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How do you feel about most avatars on the grid being human?

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8 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

Part of my "What if I won the Eurojackpot..." - fantasy would be exactly that.

I had essentially two design ideas: Either a space station (to keep in theme with all the sci fi universes, where bars featuring a diverse mix of creatures are the norm) or a shabby old gas station in the middle of a desert, which just serves as the camouflage for a hidden, secret meeting place for all kinds of dimension travelers, located in the basement.

The latter half of that sounds like it belongs in the SCP Foundation universe.

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I, Lord Dralnu; High Exalted Ruler of Vaspuemia; Conqueror of the Seven Nebulas;  Architect of the Journeys of Subjugation; Sovereign of Great and Bountiful Vaspuemian Empire have no problem with humans. The Empire has been monitoring your worthless back water planet for some time and has been abducting females for experimentation and breeding stock. When we finally decide to invade, we shall have a perfect working knowledge of your people and the best ways to conquer and use the planet's resources. 

(After shutting Lord Dralnu up for a moment)

I think people are human in SL because that's what they're familiar with. Most of the starter avatars are human and 99% (IMO) of the stuff on the marketplace is for humans. Personally, I LOVE playing with other species. I think it's a total thrill when I'm involved with another alien type. It also allows me to stretch my creative muscles coming up with stories to go along with their species and mine. My partner is playing an alien as are most of my alts.



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Is this a trick question?

I don't think about it, and honestly it never really crossed my mind. SL is a place for people to be what they want, and that tends to typically be human.

Personal opinion, while I absolutely love creature/anthro/monster avatars, I think how SL is now is great. Forced diversity = Toxic community, Natural diversity = strong community.

Only problem I have is when people come onto SL (only) for you know what, and they become Beefy McLargeHuge or Thunderthighs McGee with over exaggerated proportions, and go "eyy bb wanna do it?".

Edited by Chaser Zaks
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26 minutes ago, Chaser Zaks said:

Only problem I have is when people come onto SL (only) for you know what, and they become Beefy McLargeHuge or Thunderthighs McGee with over exaggerated proportions, and go "eyy bb wanna do it?".

Macros and hypers and Megas.. and sometimes the size queens and size kings..

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11 hours ago, Syo Emerald said:

It has it good and bad sides.

Of course, if the majority is just plain human, the rest of us stand out more, which I think can be a nice thing. On the other hand, if more people were into fantasy avatars and such, the market for wings, tails, horns, alternative skins and such would be much bigger and better. Better prices, greater selection and an inovation pressure. For example: It took ages for some stores to react to the simple fact that mesh is a thing.

But generally I don't mind that people gravitate towards 100% human avatars. The only sad thing is, that whenever I go somewhere new, I have this doubt in the back of my head, if my avatars are even allowed to be there, which discourages me a little to explore. And I'm not talking about RP sims.

I have a demonic AV, but only use it appropriate places. I don't understand why people here aren't into the fantasy AV's though. One of my best friends in SL is a fox!/human mix!! I am relatively new in SL,, so if you or anyone else has some insight, please let me know!!!

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I interpreted this question two ways...

1. Hey computer AI, how do you feel about most avatars on the grid being human?

2. How do you feel about most avatars on the grid being human instead of being computer controlled NPCs?

Heh!  So weird that I read it that way. After reading everyone's replies I would have to answer that I never really noticed that most people use human avatars.

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3 hours ago, Bagnu said:

I have a demonic AV, but only use it appropriate places. I don't understand why people here aren't into the fantasy AV's though. One of my best friends in SL is a fox!/human mix!! I am relatively new in SL,, so if you or anyone else has some insight, please let me know!!!

simple fantasy av = furry to many people..

and many people have stigmas about being associated with furries. 

if its non human and anthro its a furry!!!!! burn it!!! kill it!!! Grosss!!!!

if its a furry it must be into sex with animals!!!! EwwwwWWWWwwwWW!!!!!11111!!!

