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Account has to be 100 days old to enter a shop

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I'm new to second life (been playing for about a month) and I've come across a few shops that require an absurd account age to be able to demo their items at event and even enter their store (but you can fully buy the items at events without any issue) and I'm trying to figure out why that is? I understand that some places don't allow you to go to their shop for 30 days due to greifing or something else, I'm not sure.

but what is the reason for such a long account age? I would totally buy their stuff if I was allowed to demo it, but I have to wait until about September to even see their shop outside of events ....

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It's not any different to the 30 day thing. They're just extra paranoid about it, to the point of putting off genuine customers. The good news is that most places don't have account age set that high. A lot don't have it set at all, unless there's an ongoing griefer attack.

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48 minutes ago, grimmg0re said:

I'm new to second life (been playing for about a month) and I've come across a few shops that require an absurd account age to be able to demo their items at event and even enter their store (but you can fully buy the items at events without any issue) and I'm trying to figure out why that is? I understand that some places don't allow you to go to their shop for 30 days due to greifing or something else, I'm not sure.

but what is the reason for such a long account age? I would totally buy their stuff if I was allowed to demo it, but I have to wait until about September to even see their shop outside of events ....

100 days does seem excessive but one thing you quickly learn in SL is that the land owner is king of their castle. They can deny you entry or ban you for any reason or no reason at all. 

Maybe they meant to set it to 10 days but added an extra 0 by mistake? Maybe they're paranoid? 

You could always send them a diplomatic note card saying you'd like to buy their stuff but can't and explain why, or alternatively you could decide to boycott them out of principle. 

Or like you said, wait.... 

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6 minutes ago, Anna Nova said:

I don't even read comments from people without at least 1k posts in the forum.  What was all this about?

good idea, now extend your policy for those with posts over 20K too.

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Same reason some shops only allow Payment on File users. LL allows shop owners to be stupid, it's up to paying customers to determine what's accepted. Use your wallet's leverage, folks.

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2 hours ago, Polenth Yue said:

It's not any different to the 30 day thing. They're just extra paranoid about it, to the point of putting off genuine customers. The good news is that most places don't have account age set that high. A lot don't have it set at all, unless there's an ongoing griefer attack.

Jumping off of this point about paranoia, another reason (and yes I realize it's ridiculous) may be to 'stop!' copybotting. (A least it would explain why demos are restricted.)

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

What's the maximum age limit access setting? 100 days? 365 days? I can't seem to find it in the About Land tab.

Interesting question. I'd imagine there'd be more variance unless the 100 days is some "preset", in the sense of more highlighted, defined set point, like medium or max setting. If 30 is the most common thing, among those who use it at all, I'd rather expect 90 days, as roughly 3 months than 100. 

Personally, if I noticed a shop only wanting to sell to me or my lovely alt after they are 100 days old, I'd do my shopping tours elsewhere, and typically, I buy a full season's worth of stuff in one go, even in the same shop if I like their things, I'd avoid shopping with them at all. I understand that they might do it out of fear of griefers, and of course they're free to use the settings that LL provide, but 100 days seems really over the top for something like shopping. I'd understand higher settings for your land or something like group members to join, if you operate something "critical", where people meet and share activities and perhaps personal information, meditation groups, any kind of psychological, therapy related things, but a regular shop, seems overprotective. Like you have a shop in real life and only allow people over pension age in, because they statistically are the rarest group in that shoplifting occurs. 

In case those shop owners just more or less randomly/spontaneously chose that setting when setting up, maybe just heard it as a recommendation and never even had experience with under 100 days accounts themselves, and might not even really be aware anymore that they are using that setting, and would even change it if being made aware, it might actually be a favour to them to message and politely ask why. But on the other hand, if they are aware and want to keep it like that, it would be a bother and waste time, and, if you're a shop owner, it's their own responsibility to set, and perhaps review their settings every once in a while, so, personally, I'd just mentally blacklist the shop and go about my shopping tour, elsewhere. 

Edited by InnerCity Elf
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Fun fact: I found new users with enough RL funds to be quite willing to spend money in SL, usually even more so than most of us old residents. Something similar is is true for alts. Power-users with dozens of alts most likely have payment info on very few of those, yet they are willing to spend more on an alt than the average user spends on their main. Piss them off by not allowing their newly created alt into your shop and you lost several paying customer accounts at once.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, grimmg0re said:

I'm new to second life (been playing for about a month) and I've come across a few shops that require an absurd account age to be able to demo their items at event and even enter their store (but you can fully buy the items at events without any issue) and I'm trying to figure out why that is? I understand that some places don't allow you to go to their shop for 30 days due to greifing or something else, I'm not sure.

but what is the reason for such a long account age? I would totally buy their stuff if I was allowed to demo it, but I have to wait until about September to even see their shop outside of events ....

Honestly, it comes off to me as more of playing on the impatience of new users to get them to impulse buy.

Because, why wouldn't they just have the demo in the booth at the event?

100 days is a bit much.

Let me guess, the product looks great in the ad?

Does the ad look like it was generated with A.I. ?

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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On the flip side of that coin are those shops that have special selections of items set out for free for avatars under 30 days to help them get started.  I don't see it as often these days as when I first joined, but I always felt it was a nice touch and good will way to welcome someone to the grid  (even if it's an alt on occasion :P ).

