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New Gacha Policy Discussion

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2 minutes ago, Faly Breen said:


The breedable NEEDS the food to be ABLE to breed (aka "getting in the mood", they will die without it or similar, a lot breedables have that). So yes, technically you do pay for it to be ABLE to breed coz else a breedable might die or cant breed at all.

Technically, you are paying for the food, to keep them alive and healthy, regardless of how you choose to view it. You can choose whether to breed them or not. It's not the random baby you're paying for. And, when you buy an animal on the market, you know what you are getting.
The part in question, related to breedables, are the creators selling starters that may give you a common starter or a rare starter - or LE's that may give a common or rare. Nothing has been stated in reference to that yet, but I am sure at some point it will be addressed. It's also not a hard fix either, so really not a big deal.

Edited by Stephy Silvercloud
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2 minutes ago, Toothless Draegonne said:

Yes I've seen trading card games that literally prey on children.

Happy to see that gone from here. What started as a few gumball machines turned into a massive problem, and now it's not. Shame it had to end this way but, well, it wasn't going to end any other way, was it?

legit question: are "Kinder surprise eggs" (you know this little candy eggs for children 51mJSmrO+jL._AC_SX466_.jpg) are a thing at your place? If not, oh boi.

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9 minutes ago, Faly Breen said:

A lot breedables need actually "Food" items so that they are stable/albe to breed. So, technically, you DO pay for that.

The feeding is not directly tied to breeding. Even if you don't breed them, you have to feed them -- or spend lots on making them not need food anymore.  

You are paying for food to keep them alive, whether or not you breed them.


ETA:  Comments apply to KittyCats - I know nothing about the other breedables.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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i can understand whole thing about the law in all but for someone like me that is a gacha reseller that has the products in a vendor i dont see where i have to change anything because people can come and pick the product they want as long as i have it. but as for the people crying about thank god gachas are gone gachas are peoples way of making a living on here and for that to be taken away is BS and also for the people say good about gachas being gone are you really say this because you tried a gacha and didnt get what you wanted so you want to cry about this

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6 minutes ago, Terra Claremont said:

Gachas are, and have always been, a method of creating revenue for the creator. Nothing else. It uses the lure of one or a handful of very 'special' items to get customers to give them money for a chance on getting an item they want. I have always felt gachas are annoying. You go to a sales event, and you see an item you really want, then you look closer, and realize it's a gacha. I don't want acid green panties, or a dog bowl with smiley faces on it in 15 different colors of smiley faces. I want to buy the item I want without having to pay for an astronomically low chance of getting the item I really want.

There have been so many times I have come across an item and just fell in love with it, to the point that I was willing to pay the price for it, even if was expensive, only to see the gacha machine and let out a sigh, and walk away. So, when you look at it that way, you are losing many other definite sales, with zero chance of having an unhappy customer. I was told by one of the biggest sellers of homes in SL, "Your customers are your store. If they are happy, you're happy. Without them, you just have a building with a bunch of stuff in it." Paraphrasing Paigeypoo.

I couldn't have said any better. Agreed 900%.

6 minutes ago, mori OwO said:

honestly thank god for this. i'm sick of rezzing a piece of gacha furniture only for it to be eaten by the void and lost forever. there really should have been a system in place for this. i hope that gacha-exclusive creators can figure out ways to sell their products that aren't in 5kL fatpacks, because there are a lot of really amazing items that are gacha exclusive. i would personally pay more for a copy/notransfer version of all the gacha items i currently own, particularly furniture.

gacha is a predatory tactic that i don't think should have been allowed to thrive as well as it did in second life, so i'm glad to see it gone.


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1 minute ago, DevinKnights84 said:

I don't understand why so many people are getting so butt hurt over this gacha thing. All creators need to do is remove gacha machines and sell no copy /transferable items the same way they do copyable items but at a lower cost. ya know, like Teegle already does with the Teeglepets and who knows how many other creators of no copy furniture, vehicles, etc. that are not gachas. Many people dislike gachas because of never getting the items they want and rarely buy from them but would love the items they offer in them, so creators stand a bigger chance of selling their stuff if it's not in a gacha. boom, everyone's happy.

Do you have any idea how much time it will take for creators to go through all their gachas and change permissions, update ads, test, repackage, update vendors and MP, etc.? Even simple updated can be weeks of work when you have hundreds of items in your store. I am willing to bet a lot of gacha items will simply be pulled from the shelves because it's too time consuming to update thousands of individual items and potentially a few hundred packs of gachas like some stores have. Not to mention the impact on gacha events which have been running for years. The least LL could do is give creators and event organizers more time to make changes to comply with the new policy in time.