Edited by Drakonadrgora Darkfold
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I think - at least I hope - that people are playing what avatars they want to play.  So I don't think about it as there is no lack of choice in avatars.  If people don't want to be human they can easily choose to play as something else.   We are not forced to be (or stay) human avatars.  

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Just now, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

your profile picture and avatar are nekos yes, but that image you used for waving wasnt. :P

About 90% of the stickers I post are Lions (or other big cats) because I am a Neko Lion! Sometimes I am feral..Most of the rest of the stickers are Huskies (I have RL huskies).

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17 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

About 90% of the stickers I post are Lions (or other big cats) because I am a Neko Lion! Sometimes I am feral..Most of the rest of the stickers are Huskies (I have RL huskies).

Oh I know about the pictures you post I have seen them enough. I was just yanking on your chain. 

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Spent a Saturday night hanging out with humans.  

Most of the conversation in local chat was about getting high on various things and sometimes went over into some violent conversations.  I was going to say something, especially about the "high" stuff as that was all it was for about 20 minutes and I didn't find it cool at all.

Hanging out with the tinies leads to far more interesting and creative conversation which is not about getting high.  

So, sad, SL is mostly for humans.  The conversation in local chat is lame (drugs and booze) and completely lacks any and all creativity.  

Edited by JanuarySwan
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Since you got me thinking about it... I do pay more attention to people with unique avatars versus basic human ones when I'm venturing into the SL wilds. But they also have to be well-made for me to care enough to cam in to briefly admire them before I run away. The human-ish ones are a dime a dozen and most people end up looking the same to me anyhow with whatever the current trend is.


People who go a bit crazy with their avs also seem like they'd have more interesting personalities. With a conversation more likely to be about their latest alien abduction instead of what makeup brand they like the most. Then again, they probably aren't and it's just a thought I entertain to create some substance around myself.


Not that I talk to anyone. Nor am I really a human myself for the most part since I run about as a demon. I'm probably a horrible person to even bother answering this topic since I'm probably one of the most misanthropic recluses in SL. So I can't really say it matters what most people are since I don't leave my sim often enough to notice. 🤔

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Most avatars are humanoid because all the people sitting at the computers are human and they can better relate to a humanoid form. It also makes clothes shopping easier.

I used the term humanoid on purpose so as to include those beings otherwise excluded by the "human" term - i.e. bipedal, two arms, one head etc.

Another major factor I think is acceptance - if you are not humanoid (or even human in some places) then you are at best tolerated and in some places you are shown the door. Nothing wrong with people having rules for their places as that's their right.

So in my opinion SL is mostly humanoid because we ourselves are human and we like looking at them.

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I'm non human 99.9% of the time, with the remainder 0.01% being me wearing demo version of the most common human avatar bodies to test the clothing I make for the small brand I do mesh modeling and rigging. I find the human centric vision of SL to be boring because avatars, in the end, look all the same. And "originality" for that kind of character only revolves around sticking tons of stooped crap on otherwise unoriginal avatars. 

Usually i run around as a undefined type of monster, sometimes biped and sometimes quadruped. Way more interesting for me. 

Edited by OptimoMaximo
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I'm not anthropophobic because some of my friends are human. BUT!...

Generally, humans are stupid and selfish and short-sighted and they smell and they are really very weird with their creepy wobbly bipedal-ism and their backward trichromatic eyesight that doesn't even extend into the infra-red. Did I mention that a friggin' 60% of their metabolism is lost to heat radiation? And the worst of all: despite their best efforts, they have bits of disgusting fur sticking out in places. Honestly, I don't think they should be allowed a vote in the intergalactic council for another aeon or two.

