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11 minutes ago, Anuuubis said:

Why does it even matter? Why bring "realism" into it when the entire point is to be something out of the realm of reality? Why does it matter what people play as and why is it not "appropriate" in your eyes?


Didn't know another player's avatar choice was a thing that mattered, but sure. 😉


News flash, graphics don't mean everything. I used to use a site similar to SL that was 2D flash based-- the entire draw is social interaction. Not to mention SL was made almost two decades ago and they couldn't conceivably make any big changes to the engine used without breaking a ton of usermade content, aka the entire point of the platform. It's like if you went posting on a forum ranting that the first Call of Duty or something even older like GoldenEye are automatically terrible because of the multi-decade-old graphics and simple objectives.

Not to mention harping on the graphics of something that's mostly hinged on other users making content is a moot point in itself.

Also lol Fallout 4 multiplayer. It's called Fallout 76 and newsflash, it's terrible. Dunno why the first thing that springs to mind are what are objectively the worst Fallout games the series has but you do you.

And some quotes about Fallout 76 for what it's worth.

The Guardian called the game "a pointless walk in the post-apocalypse" featuring "half-baked conflict and witless quests to unearth the dead".[63] According to Forbes, Fallout 76 was a "huge, rare, total miss" by Bethesda.[70][self-published source] Eurogamer described the game as a "bizarre, boring, broken mess", adding that, shortly after its launch, it should be considered as a "failed experiment".[71] Business Insider described Fallout 76 as "a jumble of disparate video game elements set loose in an online world, held together by a string of pointless fetch quests and experience points".[72] Newsweek said that moments of the enjoyment during their review were "outweighed by the near-constant performance issues and poorly executed game systems", adding that they were disappointed in the game despite being fans of the series.[73]

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3 minutes ago, RowanMinx said:

And some quotes about Fallout 76 for what it's worth.

The Guardian called the game "a pointless walk in the post-apocalypse" featuring "half-baked conflict and witless quests to unearth the dead".[63] According to Forbes, Fallout 76 was a "huge, rare, total miss" by Bethesda.[70][self-published source] Eurogamer described the game as a "bizarre, boring, broken mess", adding that, shortly after its launch, it should be considered as a "failed experiment".[71] Business Insider described Fallout 76 as "a jumble of disparate video game elements set loose in an online world, held together by a string of pointless fetch quests and experience points".[72] Newsweek said that moments of the enjoyment during their review were "outweighed by the near-constant performance issues and poorly executed game systems", adding that they were disappointed in the game despite being fans of the series.[73]

Lol yeah Fallout 76 is a hot mess. My boyfriend and I actually wanted to get it until we realized it wasn't worth the price of admission (he got a chance to freely demo it). I added some more to my original post as well regarding the Fallout 4 comparison; it's a real head-scratcher. You think if someone obsessed with graphics AND high amounts of functionality, they'd be bringing Red Dead Redemption 2 into the conversation, not the game that turned people off of Bethesda's game style.

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On 10/31/2020 at 1:37 AM, sunnyrio said:

Then why not something more appropriate like a parrot?  Unlike a wolf they can talk and fly, just like your avatar.


I expect more from SL than a book.


SL could be great, but the basics like the graphics engine are a decade or two out of date.  Make it look as good as Fallout 4 (which is a brilliant adventure by the way, where you can also build stuff, collect stuff, talk to people, etc), then it will be a success.


Tell me one place that's truly interactive.  And I don't just mean the crap where you sit on a sofa and sort of kiss each other in an unconvincing manner.

Now that sounds more interesting.  Where is the golf range?


For the same reason I don't throw things away at home that I rarely use.


I moan about things that matter, not petty stuff like "Mr Smith said a rude word to me and I'm scarred for life!"

The graphics are the whole basis of the game, or would you rather go back to chatrooms in text?

I believe Fallout 4 can be multiplayer....

I asked a question of what there is to do, and have received about 4 useful answers, which I will try out someday.  It's you lot that are pathetic and get upset if I don't like every single suggestion.

It's not whining, it's providing insight into what the programmers should be doing to improve it.  Has it actually been updated apart from a few bugfixes in the last 10 years?


Real life has 100 times more things you can do, with 100 times the interactability.

In sl, "you can also build stuff, collect stuff, talk to people".

Golfing is one of many things to do inworld. Perhaps use the search function or talk to people to discover more places to go and stuff to do. Exploring is part of the fun.

SL's world is largely made by its users. It is what we make it. So if you want to see more interaction or anything else, you can make that happen.

