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OK, OK, new peeve.

Went to the Nvidia site to see if there were any GeForce RTX 4090 cards to be had. They list not only their own cards, but those made by all their partners. I was really happy to see that quite a few of these had a "Buy" button instead of an "Out of Stock" button. So, I clicked one. That opened multiple links to where I could buy the card from resellers like B&H or Best Buy. Clicking THOSE links got me to the reseller's product page, where it said...


Nvidia, Santa is SO going to send you a lump of coal this year.

Plus, the cards keep melting their power connectors.

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6 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Yes, yes, I know. But it's not UNIVERSAL like it says on the tin, that's my peeeeeeeeeve!

Hahaha you don't need another port to connect to, that's the whole point.

The other side of the cable has to do with the peripheral device manufacturer, your computer port is always the same. :P

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Those Flickr portfolios where their photos have those distinct glass glare and horizontal stripes with strange color casts caused by the fluorescent flicker on their internet screen. No, Photoshop has nothing to do with it. Did they seriously take a point-and-shoot camera, photographed their computer monitor, scanned the prints into digital format, and then uploaded them to Flickr, instead of finding their viewer's snapshot function?


Edited by Eddy Vortex
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Peeve: "CRS Disease" (can't remember "spit").  

Put off hooking up a turntable, finally got around to it.

- 100% forgot that turntable is (cheap) "professional" and *NOT* automatic.

- Could have sworn that turntable needed a "ground wire" to the amp.  Nupe, not on the (cheap) modern "USB if you wanna" models.

- 100% forgot that turntable has a "no pre-amp" option (could use it in another room, and do away with that room's preamp).

On the plus side, with "CRS Disease", I "discover" "new" things all the time!

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

You had it right -- FOREVER.  Or at least, the cough does, in my experience. 


50 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

A couple days.  I've had it twice.  First time no symptoms at all.  Second time sneezing for 3 days and a little sore throat.  I hope you only get my symptoms and not @LittleMe Jewell coughing. 🤧


47 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

It varies from one person to the next. My son got it two times, a year apart, despite vaccinations. He still deals with brain fog and shortness of breath.

Thank you ....      The headache,  cough, chest and sinus congestion, along with difficulty breathing has been going on for at least 10 days and counting.....   :(         

Cinn ~ sounds like you had a less invasive experience.     This is my first round,  and hope it's my last!!!   

LittleMe ~ sorry to hear ....  seems to be same for me....

Rolig~   very sorry to hear about your son,  it's always worse when it's our child.  hugssssss


Peeve:   Losing interest in things you like because you just don't feel well....     

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On 11/24/2022 at 5:26 PM, Lindal Kidd said:

...People who tell me I'm mistaken in being peeved about something.

I want my Peeve! I need my Peeve! Don't take away my Peeve!

I'm pretty sure this is about my response to you.  Of course you can have your peeves, I wouldn't dream of attempting to take them.  I only have the text you give us to go on unfortunately.  I could not possibly know that it was just a side-effect of your stream of consciousness.

I think there is value and it's valid to point out to the audience where there appear to be false equivalences so that it is clarified.  That was what I was attempting to do and I'm sorry that it triggered your peeve.

I don't mind being peeved at but there was no intent to tell you that you were mistaken.

EDIT: Oh carp!!  I've just seen the date of the post.  Please disregard @Lindal Kidd I made my own mistake.  Sorry and please let me know if you want me to remove the above text which I have only left in the interest of transparency.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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It's OK, Gabriele! You are correct, that post was not about you.

Moreover, it was intended to be humorous. The person it was actually aimed at recognized it and was amused, as I had intended.

I hope, that if I ever DO aim a post like that in your direction some day, you too will see it for what it is, and not an actual expression of exasperation.

How could I ever really be mad at you? We were Calendar Girls together!

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On 10/19/2022 at 7:50 PM, Lindal Kidd said:

Case in point: Nvidia RTX 4090

Same here, Nvidia's sales plan is to try rid themselves of more 30 series before stocking the new 40 series.


I believe some sites will be stocking around the 16th/20th December,... And, some sites maybe stocking when the NDA ends for the new AMD cards.

Saved for a new RTX4090 and the new standard ATX 3.0 PSU's and checking daily myself.


