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10 hours ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Since you give no source for the text you read I can't comment on that, but I hope I can shed some light concerning the image.  The 'Icon of the Embrace of the Apostles Peter and Paul' nicely illustrates 2 Corinthians 13:12 - "Greet one another with a holy kiss".  Also they'd be among the first to say don't pray to them; go to the top. 

Corinthians is the most beautiful chapter of the bible. 

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3 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

TW: Bugs

Peeve: Crazed bugs.

In my part of Florida, bugs exist. Large flying cockroaches, which I rarely see in the house.

Yesterday, professional pest control came and performed outside treatment. Last night, a big.."bugger" came crawling after me and also one of my pups a few times, shooing it away didn't help. (The pup actually got up and moved.)

Do not think I've ever seen that before, poor guy must've been crazed or really hungry. In the end, he ate my sandal.

Here in the UK we have something called Flying Ant Day, but apparently different parts of the UK don't get the same Flying Ant Day. We got it this Wednesday just gone. The flying ants are all mating in the air and looking for new homes. 

Always reminds me of when I was staying with my aunties in East Sussex and my Aunty Lily got out the hosepipe and ushered us all to "GET BACK" while attempting to defend us. It's funny to look back on. They don't bother me now, they're just getting on with their own business, not meaning to fly into my hair or mouth. 

(Don't think I'd feel quite the same about cockroaches mind you.)

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12 hours ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

Since you give no source for the text you read I can't comment on that, but I hope I can shed some light concerning the image.  The 'Icon of the Embrace of the Apostles Peter and Paul' nicely illustrates 2 Corinthians 13:12 - "Greet one another with a holy kiss".  Also they'd be among the first to say don't pray to them; go to the top. 

No source given because they don't deserve the page hits, in my opinion. And yeah, I kinda thought that was the point of a monotheistic faith in the first place. Not going to get into all of that here, though. I just thought it was nice that someone somewhere in a position to decide such things was unembarrassed to portray two men unashamedly expressing the love they felt for one another.

Now, whether anyone on the forums can understand that love is simply love, and isn't about all those other things people sometimes think about when they see people kissing, well, that's out of my hands.

And nice to see you settling back in after your absence, it wasn't the same around here.

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Someone tries to force belief on you.  I am just fixing my avatar on a sandbox out of know where this person messages me and Sais:( Note it was brazil sim so lanagage  (Portuguese 9 Brazil) 

"Hi, Jesus Christ said, "I am the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Jesus Christ loves you! give your life to Him and believe in Him and you will have eternal life! and he will walk in the Light." 

Oi, Jesus Cristo disse: "Eu sou a luz do mundo. Quem me segue não andará em trevas, mas terá a luz da vida." Jesus Cristo ama você! entregue sua vida a Ele e creia Nele e você terá a vida eterna! e caminhará na Luz.

This person also must be going to sim to sim spaming this also I have seen it over the years but not recent. 

I told him thanks but no thanks I am not religious but spiritual sorry we are in a different world and timeline.  but said it is not good to go peddling telling what people believe. I just let people be fine to listen but not in a forceful way.  I just want my peace when I am fixing an avatar and alone time is fine to make conversation but time and place not forcing people be don't do things you don't like to be done to you.  


Edited by BlightCirus
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I am quite sure this online phenomenon has been the subject of study . . .

. . . but what is it about SL in particular that seems to lead men (and women too certainly, but mostly in my own experience, men) to regress to the maturity level of their early teens?

Yeah, I get that pseudonymous identity here gives people the "freedom" to sound like they're early pubescents snickering and leering over a women's lingerie catalogue, but honestly . . . why would they want to sound like this? Who exactly do they think is going to be impressed by their Beavis and Butthead imitation? Do they really think that poop jokes, or yelling "BOOBIES!" in public chat is going to sound "sexy"?

No, it's not particularly "offensive," and yes it's easily dealt with using block, but it is soooooooo idiotic and boring.

Grow up. No reasonably self-respecting woman wants to hang out with someone who sounds like they're still stashing Playboy mags under their mattress so their mother won't find them.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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48 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

but what is it about SL in particular that seems to lead men (and women too certainly, but mostly in my own experience, men) to regress to the maturity level of their early teens?

I know! B00bies!



ETA: I didn't even read your whole post before replying (unless I scanned it subconsciously), so I called it!

However, my point was that guys are excited by breasticles, not that they admit it. 

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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2 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

SL gives us the opportunity to be around all kinds of people

the "opportunity" . . .



To answer more fully, I guess -- my point is that you surely have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that a grown-ass woman is going to find that kind of behaviour appealing. I mean seriously, I'd have thought that a serious turn-off when *I* was 14.