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On 10/16/2020 at 8:11 PM, sunnyrio said:

If they made the graphics better I think I'd enjoy it more.

I hear that sort of statement from people but what it means to me is that the person saying it is just not immersed in the world because when they are, the graphics become secondary. It is like the audiophile who insists on top notch equipment because he is more into sound quality then the music being played on it. Sure good sound is nice but the fidelity becomes secondary when one is really into the music being played.

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I was also thinking about it from the people angle - why should we bother to refer someone who is has already demonstrated freely that they are (willfully) such a kill-joy to ANY place or activity we enjoy when their presence would suck all the fun right out of it? Real talk: I don’t want to get that jaded and think this in earnest but...the thought crosses my mind. 

I redact my list, all the things I suggested above are dreadfully tedious, please don’t consider any of them at all. 🤣 


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20 hours ago, sunnyrio said:

[...] Has it actually been updated apart from a few bugfixes in the last 10 years? [...]

No, Linden Lab were very careful not to put a single line of code that could remotely be construed as ‘something new’... things like Bento, BakeOnMesh, Animesh, AWS, LSL improvements, cloud av rendering, Inventory MP, extra layers & flexibility... zip, zero, nada. Never happened. Alas, I have it on good authority that last time they decided to change anything beyond bugfixing, it was to revert everything they’d done the previous ten years (i.e. pretty much since SL started), so now we’re basically deprived of mesh, voice, tattoos, Marketplace, flexiprims, sculpts, alphas, and practically SL itself. That all these things (and the others they were careful not to add) seem to remain there, working as usual, is a fantastic mystery to all concerned. But still LL did it, diligently, just to make sure people would have things to whine provide insight about.

Edited by Ren Toxx
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I think if people come into SL with a gaming mindset, they are going to be disappointed..

There is a lot of reason behind the, It's your world  your imagination, phrase..

I can't count how many times something has popped into my head out of nowhere and inspired me to try to find it or create it myself in second life..Sometimes both..

Also, understanding the limitations of what can be done here and then seeing how people get originally creative with that to make it feel like the limitations were removed.. One place that comes to mind that pulled that off so well was that sim that did the, 20,000 leagues under the sea theme.. Anyone remember the spinning reflecting mirrors?

SL is a place where someone can do more than just draw out what they have running around in that beanie of theirs on paper..

It gives them a place to build it and walk through it ,sit on it or ride it and many other things and then if they want, share it..


I remember years back when I really didn't know a damn thing about building much of anything but had all these ideas just coming to me all the time.. Someone inspired me by telling me that I was pretty much useless in this place we were coming up with together.. I had a bunch of ideas for things and they were building them as well as their own ideas.. it was what I thought was a partnership in a certain place.. But they felt since they could create them and I couldn't, that I was less invested than them.. We split up working together and I would get jabs here and there about not contributing and that building was all that counted.. that I pretty much had contributed nothing..

So I got mad and then got creative and took it as a challenge, not looking to get back at them, but to mainly be inspired by what they said about me and to never have to deal with that kind of thing again.. My ideas were going to be made by me and not anyone else.. My world my imagination, not their world my imagination..

This was back when sculptures had first came around..I spent 30 straight hours passionately learning blender.. This was at a time when I could spend that kind of time learning something hehehe

I looked at images of things created in our sim and wanted to outdo them and be different than them..

my land was just covered is test sculpties like these, from one end to the other seeing how things would look after uploading them..


 Then finally came up with this for the first thing i ever built in second life..

It is very rough looking because it was a long time ago, but not too bad for the times..hehehe 

The main thing was, it was enough of a confidence builder that creating and building became a really big part of my SL..That's all I was really looking for at the time..



This may come off sounding like a drama hate post and taking a dig at someone from a long time ago.. Nothing could be farther from the truth..

If it was not for that person coming at me like they did and inspiring me to get off my butt and do it myself, The many doors that SL has would have probably stayed closed to me..

I'm grateful to them for laying it out like it was.. They pushed me to expanded my SL into a much larger world which had me doing things I could only imagine before..

There is something pretty awesome about walking through an idea that was bouncing through your head..

Video games nowadays last about 3 years or so and they have already started the next version right after releasing the current version, because they know, after they feel the the players are leaving more because of regurgitating grinds and money slowing down from the side purchases..It's time to release the next one..

You're more limited to what they feed you..

SL you can feed yourself as little or as much as you want.. Just depends on if you want to put in the work to create your own world or enjoying surfing someone else's..

I just know from my experience, there is more than meets the eye candy..

