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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Just wanted to add that I had some issues like this many months ago. It had nothing to do with the mouse --- but with the REGION. I have been using a logitech wireless mouse for many years (same old model as it is small and my hands are too. Changing out the mouse had nothing to do with those issue for me. The "fixed themselves" over time. It was also not the viewer. So did you try rezzing in a SANDBOX (hence other region)? The other thing that it could be is a Windows Update. I have had recent ones on both Win 10 and Win11 (I actually have Win11 notebook set to only update every five weeks because the updates were causing ALL kinds of issues. This latest one on my notebook made it so I can't charge up my headphones on that computer. They charge fine if I attach the same cord and headset to my big computer. So I guess I am just saying that it MAY have nothing to do with the mouse. Some things unfortunately are beyond our control. Good luck.
  2. I read this when it first came on then lost it and not reading all the comments so if this has been said, sorry. Since Linden Lab now OWNS and runs the major vendor company --- if this WAS a problem with the vendor system (I had one last week which I thought was odd) then perhaps a support ticket might get you somewhere. You would need all the info showing that the money was deducted, time etc. In GENERAL as I am sure it has been said LL doesn't get into these citizen issues. If it was the fault of the VENDOR system however it seems like they should rectify somehow. That's all I've got
  3. Since you likely don't know this --- Aquila is the Queen of mesh in SL and has helped MANY of us learn for well over a decade @Aquila Kytori
  4. Along with Aquila's excellent advice that I am guessing a few of us were smiling about ---- taking some inworld building classes (both prim and ?Blender (I thihk Builders Brewery still has beginning Blender classes) would be a good start. You are trying to make a very complex object when you don't know the basics. That just doesn't work. When I was teaching classes and indeed in the Blender videos I made I started just importing a cube with a texture . Honestly that's tricky enough when you have no idea what your are doing. Then a picture frame, a table and EVENTUALLY a very simple building with physics. Baby steps. For most of us Blender has been a long journey. Enjoy the process.
  5. Trompe Loeil at COLLABOR88 and at the original pricing of LONG ago :D. Really good LODs on this. 27 land impact and on off light.
  6. So as long as items are no transfer wouldn't that fix the transfer issue? Waiting to see where this goes with the populous. To be honest I didn't read all your posted details. Too late and too tired. Busy day - just commenting on this part.
  7. 1. I can't see any reason why not. If it is legal for LL it should be legal for anyone. Go forth and make a casino. Add music and DJs to yours. Cut the pricing down some. OR just make it FREE (what a novel concept). Actually "I" think that would be bad also since it promotes the gambling thing, but better than HELIOS. 2. The "gacha" or "gambling" rules say that you need to know what your are getting. So if you needed 5000 "coins" to buy a new outfit from (insert popular clothing or body designer here) then why not? Part of the gambling issues from OH SO LONG AGO is that whoever owned the machines (not unlike gacha machines) controlled how LUCKY the slots were. But who's to say that LL has great odds? 3. The "official" casino would likely be more popular with new folks. Oldsters I doubt it. Give people more for their money and they will likely flock to THAT casino. I was thinking it might be time to picket but maybe this will all take care of itself if others jump on the bandwagon AND perhaps (I really doubt it but who knows) that was a secondary effect hoped for -- getting more sims filled. Time will tell. Good thoughts though. PS. I have been waiting for the new marketing scheme for a long while now. Maybe The Lab has unconsciously given it us!
  8. I sort of thought that also although the land tab says it is a LINDEN owner. This shot didn't make the blog.
  9. You know there is a reason I still come to these forums -- and this is it. Thank you for this thread. I went over there in "investigative reporter" mode, took some pictures, did some snooping. Found at least one person that didn't read the "this is not real - you cannot cash out" message (uncountably the norm, not the exception). The most interesting thing that I found, not mentioned here unless I missed it, is that this venue while listed as being owned by a Linden is NOT ON MAINLAND. It is private estate land. It seems that the Lindens have plenty of power to control things without using private lands. Even the EEP settings could be changed now and the sandy landscaping could be mesh. A puzzle.
  10. Try all these things including testing to see if items are actually THERE when using another browser. If all that fails know that inventory DOES disappear -- for some of us OFTEN :D. Keeping backups and sending copies to an alt helps in a few cases. Sometimes items completely disappear from the grid no matter who has them. Tis a mystery. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_missing_inventory#:~:text=For any%2Fall folders that,Then relog.
  11. Wanted to bring this to your attention as it is both different an I think it turned out well. Opens tomorrow. Some of you that do a lot of styling can understand how tricky it was to use goods from FIVE different shops and ONLY those shops and have everything flow. This was not a two hour styling LOL -- at least not for me. Nothing to buy there. It is look for things you like and then you can go to the store if you like. Gifts will be out apparently but I haven't been over to see what.
  12. That is a good example of "much ado about nothing" IMO. EEP took forever to get here. Very few folks loved it. It is still buggy and "I" of course went kicking and screaming and avoided EEP as much as I could. The PLUS was the mainland folks could change their lighting and the different levels were good for some. It did take me forever to get used to EEP but now I can get MOST of the Windlight looks I want. Not all mind you. So not a game changer really. Hence I am in the recession camp which smart folks NEW was coming when the COVID lockdown began. Summer is coming soon so I expect my income to decrease even more. Since I am retired more or less it doesn't matter to me but it is going to be hard for the folks trying to make real life income. Some will likely stop creating and may downsize again. But hopefully they will stick around and not exit. So if contests help them, then great. I keep waiting for the "next new marketing" scheme but so far it hasn't emerged :D.