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2 minutes ago, Stephy Silvercloud said:

Technically, you are paying for the food, to keep them alive and healthy, regardless of how you choose to view it. You can choose whether to breed them or not. It's not the random baby you're paying for. And, when you buy an animal on the market, you know what you are getting.

well what you said could be technically said by every creator which runs a gacha. no im srs here, think about that.

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6 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

The feeding is not directly tied to breeding

STOP. hold it.



there. have fun.

In other words: if those dont eat, they dont breed. and they are only able to breed in the first 50 days (or they might changed the limit, duno, didnt used them for a long time now) but if they dont eat in this time, they will never be able to breed. ever.

Edited by Faly Breen
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7 minutes ago, Faly Breen said:


The breedable NEEDS the food to be ABLE to breed (aka "getting in the mood", they will die without it or similar, a lot breedables have that). So yes, technically you do pay for it to be ABLE to breed coz else a breedable might die or cant breed at all.


You are paying for food to keep the critter alive.  It is you CHOICE whether or not to actually breed the critter.  You can simply feed it and keep it as a pet, without any breeding.

The breeding part is OPTIONAL.

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22 minutes ago, Annie Nova said:

Oh sure, yeah go ahead and put them in a gaming REGION that only allows people from certain states to gain entrance. I don't play gachas but can see the outcry from people not allowed on the REGION, how is this right and fair? 

I mean let's be honest SL is doing this NOT because of US laws.

Edited by Finite
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8 minutes ago, Faly Breen said:

im sorry to tell you but i think this thinking is very very naive.

As i said, think about card games in real life.
A booster pack is maybe 12-20 bucks and you get some random cards but if you go and wanna buy a "specific card" guess how much you have to pay for. If its a rare card, you can guess how much already.

But it's not rare of it's being sold as a regular item.  I want to buy the black skirt.  Not the red, blue, green ones.  They're all priced the same.   Same skirt as before just not a rare black one I end up spending 1000L to finally get.  Your analogy isn't relevant.

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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:


You are paying for food to keep the critter alive.  It is you CHOICE whether or not to actually breed the critter.  You can simply feed it and keep it as a pet, without any breeding.

The breeding part is OPTIONAL.


srsly where is the sense of "breedables" if you dont breed them? Its literally IN THE NAME.

Edited by Faly Breen
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Gonna say...I liked Gacha machines. I sell the stuff I cannot use. I like being a retailer. NOW, if creators would sell wholesale to retailers like in the real world, then that would go a long way toward making up for the loss of the fun. And it would benefit the small retailers and ultimately, the consumers.

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3 minutes ago, Kandie Gothly said:

i can understand whole thing about the law in all but for someone like me that is a gacha reseller that has the products in a vendor i dont see where i have to change anything because people can come and pick the product they want as long as i have it. but as for the people crying about thank god gachas are gone gachas are peoples way of making a living on here and for that to be taken away is BS and also for the people say good about gachas being gone are you really say this because you tried a gacha and didnt get what you wanted so you want to cry about this

Patch has already clearly explained that reselling items from a gacha is still allowed. Only the original machines are being banned.

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5 hours ago, Linden Lab said:

For details about our new policy change regarding gacha, read our blog post

For further questions, please join the conversation in this post. 


***UPDATE: Due to the sheer volume of responses, it will be difficult for us to attempt to answer all questions in this thread in a systematic way, so we will put put together an FAQ and update the main blog post with it shortly.

Weird... there can be Gacha Machines giving same item, in random color... in RL on a saving deal, that's done as well... like Amazon.. Mugs... delivered in random color...

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25 minutes ago, Kyle Beckett said:

Gacha's are not going anywhere.

Even now behind the scenes, people are already working on a solution. It's not that hard to just show people the item they will receive if they pull on the machine. Problem solved. No more random chance.

You can see what you are paying for just like a vendor. The next item changes after each purchase and they can choose to buy it or walk away and let someone else buy it. The only downside is the machine can only be used by one person at a time. Better than nothing at all.

Well that makes no sense.  They'd make more sales just selling it outright without a machine.  In effect, not a gatcha but a lucky chair.

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2 minutes ago, Faly Breen said:

where is the sense of "breedables" if you dont breed them? Its literally IN THE NAME.

It doesn't matter what they are created for or logically what it seems like folks do with them.

You do NOT have to breed them.  That is what matters.  You are paying for food, which is a requirement to keep them alive - and it is then up to you to decide what else you do with them.  Try to spin it any way you want, but the buying of the food is not in any way a gamble on anything.


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29 minutes ago, Yvhuce said:

I'd assume that the gacha machines won't go away altogether, but that they would need to be retooled so that instead of sending you a random gacha, you're choosing a specific one for X Ls. Perhaps a new model would be that gacha makers may make the various "higher rarity" types a little more expensive to compensate for lack of random chance?

This isn't a gacha. A "machine" in which you choose which item you get for a particular price is just a standard vendor.

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