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Suggestions for Encouraging Migration from Bellisseria to the Mainland

Rufferta Mainlander

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Some employees of Linden Labs have said that Bellisserian homes are considered ‘starter homes’ for new residents but it seems that a lot of folks just want to stay there. Here are some of my suggestions to encourage migration to the Mainland by making it easier for them to find new places.


Establish penalties for sellers who lie in their real estate listings:


I just spent several days looking for affordable 1024 plots on the Mainland. Sellers’ ads were often misleading and stated that parcels had  “water access” or “protected roadside” when they did not.. Some said that the land was ‘for sale’ when in fact the fee was a rental fee. One even stated that their land was on a different continent. If I was a new resident who bought “water land with sailing access” and then found myself on a water locked prim raft with no recourse I would be angry, and my anger would extend to Second Life in general.


Figure out how to get ‘how to buy land’ information to newcomers.


The Second Life web page has an excellent introduction, but it doesn’t provide much information to protect against sellers who are not operating in good faith.  


There are many private residents who are trying to help newcomers.


Feorie  Frimon, for example has an excellent business, Operation Mainland Real Estate, where she sells parcels she has carved out of unclaimed land,, but I’m not sure information about this is getting out to newcomers.

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bay City - Handa/14/59/27


Lindal Kidd used to give excellent lectures on “How to Buy Land” at Oxbridge University in Caledon, but I could find nothing like that currently.


The Bellisserian Bureaucracy has done a wonderful job setting up Mainland embassies and tours outside Bellisseria, and their “Passport” system encourages residents to explore.


Perhaps Linden Lab could also offer office space in Bellisseria to newcomer organizations where they could give lectures and offer advice?


Open Land and Sea Access


Figure out how to remove the private parcels on ‘water land’ to unclog navigation, or make more waterways. 


I don’t think Linden Lab needs to make more Mainland, but they could make better use of what is there. 


Build more roads and rivers. Maybe the Moles could dig out channels for rivers and freeways (suggested names “The Mighty Patch River” or “The Patch Freeway”) and then cut out 1024 parcels beside but not on top of the passages. Right now there has been some progress in clearing private parcels on rivers, and completing a highway in Satori, but it would be wonderful if every waterway was navigable and every road was connected. 


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With the best intentions, people aren't going to take up mainland again any time soon. It's always been "Marmite", I've always found it an interesting place to live, and plenty of rental people are happy with their set up too, but the Bellissarians are unlikely to be swayed, and I can't say I blame them. Bellissaria continent has made me see Second Life - Linden Lab really - in a much more positive light. The new homes have been built with long-term residents' suggestions in mind. 

I think it is very likely - and I was just having this conversation a few minutes ago in world with someone - that Linden Lab might actually chop off bits of the mainland where entire regions are just abandoned land. 

Edited to add:

My head is a bit foggy, I am going off to eat and hopefully wake up a bit, but Bay City comes into my head. When Bay City was created, that became very desirable (and expensive). People love the structured and community-orientated vibe - I think it is still classed as mainland (foggy head foggy head, might amend later). 



Edited by Marigold Devin
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1 hour ago, Rufferta said:

Some employees of Linden Labs have said that Bellisserian homes are considered ‘starter homes’ for new residents but it seems that a lot of folks just want to stay there. Here are some of my suggestions to encourage migration to the Mainland by making it easier for them to find new places.


Establish penalties for sellers who lie in their real estate listings:


I just spent several days looking for affordable 1024 plots on the Mainland. Sellers’ ads were often misleading and stated that parcels had  “water access” or “protected roadside” when they did not.. Some said that the land was ‘for sale’ when in fact the fee was a rental fee. One even stated that their land was on a different continent. If I was a new resident who bought “water land with sailing access” and then found myself on a water locked prim raft with no recourse I would be angry, and my anger would extend to Second Life in general.


Figure out how to get ‘how to buy land’ information to newcomers.


The Second Life web page has an excellent introduction, but it doesn’t provide much information to protect against sellers who are not operating in good faith.  


There are many private residents who are trying to help newcomers.


Feorie  Frimon, for example has an excellent business, Operation Mainland Real Estate, where she sells parcels she has carved out of unclaimed land,, but I’m not sure information about this is getting out to newcomers.

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bay City - Handa/14/59/27


Lindal Kidd used to give excellent lectures on “How to Buy Land” at Oxbridge University in Caledon, but I could find nothing like that currently.