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How do I feel about most avatars on the grid being human? I feel fine. I am a furry person for over twenty years now and was one long before I've created my first account on Agni - yet, I feel fine with humans populating majority of the grid and have absolutely no issues with being among them - even as the only non-human person - in clubs, learning centres, role-playing areas, forests, parks or sandboxes. Sometimes it can be funny when they try to guess what I am. For me species, races, clothes, colours, anything really - these are the personal appearance choices of the people that are the minds fuelling the vessels venturing over Second Life we call avatars. Looks are not as important as what a person has to say or what to share. They want to be human? I'm okay with that. They want to use their fantasy and take a shape of a small squirrel, a werewolf, an elf, a fairy, a talking mailbox? I'm fine with that, too. If they have interesting topics to talk about I'd be more than glad to talk with them and admire creativity they've put into their digital representation as a whole - humanoid or not. Obviously, as everyone, I have some taste limits as well, but they're very liberal.

As Tex and Chaser pointed out the typical choice, a human avatar, is most probably the result of familiarity from RL and its the easiest way for people who choose that shape to give the immersion of being "in"... maybe also because of the fact, that souls that log in to SL for the first, second, third time just see that the majority of the grid is humans, so they try to blend in as well? No idea. But, it's all good, as long as these residents and people around them are happy. And if said residents are not able to find any interesting topics to talk about? I, personally, purr at them. Sometimes this may be enough to raise their curiosity to the levels that would allow to convert them to a non-human / fantasy avatars. Even part-time is good enough. ~

Edited by panterapolnocy
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7 hours ago, JanuarySwan said:

Spent a Saturday night hanging out with humans.  

Most of the conversation in local chat was about getting high on various things and sometimes went over into some violent conversations.  I was going to say something, especially about the "high" stuff as that was all it was for about 20 minutes and I didn't find it cool at all.

Hanging out with the tinies leads to far more interesting and creative conversation which is not about getting high.  

So, sad, SL is mostly for humans.  The conversation in local chat is lame (drugs and booze) and completely lacks any and all creativity.  

Have you considered that it may have been more to do with the personalities of the company you had, and not the avatar type? Because I hang mosty with humans (I'm almost exclusively some kind of fantasy creature, sometimes human) and I have plenty of conversations that are creative and fun, and don't include mentioning of drugs. 


Personaly, I don't care what form an Avatar has. That'd be kind of absurd for me, since I basically have everything at this point, lol. I do not view human avatars per se as uncreative. I've seen very creative human avatars, and the most boring dime a dozen crap fantasy avatars, including mine. I've seen enough avatars loaded and overstuffed with garish accesoires, human and non human alike to know better than to generalize that.
I think many of SL' population is human because it's the most comfortable for people. It's what they know. And I don't see anything bad with that.  You do not HAVE to break out of your own comfort zone, there is no need to do something just because it's possible.
When I stumble upon a non-roleplay place that doesn't want anything nonhuman, then I either change or leave. Their place, their rules, I don't mind. 


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31 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

Have you considered that it may have been more to do with the personalities of the company you had, and not the avatar type? Because I hang mosty with humans (I'm almost exclusively some kind of fantasy creature, sometimes human) and I have plenty of conversations that are creative and fun, and don't include mentioning of drugs. 

My comment was in regards to local chat.  I'm sure in IM it's a more in-depth conversation.  But, for most local chats re:  Human - it's drugs, booze or sex innuendos.  

My first comment in SL in local as a Dinkie (a tiny cat avatar, not the tall Furry cats) other than saying hello came about because of a song that was playing by INXS called "The Devil Inside", and I said in local chat /me I have Ice Cream inside.  And, the response back was "that's good, Jan".  It was so cute.  We started singing "ice cream inside, ice cream inside, every single one of us has the ice cream inside".  I felt so welcome and so cared about as a Dinkie.  It was a warm welcome.  I was kind of rp a little with my comment because as a Dinkie I felt about 4 years old.  Just being.  Our conversations are not about drugs or booze or sex innuendos and that is what is mostly in local chat as a human.  My second comment when I was invited to a birthday party was "Hoppy Birdie" instead of "Happy Birthday"...it's just so different being innocent and 4 years old that it brings up so much creativity and it's not about looking for a roll in the hay.  Most of the humans are just looking to score, but the drug thing was not cool.  

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