the mantra was "oh you never actually LOSE anything, it's just a viewer issue". Well that proved to be very wrong over the years. My latest 'real loss" was the beginning of June this year during that week when many things didn't work. I lost a lot of inventory as well as part of my display from 2015 which I had REZZED and which was supposed to be in SL20B as "vintage". Not only did the main part of the exhibit that I had put out for display to have it OKED disappear, the complete build disappeared from my inventory. It was COMPLETELY built by me. Along with all that I lost a blogger group that I had been a member of for ten years (that I had rectified but I had NO idea THAT could happen). The only positive thing that I can say is that is doesn't hurt near as much as that first time. I have multiple backup of most things but that doesn't seem to help and I have even had items INSIDE my Marketplace folder disappear as well as my logo texture which completely disappeared from EVERYONE'S inventory including event owner's. It really STILL is a mystery to me how this stuff happens. Hopefully the OP will find their missing items. Fingers crossed.
  8. See this page: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_missing_inventory It is OFTEN that tiny missing file thing that you need to copy over (assuming you did all the normal stuff). HOWEVER inventory DOES get deleted from the database. I have had a couple of dozen times this has happened over the years and it was unrecoverable. Hopefully yours will be an easy fix. Also try using the Linden viewer and see if your items are "really there". In that case there is a remedy and you should find it on that page. Good luck.
  9. Just wanted to note that this !S an old thread and I see some brands listed that are out of business or who aren't doing mod any longer. SO BE SURE AND CHECK PERMISSIONS rather than just taking the info here for granted .
  10. Try the free ones first to get an idea of what they are. https://fabfree.wordpress.com/the-fabfree-mesh-body-and-head-listing/ The Linden Lab "new" mesh avatars are on the drawing board - road map but we don't know WHEN so you can keep that in mind. WET is not the standard so far as I can tell :D. Personally I don't like that look at all and that is "skin" not "body". There is lots of info out there. Try Google and "mesh bodies second life". Don't hurry. Mesh bodies and heads can be very expensive in RL dollars.
  11. Super cute set at Nutmeg for the weekend. HUD is not currently working at ALL however on any piece. Reported to CS person so hopefully this will be fixed soon. OK. CS person says you need to be VERY close to the furniture for the hud to work. I have never had this issue before ^^ but beware. I suggested adding a notecard saying that would be good LOL. I like white anyway. You can also tint manually of course.
  12. That would be very difficult if not impossible unless they dedicated new areas. There are only so many land impact points per sim so giving PP folks MORE in whatever sim they chose makes no sense at all === just saying
  13. While I don't do "mobile" or " social media" I think the new mobile ap which is looking very PRETTY (gold stars) will make a huge difference around 2025. I honestly don't understand why so very many folks are glued (with the permanent variety) to their phones == but they are. So the current and next generations will likely be a part of the community that way. I am guessing that sort of rules out things like creation, but who knows.
  14. You didn't mention your FS settings OR when the crash occurs. Have you tried running FS on the lowest setting? While Firestorm is the most popular viewer it is also has a LOT of features making it more difficult to use for some machines. If FS on low settings still crashes then I concur with the "third party legacy type" viewer advice as the next thing to try. ALSO you might check with the FS inworld help group and tell them your error message. They may have seen this before and know what the problem is. When I did a search for your error message on Google it came up with this thread. NOTE IT IS OLD so replying THERE isn't a good thing :D. Might be some help.
  15. Probably the "best" way would be via BlogOtex (not free). There is a blogger group but I am not a member and not sure how active it is so far as "blogging" goes. Not sure if they take announcements or if it is basically a "help" group.
  16. I am guessing that you already checked the door controller panel and set the door to "open" or "public" or whatever you want. I had that problem once on a Linden home. You might also rerez the house from the mailbox or whatever the home rezzer is. Try another house, then back to the one you want. If there is actually a problem with the house that YOU can't fix you will need for a ticket to get to the top of the pile. It is a LONG weekend in the US (for some 5 days) so in the meantime, you could rez some furniture and drag it inside and then cam in and sit. If you don't know how to cam well, then you can make your outside space while waiting. When the Belli houses FIRST came into being there were a few lots that wouldn't rez a house. One gal (a creator) set up a lovely trailer and outside area while waiting for things to get fixed :D. Good luck.
  17. Akeruka had a male Asian head a few years ago. There may be more now.
  18. Found by accident while I was looking for things to choose for features LOL. I am HERE but I am CAMMING so do a search. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ZI Treasure Island/66/46/503 All three décor accessories are free.
  19. GAWK! gift card. Leggings on the wall to the left. They also match some GREAT boots out for FLF LOL. And the boots fit over the leggings (woot).
  20. The Arcade has "next up" type machines each quarter. They may still be there tomorrow, not sure but June Sept Dec, Mar. Also GACHAS were outlawed years ago now so that isn't the correct term for the new "conveyor" systems :D.
  21. Just wanted to say for any designers who are reading this -- I am HAPPY to have gift cards. I only pick up ones from stores I like and I often spend them at the event but sometimes go to the store. For example I just went over to GAWK and got these lovely leggings AND the crop top I am wearing AND another in white. These are great basics and I am sure they will be used well. All covered by the gift card. EDIT: I took my alt over and discovered that the gift card amount had gone down so scratch one item off your list. I guess there is a good reason to shop early. This isn't the first amount that was changed
  22. This was the first Shop and Hop with ADULT regions. They were separate and "kids" not able to enter (well in theory anyway). Oddly (for me) there were plenty of shops in those four sims that were NOT really adult. EDIT: That was Luna Bliss talking. Odd how the feed picked up the wrong name.
  23. Are you SURE that there wasn't also a SL20B gift. It is OK so far as the rules go for shops to have "extra" group gifts out but there must be at least ONE gift that is absolutely free to everyone (not even the pay a linden and get it back is allowed rule wise). There are often stores that have both. If this is not the case then reporting it to MISSY would be appropriate. She works hard to check all the boxes but that doesn't necessarily mean that the BOXES stay the same after being checked. I do agree that having a credit that will not cover ANY purchase in the store should not be allowed. Currently as long as a gift card is 300 or more it is within the rules. I didn't find any that were less than that but I didn't check every store. I have only seen one gift card or credit that would not cover the full price of any gift once and it was this current event and was changed by the creator from the original gift card price. So that might be something to add to the rules next time. AGAIN, only folks that applied got in (that seems pretty obvious) so I feel it is unjust to blame the event for not having what you want available but maybe I misunderstood your comments. Happens.
  24. Number 1 I agree in part -- such as folks who make HAIR giving out HAIR (and some do -- and some don't). If a brand makes cars and gives out earrings that is just ODD. BUT THEIR CHOICE. Number 2 is NOT against the Shop and Hop rules either. Personally I frequently go to the main store to use a gift card. So I don't think your point of view is "universal" but of course you have a right to your feelings. Number 3 -- If folks SELLING those things didn't apply there is no way that they can be included. I think Linden Lab (Missy in this case) has definitely worked hard on variety. If "you" (and others of course) represent a small market then it is unrealistic to expect creators to cater to that market since they will likely make less money. That is just common sense. If I find a vendor doing annoying things (and there was one or two for me this round) I just REMEMBER. I don't take it out on the folks that gave nice gifts or even the ones that "tried" and didn't really have the skills yet. Just my opinion.
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