It's not for everyone, but I'm glad it's for me..:)




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12 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Video games nowadays last about 3 years or so and they have already started the next version right after releasing the current version, because they know, after they feel the the players are leaving more because of regurgitating grinds and money slowing down from the side purchases..It's time to release the next one..

You're more limited to what they feed you..

SL you can feed yourself as little or as much as you want.. Just depends on if you want to put in the work to create your own world or enjoying surfing someone else's..

I just know from my experience, there is more than meets the eye candy..

This^ exactly!


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On 10/30/2020 at 9:05 AM, Anuuubis said:

I just really don't see where the comparison overall lies when what Fallout 4 mostly entails is "pick up junk and craft things or upgrade guns to shoot more things".

Shooting games...oh, what loverly interaction...it's just mid-boggling (sarcasm - not at you Anuuubis, but someone else in this thread).

SL has real art.  Some people don't understand art.  Even my Mom told me in her own words..."I don't understand art".  And, no, she didn't.  I grew up with two horrible art pieces in my childhood homes - one a clown, the other a black and orange weird, terrible painting of the Golden Gate Bridge.  One another piece of art my Mom had was a ceramic flower with just the flower painted yellow and the stem green.  My father had artistic abilities.   I believe I got them from him.  I remember as a child our Saturday mornings together making mosaics.  My father was also into carpentry as a hobby; that I took like a duck to water.  I believe I was born to design furniture and did design furniture in real life.  And, yes, gurls can design furniture.  I made up the design entirely by myself; men built it though. 

Not all people are going to see "good graphics" the same either as someone in this thread mentioned.  SL's graphics are fine to me...it's the art element of it all that gets me.  I don't want it to look like a picture of VR meets National Geographic.  It's too dull for me to have that kind of graphic where it looks like a magazine. 

But, back on topic...one thing I do like to do when I find open time is to try on DEMOS and make notecards of what I may buy soon or I put them in my FAVORITES.  It's a relaxing time for me, just trying on DEMOS as most of my SL I build now which is not relax time. 



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On 10/30/2020 at 1:46 PM, AdminGirl said:

In sl, "you can also build stuff, collect stuff, talk to people".

Golfing is one of many things to do inworld. Perhaps use the search function or talk to people to discover more places to go and stuff to do. Exploring is part of the fun.

SL's world is largely made by its users. It is what we make it. So if you want to see more interaction or anything else, you can make that happen.

As to that, I don't understand the logic behind the comparison anyways considering SL is grander in scope in what you can do. FO76 is far too limited to compare it to; anything you really can't compare to SL. SL is in it's own unique league like that. I would say IF anything the closest thing to SL? The Sims. I use it as a great example of how Second Life can be considered a game.

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2 minutes ago, Simo Vodopan said:

As to that, I don't understand the logic behind the comparison anyways considering SL is grander in scope in what you can do. FO76 is far too limited to compare it to; anything you really can't compare to SL. SL is in it's own unique league like that. I would say IF anything the closest thing to SL? The Sims. I use it as a great example of how Second Life can be considered a game.

^ This.

Comparing a jumbled pile of usermade content in a virtual sandbox is so different to a game with assets made by a triple A studio. It's like getting mad at a small family run restaurant that their food isn't the same quality as a multi-Michelin star gourmet chef's food; they're the same medium so to speak but they're nowhere close to actually being the same.

The Sims is a great example though especially when you think about the console versions of 2 that actually let you control a sim directly with a third person camera and be able to walk around and jump. Then when you take the current gen of Sims into consideration and look at the plethora of mods for the PC versions, yeah, that's way more of an apt comparison. Limited character creation and a foundation to make your own world with the option/incentive to browse playermade content for an enhanced experience outside of what the base game offers.

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24 minutes ago, Anuuubis said:

^ This.

Comparing a jumbled pile of usermade content in a virtual sandbox is so different to a game with assets made by a triple A studio. It's like getting mad at a small family run restaurant that their food isn't the same quality as a multi-Michelin star gourmet chef's food; they're the same medium so to speak but they're nowhere close to actually being the same.

The Sims is a great example though especially when you think about the console versions of 2 that actually let you control a sim directly with a third person camera and be able to walk around and jump. Then when you take the current gen of Sims into consideration and look at the plethora of mods for the PC versions, yeah, that's way more of an apt comparison. Limited character creation and a foundation to make your own world with the option/incentive to browse playermade content for an enhanced experience outside of what the base game offers.

