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JOBS and INCOME - What do they pay on average and what do you make?


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Hello again, @riverjoy!

Anshe Chung is indeed an SL success story.  In fact, she might be the biggest SL success story of all.  She (and now her family) own so many regions in SL that Linden Lab is careful not to do anything that would upset her.  But, as we've all been trying to point out to you, Anshe is the exception, not the rule.  You might as well point to a lottery winner and say, "Hey, SHE won a half billion dollars!  Surely I can do that too!"

I am the owner of a little less than ONE region, and I have about 20 rentals there.  Every month, I have to pay $175.00 USD to Linden Lab for tier.  In a good month, I make about $200.00 USD, for a net profit of $25.00.  In an average month, I break even.  But you have to plan for those below-average months too, when you LOSE money.  And my property is in a very desirable area, right next to open Linden Ocean.  Landlords in less-desirable locations have an even harder time.

That's the reality.

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1 hour ago, Arielle Popstar said:

But there is a fine line between being quite blunt and being brutal, especially for someone new.

When laid out - minus opinions (such as Don't Bother) - that line is purely in the mind of the person reading the information. It is "subjective" to an extreme.

When it comes to this particular topic (how to make money in Second Life) and the particular expectations espoused (the income level stated in the OP), there is - to my ind anyway - no room for anything less than the rather stark reality and that reality can appear to be brutal to some.

Here's a thought that is even more stark and potentially "brutal" - For every user that makes a substantial income from their ventures in Second Life, there are quite a few who barely do more than break even the majority of the time and for each of those (breaking even) there are even more who run at a net loss and must choose between sticking to their venture (be it as a hobby or a continued attempt to at least break even) or joining the vast majority of those who have come before, tried ... and folded/failed.

If the goal is to make more than pocket change/rainy day money (at best) then (to my frame of mind) it is best to either be realistic in one's goals or simply stop before spending a single cent.

You may view that as being brutal, I view it as bluntly laying the reality out for a new user to decide if it is worth the work they'll have to put in to just be among those who break even.

Edited by Solar Legion
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38 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

When a cat posts a meme about animals...


Ok now you’ve done it - I want that as my avatar!🤣 or at least my bartender bot!  mixed meme metaphors like my mixed drinks - strong and make ya real dumb! 

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2 hours ago, riverjoy said:

I have claimed no one here is stupid.

If you have recent references of people that have done well financially off SL then please post.



Just be prepared for the  Darkside! Lets say you found your talent in SL and became very successful! ..OK now what?

If your in The North America Area or Worst Europe regarding tax's be prepared one you make a certain amount 50% or more is going to tax's especially in the U.S. Linden Lab has to turn over every cent you make after a certain amount, plus the IRS will turn that info over to your State who you might owe tax's to them too even Local Tax's..when your self employed you also have to pay not only your social security tax but the other 50% that an employer would as well.

Be prepared for other creators who have years of experience while in groups of friends who work together to stay on top! also be prepared for those who feel you have no right to try to hustle into that little notch they carved out and they have over a decade of experience knowing how deal with a trespasser.

You could easily find the very darkest side of being a creator by paying thousands of dollars in RL court fees should someone believe your infringing on there intellectual property or very least having things you made pulled from your store should you choose to not fight a DMCA.

Learn to be a consumer/customer its a very important viewpoint to experience and get to know the game first, your coming in at a huge disadvantage compared to those here from the early years!


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7 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

Well, the world economies are changing Charlotte and not in a good way.  If the dollar collapses which it will, import prices for the U.S. will sky-rocket causing American's to have less spending money, so this is a buyer's market unlike any buyer's market before.  A buyer's market means the buyers have the upper hand and are sellers willing to make a sale and cut their price or not?  It's the way of the world in business.  

Also, with a SL business as opposed to a real life business, there is no risk in the utter madness of import price fluctuations in SL as there are going to be in real life.  

When times get tough, perhaps even a depression, the tough need to get going and sometimes need to get going on a new business plan altogether.  This is not a seller's market coming down the pike; but a buyer's market of unprecedented proportions and a buyer's market where the buyer will have far less to spend.  So, consumers will either cut down or search out sales.  

