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14. You very quickly run out of things to do.


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This was added as a grievance in another topic recently, and I was surprised, as there is a multitude of "things to do", is there not?

So, maybe to help the respondent out a bit, how about popping up some of the things that are out there to do?

Try not to hog the thread by bunging up a huge list; maybe just pop up your favourite, or a second best if your favourite has already been mentioned.

It might be interesting to find out out just how quickly one might "run out of things to do"?

Not everything will appeal, I'm sure, but I suspect there might well be a few things out there that have not yet been found by an inquisitive and keen resident....?

I'll point the OP concerned to this thread, so let's hear them!


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Top of my personal list of favorite things to do has changed dramatically in the last 6 months since the loss of my partner but what has dragged me back into SL has been music mainly.  I have  DJ friends I love to hang out with and some live performers I enjoy listening to.  Eventually I might dust off my DJ skills again and be the one providing the music some times.

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List of Things to Do:

  1. Think about redoing my Home plot and what to put on it
  2. Pop on over to a particular Club I tend to frequent to see who is there/listen to music
  3. Pop on over to a Region operated by a friend of mine/former Pet to see if anyone new has dropped in
  4. Occasionally go to a store or two to see what is new (if anything)

That's it. Then again, I don't need something new every five seconds to keep me entertained/logging in ...

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Good evening, I'm the original whiner, er.... poster.

So far I agree only with the building.  I enjoy designing a house and garden.  I used to do it in Sims 3 and 4, but this doesn't have the annoyances of the avatar getting hungry all the time!  and there's more things you can do with the house.

But the rest doesn't do much for me.  I did enjoy the games like the treasure hunt ones, but once they're done they're done.

Edited by sunnyrio
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15 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

List of Things to Do:

  1. Think about redoing my Home plot and what to put on it
  2. Pop on over to a particular Club I tend to frequent to see who is there/listen to music
  3. Pop on over to a Region operated by a friend of mine/former Pet to see if anyone new has dropped in
  4. Occasionally go to a store or two to see what is new (if anything)

That's it. Then again, I don't need something new every five seconds to keep me entertained/logging in ...

I need constant things to do.  I like games like Black and White 2.  It's a god game - you control the Greeks in the past as they fought the Japanese and Aztecs.  Not just war though, you build towns.

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7 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

1. Script something ..... anything.

2. Float in my pond with friends

3. Explore in Bellisseria ...or anywhere, actually

4. Dance in a friend's back yard

I scripted a door when I built my house, that was fun, although I did need to watch a Youtube video to do it!

Can't find any friends on here.  And no real life friends like the game.

Done exploring, kept me interested for a couple of weeks.  Then I built a house, again another couple of weeks.

Dancing was interesting for 10 minutes.  I did find a bowling alley once, but there was nobody around to play with.

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I'm not inworld very often at all. I can't offer the time commitment necessary these days to build up a social circle or do anything long term, so when I get in now, I just do one-offs that take advantage of the graphics. Safaris, funfairs, hang gliding, skiing. Soon it'll be winter wonderland time. 

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I've found several annual themed hunts that I really enjoy doing when they come around during the year. 

I like exploring - either a mainland road trip or someplace from the Destination Guide Editors' Picks or Recently Added  categories.

Taking classes at Builders Brewery or that I hear about through the Happy Hippo Building School group. 


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7 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

1. Script something ..... anything.

2. Float in my pond with friends

3. Explore in Bellisseria ...or anywhere, actually

4. Dance in a friend's back yard

1) SL is a fascinating place to write scripts. My RL career was in real-time computing and control, primarily medical instrumentation. I loved writing code that actually monitored or did physical stuff like sense electrical activity in the heart and deliver large amounts of electrical energy to restart an out-of-control rhythm (defibrillation). SL provides us with the ability to simulate the sensing and control of physical things without the massive investment necessary to realize it. A dozen years ago, I scripted a "forest" of phantom posts that altered their size/shape in response to my distance from them. I spent hours manipulating the function to produce different effects as I walked through the forest. Great fun.