The Bellisserian Bureaucracy has done a wonderful job setting up Mainland embassies and tours outside Bellisseria, and their “Passport” system encourages residents to explore.


Perhaps Linden Lab could also offer office space in Bellisseria to newcomer organizations where they could give lectures and offer advice?


Open Land and Sea Access


Figure out how to remove the private parcels on ‘water land’ to unclog navigation, or make more waterways. 


I don’t think Linden Lab needs to make more Mainland, but they could make better use of what is there. 


Build more roads and rivers. Maybe the Moles could dig out channels for rivers and freeways (suggested names “The Mighty Patch River” or “The Patch Freeway”) and then cut out 1024 parcels beside but not on top of the passages. Right now there has been some progress in clearing private parcels on rivers, and completing a highway in Satori, but it would be wonderful if every waterway was navigable and every road was connected. 


You've hit on a lot of the reasons people don't choose to live on mainland.  Not enough infrastructure to get around by car, boat, or train.  Banlines or aggressive orbs. Ugly builds by neighbors. The price of good parcels with access is out of reach for many.  There are a few good cooperative "neighborhood" rental areas, but again it's a rental, not owned or it's too expensive to own with no guarantee it will stay looking nice when the neighbor sells.

I owned a nice parcel on Clyde for years, but the rotating obnoxious builds from neighbors, the misuse of the +/- 40 terrain change, then packed-in tiny rentals, then a store, then a breeding farm, ugly parcel surrounds, and sex furniture all over the G rated region made me just give up.  No one worked with the trees and parklike setting I had and I was there for years waiting out the rotation of parcel owners.

Buying a parcel in a nice, themed area like Bay City would be awesome, but it's not in my price range for virtual land.

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3 hours ago, Rufferta said:

Some employees of Linden Labs have said that Bellisserian homes are considered ‘starter homes’ for new residents but it seems that a lot of folks just want to stay there. Here are some of my suggestions to encourage migration to the Mainland by making it easier for them to find new places.


Establish penalties for sellers who lie in their real estate listings:


I just spent several days looking for affordable 1024 plots on the Mainland. Sellers’ ads were often misleading and stated that parcels had  “water access” or “protected roadside” when they did not.. Some said that the land was ‘for sale’ when in fact the fee was a rental fee. One even stated that their land was on a different continent. If I was a new resident who bought “water land with sailing access” and then found myself on a water locked prim raft with no recourse I would be angry, and my anger would extend to Second Life in general.


Figure out how to get ‘how to buy land’ information to newcomers.


The Second Life web page has an excellent introduction, but it doesn’t provide much information to protect against sellers who are not operating in good faith.  


There are many private residents who are trying to help newcomers.


Feorie  Frimon, for example has an excellent business, Operation Mainland Real Estate, where she sells parcels she has carved out of unclaimed land,, but I’m not sure information about this is getting out to newcomers.

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bay City - Handa/14/59/27


Lindal Kidd used to give excellent lectures on “How to Buy Land” at Oxbridge University in Caledon, but I could find nothing like that currently.


The Bellisserian Bureaucracy has done a wonderful job setting up Mainland embassies and tours outside Bellisseria, and their “Passport” system encourages residents to explore.


Perhaps Linden Lab could also offer office space in Bellisseria to newcomer organizations where they could give lectures and offer advice?


Open Land and Sea Access


Figure out how to remove the private parcels on ‘water land’ to unclog navigation, or make more waterways. 


I don’t think Linden Lab needs to make more Mainland, but they could make better use of what is there. 


Build more roads and rivers. Maybe the Moles could dig out channels for rivers and freeways (suggested names “The Mighty Patch River” or “The Patch Freeway”) and then cut out 1024 parcels beside but not on top of the passages. Right now there has been some progress in clearing private parcels on rivers, and completing a highway in Satori, but it would be wonderful if every waterway was navigable and every road was connected. 


Thanks for the kind words. :) I try really hard to highlight the beautiful things I find in every parcel I sell. I honestly care and I hope that shows in every build I offer. 

That being said, I don’t know that the goal for the Lab is to encourage people to go to mainland. When I went by to look at those Embassies, all I saw inside were ads to go TO Bellisaria. Bellisaria does have that awesome passport program, but only Bellisarians can participate. Im sure the pitchforks will rise because I’m saying this, but I would say it seems like the goal for the Lab is, in fact, to get people to move TO Belli… not away from it.