Yeah, I get that some people are just immature. But surely it should be evident to anyone who's attempted to approach even one woman that this just isn't going to do the trick. It's not going to work. It's spectacularly not going to work, in most cases.

How many times do you have to see an eye-roll before you get it?

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51 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

How many times do you have to see an eye-roll before you get it?

How many times were you successful in shooing away a puppy humping  your leg by just eye-rolling it ?

Edited by Ted McGregor
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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Grow up. No reasonably self-respecting woman wants to hang out with someone who sounds like they're still stashing Playboy mags under their mattress so their mother won't find them.

I would imagine that those people that are doing this are pretty darn close to the  lower end of 18+.  Many teens under the age of 18 also have their own payment methods to sign up for SL so they very well could be 14 years old.  

Though fart jokes are often started in clubs when there are grown men around so what do I know.  Apparently that's funny.

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What about the gesturbating  in many clubs?
In my opinion, that was maybe 2 seconds funny when I arrived in SL in 2007.
But mileages vary, some people simply love it.
Just like some people like dad jokes, pull my finger or knock-knock.....  From my point of view "BOOBIES" fits perfectly in that row.

/boing! /boing! /boing! 's to the next post.


Edited by Sid Nagy
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8 hours ago, BlightCirus said:


Someone tries to force belief on you.  I am just fixing my avatar on a sandbox out of know where this person messages me and Sais:( Note it was brazil sim so lanagage  (Portuguese 9 Brazil) 

"Hi, Jesus Christ said, "I am the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Jesus Christ loves you! give your life to Him and believe in Him and you will have eternal life! and he will walk in the Light." 

Oi, Jesus Cristo disse: "Eu sou a luz do mundo. Quem me segue não andará em trevas, mas terá a luz da vida." Jesus Cristo ama você! entregue sua vida a Ele e creia Nele e você terá a vida eterna! e caminhará na Luz.

This person also must be going to sim to sim spaming this also I have seen it over the years but not recent. 

I told him thanks but no thanks I am not religious but spiritual sorry we are in a different world and timeline.  but said it is not good to go peddling telling what people believe. I just let people be fine to listen but not in a forceful way.  I just want my peace when I am fixing an avatar and alone time is fine to make conversation but time and place not forcing people be don't do things you don't like to be done to you.  


I'm sorry you were hit with this approach.  It's (presumably) well-meant but there's no attempt to get to know you as an individual or offer friendship or help, just throwing a quotation at you.  It was kind of you to reply as you did.

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6 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I am quite sure this online phenomenon has been the subject of study . . .

. . . but what is it about SL in particular that seems to lead men (and women too certainly, but mostly in my own experience, men) to regress to the maturity level of their early teens?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's not just an SL thing. Sorry. 😩

It happens quite often in some of the online communities I'm in and it comes from usually men and sometimes women, both single and married, some well over the age of 30s & 40s. Many are gamers, but I don't think it's just a gamer thing. I've worked with enough obnoxious so-n-sos who behaved similarly at work when various topics came up. Just people things.

To cite recent triggers for such behavior off the top of my head - any mention of Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil Village), discovery that armor/clothing is removable, mention of specific streamers and/or v-Tubers, romance scenes in any media in general, Pedro Pascal (usually the ladies on this one, but not always), some anime and certain visual novels, "THAT SCENE" from Baldur's Gate 3, etc. It is not difficult to send an entire chat into a frenzy of "Oh myyyy" emoji spam.

Speaking of BG3, if you want to watch everyone go absolutely bonkers and act a fool, bring up Astarion (or browse his memes on TikTok).

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10 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Speaking of BG3, if you want to watch everyone go absolutely bonkers and act a fool, bring up Astarion (or browse his memes on TikTok).


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7 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I am quite sure this online phenomenon has been the subject of study . . .

. . . but what is it about SL in particular that seems to lead men (and women too certainly, but mostly in my own experience, men) to regress to the maturity level of their early teens?

This assumes that those individuals aren't teens physically and also assumes they are more mature outside of SL emotionally. That is a lot of assuming. Also dependent on who or what is applying the yardstick that they should be measuring up to.

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25 minutes ago, Orwar said:


🤣 Don't get me wrong - he's worth a little attention, but my goodness people, simmer down. The thirst is real.

Meanwhile, I'm over here wondering how much body horror I can take just to get to where I can mess around with flirting with Wyll (or Karlach...she's so adorkable).

Peeve: Why do the goriest games have to have the cutest characters?! It's not faaaaaaaaaaair.

Edited by Ayashe Ninetails
Fixing stuffs
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