I love the idea of being able to have a lot of colors too because I cannot tell you the lost sales for creator's here where I've passed because the colors are awful.  I'd prefer to wear color over black or white.  


I half don't want to post a response on this as it's now so OT.

But I will mainly, so I can point at @Salt Peppermint chuckling at my post 😂.
I just wanted to respond around the RL economic items cited above, so creators don't think the above is a valid reason to why they must suddenly slash prices by 46% at this moment in time.

My own viewpoint on the USD collapse may differ from people like Stephen Roach.  Either way, the USD alleged collapse has not yet occurred, so creators don't need to panic price reduce as a result now.  Whilst it's good to be aware of specific economic factors, you can judge pricing based on your own customer base, volumes of sale, and whether income targets are met.

There are multifaceted elements of global economies and whilst it is never wrong to prepare for the "worst" that can happen, you must also not devalue too early or be naive in what impacts you may (or may not) have.  Personally, I much prefer "make hay whilst the sun shines", then "save for a rainy day" dual approach.  If the market will bear 1299 for a fat pack keep it there, once it doesn't bear it you adjust price if needed (or add other value in to maintain price etc). 

Lindex is one example where you can track how the rate moved from 260 to 239 in the seller's favor.   This should give you an indication of supply/demand between residents.  You can see the impact of growth during lock down.  Once that slows (it's starting to) and if rates go back up, maybe that's the right time to price adjust.  I know I tend to micro adjust if we start to see rates at 261 and above and also tied to the month income goals set for us.  Pro creators will measure velocity of purchases combined with other factors such a price point, product reach etc.   Conversely prices may actually go "up" if growth goes down as creators are selling to a smaller pool of customers to maintain their income levels, and if those customers will bear the cost, they will price accordingly.

There is one final other option, do I dare say it - if you want something very specific in relation to the colors you want, you could always ask that creator to see if they would be open to your ideas on color.  I have often have people coming up with ideas for what I make, and actually ask customers what they would like.   Then your specific issue is solved, versus having a creator change all their pricing and structure for your one user case.  If they find many user cases, they can adjust as needed.

Edited by Charlotte Bartlett
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46 minutes ago, Charlotte Bartlett said:

I half don't want to post a response on this as it's now so OT.

But I will mainly, so I can point at @Salt Peppermint chucking at my post 😂.
I just wanted to respond around the RL economic items cited above, so creators don't think the above is a valid reason to why they must suddenly slash prices by 46% at this moment in time.

My own viewpoint on the USD collapse may differ from people like Stephen Roach.  Either way, the USD alleged collapse has not yet occurred, so creators don't need to panic price reduce as a result now.  Whilst it's good to be aware of specific economic factors, you can judge pricing based on your own customer base, volumes of sale, and whether income targets are met.

There are multifaceted elements of global economies and whilst it is never wrong to prepare for the "worst" that can happen, you must also not devalue too early or be naive in what impacts you may (or may not) have.  Personally I much prefer "make hay whilst the sun shines", then "save for a rainy day" dual approach.  If the market will bear 1299 for a fat pack keep it there, once it doesn't bear it you adjust price if needed (or add other value in to maintain price etc). 

Lindex is one example where you can track how the rate moved from 260 to 239 in the seller's favor.   This should give you an indication of supply/demand between residents.  You can see the impact of growth during lock down.  Once that slows (it's starting to) and if rates go back up, maybe that's the right time to price adjust.  I know I tend to micro adjust if we start to see rates at 261 and above and also tried to the month income goals set for us.  Pro creators will measure velocity of purchases combined with other factors such a price point, product reach etc.   Conversely prices may actually go "up" if growth goes down as creators are selling to a smaller pool of customers to maintain their income levels, and if those customers will bear the cost, they will price accordingly.

There is one final other option, do I dare say it - if you want something very specific in relation to the colors you want, you could always ask that creator to see if they would be open to your ideas on color.  I have often have people coming up with ideas for what I make, and actually ask customers what they would like.   Then your specific issue is solved, versus having a creator change all their pricing and structure for your one user case.  If they find many user cases, they can adjust as needed.

