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What about "likes". What must a picture have that you react on it?

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I notice that some residents seem to collect "likes", but don't give "likes" back by themselves. That's their right of course. But is that fair? Anyway, I'm curious. What must a picture have that you want to react on it?

Edited by Doc Carling
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  • Doc Carling changed the title to What about "likes". What must a picture have that you react on it?
1 hour ago, Doc Carling said:

I notice that some residents seem to collect "likes", but don't give "likes" back by themselves. That's their right of course. But is that fair? Anyway, I'm curious. What must a picture have that you want to react on it?

No-one is forcing anyone to "like" pics or comments.  It's something an individual chooses to do.  It may be their way of agreeing with something said, or showing contempt for it.  Sometimes there is nothing to be added or said, but a laugh sums up the perfect reply. 

That being said, just because you "like" my comment or picture, I am not obligated to "like" yours in return.  That crap is what happens on Flickr and is what ruins it for those of us who bust our butts and sit here watching the hideous lame pictures getting hundreds of likes whilst ours barely hit 50.  

Although I have to admit, I sit in amazement at some of the pictures that get a lot of likes here too.

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1 hour ago, Jordan Whitt said:

That being said, just because you "like" my comment or picture, I am not obligated to "like" yours in return.  That crap is what happens on Flickr and is what ruins it for those of us who bust our butts and sit here watching the hideous lame pictures getting hundreds of likes whilst ours barely hit 50.  

So true!  and so funny!  hahahah!  

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you can like pictures because of technical or artistic aspects, but sometimes there are 1000 other reasons ... i think that in many cases there is no question why you like something, you just like it, it creates a positive, pleasant feeling. And then you hit the button to say that.

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7 hours ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Although I have to admit, I sit in amazement at some of the pictures that get a lot of likes here too.

   There are several factors to getting 'likes' on your pics.

  • Doing pictures that contain a subject or theme which people find pleasant or interesting.
  • Doing pictures with a high standard of quality.
  • Being part of a clique that actively throw likes back and forth at each other regardless of whether any other criteria are met.
  • Avoiding certain elements of photography that peeves people (using that awkward smile app, shooting your avi sideways, etc).

   Personally I tend to 'like' pics that I find pleasant, whether it's the avatar design or the composition. Though many days I just 'mark thread as read' because I'm not in the mood to browse and because I don't want a backlog of several pages to go through whenever I can be bothered to actually look at the thread the next time. There also appears to be that people have some sort of expectation that you must 'like' pictures of people who you wish to regard you as a friend - I've had incidents wherein people decided to end friendships because I didn't 'like' their pics and thus apparently wasn't worth being their friend (of course doing so made it immediately apparent that being their friend to begin with was probably a mistake, so all in all they kind of just sorted themselves out!).

   Speaking of, though, I've noticed you don't always like my pics, Jordan ... Stares.

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I give a Like if the picture grabs me in some way -- hard to explain all the things about a picture that will grab my attention.

Also, if I notice that someone is new to the forums and hasn't posted much, I will usually give a Like to their photos as encouragement for them to continue.

By the same token, there are some picture styles that will never get a Like from me -- and some people.

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Soooo -- back to the conversation maybe? Or not.   

I don't play the Flickr game. I follow 0 people. I do from time to time see a photo that really grabs me. The last one I remember was two guys in steampunk attire and cigarette smoke -- very dark but you could easily see the point of the photo.   So I am not a good judge for the question  since I never just peruse Flickr. I only have it because I "need" to post pictures for the people that I blog for :D. Part of the deal.


But I did want to add to this thread as I made a post recently about this subject sort of.  As I was going through my photos and deleting some as I also won't pay for Flickr and am not all that happy with the new owners in general ---  I need to keep under 1,000. Honestly that should be plenty for most anyone. Since the donut guys took over I post the photos right on Blogger and THEN post some on Flickr so deleting isn't actually REMOVAL from the web.