Yep and in general how open-ended it is where there are no clear defined goals. Only the goals the person set for themselves and that's one argument people make "A game has a clear ending" but when we look at The Sims and carefully examine it as such we realize it doesn't have any of that so to speak.

Sure you can set a Aspiration for your Sim to achieve like being a Astronaut but at the same time that stuff is optional and you can live freely in the game otherwise setting your own goals like you can live freely in SL and set your own goals there.

By definition, The Sims is a video-game that's a life simulation and this can be applied to Second Life being within that catagory. That being said, this is more like a self-imposed rule by some of the community that SL is not a game when it's not fact. If we go by the self-imposed rule definition some of the community has then The Sims would not be considered a game either in how similarly it functions to Second Life, that would not be logical.

SL is just that; The Sims on steroids, very big, potent steroids rich of protein.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/30/2020 at 3:03 PM, Solar Legion said:

Gee, it is almost as if Second Life was not designed for the "can't sit still for more than five seconds" crowd ....

It's not designed for those who want some input to their senses.  I could play games like SL in the 80s.  I want immersive plots and immersive graphics.  For those who are happy watching paint dry, SL is for you.


On 10/30/2020 at 3:05 PM, Fauve Aeon said:

My graphics and interaction are fine. So is my ability to be pleased with the work I put in for my SL things and my SL/RL things.

I have a big desktop unit and a gaming laptop besides 3 tablets, I’m fine tech-wise...it was not needed to liaison with the dj, send the notices and do the event setup. I’ll use the computer with the bells and whistles to do the final lighting touches and of course to enjoy the party. 

You: “I’m displeased. Someone should do something”

The World: 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️

The graphics on SL are no match for anything else made this century.


On 10/30/2020 at 3:25 PM, Dafadilia Wayfarer said:

Congratulations on missing the point entirely of most of the posts here in reply to your "I'm bored!" mentality.

I can no longer even walk in real life for the most part so I'm very thankful I can in SL among other things. It just really seems you need a large dose of perspective because if this is the biggest complaint you can find in your existence, you're pretty darn lucky. The entitlement you have speaks volumes.

Like I said, if you are so bent on viewing something as garbage, don't be surprised if all you get back from it is your own boredom staring you back in the face.

You may be happy walking in SL, but you'd be happier walking with more to it.


On 10/30/2020 at 4:01 PM, Madelaine McMasters said:

Based on what I've seen of you here, I believe yours is an honest and accurate claim.

Books require an investment of the reader's imagination to yield a return.


I didn't buy a computer to make it as fun as a book.  I might aswell buy a book.



On 10/30/2020 at 4:05 PM, Anuuubis said:

Why does it even matter? Why bring "realism" into it when the entire point is to be something out of the realm of reality? Why does it matter what people play as and why is it not "appropriate" in your eyes?


Didn't know another player's avatar choice was a thing that mattered, but sure. 😉


News flash, graphics don't mean everything. I used to use a site similar to SL that was 2D flash based-- the entire draw is social interaction. Not to mention SL was made almost two decades ago and they couldn't conceivably make any big changes to the engine used without breaking a ton of usermade content, aka the entire point of the platform. It's like if you went posting on a forum ranting that the first Call of Duty or something even older like GoldenEye are automatically terrible because of the multi-decade-old graphics and simple objectives.

Not to mention harping on the graphics of something that's mostly hinged on other users making content is a moot point in itself.

Also lol Fallout 4 multiplayer. It's called Fallout 76 and newsflash, it's terrible. Dunno why the first thing that springs to mind are what are objectively the worst Fallout games the series has but you do you.


Edit: Actually, yknow what? Let's expand on the Fallout 4 thing that keeps getting brought up. You say things like this:

But Fallout 4 was panned by a lot of fans of the franchise for being too:
A) Restrictive
B) Linear
C) Shallow in comparison to prior entries
D) Lacking freedom of prior entries

So I'm legitimately curious why you keep comparing the two. The Fallout games have been widely known for giving the player a ton of freedom and having boatloads of unique and interesting npcs/towns/lore to uncover, yet Fallout 4 railroads you into a preset character, restricts dialog options by making the protagonist voiced and turning all dialog into "yes, yes but sarcastic, yes, no" instead of actual branching choices that would affect how conversations play out. It focuses less heavily on exploring to uncover new story beats and more exploring to collect resources and engage in combat, as the game only features 6 towns with npcs you can interact with in any degree other than in a hostile way (outside of buying DLC).