Thanks for sharing all that insightful information.

I can fully say I will not be a supporter of higher fatpacks should inflation happen in SL as it very much is looking like it will in real life simply because real life goods comes first.  This is play time but my real life needs are needs according to sustaining my actual life.  So, play money for me will go down unless I get married or something but I kind of like being single after two long term relationships - one right after the other - love my freedom and love having friends.  

But, I agree prices could go up here although I don't think it a wise thing to do.  But, there are quite often 10 linden items I can find plus I am making my own BOM skins now which is a huge savings for me.  

Yet, you are right...it is not time yet to consider either - should we go cheaper or should we inflate prices; however, I don't see it as off topic at all.  It's off topic from being a real estate mogul here but being a real estate mogul here is very far fetched unless you marry into the Linden or Chung family.   Real estate here is too rigid now and was for a decade or so ago.

But, the "bleep" hasn't hit the fan yet...I am just wondering where creator's are at if and when "bleep" hits the fan.  But, I can see how it's difficult to say since none of us know the future post coronavirus.  

EDIT:  I just wanted to say as far as higher priced fatpacks...perhaps some creator's may want to make those limited editions as limited editions might bring in a good to great price from those who could afford such a thing.  Just a thought.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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3 hours ago, riverjoy said:

I have claimed no one here is stupid.

If you have recent references of people that have done well financially off SL then please post.


The people who've made the breakout levels of real-world money in Second Life which you're seeking have done the following:

1) Identified a significant, unmet need/desire/opportunity in Second Life.

2) Developed, marketed and supported a way of filling that need/desire/opportunity.

Describing the specifics of those events won't help you because if someone's successful, that means that particular need/desire/opportunity has already been filled.

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regarding real estate also...

From what I consider a reliable source: LL has offered (and may still offer ongoing) one or more purchase/tier packages with volume discounts on both initial land purchase and ongoing tier.
One thing sometimes mentioned is the Atlas Program. 

Since I don’t know any particulars beyond these, I won’t speculate more about any terms...but it makes sense that there would be wholesale pricing and volume discounts (as there commonly is in other commercial endeavors everywhere) but...it’s also a hot-button discussion topic sometimes because it’s not openly available to everyone and the information and details are not easy to know. 

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1 hour ago, Charlotte Bartlett said:

But I will mainly, so I can point at @Salt Peppermint chucking at my post 😂.
I just wanted to respond around the RL economic items cited above, so creators don't think the above is a valid reason to why they must suddenly slash prices by 46% at this moment in time.

I got to thinking about this though, Charlotte, as my post said offer a HUD that is an ALL COLORS HUD and use no preset colors.  Therefore, there is less product to list, less product that would use up prims in a store as each product would contain ALL colors on the tinter, so fatpacks could easily be below the average 1299 of the fatpacks since less merchandise, less prims like I'm stating above - if you follow what I am saying.  It wouldn't really be a "fatpack" like fatpacks are now, but each item would contain all colors - thus less fuss, less work, etc, etc.  No need to list individual colors or make demos for each individual color, just lots of less work.  

If I had the money and/or the talent, this is what I would do.  Also, some clothing makers are already coming down in price as if you read my whole post I said I am looking at two companies now that are offering fatpacks for 999 which has peaked my interest that is for sure as not only do I think the items super cute but saving that extra 300 lindens is a hair or shoes.  So, I'm excited.  I've only picked out one fatpack so far though at 999.  I wasn't crazy about all their colors but I pass on so many items because the colors are not good.   On some of the items I am looking at that are 999 the colors are eh just okay I also said in my original post about all this we are discussing.  So, in my post, the fatpack is way different with my idea and not a fatpack like it is now.  It's an all colors one product item and one demo to make.   How much could you save on prims alone?  