ANYWAY as I was going though I found what I believe is the highest viewed photo I have ever had.  Not "likes"; I rarely get many likes as I also don't play the "I'll like yours if you like mine" or the "I pay for those likes" games.  But this photo had 5.6K views and personally I don't see the WHY of that.  So posting here as it seem to go along somewhat with the theme of the OP.



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On 08/03/2021 at 23:43, Chic Aeon said:

Entããão - de volta à conversa, talvez? Ou não.   

Não jogo o Flickr. Eu sigo 0 pessoas. De vez em quando vejo uma foto que realmente me chama a atenção. O último de que me lembro era de dois caras em trajes steampunk e fumaça de cigarro - muito morenos, mas dava para ver facilmente o objetivo da foto. Portanto, não sou um bom juiz para a questão, já que nunca apenas leio o Flickr. Eu só tenho porque eu "preciso" postar fotos para as pessoas para as quais eu blog: D. Parte do acordo.


Mas eu queria adicionar algo a este tópico, pois fiz uma postagem recentemente sobre esse assunto. Conforme eu estava examinando minhas fotos e excluindo algumas, porque também não vou pagar pelo Flickr e não estou muito feliz com os novos proprietários em geral - preciso manter menos de 1.000. Honestamente, isso deve bastar para qualquer pessoa. Desde que os caras do donut assumiram, eu posto as fotos direto no Blogger e ENTÃO posto algumas no Flickr, então excluir não é realmente REMOVER da web.


DE QUALQUER MANEIRA que eu estava indo, eu encontrei o que eu acredito ser a foto mais vista que eu já tive. Não "gosta"; Raramente consigo muitos curtidas, pois também não jogo os jogos "Vou gostar do seu, se você gostar do meu" ou "Pago por esses curtidas". Mas essa foto teve 5,6 mil visualizações e, pessoalmente, não vejo o porquê disso. Portanto, postar aqui parece que vai de alguma forma com o tema do OP.



I can say for myself: The face of the AV and the face of the skull looking in opposite directions are great, mainly because the Skull is on the left side, the heart and life, and the Av is on the right side looking at the END, in mine WESTERN reading the timeline shows the "eternal return". Av is on Earth which takes me to a common destination, that is to say all of us, and the flying papers also give me a feeling of fragility ... All of this is subliminal, it is the power of art, and it has to personal repertoire, so others must see things that I don't even suspect ...

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In the photo threads I give likes to as many as I can before me as a general rule within my own time limits as I have other stuff to do and planned through Christmas at least.  I give the likes just for participating and sharing a bit of your SL.  The thing I don't like about LIKES is you have to press the darn button twice most of the time.  Some of my likes did not go through like I thought they had and one person thought I did not like her photo while liking everyone else's and that was a SL forum error inherit in the like feature.  I check each and every like in the photo threads now to make sure they went through.  This has upset me that a person who is super nice thought I did not like her photo while liking everyone else's.  I wish the like feature and reaction feature would disappear.  I don't use it that often.  I use it mostly in the photo thread though but, like I said, I have to check to make sure it's even working or going through.

Edited by FairreLilette
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3 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

In the photo threads I give likes to as many as I can before me as a general rule within my own time limits as I have other stuff to do and planned through Christmas at least.  I give the likes just for participating and sharing a bit of your SL.  The thing I don't like about LIKES is you have to press the darn button twice most of the time.  Some of my likes did not go through like I thought they had and one person thought I did not like her photo while liking everyone else's and that was a SL forum error inherit in the like feature.  I check each and every like in the photo threads now to make sure they went through.  This has upset me that a person who is super nice thought I did not like her photo while liking everyone else's.  I wish the like feature and reaction feature would disappear.  I don't use it that often.  I use it mostly in the photo thread though but, like I said, I have to check to make sure it's even working or going through.