Then, if Belli is considered a ‘starter home’, I would think the upgrade from Bellisaria that the Lab would be hoping for is a private sim. Not mainland. :( And I say that as a die hard mainland lover. 

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@RuffertaI will take you up on the class thing, though: I literally have the space to do classes like that in that new Bay City space and I’m good and that kind of stuff.

And I hope I didn’t sound too negative - I am all down for anything that will bring good neighbors to the mainland.  Just tell me what to do, and I’ll be there will bells on. :)

And for the class? Challenge accepted. :)

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32 minutes ago, Feorie Frimon said:

@RuffertaI will take you up on the class thing, though: I literally have the space to do classes like that in that new Bay City space and I’m good and that kind of stuff.

And I hope I didn’t sound too negative - I am all down for anything that will bring good neighbors to the mainland.  Just tell me what to do, and I’ll be there will bells on. :)

And for the class? Challenge accepted. :)

OK - you can give a class on how to get and rehabilitate abandoned land, and I can give a class on "How Not to Buy Real Estate". 

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This strengthens the argument for a little more structure on mainland.

  • Bellesaria security orb and skybox rules on Mainland.
  • Sim surrounds should be discouraged, and not permitted in urban areas or adjacent to roads, railroads, or waterways. Offer a land swap to parcels on isolated islands for people who want isolation. (Useful hint: If you need a wall that badly, consider trees. Anne Erotica has a set of low-prim trees which combine to form a solid surface. Looks equally good from inside and outside.)

Not too much structure. Just enough to keep the junkyness level down.

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24 minutes ago, animats said:

This strengthens the argument for a little more structure on mainland.

  • Bellesaria security orb and skybox rules on Mainland.
  • Sim surrounds should be discouraged, and not permitted in urban areas or adjacent to roads, railroads, or waterways. Offer a land swap to parcels on isolated islands for people who want isolation. (Useful hint: If you need a wall that badly, consider trees. Anne Erotica has a set of low-prim trees which combine to form a solid surface. Looks equally good from inside and outside.)

Not too much structure. Just enough to keep the junkyness level down.

So unless you are loaded and can afford a private sim you want rules on all affordable land we can buy in SL? no thank you. 

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1 hour ago, animats said:

This strengthens the argument for a little more structure on mainland.

  • Bellesaria security orb and skybox rules on Mainland.
  • Sim surrounds should be discouraged, and not permitted in urban areas or adjacent to roads, railroads, or waterways. Offer a land swap to parcels on isolated islands for people who want isolation. (Useful hint: If you need a wall that badly, consider trees. Anne Erotica has a set of low-prim trees which combine to form a solid surface. Looks equally good from inside and outside.)

Not too much structure. Just enough to keep the junkyness level down.

Sorry, but I disagree with every bit of this. The "wild, wild west" aspect is kind of the whole point of Mainland, where people are allowed to create to their heart's content. Back in the day, it was "your world, your imagination", remember? People who like rules can always live in Bellisseria or on a private estate, and leave Mainland to those who can appreciate what it has to offer.

Yes, some people make their parcels look like dumpster fires, but many of us Mainlanders enjoy the randomness, along with being able to live without a bunch of rules (aside from TOS, naturally). The people who have bought on Mainland did so for a reason, and it would be way out of line to come in AFTER they have invested time and money and start telling them what they can do with their TOS-compliant orbs, etc. 

It's easy enough to derender stuff. Get a third party viewer and voila! All those offensive "junky" skyboxes go poof. 


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4 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

With the best intentions, people aren't going to take up mainland again any time soon. [...]

2 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

You've hit on a lot of the reasons people don't choose to live on mainland.  Not enough infrastructure to get around by car, boat, or train. [...]

Each time I go exploring on Mainland, and that happens often, I find new places. I would say that it started about half a year or even earlier ago that I could notice very visibly how mainland is receiving some love again; private home owners as well as people who offer something for the public. I notice also an increase of people putting an effort into offering additional infrastructure (I just did today's "Drivers Of SL" grid drive and passed by the 8z road which is offered by a resident), and just the last few days I had quite many talks with various community owners, and landholders of public places, who almost all told me that they have actually been tremendously expanding during the last months. Of course, as it is part of SL, things can always change overnight, and sometimes, long-time communities fall apart for various (often enough sad RL) reasons. Then there might be a very noticeable recession happening while people try to figure out how to move on. Changes happen, and sometimes something is gone for good, but then also I observe community members doing their best to preserve and to continue even if that means they had to take a step back first to build up with smaller holdings.

