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19 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Normally, I like winter.  I went to bed last night and the temperature was 40F.  I woke up this morning...it was 0.  Wind chills in the negative teens.  Sure glad I don't need to leave the house until Monday!

Same here, its barely 20 degrees out and windy and feels much much much colder.


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5 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Normally, I like winter.  I went to bed last night and the temperature was 40F.  I woke up this morning...it was 0.  Wind chills in the negative teens.  Sure glad I don't need to leave the house until Monday!

The cold front rolled into Denver Wednesday afternoon/evening --- temp dropped 47 degrees in 2 hrs.  Wed night low was -16 and Thu high was -3. We got all the way up to 10 today.

However, we are used to getting those temps at least once every winter or two.  My son lives outside of Atlanta - they are currently in the teens, which are temps they haven't seen in a decade.  Similarly, my daughter is in the Orlando metro area and those folks are truly going to freeze to death with highs only in the mid 40s tomorrow.  A friend of hers went to Walmart to get some gloves for her husband because he didn't have any -- the Walmart person looked at her like she truly had no clue what gloves were.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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I left the Midwest on Wednesday morning, driving fast to stay ahead of the storm.  Hours after I left town, the temperature plummeted and the town got the first really good snowfall of the season. I managed to avoid being trapped and unable to make it to a family Christmas, but I missed the beautiful snow. My favorite season of the year started without me.

By last night I was with family in New England. The storm had caught up with me but was mostly wind. Temperatures were in the high 30s and it was raining unenthusiastically. The wind picked up dramatically overnight but it got warmer. By this morning, a lot of branches were down but there was no snow on the ground here at all and it was in the low 50s.

Now I have family around me and am grateful for all of that, of course. It did gradually get cooler all day and the drizzle did finally turn to a few weak flakes of snow by late afternoon, but now it's stopped. It's mostly brown here. A brown Christmas. This is one heck of a way to run a winter. I'd submit a support case, but I don't know the right URL.

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The one thing I really miss about California is the temperature in winter.  After living there for 30 years my blood is way to thin for New England temps.  Last night it was so cold, my door froze shut.  But that's ok, I didn't want to go out anyway. So glad I have a gas stove that I can sit in front of and just flip a switch to light.  Looks real pretty and good for thawing mittens on.

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Update....  No more snow, but this perverse weather warmed up just enough to melt some of the puny inch of snow that fell late yesterday afternoon ... and then the temperature dropped to 2 degrees and it all froze. I just spent a half hour scraping ICE off my car. I love winter, but I hate scraping ice. 

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25 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

It was below zero here yesterday morning and it, around 7 here so far today.

It's a bit nippy.. As long as there isn't any wind, it's not that cold..

Kinda depends. It's pretty darn cold outside (for here), but my peeve is with the inside. Our brand new HVAC system is not keeping up. It threw an error code and told us to "call our service technician" and the indoor temp is hovering around 60F. What technician is gonna come out here on Christmas Eve??

I agree with Rolig. This is no way to run a winter.

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1 minute ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Kinda depends. It's pretty darn cold outside (for here), but my peeve is with the inside. Our brand new HVAC system is not keeping up. It threw an error code and told us to "call our service technician" and the indoor temp is hovering around 60F. What technician is gonna come out here on Christmas Eve??

I agree with Rolig. This is no way to run a winter.

I'm fortunate to have stayed with "heat strips" instead of a "heat pump", so it's pretty reliable. A setting of 74F is comfortable enough.

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Random Christmas-Week-Off Peeves:

- Was happy to remember my car has heated seats! If only it also had a heated steering wheel like my last car.

- Was happy to make a lot of progress in Second Life scripting! If only I didn't get stuck on ONE bug for "final testing" today.

- Was happy to setup an 8-Track player! If only I didn't need to adjust it so it won't play 2 tracks at the same time. #GetOffMyLawn

- Was happy to setup and test my Reel-to-Reel player! If only the test reel that I used ($2.99 from the record store of random music) wasn't trashed, only played from one channel, and spliced in multiple places. #GetOffMyLawn

- Was happy to work on synthesizers a lot! If only I had made a little more progress in testing different things.

- Didn't make progress on any house projects.

- It got cold.

- Back to work tomorrow!

* Whine *


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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Clothing that auto-alphas when you put it on, but does not auto-un-alpha when you take it off.

I miss so much the option that pre-BoM Slink bodies had, of just turning off auto-alpha entirely.

God, it's a pain in the butt. And half the time, it doesn't work properly, at least not on Maitreya, and you end up having to hide slices by hand anyway.

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Item boxes that when you Add them have the script to open and ask if you want to keep the item, but then don't detach the item when it's down loading into your inventory. Some stores do, most do not.

[ grumbles about not being able to name and shame ;) ]

If you're adding a step to a person's unpacking—making them do more mouse moves, focusing, and clicks to finish a task—you're adding a barrier/pain point. Stop it!

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