Edited by FairreLilette
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1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

I got to thinking about this though, Charlotte, as my post said offer a HUD that is an ALL COLORS HUD and use no preset colors.  Therefore, there is less product to list, less product that would use up prims in a store as each product would contain ALL colors on the tinter, so fatpacks could easily be below the average 1299 of the fatpacks since less merchandise, less prims like I'm stating above - if you follow what I am saying.  It wouldn't really be a "fatpack" like fatpacks are now, but each item would contain all colors - thus less fuss, less work, etc, etc.  No need to list individual colors or make demos for each individual color, just lots of less work.  

If I had the money and/or the talent, this is what I would do.  Also, some clothing makers are already coming down in price as if you read my whole post I said I am looking at two companies now that are offering fatpacks for 999 which has peaked my interest that is for sure as not only do I think the items super cute but saving that extra 300 lindens is a hair or shoes.  So, I'm excited.  I've only picked out one fatpack so far though at 999.  I wasn't crazy about all their colors but I pass on so many items because the colors are not good.   On some of the items I am looking at that are 999 the colors are eh just okay I also said in my original post about all this we are discussing.  So, in my post, the fatpack is way different with my idea and not a fatpack like it is now.  It's an all colors one product item and one demo to make.   How much could you save on prims alone?  

My numbers were just examples.

I think you have great ideas, getting them out there may mean somebody reads and picks up on it.

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Way back in the thread, I think @riverjoy mentioned a "hunting lodge" as one of their business ideas, and someone else pooh-poohed it.

I think that would actually be a cool idea.  I believe there are some wild animal hunting systems for sale on the Marketplace, or there were at one time.  It might be neat to set up a sort of unstructured shooting gallery region.  Like the Zombie Hunt ones, but with animal targets.

You could maybe sell passes, or charge for a weapon that worked with your hunting system and had only X number of shots before you had to buy another one, or buy more ammo.

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We are hiring at The Book of Nightmares - here is the info (and you can make more than that by just hosting)


The Book of Nightmares is BACK!

AND WE'RE HIRING (DJs, Hosts & Dancers)!!!!!!

███▓▒░░. .:BoN:. is BACK!!!! .░░▒▓███
█▓▒░    Msg Dillon Nicholls or FB Page
█▓▒░    for details or stop by club
█▓▒░    and put in an application!

FB: https://www.facebook.com/bookofnightmares
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Paramount/128/42/23   ( INWORLD LOCATION)

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2 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

I got to thinking about this though, Charlotte, as my post said offer a HUD that is an ALL COLORS HUD and use no preset colors.  Therefore, there is less product to list, less product that would use up prims in a store as each product would contain ALL colors on the tinter, so fatpacks could easily be below the average 1299 of the fatpacks since less merchandise, less prims like I'm stating above - if you follow what I am saying.  It wouldn't really be a "fatpack" like fatpacks are now, but each item would contain all colors - thus less fuss, less work, etc, etc.  No need to list individual colors or make demos for each individual color, just lots of less work.  

colours don't work by just a tint , at least not for the most. you need baked in shadows, baked in lights. and those differ for light and darker colours and need adjustments because we do not have PBR in SL. so we use work arounds to make textures appear properly. If you use a tint hud and just tint the mesh, depending on the colour, it ruins the actual texture and I don't think that a creator would want that either, at least I don't.

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8 minutes ago, Jacqualine Lunasea said:

We are hiring at The Book of Nightmares - here is the info (and you can make more than that by just hosting)


The Book of Nightmares is BACK!

AND WE'RE HIRING (DJs, Hosts & Dancers)!!!!!!

███▓▒░░. .:BoN:. is BACK!!!! .░░▒▓███
█▓▒░    Msg Dillon Nicholls or FB Page
█▓▒░    for details or stop by club
█▓▒░    and put in an application!

FB: https://www.facebook.com/bookofnightmares
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Paramount/128/42/23   ( INWORLD LOCATION)

Telling someone they can make more than 500k Linden per week hostessing just to advertise your business... 🙄

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1 hour ago, Salt Peppermint said:

colours don't work by just a tint , at least not for the most. you need baked in shadows, baked in lights. and those differ for light and darker colours and need adjustments because we do not have PBR in SL. so we use work arounds to make textures appear properly. If you use a tint hud and just tint the mesh, depending on the colour, it ruins the actual texture and I don't think that a creator would want that either, at least I don't.