I think that a lot of these things also have to do with personal perception. For me, it rather looks like the entire opposite. From my personal experiences, I would say that a lot seems to have to do with networking. Once you ran into a person who  has the right connections, it kinda becomes a "self-runner". I myself happened to end up in that position where I am hardly able anymore to catch up fast enough to explore all those awesome communities and projects all around Mainland. There are just too many.

1 hour ago, Feorie Frimon said:

Then, if Belli is considered a ‘starter home’, I would think the upgrade from Bellisaria that the Lab would be hoping for is a private sim. Not mainland. :( [...]

Putting the option of living on a private estate a bit apart here and focusing on Bellisseria and Mainland, but in my opinion, both have similar audiences. For me, Bellisseria is an environment that allows people to experience community and living without the hassle of having to figure out how infrastructure or matching landscape could be implemented, or worrying about some of the downsides that may occur on mainland (such as ban lines). I would say that when LL says that the Linden Homes are "starter homes", one of the aims is to allow the residents there to put their focus on figuring out how living together can look like, and how a great neighbourship can be an awesome base for community-focused projects to be initiated. Whereas Mainland allows all that freedom to do "whatever" (within TOS, of course) right from the start but also comes with that big challenge of, for example, having to deal with neighbours who might appear to be rather community-hostile. However, it is their right to do so which is also one of the eligible perks of Mainland, but if you are a community-driven person, then - I agree - this can be very appalling if you have never experienced that it all can be handled in a different and positive manner as well, and might drive you to stay at Bellisseria, or move to a private estate. But let's also not forget that very interesting and even long-term communities and projects have their roots in that spirit of using this freedom that is possible at Mainland for the better of the whole SL community.

In summary, I would say both Mainlanders and Bellisserians can benefit from each other. I also know more people who have land holdings on both, Mainland and Bellisseria, and some even additionally at private estates, than people who have land at one spot solely. Obviously, there is a high interest in experiencing all options offered. Maybe, it doesn't always matter where you live but how you live. It would be a shame if all that good potential of all these communities would be wasted when at the end of the day, everyone actually just wants the same: the freedom of being able to choose whatever fits personal interests best, in an overall huge SL community that offers something for everyone.

Wishing everyone a splendid weekend, many good thoughts, and keep supporting all of SL community! ^_^

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Mainland might not be my style at the moment, but I would never want it to be tamed.  The chaos is amazing at times and the freedom to do whatever you want is a big draw for a lot of people.  I started on mainland and went wild with different houses and full freedom landscaping.  Bellisseria may be kindergarten, but for me it works well right now.  There is a giant area for full freedom and plenty of people who thrive there.  Different needs fulfilled. I love spending time exploring mainland, but happy to "live" in a LH.

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13 hours ago, Rufferta said:

Some employees of Linden Labs have said that Bellisserian homes are considered ‘starter homes’ for new residents but it seems that a lot of folks just want to stay there.

you mean to say they háve to move after ...lets say .. a month... two.... six ?

What about the ones that are totally happy with their location, primlimit and neighbours?...I Think you forgot those...

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It's not really new with Bellisseria. Even with the first Linden Homes the idea was to provide "training wheels" for land ownership by removing a bunch of choices from the process and thus reducing its complexity—and complexity of buying and using land was a big disincentive for folks to 1. buy land and 2. settle in to a persistent customer relationship with Linden Lab. Bellisseria is just better at it than the earlier Linden homes, which only makes more stark the discrepancy that a premium "bonus" tier can cover either:

  • one dwelling in Bellisseria (or two, if they're trailer homes), free of charge, with a Governance-enforced covenant and free builds that don't count against LI capacity, or
  • the ability to purchase 1024m²  of Mainland where the price reflects the amenities of the surroundings, plus house at your expense (if any) with its LI counted against the parcel capacity, and barely any Governance involvement even when existing rules are ignored.*

That puts Mainland at a distinct disadvantage both in costs and convenience. The result is that Mainland is populated selectively by people who:

  • don't want to comply with a covenant (Estate nor Bellisseria)
  • have enough more RL money that they don't need to care about costs
  • want a larger than 1024m² parcel
  • don't want to use any of the Linden Homes structures or
  • want special features not available elsewhere

Some of these may select for "desirable" landowners, although some also make Mainland the choice of less desirable, griefer-adjacent residents.

