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Anyone seeing objects missing?


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I've been seeing objects missing from the world. Like pavement sections leaving holes in the ground. Missing buildings. Relogging makes them reappear. New problem in last 2 days. I have not seen this in recent months.

Seen mostly at busy regions - London City, Woodcrest University, Paris City. Sometimes, after several minutes of idle, missing objects appear.

The missing objects don't seem to have been sent to the viewer at all. Clicking on them does not do anything.

Packet loss 0%, good ping times. Does not seem to be a network problem.

Anyone else seeing this?

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Me, too. It varies in severity depending on what viewer I'm using (I've basically swapped to the SL Viewer for casual use since the most recent Firestorm update has made voice completely unreliable.). Even in Black Dragon, when I'm taking photos, I wind up missing random parts though. I'm not on wi-fi, I have decent to excellent latency in all my other MMOs, and a clean speed test. But, for example, the inside walls of the club I dance at didn't rez for a good hour today.

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I'm used to having at least something somewhere doing that, but then I live in a region with a gazillion different things rezzed all over the place, and probably too many scripts to count. It's usually not so bad, but when I can't even get an item to show up in the editor to make it rezz, then I know something's actually amiss. I have no idea what could be causing the missing geometry thing.

I do wish it would go away though, it feels really stupid to start replacing a missing building, only to have the original reappear later, right back where it was supposed to be.

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I've only seen this problem with Black Dragon: things will just be missing entirely. A few friends of mine have had similar issues with that viewer. It's easily fixed by TPing away and back again.

But I don't know if this is the same issue you've been experiencing, animats, although it sounds the same.

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I have had it happening many times now. I was in a store looking for a group gift. I was told just where it was, and staring at an empty wall. I was looking everywhere else in the store. I went on the forums and asked if it was taken down. No, it is there, they said. Next time I logged in, it was right on the wall.

It was not visible in ctrl+alt+T before either, and not in Area search. I always use area search when I can't find things. And I tried every version of gift, group gift, groupgift, VIP, the search came up empty.

But when I came back and saw the group gift wall, it showed in Area Search too.

I also had my house and parts of the house disappear. It made me wonder if I had deleted it by accident. I always lock my house. But then I need to edit wall colors or something, and unlock it. I do not always remember to lock it after. So I was really nervous.

Before the Fancy Decor sale, I was in the store to check out what to buy. Some booths did not have a "buy full set" vendor, or the booth was empty. I thought ok, maybe they prepare for the sale and had to take down things. Perhaps it was there, and it was missing for me.

Edited by Marianne Little
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I seem to be seeing two versions of this, one where the viewer forgets to render stuff that it knows is there (which happens after maybe 10% of TPs), and one where the viewer just doesn't appear to know about stuff (which happens after maybe 1% of TPs). The former can be cured by clicking or by toggling wireframe mode, while the latter seems to need a TP out and back after a few minutes.

This has been happening for quite a long time, months or even years, but I haven't noticed any increase recently. I'm using Firestorm.

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Had this happening a lot recently (several weeks); far more than normal. Everything from my demon's attached horns to my entire house and half my garden, leaving some furniture floating in the air. Also shop buildings in skyboxes where the entire shop (apart from items for sale) is not there; feels like I need to start flying.

Sometimes it's just the viewer that forgot to draw them and clicking makes them appear (like my horns and beard) but when it's a building or similar, it's just not there. Like you OP, no significant packet loss and no network issues apparent. Sometimes a double-click TP a few m away makes them appear, sometimes not. Zooming the camera out beyond draw distance and back does nothing to help. One shop I visit often, I'll TP there, and half the building is missing. TP out and back (but still in same region), it's all there. TP out and back again... it's gone again.

I put it down initially to using a Firestorm beta, but doubt that's the case now (and no-one else mentioned anything wrong in the preview group). Something is certainly an issue at the moment.

Edited by Rick Daylight
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Its a well known issue that has been reported and around since last year's server switch. It very commonly happens when you do something (change, manipulate, rez, delete items) on Viewer #1 and then switch to Viewer #2. Viewer #2 will not know about the changes for some reason and most if not all your changed or modified objects will simply be invisible. When that happens, as you already found out, simply teleporting away and back fixes the issue. If this happens to your attachments you will have to detach and reattach them to fix it. Some TPVs and LL have been banging their head against a wall for over a year now and as far as i can tell they have not found out what is causing this nor how to fix it.


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When I first saw this topic, I thought, "hmm..guess this doesn't happen to me."


Yesterday, I was working with a new-to-me "Scene Rezzer" on my parcel.

Twice, the Rezzer disappeared - this is normal, but it did not reappear when I "cleared" the scene, or respond to "show" commands, or show up in "Objects on my Land"!

Twice, even though the item did not show in my "Objects on my Land" - I tried "returning objects" just in case (since there were only 3 objects showing on my parcel), and the Rezzer did not seem appear in my "Lost and Found". 

Once, the Rezzer showed up in my Deleted Items!

A couple things that stand out:

1. The "Scene Rezzer" was mesh.  Most of the things I usually rez are old Prim scenes.  This never, ever happened with my "old" Prim rezzer - rezzing the same scenes. (The two rezzers are different brands, different scripts.)