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19 minutes ago, Anna Salyx said:

On the flip side of that coin are those shops that have special selections of items set out for free for avatars under 30 days to help them get started.  I don't see it as often these days as when I first joined, but I always felt it was a nice touch and good will way to welcome someone to the grid  (even if it's an alt on occasion :P ).

Right. I think it actually may have been a shop that gave free choice of no matter which one of their hair in their shop with a big choice to avatars under 30 days that sucked me into being a paying part of the community, and I bought quite a few of their awesomly flexi hair back in the day :)

And who knows, I might well have left, had I been stuck with freebie mall hair, before considering the option of adding PI. ;)

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Fionalein said:

Fun fact: I found new users with enough RL funds to be quite willing to spend money in SL, usually even more so than most of us old residents. Something similar is is true for alts. Power-users with dozens of alts most likely have payment info on very few of those, yet they are willing to spend more on an alt than the average user spends on their main. Piss them off by not allowing their newly created alt into your shop and you lost several paying customer accounts at once.

Mostly something I agree with, except for the power users not having payment info on their million of alts. From my experience most of them do, because they know well enough that no payment info is a red flag to many people. And adding it is not really difficult to begin with, just make next L$ purchase (and they tend to purchase a lot to keep up their alt army dressed well) on another account.

Also some of the more experienced ones also tend to let their alts to "age" a bit. They create them and don't use for a few months, sometimes even longer. But yeah, 90 days or even 30 days is a bit too long. I think a week makes sense, most throwaway accounts of griefers get abandoned between a day and a week I believe.

1 hour ago, InnerCity Elf said:

I think it actually may have been a shop that gave free choice of no matter which one of their hair in their shop with a big choice to avatars under 30 days that sucked me into being a paying part of the community, and I bought quite a few of their awesomly flexi hair back in the day

Sweet faces sweet hair maybe? I actually remember that one, it were my first not too awful hair too back in 2012, so even if I've swapped to the mesh hair later on and never looked back at flexi ones anymore it did help with my first attempt to make a somewhat decent avatar around that time.

Edited by steeljane42
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Posted (edited)

I would message the owner and ask politely to be let in. I did that for a sim that required 365 days. In this case I had created a new account and wanted to go to my old favorite spots and explained that to the owner, and they did let me in. If you tell the shop owner that you are an eager legit customer they may well let you in. The worse case is that you write a note and it does nothing.

Edited by BillFletcher
added something I left out
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7 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

What's the maximum age limit access setting? 100 days? 365 days? I can't seem to find it in the About Land tab.

there isn't one. there isn't a setting, people write scripts to do it instead...


btw, try creating a new account and see just how many destinations from what's hot now kick you out... try hair stores too... it's pretty awful new user experience..

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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Madi Melodious said:

Shop in world, purchase from the marketplace is my policy.   No age limits on the marketplace.

I do the reverse:  Use the MP as a catalog and then buy in world, where I can see the actual item instead of a heavily photoshopped picture of it.  I have never seen a shop with a huge age limit, but then I passed the 100 day hurdle years ago, so I wouldn't have noticed.  It seems dumb to me, unless the merchant has had trouble with newbie copybotters. Even then it sounds pointless.

Edited by Rolig Loon
typos. as always.
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57 minutes ago, BillFletcher said:

I would message the owner and ask politely to be let in. I did that for a sim that required 365 days. In this case I had created a new account and wanted to go to my old favorite spots and explained that to the owner, and they did let me in. If you tell the shop owner that you are an eager legit customer they may well let you in. The worse case is that you write a note and it does nothing.


33 minutes ago, Madi Melodious said:

Shop in world, purchase from the marketplace is my policy.   No age limits on the marketplace.

The issue is one of the creators with the age limit has it in their messages NOT to dm them because it will be ignored and in order to get in the group you have to pay 600 linden which is also the most expensive price I've seen to join a group 

I also tried to look them up on the marketplace, and they only have ONE item on the actual marketplace but have a huuuge store full of stuff in world from what I saw in my 18 seconds being there before getting autobooted for my account age 

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8 minutes ago, grimmg0re said:

a huuuge store full of stuff in world from what I saw in my 18 seconds being there before getting autobooted for my account age

When you become a more experienced shopper, you'll be amazed at how much you can buy in 18 seconds!!

I jest. Yes, as everyone else has suggested, this is stupid. I'm not sure I wouldn't boycott such a place in the future just out of principle. They're not actually helping themselves, and they sure aren't helping the platform.

And welcome to SL!

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Extrude Ragu said:

there isn't a setting, people write scripts to do it instead...

What LSL function would you use for that? I only found PIOF of course.  

ETA: I actually looked before asking!

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, BillFletcher said:

I would message the owner and ask politely to be let in. I did that for a sim that required 365 days. In this case I had created a new account and wanted to go to my old favorite spots and explained that to the owner, and they did let me in. If you tell the shop owner that you are an eager legit customer they may well let you in. The worse case is that you write a note and it does nothing.

I think this is great advice ☝️ 

(ETA - oh oops just read OP's response about no DMs...if you know and trust some older avatars, can you ask them to go into the store and let you know what's there, and then you give them the money to buy the items for you as gifts?)

Edited by Rat Luv
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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

What LSL function would you use for that?

llRequestAgentData  with DATA_BORN.  Then subtract from the current day.

Edited by Rolig Loon
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