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What behavior do you find off-putting?

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I'll go first.

Hanging out afk at sex sims ALL THE TIME. 

Never leaves skybox.

Only chats in Discord forcing friends to have another screen open for discord at all times.

There are 3 to 5 minutes of silence between replies even though your avatar is right next to theirs (not an issue if you are chatting through im while doing other things)

Edited by Robberinthemuseum
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4 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

A barrage of IM's arriving the second I log in.  

Give a person few minutes to check the mail, set their keys down, and take off their coat before demanding their attention.

I find this one quite endearing. Like an eager puppy or something.

Edited by Robberinthemuseum
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3 minutes ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

Only chats in Discord forcing friends to have another screen open for discord at all times.

There is a 3 to 5 minutes of silence between replies even though your avatar is right next to theirs (not an issue if you are chatting through im while doing other things)

I started seeing the chat thing a few years ago. It started with people meeting on SL to go play games on Steam. Which I thought was weird because Steam has a chat feature and a friends list. 

Then discord became popular. Don’t get me wrong I think Discord is great. It’s just weird to me to chat on another chat while you’re chatting. 

I'm not quite sure what you mean with the second one. I do know some people IM you, like as soon as you log on and then do this consistently. I assume they do the same thing to a lot of people and are juggling conversations or they’re just really doing something else in RL. I always wonder why do people do this.

I’ll add one. I’ve noticed there’s been an uptick of people that are watching movies while they’re logged in.

I guess, what’s most off putting to me is how inattentive people can be while having a ‘conversation’ with someone else.

When I’m chatting with someone they have my attention. That’s not to say I haven’t juggled multiple conversations or went afk to cook or something. It’s just, some people aren’t very good at multitasking or try to multitask things they really shouldn’t imo.

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2 hours ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

I'll go first.

Hanging out afk at sex sims ALL THE TIME. 

Never leaves skybox.

Only chats in Discord forcing friends to have another screen open for discord at all times.

There is a 3 to 5 minutes of silence between replies even though your avatar is right next to theirs (not an issue if you are chatting through im while doing other things)

It drives me nuts also but sometimes other people they're chatting to might be more of a priority, or it just takes a while to respond to all

I hate the fishing attempts with 'Hi' then 'How are you?'

I also hate the way many guys feel entitled to know real life info, especially the first few minutes of talking and try to manipulate or bully it out of you

Edited by Liaa Nova
Seems I can't spell xD
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22 minutes ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

I find this one quite endearing. Like an eager puppy or something.

I actually don't mind it! :) It can be quite fun if you log on not sure what to do, or feeling a bit down, and suddenly a friend IMs you with a TP link, "OMG you have to come and see this!" and you're suddenly doing something new. Also, I like my friends xD...why wouldn't I want to hear from them straightaway? :x 

Edited by Rat Luv
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The perfect polished paragraph that takes 10 minutes to arrive... while you wonder if they've gone to sleep or to do their rl weekly supermarket shopping. Give me typos, txtspk, whatever, just let us have a conversation!!!!

(It doesn't help that I hate voice...)

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35 minutes ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

I find this one quite endearing. Like an eager puppy or something.

This will get you tossed off my friend list and why I seldom add anyone anymore.  In the past, when accepting a friend request, I make I very clear that I hate when people do this.  Then, they do it.  I let the first one pass, reminding them not to.do that.  The second time?  I don't respond and simply remove them.

22 minutes ago, Liaa Nova said:

I hate the fishing attempts with 'Hi' then 'How are you?'

I don't mind this except when after I've said hello, how are you doing back, they go silent for several minutes and often come back.with, "oh, I guess you're busy". Apparently, they wanted me to carry on the conversation when it's their responsibility to move it further since they messaged me.  

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14 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I used to regularly remove friends who didn't have the decency to say they were going to brb. Even long pauses between responses will result in me doing the same as I prioritize those who respond quickly.