Compare this to New Vegas which has way more (Goodsprings, Novac, NCR Correctional Facility, Camp McCarran, Jacobstown, Freeside, The Strip, Primm, Cottonwood Cove, etc). Fallout 4 forces you into "building your own" settlements instead and packing them full of nameless "Settler" npcs you have 0 dialog with in comparison to the rich towns of other survivors to interact with in other games.

I just really don't see where the comparison overall lies when what Fallout 4 mostly entails is "pick up junk and craft things or upgrade guns to shoot more things".

It's fine if you're stoned or drunk to use a wolf, but I prefer things to be realistic.

Of course graphics are everything.  Why do you think people buy modern fast PCs?  Why would you want to live in the past?

There's no reason they can't upgrade the engine and keep the content as is.  Just improve the textures, the number of render points etc.  The data on what objects are where can stay the same.

I never said Fallout 4 was multiplayer.  And your points A to D make no sense.  I've seen nothing but praise for Fallout 4 in their forums.  It's a huge world just like SL, with far better graphics, and many interactions and an actual plot.  Things you do alter the rest of the game!

It doesn't focus on anything.  I can do what I like in it.  Some days I'll concentrate on designing and building my settlements.  Some days I'll go exploring.  Some days I'll go pick a fight.



On 10/30/2020 at 4:22 PM, Anuuubis said:

Lol yeah Fallout 76 is a hot mess. My boyfriend and I actually wanted to get it until we realized it wasn't worth the price of admission (he got a chance to freely demo it). I added some more to my original post as well regarding the Fallout 4 comparison; it's a real head-scratcher. You think if someone obsessed with graphics AND high amounts of functionality, they'd be bringing Red Dead Redemption 2 into the conversation, not the game that turned people off of Bethesda's game style.

Fallout 4 is worth it, but get all the expansion packs so you can play in a much larger space.


On 10/30/2020 at 5:28 PM, Paul Hexem said:

It's your ADHD, not mine. Find the places yourself.

It's not ADHD, it's wanting interaction, which is part of being human.  I'd have to become a robot to enjoy SL.

And you'd better watch for net nannies in here.  Using the acronym ADHD will get your post deleted.  I got one removed for saying OCD.


On 10/30/2020 at 5:46 PM, AdminGirl said:

In sl, "you can also build stuff, collect stuff, talk to people".

Golfing is one of many things to do inworld. Perhaps use the search function or talk to people to discover more places to go and stuff to do. Exploring is part of the fun.

SL's world is largely made by its users. It is what we make it. So if you want to see more interaction or anything else, you can make that happen.

Interaction with who?  Complete strangers who can't be bothered even talking?  Would you walk into a pub and try to start a conversation?  You won't get anything more than the football results out of anyone.  SL is like that.


On 10/30/2020 at 6:14 PM, Arielle Popstar said:

I hear that sort of statement from people but what it means to me is that the person saying it is just not immersed in the world because when they are, the graphics become secondary. It is like the audiophile who insists on top notch equipment because he is more into sound quality then the music being played on it. Sure good sound is nice but the fidelity becomes secondary when one is really into the music being played.

I've never heard such utter nonsense.  Anything that's better quality can be enjoyed more.  I like music, but I hate hearing a nice classical piece played through a cheap stereo, it ruins it completely.  It should sound realistic, as though you're actually in the concert hall.

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30 minutes ago, sunnyrio said:


Interaction with who?  Complete strangers who can't be bothered even talking?  Would you walk into a pub and try to start a conversation?  You won't get anything more than the football results out of anyone.  SL is like that.

Um.. yeah? Well, strangers come up to chat when I go out, it's not a new phenomenon. But are you saying there's no interaction because we're all just strangers or are you saying the crowd in sl don't really talk back?

There's a difference between a game and a virtual world. That's why you won't find a plot or story made for you here unless you make one yourself and get others involved. It's a world, not a game. It's like our real world - no one has written a plot for you. You just do stuff, live your own life, make friends, create stuff, travel, whatever. And yeah rl sometimes feels boring too. SL is pretty much like that.. to me anyway.

Even with games though, they're not going to be for everyone. Same with sl. If you don't like it then it's just not for you. Why force it?

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I've never been bored in SL.

Maybe I was lucky. I just live a life here. I made a few friends within a few days, because I chat a lot. I was given somewhere to live, and later I was given somewhere bigger. Now I have a house and houseboat which I enjoy furnishing. I share a part sim with three other forumites. We talk every day. I shop constantly. I make and manage my alts.I have a boat. I love dancing and hanging out at the beach. I take photos. I could spend twice the time in world easily, but real life limits my time. 

The tech stuff I leave for others. I don't need a quest. I have more than enough to do.

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