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Do you think you have a "voice actor" quality voice?

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I don't know! I've never thought about it...I was once told I sound like a monkey when I laugh 🙊

My parents made me do speech and drama classes as a child, only because when I was younger, I used to mutter (from shyness) and people couldn't hear me...but I think some of you are being hard on yourselves, there is no 'perfect' voice! I read somewhere that the most requested accents for voiceovers in Britain are from Birmingham and Glasgow...and they are very strong accents to people from outside the UK....

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When asked to provide an alternative explanation/description of a technical issue that had been presented by a tutor to a class, upon finishing my short oration, one female student blurted out loudly, (in the middle of a class of mostly guys), "omg I want you to read me bedtime stories!" whereupon her two girlfriends yelled out YES!!! We do too! 
If I had been taking a sip of coffee I would have snorted it straight out my nose I was so taken aback. 😳
"You speak so beautifully" she went on to explain, with her friends nodding in agreement.

Stunned and with the whole class, (including the tutor), in stitches of riotous laughter I replied "Well anyone can speak clearly, confidently and precisely if they put the thought and effort into it". followed by "thank you so much I am very humbled indeed".
I had to exit the class I was so embarrassed and later in the lunch room the tutor jokingly asked "What's the story with you and the highlands girls"? huh? ^.^ HUH? and all the other teachers were like "ello.. ello.. ello.. wots all this then"?! 😮😲😋 
And I'm like "omg give it a rest will you" laughing as they're all respectful married family men.

But I only have an "ordinary" voice really. 
It's how you use it and what you say I think.


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my classmates at school kept saying i have batman voice(lol) ,later they started to say that i have just weird dude voice.

At my first college classmates were saying i talk like old dude.

and finally at my second college no one had problems with my voice.  



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I've had quite a few people over the years tell me they like my accent..

I'm always like, What accent? I ain't got no god dern accent.. Y'all got the dang accent,,  I tell you wut!  I'm fixin to tear into the next Sowm birtch that tells me I gotta a gat dernt accent!.

Me an accent, Y'all done lost yer minds.


Kiddin, I don't have an accent.. hehehe

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