Yeah, I came to realize that I may have a faster than average typing speed. I am patient, but if someone is carrying on multiple conversations, there really is no need for my avatar to be standing next to theirs. I can go off and do something. 

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1 minute ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

Yeah, I came to realize that I may have a faster than average typing speed. I am patient, but if someone is carrying on multiple conversations, there really is no need for my avatar to be standing next to theirs. I can go off and do something. 

I have the typing indicator active specifically so I know if someone is in the process of responding so I don't leave before they finish and also to get an idea of their response time in the general flow of conversation. I'm no longer quite as quick to drop friends who don't respond for some time and have learned to multitask with inventory organization while waiting. :)

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1 hour ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

Never leaves skybox.

I have so many days where I log in and then start cleaning inventory or building something and I never leave my skybox.  I can do the building by just camming outside the skybox onto the building platform -- why bother walking out there?

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I'm a terrible hang.. hehehe

I much rather chat in group chats than IM's , just like I used to love general chat rather than IM's.. I like communicating with a lot of people at the same time rather than 1 on 1 most of the time..

I hardly ever IM anyone, I never ask anyone to add me to their list and  try to act like I didn't see someone just putting up a friend request..

I'm not really in SL for a social life, but more to relax and escape for some mommy  me time..

I like helping in the groups  or helping new people or anyone that needs help and I can help..

But as far as hanging out friends.. I'm probably gonna check a lot of the boxes that show up in this thread.. I just don't have the time these days like when I was younger with all kinds of time to spare..

I also am up front with anyone that ever asks to be on my friends list.. I don't just do these things.. I make it clear that I may have to poof really quick and may not respond or may not answer when I get on , because sometimes I just log on and run and do other things..

I'll get some people that will get mad at me because they somehow either forgot  the heads up I gave them before we got on each others lists, or they thought I was going to change somehow..

Ya, maybe if I was to ever get divorced and the kids were grown.. lol


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1 hour ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

I'll go first.

Hanging out afk at sex sims ALL THE TIME. 

Never leaves skybox.

Only chats in Discord forcing friends to have another screen open for discord at all times.

There is a 3 to 5 minutes of silence between replies even though your avatar is right next to theirs (not an issue if you are chatting through im while doing other things)

I have no idea what a sex sim is but are they just not responding to you?  I do that a lot. Someone will say hi and I'll look at their profile and know we have nothing in common. It's just easier to ignore them.  I assume you are trying to solicit sex? I guess that might be an issue if there are only AFK avatars then. lol

Not sure why it bothers you if people prefer to stay in their skybox. 

1 hour ago, Janet Voxel said:

Then discord became popular. Don’t get me wrong I think Discord is great. It’s just weird to me to chat on another chat while you’re chatting. 

When I chat I use discord.  About a year ago somehow someone figured out how to record conversations on a sim. The admins were speaking on voice in local and did not know they were being recorded. Several conversations were pieced together and sent out to the whole group.  I still don't know how they did it but I prefer to chat on discord due to this.

35 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I used to regularly remove friends who didn't have the decency to say they were going to brb. Even long pauses between responses will result in me doing the same as I prioritize those who respond quickly.

This is why I don't chat on voice a lot.  The people I chat with I chat with on a daily basis so usually I'll come on and say hi or they will and keep my IM open.  When I have something interesting to say then I'll tell them. Sometimes I won't get a response for an hour, sometimes right away.  So it's like an ongoing open conversation while we are logged in.   If I am having a discussion that is happening in real time I will say brb if I'm going to be gone for longer than it takes to go to the bathroom. Otherwise I don't.  It's not enough for me to remove someone from my friends list. If they did that I wouldn't have considered them a friend to begin with.

I also have a lot of people I chat with on a daily basis. Nowadays, if I'm logged in then it's to go to the club I go to almost every night.  I'm very active in local plus having side conversations.  I think it's a bit unrealistic to think that someone will give you all their attention while logged into SL. 

Edit: A partner is different. 