2) The "float" activity can be replaced with any other. The important part of your idea is "friends". Friends are a major draw for me.

3) Exploring SL has always been fun for me, entirely because the content is user generated. It's like wandering though other people's dreams. Some of those people enjoy scripting as much as I do, and it shows.

4) See #2.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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14 minutes ago, sunnyrio said:

I did find a bowling alley once, but there was nobody around to play with.

I'm glad you came here for a look, @sunnyrio. I did say, "No guarantees", but you never know, something might grab your imagination!

There's a very sad vicious circle that occurs in SL. You turn up at a nice place, but nobody is there. You think, "This is boring, nobody is here", and leave. The next person turns up, finds nobody there and thinks, "This is boring, nobody is here".....and so there is never anyone there! Sometimes it can pay to stand still for a while and see what happens!

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7 minutes ago, sunnyrio said:

I scripted a door when I built my house, that was fun, although I did need to watch a Youtube video to do it!

Can't find any friends on here.  And no real life friends like the game.

Done exploring, kept me interested for a couple of weeks.  Then I built a house, again another couple of weeks.

Dancing was interesting for 10 minutes.  I did find a bowling alley once, but there was nobody around to play with.

1. Creating anything is fun, but it does require patience.  Scripting requires a love for solving puzzles.

2. You don't find friends.  You make them.  If you're an introvert like me, that takes time, but it's worth it.

3. SL is a big place.  I can understand getting tired of exploring, but it says more about attention span than about running out of cool places to explore.  That happens to me when I am taking a long vacation too. So, take it easy.  Don't explore every day. Explore for a while, take a break, do something else.

4. It's not about dancing.  It's about sharing time with other people.  That's why i dance with friends.  See point #2 above.  :) 

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37 minutes ago, sunnyrio said:

I did enjoy the games like the treasure hunt ones, but once they're done they're done.

There are usually at least half a dozen or more hunts going on each month.  This page lists many of them:  https://huntsl.com/  -- scroll down a bit and the right side will show a list of which ones are currently active.

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Taking pictures of myself with my friends when I get photo idea as one of my male friends is fellow cosplayer so we can have fun bouncing off each other ideas for photos, I enjoy working on my blog then sometimes my wife will help me with photo idea and just quietly hanging out with my DJ friends periodically.

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14 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

Soon it'll be winter wonderland time. 

Oh yes! You have to keep an eye out for these special themed events. They can be pretty good.

The Halloween Ride that's running at the moment is worth a go, for example, but preferably not just before you go to bed...its a bit gory!

(Anyone got the landmark for it? I'm not inworld at the moment to get it)

Edited by Odaks
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So many of my usual things have already been listed (photos, exploring, music...)

Creating themes to do explorations. (A-Z regions, regions dedicated to a specific idea...) And then, of course, exploring.

"Climbing" up to a sky platform and falling to my death. Repeatedly. Changing AOs of falling. It is oddly cathartic.

Telling myself I don't need to shop. Getting very stern with the avatar. Forbidding the acquisition of sufficient $L for shopping. And then... shopping.

I have to have a home in SL. Not everyone does. I do. So decorating said space is loads of fun.

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4 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

SL is a big place.  I can understand getting tired of exploring, but it says more about attention span than about running out of cool places to explore.  That happens to me when I am taking a long vacation too. So, take it easy.  Don't explore every day. Explore for a while, take a break, do something else.

I don't know if this would be better or worse for most people, but when I explore a region I tend to spend a lot of time there, maybe days. I like looking at small details, playing with Windlights, etc. I know some just hop to a place, get a general feel, and hop to another. Whatever works, eh?

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I've been working a lot!

What time I have now is building...I am a variety builder...a little bit of this and a little of that, and round and round it goes, always trying new stuff, new techniques, always learning.

If busy, my fav thing other than a quick catch-up with inworld friends is open the DESTINATION GUIDE inworld and look at the category EDITOR'S PICKS.  There are some really beautiful builds in EDITOR'S PICKS.   If not busy and taking a break, go to a live event.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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