My suggestion: Leave Bellisseria alone, and double the area at each tier level for use on Mainland proper.

* It's simply not true that Mainland has no rules. In fact, it has some rules (adfarming, landsplitting, etc.) that aren't applied to Bellisseria nor Estates. It's not supposed to be a "Wild Wild West" at all, but Mainland owners do certainly have more flexibility in their use of the land.

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15 hours ago, Rufferta said:

Build more roads and rivers. Maybe the Moles could dig out channels for rivers and freeways (suggested names “The Mighty Patch River” or “The Patch Freeway”) and then cut out 1024 parcels beside but not on top of the passages. Right now there has been some progress in clearing private parcels on rivers, and completing a highway in Satori, but it would be wonderful if every waterway was navigable and every road was connected. 

Yes. It's would be awesome idea with a very greatest work by Linden's Mole in SL! I hope There's bridge in Sansara to Bellisseria and the Satori to Bellisseria also The Bridge From Sansara and Heterocera and the Freeway Between Bay City and Sansara as US Turnpike-Like Tunnel in Expressway Form that Seperate from the Linden Road as Protected Land!

Edited by anuk2939mk2
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2 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

It's not really new with Bellisseria. Even with the first Linden Homes the idea was to provide "training wheels" for land ownership by removing a bunch of choices from the process and thus reducing its complexity—and complexity of buying and using land was a big disincentive for folks to 1. buy land and 2. settle in to a persistent customer relationship with Linden Lab. Bellisseria is just better at it than the earlier Linden homes, which only makes more stark the discrepancy that a premium "bonus" tier can cover either:

  • one dwelling in Bellisseria (or two, if they're trailer homes), free of charge, with a Governance-enforced covenant and free builds that don't count against LI capacity, or
  • the ability to purchase 1024m²  of Mainland where the price reflects the amenities of the surroundings, plus house at your expense (if any) with its LI counted against the parcel capacity, and barely any Governance involvement even when existing rules are ignored.*

That puts Mainland at a distinct disadvantage both in costs and convenience. The result is that Mainland is populated selectively by people who:

  • don't want to comply with a covenant (Estate nor Bellisseria)
  • have enough more RL money that they don't need to care about costs
  • want a larger than 1024m² parcel
  • don't want to use any of the Linden Homes structures or
  • want special features not available elsewhere

Some of these may select for "desirable" landowners, although some also make Mainland the choice of less desirable, griefer-adjacent residents.

My suggestion: Leave Bellisseria alone, and double the area at each tier level for use on Mainland proper.

* It's simply not true that Mainland has no rules. In fact, it has some rules (adfarming, landsplitting, etc.) that aren't applied to Bellisseria nor Estates. It's not supposed to be a "Wild Wild West" at all, but Mainland owners do certainly have more flexibility in their use of the land.

I saw a posting for land in another forum: it was G rated parcel that encouraged putting out adult furniture etc. The post said ‘…but we all know it’s mainland - do whatever you want!’ That made me sad - that attitude is NOT the right one to have for mainland. There are rules - you can’t do WHATEVER you want, and if those rules were enforced a little firmer the mainland would be a much nicer place. It would just take LOTS of manual time, and that gets expensive. 

But give mainlanders more tier? That is an interesting idea and one I haven’t heard before. That would work only if there was enough Abandoned Land to cover an increase…And the more I think about it…. I mean… LL IS kinda already paying for it…. 

But I feel like there is something about Land Barons etc that I’m not thinking of in this that makes this dangerous. I know how I’d use more tier - I’d make larger plots for people to buy up and continue my little ‘Mainland Game of Homes’ experiment . I wonder what the big time LBs would do. 

Maybe I need more coffee. :) 

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2 hours ago, Feorie Frimon said:

But I feel like there is something about Land Barons etc that I’m not thinking of in this that makes this dangerous. I know how I’d use more tier - I’d make larger plots for people to buy up and continue my little ‘Mainland Game of Homes’ experiment . I wonder what the big time LBs would do. 