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16 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

You had it right -- FOREVER.  Or at least, the cough does, in my experience. 

How long it lasts is very dependent on your health, previous infections, and vaxx status. It also depends on how you treat it. We have 2 or three good antivirals. Nasal rinses Zicam are highly effective with Omicron. Using the Z-pack for prevention and treatment is providing great results.

So... hours to weeks. When I had CoVid-A and was 7-days in I was asking the Kaiser doctors, how L O N G? The best answer they had in September of 2020 was: weeks. Now with more knowledge and experience with long covid that answer might be hours to months.

Cough and loss of energy (being tired) while  not necessarily indication of Long-Covid are typical symptoms. There are doctors treating those symptoms and having good results. The treatments used a century ago with the Spanish Flu are working very well, fresh air and sun. The fresh or outdoor air carries away the viral load that builds up indoors. Shedding the virus and then breathing it back in slows recovery. Sun will kill virus on skin and clothes and simulate vitamin D production.

You can look up how FLCCC (Front Line Covid Crisis Care) and CCC (Canadian COVID Care Alliance) both will give you ways to treat and avoid covid.

WARNING: they are controversial sites. I strongly suggest you look at the success rates they have versus the official American and Canadian medical establishments before deciding on any change in how to care for yourself. Avoid snap decisions.

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40 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Peeve: Losing interest in the things I like to do because humans are cruel, heartless buttholes.

A hug reaction button would be a nice Christmas gift from the Lindens to the forums.
Peeve: We really need one here.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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3 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

A hug reaction button would be a nice Christmas gift from the Lindens to the forums.
Peeve: We really need one here.

   I disagree, and I'm peeved by people's persistence in pushing for one!

   Just look at all that drama about the laughter, confused, and crying ones have caused with people starting to interpret them back and forth and feeling bullied because people use them in a 'mean spirited' way. Do we really want more of that, with people feeling uncomfortable about an emoticon-hugs? Not everyone enjoys being hugged by strangers.

   If one feels genuine sympathy for someone, either replying to them or sending them a PM seems like a much better way to express that, or just leaving a plain old 'like' to let them know that you're rooting for them. The whole idea of how liking a sob-story means you somehow 'like the wickedness that has befallen the author' rather than 'I appreciate that your situation is rough and I hope it goes well' is just childish (not accusing the quotee of that particular bit, of course - it's just a seemingly common perspective that's expressed here and there).

   The simpler things are kept, the fewer the ways for things to get unnecessarily complicated - let's get rid of all but the 'like' reactions instead!

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15 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   I disagree, and I'm peeved by people's persistence in pushing for one!

   Just look at all that drama about the laughter, confused, and crying ones have caused with people starting to interpret them back and forth and feeling bullied because people use them in a 'mean spirited' way. Do we really want more of that, with people feeling uncomfortable about an emoticon-hugs? Not everyone enjoys being hugged by strangers.

   If one feels genuine sympathy for someone, either replying to them or sending them a PM seems like a much better way to express that, or just leaving a plain old 'like' to let them know that you're rooting for them. The whole idea of how liking a sob-story means you somehow 'like the wickedness that has befallen the author' rather than 'I appreciate that your situation is rough and I hope it goes well' is just childish (not accusing the quotee of that particular bit, of course - it's just a seemingly common perspective that's expressed here and there).

   The simpler things are kept, the fewer the ways for things to get unnecessarily complicated - let's get rid of all but the 'like' reactions instead!

I totally agree! So many people just want to "vent" and do not want a reaction, or reply, or in fact tell you, "not what I meant" if you reply at all. No (reaction) "soup" for them! Then we can watch them complain about not getting a reaction!

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RL Peeve #1028: Meta sneaking into private areas on websites, like the "hidden" admin/moderator's area on a forum. (More below)

SL Peeve #0994: Clubs that have rules that your toon must be dancing or it will be ejected. This happened at a long time club in SL.

On Meta sneakiness, one of the boards moderators was seeing ads on his FB wall related to some stuff that was posted in the Admin area and bought that up. He even logged onto another device that never visited FB and logged into it and saw same. He bought it up with the board owner who's a geek and he found out Meta's crap was sneaking into the private area meant for Mods/Admins. ATM he's doing some tweaking to stop the FB spies.

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