  13. Very iffy LODS on the small things. Table good.
  14. Agreed. This is my ONLY for me purchase in a long while. Not new. On Hello Tuesday. I LOVE IT and have nothing close to it in my inventory or ever had. It takes a LOT for me to buy these days -- other than for blogging purposes :D.
  15. Slightly off topic but while I do not plan to create in PBR I DO plan to keep my store open. I have only made a few new things this year and don't plan to do much more (event coming up in May) other than that. HOWEVER there are tons of folks with lots invested in their "look" (both home and wearables". In theory -- according to what we have been told officially -- things will (hopefully) look as they were meant to so far as older items. "I" create for the middle folks so to speak so my stuff pretty much looks the same for everyone no matter what kind of computer I have. PBR "may" have more impact on some folks than others. I do agree that some folks might be worried about PBR but others like me have only mild interest. There have been tons of things in the past that were supposed to be "game changes" and didn't turn out to be. Changes in scripting have been the most dramatic in BREAKING things.
  16. I wrote a looooong meme on this topic over last weekend. It hasn't posted yet but "I" believe that some contests and giveaways are real and some "faked". It is really really easy to fake, so the only way you really know is that if you or someone you know wins. All that being said, I just checked my transaction history and my income which has been pretty steady this last year is down 40 percent. I don't know how MY experience translates to others but that is a pretty big dip -- mostly starting in April for me. It most likely isn't going to get better so it is possible that folks are trying different marketing angles. Really though along with the global economy (and the possibility of really big problems in the US at the end of May) there is also the matter of so many older avatars pretty much having everything they need. I bought the first item for ME (not a sale product to blog or a tryout garment for a blogger group item) for the first time in a long while this week. My LAST for me purchase was on Dec 28, 2020 (also a top). So I am not helping the trickle down economy much LOL.
  17. Re the new Cosmo look -- personally I like it. I think it is much easier to shop. So far as adding "non-Cosmo" vendors to Hello Tuesday, I can't think of any good reason really other than the list owner making more money. That "if you have a store in the shopping sim you can be in Hello Tuesday" was a big draw for some creators. Others of course opted out. Some of the new folks on HT are not the best ^^ but to be fair almost all the sales venues have been going downhill for a long while -- not in NUMBERS of ads to look through but in terms of quality goods. Personally I am OK with old stuff if it is still good stuff and at the beginning of the big sales venue boom that WAS the case. Now I hardly ever find anything I want to by or even show on my blog. All that being said I DID buy something on HT this week, a wearable which I love but obviously not going to show here on the furniture thread LOL. IF I was still a vendor at Cosmo I would have been happy with the new look as there are no longer any "bad spaces" and I was pretty much always in one of those :D. But I heard from another creator that not all the old-time Cosmo sellers were happy with the new look. She didn't say WHY. I think in part not having 90 degree angles to set up with might have ticked off some folks. But you NEED to learn those adjusting skills. Anyway my two cents.
  18. Out from Nutmeg for the weekend. When I went to inspect this the reading was 46 land impact which just "appeared to include the wall. I couldn't believe it was that and it is not. I so don't like LINKED DISPLAYS. Two versions. High LOD is 7li and low (and you will need LOD 4 viewing for this at anything but very close range). 219 triangles.
  19. Not a tech guru but when I have issues like these I run a "clean up and repair program". For me it is Glary Utilities (free version) but I imagine there are others out there. That has fixed NUMEROUS problems for me -- in my case mostly because of Windows 11 updates). Usually it is something wrong with the registry and fixing THAT, solves the issue. So you might give that a try. It sounds like it might do the trick but again this is not my area of expertise.
  20. If typing is an issue, can she do VOICE? That might circumvent the problem. For the most part -- most folks don't go with the "Hi, I am Hank and 80 and live in Ohio with two grandkids" kind of thing. I mean the point is we don't care. I note that "I" type a lot faster than most folks (waiting on IMs always) partly because I blog I guess and that gives you lots of practice --- BUT ..... SL is 20 years old now. So if someone has an old account and was the legal age when they joined you can "assume" that they are at least 48 years old. Many folks are WAY older. New account? They could be any age. There are TONS of "old folks" here, many running long time businesses. But they are fairly tech savvy and can type. Morning edit : as noted below and as I realized in the middle of the night that number should be 38 not 48. The "idea" is there though ! LOL
  21. Yes, someone rezzed a SIM SURROUN on mainland -- at least I am guessing mainland. I am pretty sure that the only way to send back would be for the person that owns the lot in the direct center to "return" it -- and THAT might be the person that rezzed it. So if mainland your best bet is to send in an abuse report with an attention getting title like "sim surround rezzed on mainland" and I am guessing someone will fix quickly. I have had them (long in the past but still) come immediately to the realms when someone was blocking the entry. So I think there is a good chance someone is reading for "important" things.
  22. That's probably your answer. Hardly anyone is supporting Win7.
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