Why would someone be stalking your likes?  That's just weird and what's weirder is they mentioned it to you.  Hmmm

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3 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Why would someone be stalking your likes?  That's just weird and what's weirder is they mentioned it to you.  Hmmm

Stalking...it did not happen by stalking.  I'm saying I give ALL people likes (well, aside from Adult content that might not be appropriate).  But, if the photo is not adult content nor questionable material, I give all likes above me when I post as much as time will allow.  However, it has happened more than once where my LIKE did not go through as well as to another person I know where it caused problems because in these instances it was definitely thought a like went through but it didn't.  I double check each and every like to make sure it goes through because some do not - I have to hit it twice quite often.  It's just that someone can see when one is liking all the photos above them when they post but leaving one out and then they think that person doesn't does not like them which is absolutely not the case.  It is a forum error that my like did not go through.  I am not the only one this as happened too.  But, anyhow, I double check now.  All above me get likes as much as my time will allow as per my rule.

As far as what true art photographs I like, it needs to have the elements of art which one can look up what those five elements are.  I simply don't have the time right now. 

EDIT TO ADD:  I decided to add the five elements of art that I use - COMPOSITION, LIGHT, COLOR, FORM, MEDIUM.  Story-telling I'm not so sure is a necessary element as there is a photographer who was quite famous for her photographs of Orchids.   Medium could also be originality.  

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8 hours ago, Doris Johnsky said:

Creativity.   I have fellow photographers on Flickr that have pages of pictures of themselves. They may be wonderful photos, but they show little creativity.

   Creativity can be many things. A selfie is not necessarily just a selfie, there's plenty of room for expression of ideas, emotions, and concepts, even allegories that can be recognised through context, through composition, expression, accessories, and what's in the background - and, it's approachable for people who don't really care for that either, because an attractive person is something that makes most people happy.

   Besides, regardless of what subject you take a photo of, you can use it as a means to practice and perfect photo techniques, and develop styles of both photography and photo editing. Some people are many-faceted in their approach, others prefer staying within their comfort zones.

   A good picture of a common object can be more thought-provoking than a bad picture of a grandiose cathedral. 

   And hey, a lot of people are just interested in fashion and like to share the outfits they compose - pictures are the perfect media for that, too.

   That you fail to see creativity in the work of others does not mean that it isn't there, it just means that you failed to see it or didn't appreciate it.

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10 hours ago, Doris Johnsky said:

Creativity.   I have fellow photographers on Flickr that have pages of pictures of themselves. They may be wonderful photos, but they show little creativity.

If you are interested in photographing people, it is a good start to be your own model. In SL and RL as well. At some point you have to do the second step and to find people/residents which are willing to model for you. That's indeed a higher level of photography. Because it's easy to convince yourself about your photographic talents. But much harder to convince other persons. The exception are professional models which you pay for modeling. But the price can be high. Or your friends or family model for you. In the most cases they don't care even when you are an epic fail as photographer.  To win other people that they not only model for you, but model free is an art by itself. Not everyone is a master of this art.  Perhaps one reason why so many photographers prefer to photograph only themselves.  

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Likes, to me, are a form of communication that sits half way between no reply and posting a comment. It's that quiet nod, a little approving gesture - or a sarcastic intake of air.

So at a base level, a comment or picture must have managed to engage me. As for what drives that engagement, there can't be a clear answer. to me it's too complex an issue to answer with a simple reply.

Maybe I woke up to feeling that wanderlust and someone made a picture that got me dreaming. Like. Perhaps I was browsing lingerie earlier and someone had a tasteful photo in the same line. Like. Could be it's none of these and a photo just had that certain punctum. Like. Maybe ten people posted cats and one person posted a hamster. Like. Maybe MY cat flopped on the keyboard and hit a button. Meow nyah (Like).

However I can tell what it won't be: A trade. That is about as far removed from fairness as can be and instead emphasizes cliques, including fights over hurt egos. No, I think I'd rather not engage with that.

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