I don't know what you mean exactly...most clothes ARE just a tinter but they are preset.  The only time it changes to an actual texture rather than a tinter is for a pattern.  The shadows are baked into the AO for the white one and then the rest are just tinted as per my understanding and what I was told.   You can have baked in shadows and light in the white one that has the AO and UV on it while tinting the rest.  Plus, I use the 100's of colors HUDS for my items...it doesn't ruin anything.   These 100's of colors HUDS are awesome...you can literally have every color imaginable, nothing ruined.  It could be your lighting is different than my lighting or other's lighting.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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On 10/26/2020 at 1:39 PM, riverjoy said:

Hey all,

New player here so was hoping someone could fill me in on various jobs and incomes players do to make L$

My goal is to make L$500k per week

If anyone could offer advice that would be helpful :)

Create 499,999 alts and then find the last '1L per slap' vote box left on SL :)

Edited by Rat Luv
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On 10/26/2020 at 8:39 AM, riverjoy said:

Hey all,

New player here so was hoping someone could fill me in on various jobs and incomes players do to make L$

My goal is to make L$500k per week

If anyone could offer advice that would be helpful :)

Goals are wonderful, but short of making top end items that a lot of people want or becoming a land baron, that just isn't going to happen. Certainly nobody is going to hire you for that amount. I've been DJing for years and make around 15kL/week and that's pretty good.

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3 hours ago, Jacqualine Lunasea said:

We are hiring at The Book of Nightmares - here is the info (and you can make more than that by just hosting)


The Book of Nightmares is BACK!

AND WE'RE HIRING (DJs, Hosts & Dancers)!!!!!!

███▓▒░░. .:BoN:. is BACK!!!! .░░▒▓███
█▓▒░    Msg Dillon Nicholls or FB Page
█▓▒░    for details or stop by club
█▓▒░    and put in an application!

FB: https://www.facebook.com/bookofnightmares
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Paramount/128/42/23   ( INWORLD LOCATION)

Overlooking the inappropriate placing of this ad, I truly hope you just didn't read carefully. The OP is wanting to make $L500K per week (500,000), not $L500.

If you are telling someone with a straight face that they can make MORE than $L500,000/wk being a DJ,  host or dancer, then either shame on you or ffs, sign me up. I could use the $L500K.

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7 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

I don't know what you mean exactly...most clothes ARE just a tinter but they are preset.  The only time it changes to an actual texture rather than a tinter is for a pattern.  The shadows are baked into the AO for the white one and then the rest are just tinted as per my understanding and what I was told.   You can have baked in shadows and light in the white one that has the AO and UV on it while tinting the rest.  Plus, I use the 100's of colors HUDS for my items...it doesn't ruin anything.   These 100's of colors HUDS are awesome...you can literally have every color imaginable, nothing ruined.  It could be your lighting is different than my lighting or other's lighting.  

not they are not just tints. Look I show you what the difference it. First snapshot is my actual made black texture, second one is used a white texture whit all lights and shadows and then tinted inworld to black. same goes for colour. third is the actual purple I made, second one is tinted into purple inwolrd using the same base texture. it is really not the same and loses all the details. all of these are shot with exact same graphic settings, same materials, same wind light. There is a lot of work going into making proper colours. it is not as easy to just slap a tint onto it, maybe it works for something that is very flat and sometimes you can adjust with a tint to make it a tiny bit darker. But it's certainly not a good solution to have that as the actual colour option imho. 

1. actual black: https://gyazo.com/f1c6c8845b53a6c64677f3cf9bd1b0eb

2. tinted black: https://gyazo.com/07b39a903eb689838c29f43f1a597aa6

3. actual purple https://gyazo.com/bc69368be7118fb9c04af227ea147747

4.tinted purple https://gyazo.com/eafa460a93c11090300a427ef5403f35


also sorry for getting off topic... I'll leave it there

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