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Everything posted by BlightCirus

  1. If it's too good to be true....It probably isn't.
  2. The hud is the down fall it the same as the old one. The hud need a update people want hud that is easy to work with.
  3. It’s a art more then just bumping but with the right person wants to explore in right directions.
  4. You can use Tantra and energy to. Feel another person and imagination and really get in deep level of connection.
  5. Sorry to see you go but there's more to life than this . I have seen people say they go but have seen them come back also. Take everything into moderation, everyone is allowed to express themself everyone comes from different backgrounds, everyone has a story , people do laugh and be silly. Giggle , laugh and dance if you can't beat them join them know one is out to get anyone this is a forum yes it has feelings but how reply to yourself think before you leap , train the mind the mindset don't let your mind trick you get emotion overdrive that you are better than that you gotta take the wheel take your power back , you can take break get some air , you can stop yourself for a sec and breathe and out , You don't have to follow everything you don't have to comment ether save your words when you feel you want to follow that all up to you. Sometimes trolls come in but they got nothing better to do these kinds of things, still finding themself that it's all up to them. If you see anything that does seem right there is a report button let it handle for itself walk away. but good to read the rules and find print you can choose to follow someone and ignore you can give it a break. Only follow the things you like. Just let people make peace with you . We may not all be the same but we are in this boat together. We need to have a bit of imagination and have some fun or it will be boring. We need some fun in life to never start again. Only thing that is a waste of time is how Society tells you how to live , live your own life on your terms and make it a beautiful one. You can also private message someone in kind if you're not understanding it. I have heard many do this. It solves the very thing of misunderstanding now you can start feeling better. You may not want to ignore so many you miss out on things you can love people but put them in their place were they belong but don't miss out the good things in life keep carrying on your day.
  6. Someone tries to force belief on you. I am just fixing my avatar on a sandbox out of know where this person messages me and Sais:( Note it was brazil sim so lanagage (Portuguese 9 Brazil) "Hi, Jesus Christ said, "I am the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Jesus Christ loves you! give your life to Him and believe in Him and you will have eternal life! and he will walk in the Light." Oi, Jesus Cristo disse: "Eu sou a luz do mundo. Quem me segue não andará em trevas, mas terá a luz da vida." Jesus Cristo ama você! entregue sua vida a Ele e creia Nele e você terá a vida eterna! e caminhará na Luz. This person also must be going to sim to sim spaming this also I have seen it over the years but not recent. I told him thanks but no thanks I am not religious but spiritual sorry we are in a different world and timeline. but said it is not good to go peddling telling what people believe. I just let people be fine to listen but not in a forceful way. I just want my peace when I am fixing an avatar and alone time is fine to make conversation but time and place not forcing people be don't do things you don't like to be done to you.
  7. Any time now as now will need to use the new name right away once it's changed. Use the same password you are using. It will sorta be like your name had before but you will need to put the period in it or put with the new first name and last name of the new name.
  8. Environment on photo tools seems to be locked anyway to fix this? Just shows two things in black can't change to anything. https://gyazo.com/f281ea5d66ffeb10debb35750aee8d48
  9. Give it a go. Maybe change your mind on things. Watch Video 🙂
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