Edited by Sam Bellisserian
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1 hour ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

There is a 3 to 5 minutes of silence between replies even though your avatar is right next to theirs (not an issue if you are chatting through im while doing other things)

If I take too long to respond it's because I have arthritis in two fingers and couldn't type as fast as I used to. Getting old sucks. :(

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7 minutes ago, Eddy Vortex said:

If I take too long to respond it's because I have arthritis in two fingers and couldn't type as fast as I used to. Getting old sucks. :(

That is a really good point. Not everyone is a master typist or has issues like this that prevent them from responding fast.  

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I have one that doesn't really bother me but I wish it wasn't a "thing"  I go to a club every night and mostly the same people go there.  There are about 30 people on a given night.  I hate that the norm is to come in and say hi to each and every person and then when they leave everyone says goodnight. Some nights it feels like that is all that is said in local!  Not sure if it's this one place or if that is the norm across SL.

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5 minutes ago, Sam Bellisserian said:

I have one that doesn't really bother me but I wish it wasn't a "thing"  I go to a club every night and mostly the same people go there.  There are about 30 people on a given night.  I hate that the norm is to come in and say hi to each and every person and then when they leave everyone says goodnight. Some nights it feels like that is all that is said in local!  Not sure if it's this one place or if that is the norm across SL.

I used to go to a place like that.  I'd wait a moment or 2 and give a general Hello Everyone or Goodnight Everyone.  I honestly dislike being greeted when I enter a place unless it's just the host or DJ.  Then I'll reply by name.  Oh, except at Muddy's where they relay it the moment I land waayyy over there.  Those people, I ignore.

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1 hour ago, Sam Bellisserian said:

I have one that doesn't really bother me but I wish it wasn't a "thing"  I go to a club every night and mostly the same people go there.  There are about 30 people on a given night.  I hate that the norm is to come in and say hi to each and every person and then when they leave everyone says goodnight. Some nights it feels like that is all that is said in local!  Not sure if it's this one place or if that is the norm across SL.

Oh yes! I go to a club most days where the majority are regulars and the girls at least do greet all with the guys generally saying Hi All or greeting just the girls who greet them. We do have a lot of local chat too, but sometimes it can just be hi hi hi

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

I used to go to a place like that.  I'd wait a moment or 2 and give a general Hello Everyone or Goodnight Everyone.  I honestly dislike being greeted when I enter a place unless it's just the host or DJ.  Then I'll reply by name.  Oh, except at Muddy's where they relay it the moment I land waayyy over there.  Those people, I ignore.

I'm the opposite 😄. I love when people are friendly and open. If you came in I would totally run over to welcome you and bust out my best moves. 

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1 hour ago, Sam Bellisserian said:

I have no idea what a sex sim is but are they just not responding to you?  I do that a lot. Someone will say hi and I'll look at their profile and know we have nothing in common. It's just easier to ignore them.  I assume you are trying to solicit sex? I guess that might be an issue if there are only AFK avatars then. lol

No I meant what I find off-putting about other people. Like, if your friend spends all their time semi afk and naked in a sex sim (there are loads) it's boring and off-putting and I don't want to hang out naked in a sex sim 🤣


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11 minutes ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

I'm the opposite 😄. I love when people are friendly and open. If you came in I would totally run over to welcome you and bust out my best moves. 

I'm the one who sneaks in the back door and hopes no one notices her.  Since I know you from the forums, I would be more than happy to say hello.  I'm just one of those people who prefer interacting/chatting in IM rather than local.  I don't walk into a club in RL and talk to a friend so everyone in the place can hear me.  That's what local is to me in SL.  

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20 minutes ago, Robberinthemuseum said:

No I meant what I find off-putting about other people. Like, if your friend spends all their time semi afk and naked in a sex sim (there are loads) it's boring and off-putting and I don't want to hang out naked in a sex sim 🤣


Oh ok. Most the time when I'm talking to friends I am not hanging out with them. We do our own thing and just chat in IM.  Really no need to be there in person.

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