To be honest, I too am not sure what would happen. The nightmare scenario would be that existing Mainlanders simply tier down to half their previous level to keep just the Mainland they had before. That won't happen, but nor is it guaranteed to be a win for the Lab. I suppose land barons would profit at least for a time, while folks compete to buy whatever land is available to fill out their accustomed tier level. That kind of churn would surely benefit the land barons but we can't really begrudge them that if the end result is that everybody gets more of what they want.

Such a move is semi-precedented, back when the bonus tier (only) doubled from 512 to 1024m² which applied to both Linden Homes and Mainland proper. I guess a wimpy version of the proposal would be to again double only that bonus tier, but only for Mainland proper not Belli/Linden Homes. At least that would somewhat offset the big penalty Mainlanders pay in land impact and costs of acquiring the parcel and build.

Edited by Qie Niangao
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Well they could be a bit more proactive with regards to infrastructure, the passage they made between route 8A and the wagon road 10 years ago that they never actually laid road on is one glaring example of their neglect with that regard. There must be many other achievable improvements they have considered and then forgotten about. 

Another thing they could do is declare that for mainland parcels that are on waterways, Bellisseria type rules would now apply to guarantee passage along the waterway. Any builds they put up to not be obstructive to that, no banlines over water and any orbs to have reasonable timers to allow people to pass through. It would no doubt upset a handful of people affected, but the majority would be over the moon because the value of their land and function of it would be protected.  


Edited by Aethelwine
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8 hours ago, Feorie Frimon said:

But give mainlanders more tier? That is an interesting idea and one I haven’t heard before. That would work only if there was enough Abandoned Land to cover an increase…And the more I think about it…. I mean… LL IS kinda already paying for it….

I've suggested upping the tier before, to more than you could use on a Linden Home, but nobody listens to us mushrooms! It doesn't need to be much. Just enough that people can get a small parcel in addition to having a home if they want (or they can use it all on a bigger mainland piece). It's a lot easier to persuade people to give it a try when they have some tier and nothing else to do with it. They're not going to give it a try if they have to abandon their house or buy more tier. There's plenty of abandoned land, so that side is sorted.

A lot of the other stuff that people suggest is not stuff that most people really know about or care about, because they've not really tried owning mainland before.

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1 hour ago, Polenth Yue said:

I've suggested upping the tier before, to more than you could use on a Linden Home, but nobody listens to us mushrooms! It doesn't need to be much. Just enough that people can get a small parcel in addition to having a home if they want (or they can use it all on a bigger mainland piece). It's a lot easier to persuade people to give it a try when they have some tier and nothing else to do with it. They're not going to give it a try if they have to abandon their house or buy more tier. There's plenty of abandoned land, so that side is sorted.

A lot of the other stuff that people suggest is not stuff that most people really know about or care about, because they've not really tried owning mainland before.

I agree with this.  If I had a LH camper and an extra 512 just sitting around, I would find some mainland to use it on.  People could also band together in a group and donate their tier for a larger common parcel.  Tier above just enough for a LH might motivate people to look at other options.

What do people with 512 campers do with their extra tier now?

Edited by Cinnamon Mistwood
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Some suggestions; convert abandon land to water where feasible, upgrade some of those horrible ground textures to more attractive ones, and what about "zoning" regulations in certain areas?  You could have "anything goes" zones and then some zones that strive to maintain themes and scenery.   How the equivalent of homeowners associations, where the owners of property on a sim could vote for zoning rules?  I also agree about better public roads and waterways, make it easy for people to explore.  I also wish the Lindens would let me landscape abandon parcels or the Linden public works passages that abut my property.

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Parts of Bellisseria do not have trade routes, and are nearly impassable to fly over. 0sec orbs and ban lines to the top of sim... And is getting worse as it gets more populated. It took me 7 tries To fly From Jeogourt Gulf to Santorini. Essentially Bellisseria is only connected to Mainland as an image on the map.  In reality it's a Booby-trapped minefield to anybody traveling Across it, This Makes Bellisseria a "no man's land" For transportation, and serves the same purpose as Isolating the Mainland continents. Seems counterproductive to me?  More Avatars would have fun if there were trade routes... 

1.) The one Dark green Bellisseria Continent, (North east of the Bellisseria fork.} (continent of the "Pollyanna" sim)
2.) and in the "Downing Falls" sim Vicinity Could use a trade route...

Submitted for your consideration...


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