2. Each time the Rezzer disappeared and did not come back, was after rezzing the Scene that took up the most area.  The Rezzer did come back once..

For every other scene I rezzed, the Rezzer was fine.

So, maybe..just maybe, this behavior is related to what is reported in the thread.


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9 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I've experienced this intermittently for years. It seems to most often happen at certain places. The one that's been trouble lately is the Seven Deadly Skins store.

A re-log has always fixed it, but nothing else seems to.

Just the same. There's one particular region that, when TP-ed into, refuses to rez any of the (mesh) buildings, paths and landscaping in one corner, leaving a vast open space. It only happens when I TP to there and a relog is the only way to get it all to rez; none of the other possible solutions work. This has been the case for a long time now (although I really can't remember when it started to be a problem).

Another region (private island) that I regularly visit showed similar problems, where a whole corner of a large mansion would fail to rez. I could see dancers, dancing away, suspended in a sea of nothingness. 

In both cases, it was always the same areas that wouldn't rez. A relog did fix it, but that is an annoying thing to have to do. I have also had a couple of my objects disappear without trace. Fortunately, there were copyable ones and I was able to replace them with a fresh copy. The original never showed up. This hasn't happened again in the last two or three months though - thank goodness.

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I use FS 6.6.3. I got used to the 'viewer didn't render' thing. So, if a bridge I knew was there from previous visits didn't render, OK its just invisible so go ahead and walk across. It will render at some point. Doing that now I fall in the water below and it it never renders.

I see this more often now and almost never see the 'just didn't render but there' problem.

This is a new thing for me. So it has been more of a surprise and an anomaly that something I tracked for a bug report.

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12 hours ago, animats said:

I've been seeing objects missing from the world. Like pavement sections leaving holes in the ground. Missing buildings. Relogging makes them reappear. New problem in last 2 days. I have not seen this in recent months.

Seen mostly at busy regions - London City, Woodcrest University, Paris City. Sometimes, after several minutes of idle, missing objects appear.

The missing objects don't seem to have been sent to the viewer at all. Clicking on them does not do anything.

Packet loss 0%, good ping times. Does not seem to be a network problem.

Anyone else seeing this?

I've had this happen off & on for a few years.  Rather than relogging, often simply TPing to another region (not just another location in the same region) and back will fix the problem.  

Many times when I have the issue, it is in at some sort of Event, sometimes crowded with avatars and sometimes not -- but there are tons if items & textures in said location.  Other times, it will happen at a regular store, with nobody around.  Almost always, my fps is still showing that life is good and the things that do show are rezzing quickly.

ETA: I pretty much only use the Firestorm viewer, but I don't think this is a viewer problem. I think it has something to do with the server communication to the viewer when you TP into a region.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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Huh. So this is a thing. The server sends the viewer a list of objects to render (the "interest list") and this reads like it just didn't send all of them. If it's not in area search, the viewer wasn't told about it at all. Anyone filed a JIRA?

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45 minutes ago, animats said:

Huh. So this is a thing. The server sends the viewer a list of objects to render (the "interest list") and this reads like it just didn't send all of them. If it's not in area search, the viewer wasn't told about it at all. Anyone filed a JIRA?

I've not because I can't reproduce the issue on demand.  It doesn't happen often enough to really tick me off and a quick TP out & back almost always fixes the problem.  Though I did have one time where I TP'd out & back and ended up with a different set of items not showing. 

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I've seen this happen in its various forms for a long, long time.  Certainly happened before the server switch.  It doesn't happen very often to me.  Sometimes a right-click fixes it, sometimes not.  Sometimes going into wireframe mode and back fixes it (this has been the quickest most successful way to fix it for me), sometimes a teleport out and back fixes it and sometimes nothing but a relog fixes it.

It's most noticeable when shopping because the items colours have gaps or are missing completely.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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15 hours ago, animats said:

I've been seeing objects missing from the world. Like pavement sections leaving holes in the ground. Missing buildings. Relogging makes them reappear. New problem in last 2 days. I have not seen this in recent months.

Seen mostly at busy regions - London City, Woodcrest University, Paris City. Sometimes, after several minutes of idle, missing objects appear.

The missing objects don't seem to have been sent to the viewer at all. Clicking on them does not do anything.

Packet loss 0%, good ping times. Does not seem to be a network problem.

Anyone else seeing this?

Ever since LL's performance code, I see things not appear more frequently and can no longer use the right-click select method to make them appear.

I have to move my camera way out then back and that only works half the time.

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Like other's said, I've not filed a Jira because I couldn't get any way to reliably reproduce it, and until today hadn't heard anyone else mention it (other than the usual things on a random group about "my beard fell off when I TP'd"). I tend to assume things are local issues (internet, or maybe my asset server) unless I hear others complain or can rule local things out otherwise.

I think Lucia is correct that it's more frequent since the performance code update. More frequent, and more severe. In my case, moving the camera about only occasionally brings something back.

I have other things going on like a statue (one of an identical group of them in a row, but linked to different things to combine LI) that insists on showing my the Lowest LOD almost every time I go into the room, or even just have it out of my view for a minute. Just that one, the others are fine. I should not even see Low LOD within 100m of it! It stays like that until I walk closer to it when the viewer switches to highest LOD.

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